blob: 976f54c10da298e1420b1d968ebea3b4564392b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.maven.continuum.AbstractContinuumTest;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.Continuum;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.ContinuumException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.configuration.ConfigurationService;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Project;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ChangeFile;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ChangeSet;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ContinuumProjectState;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.builder.ContinuumProjectBuildingResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.xmlrpc.XmlRpcHelper;
import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusTestCase;
import org.codehaus.plexus.context.Context;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringInputStream;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* @author <a href="">Trygve Laugst&oslash;l</a>
* @version $Id$
public abstract class AbstractIntegrationTest
extends PlexusTestCase
private ConfigurationService configurationService;
private static final DateFormat progressDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss" );
private Date startTime;
private File rootDirectory;
private File cvsRoot;
private File svnRoot;
private File tempCoDir;
private String remotingMethod;
public static final String REMOTING_METHOD_JVM = "jvm";
public static final String REMOTING_METHOD_XMLRPC = "xmlrpc";
public static final String REMOTING_METHOD_XFIRE = "xfire";
private static final String CVS_COMMAND = "cvs";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected InputStream getConfiguration()
throws Exception
String conf = IOUtil.toString( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/conf/application.xml" ) );
conf = StringUtils.replace( conf, "../../../../../continuum-web/src/main/resources", "webapp" );
return new StringInputStream( conf );
protected void customizeContext( Context context )
throws Exception
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This level of directory nesting is setup to mimic the continuum
// application running in development mode where it picks up resources
// in situ like forms, templates and localization resources.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
File plexusHome = getTestFile( "target/level1/level2/plexus-home" );
if ( !plexusHome.isDirectory() )
assertTrue( plexusHome.mkdirs() );
File plexusHomeLib = new File( plexusHome, "lib" );
assertTrue( plexusHomeLib.mkdirs() );
context.put( "plexus.home", plexusHome.getAbsolutePath() );
// Create webapp directory and subdirectories so conf generated by getConfiguration() will be ok
File webappDirectory = new File( plexusHome, "webapp" );
if ( webappDirectory.exists() )
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( webappDirectory );
assertTrue( webappDirectory.mkdirs() );
File formsDirectory = new File( webappDirectory, "forms" );
assertTrue( formsDirectory.mkdirs() );
File templatesDirectory = new File( webappDirectory, "templates" );
assertTrue( templatesDirectory.mkdirs() );
File localizationDirectory = new File( webappDirectory, "localization" );
assertTrue( localizationDirectory.mkdirs() );
public final void setUp()
throws Exception
startTime = new Date();
// TODO: get this from System.getProperty()
remotingMethod = REMOTING_METHOD_JVM;
rootDirectory = getTestFile( "target/it" );
cvsRoot = getItFile( "cvs-root" );
svnRoot = getItFile( "svn-root" );
tempCoDir = getItFile( "temp-co" );
print( "Integration test settings" );
print( "IT root: " + rootDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
print( "Remoting method: " + remotingMethod );
print( "Store implementation: " + lookup( ContinuumStore.ROLE ).getClass() );
deleteAndCreateDirectory( rootDirectory );
progress( "Connecting to and starting Continuum" );
Continuum continuum = getContinuum();
progress( "Removing all existing projects from Continuum." );
Collection collection = continuum.getAllProjects( 0, 0 );
for ( Iterator it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Project project = (Project);
continuum.removeProject( project.getId() );
AbstractContinuumTest.setUpConfigurationService( (ConfigurationService) lookup( ConfigurationService.ROLE ) );
configurationService = (ConfigurationService) lookup( ConfigurationService.ROLE );
public final void tearDown()
throws Exception
Date endTime = new Date();
progress( "Tearing down test - ignore any interrupted exceptions" );
long diff = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime();
progress( "Used " + diff + "ms" );
protected XmlRpcHelper getXmlRpcHelper()
throws Exception
return (XmlRpcHelper) lookup( XmlRpcHelper.ROLE );
protected Continuum getContinuum()
throws Exception
if ( remotingMethod.equals( REMOTING_METHOD_JVM ) )
return (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
// else if ( remotingMethod.equals( REMOTING_METHOD_XMLRPC ) )
// {
// return new ContinuumXmlRpcClient( getHost(), getPort(), getXmlRpcHelper() );
// }
fail( "Unsupported remoting method '" + remotingMethod + "'." );
return null;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration. This should be read from a configuration file
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getHost()
return "localhost";
protected int getPort()
return 8000;
protected String getEmail()
return System.getProperty( "" ) + "@localhost";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Paths
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected File getCvsRoot()
return cvsRoot;
protected File getSvnRoot()
return svnRoot;
protected File getTempCoDir()
return tempCoDir;
protected File getItFile( String dir )
return new File( rootDirectory, dir );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Component getters
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public ContinuumStore getStore()
throws Exception
return (ContinuumStore) lookup( ContinuumStore.ROLE );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilities
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void system( File workingDirectory, String cmd, String arguments )
throws CommandLineException
system( workingDirectory, cmd, new String[]{arguments} );
protected void system( File workingDirectory, String cmd, String[] arguments )
throws CommandLineException
Commandline commandline = new Commandline();
commandline.setExecutable( cmd );
commandline.setWorkingDirectory( workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
for ( int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ )
String argument = arguments[i];
commandline.createArgument().setLine( argument );
CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer stderr = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();
CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer stdout = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();
int exitCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( commandline, stdout, stderr );
if ( exitCode != 0 )
System.err.println( "Error while executing command: " + commandline.toString() );
System.err.println( "workingDirectory: " + workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
System.err.println( "Exit code: " + exitCode );
System.err.println( "Standard output:" );
System.err.println( stdout.getOutput() );
System.err.println( "Standard Error:" );
System.err.println( stderr.getOutput() );
fail( "The command failed." );
protected void line()
System.err.println( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static void deleteAndCreateDirectory( File directory )
throws IOException
if ( directory.isDirectory() )
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( directory );
assertFalse( "Could not delete directory " + directory.getAbsolutePath(), directory.exists() );
assertTrue( "Could not make directory " + directory.getAbsolutePath(), directory.mkdirs() );
public static void cleanDirectory( String directory )
throws IOException
cleanDirectory( new File( directory ) );
public static void cleanDirectory( File directory )
throws IOException
if ( !directory.isDirectory() )
FileUtils.cleanDirectory( directory );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected int getProjectId( ContinuumProjectBuildingResult buildingResult )
List warnings = buildingResult.getWarnings();
if ( warnings.size() > 0 )
print( "Project building warnings: " );
for ( Iterator it = warnings.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
String warning = (String);
print( warning );
fail( "There was warnings while building the project." );
List projects = buildingResult.getProjects();
if ( projects.size() == 0 )
fail( "When adding a project a single project was expected to be added, no projects added." );
else if ( projects.size() > 1 )
String ids = "[" + ( (Project) projects.get( 0 ) ).getId();
for ( Iterator it = projects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Project project = (Project);
ids += ", " + project.getId();
ids += "]";
fail( "When adding a project only a single project was expected to be added, project ids: " + ids );
return ( (Project) projects.get( 0 ) ).getId();
public BuildResult buildProject( int projectId, int trigger )
throws Exception
return buildProject( projectId, -1, trigger );
* @todo use a notify mechanism rather than polling. That's what queues are for. Really, buildProject should create the build result with a WAITING state, return the ID, and let the queue take it from there
public BuildResult buildProject( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId, int trigger )
throws Exception
int timeout = 60 * 1000;
BuildResult previousBuild = getContinuum().getLatestBuildResultForProject( projectId );
if ( buildDefinitionId <= 0 )
getContinuum().buildProject( projectId, trigger );
getContinuum().buildProject( projectId, buildDefinitionId, trigger );
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while ( true )
BuildResult latestBuildResult = getContinuum().getLatestBuildResultForProject( projectId );
if ( latestBuildResult != null && !latestBuildResult.equals( previousBuild ) )
return latestBuildResult;
if ( System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout )
fail( "Timeout while waiting for build. Project id: " + projectId );
Thread.sleep( 1000 );
public void removeProject( int projectId )
throws Exception
getContinuum().removeProject( projectId );
getContinuum().getProject( projectId );
fail( "Expected ContinuumObjectNotFoundException after removing project '" + projectId + "'." );
catch ( ContinuumException t )
assertTrue( t.getCause() instanceof ContinuumObjectNotFoundException );
public Project waitForCheckout( int projectId )
throws Exception
long timeout = 120 * 1000;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Project project = getContinuum().getProjectWithCheckoutResult( projectId );
while ( project.getCheckoutResult() == null )
if ( System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout )
fail( "Timeout while waiting for project '" + projectId + "' to be checked out." );
Thread.sleep( 1000 );
project = getContinuum().getProjectWithCheckoutResult( projectId );
return project;
public void waitForSuccessfulCheckout( int projectId )
throws Exception
Project project = waitForCheckout( projectId );
String message = "The check out was not successful for project #" + project.getId() + ": ";
if ( project.getCheckoutResult() == null )
fail( "project.scmResult == null" );
assertTrue( message + "scmResult.success != true", project.getCheckoutResult().isSuccess() );
assertEquals( message + "Checkout error exception != null", null, project.getCheckoutResult().getException() );
* @todo share with other methods doing the same thing
public BuildResult waitForBuild( int buildId )
throws Exception
int timeout = 240 * 1000;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
BuildResult build = getContinuum().getBuildResult( buildId );
while ( build.getState() == ContinuumProjectState.UPDATING ||
build.getState() == ContinuumProjectState.BUILDING )
if ( System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout )
fail( "Timeout while waiting for build #" + buildId + " to complete." );
Thread.sleep( 1000 );
build = getContinuum().getBuildResult( buildId );
return build;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assertions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void assertProject( int projectId, String name, String version, String commandLineArguments,
String executorId, Project project )
assertEquals( "", projectId, project.getId() );
assertEquals( "", name, project.getName() );
assertEquals( "project.version", version, project.getVersion() );
assertEquals( "project.executorId", executorId, project.getExecutorId() );
public void assertCheckedOutFiles( Project project, String[] expectedCheckedOutFiles )
assertNotNull( "project.scmResult", project.getCheckoutResult() );
ScmResult scmResult = project.getCheckoutResult();
assertEquals( "check # change sets", 1, scmResult.getChanges().size() );
ChangeSet changeSet = (ChangeSet) scmResult.getChanges().get( 0 );
List actualCheckedOutFiles = changeSet.getFiles();
if ( expectedCheckedOutFiles.length != actualCheckedOutFiles.size() )
print( "Expected files: " );
for ( int i = 0; i < expectedCheckedOutFiles.length; i++ )
String checkedOutFile = expectedCheckedOutFiles[i];
print( " " + checkedOutFile );
print( "Actual files: " );
for ( Iterator it = actualCheckedOutFiles.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
ChangeFile scmFile = (ChangeFile);
print( " " + scmFile.getName() );
"The expected and actual lists of checked out actualCheckedOutFiles doesn't have the same length.",
expectedCheckedOutFiles.length, actualCheckedOutFiles.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < expectedCheckedOutFiles.length; i++ )
String expectedCheckedOutFile = expectedCheckedOutFiles[i];
ChangeFile actualCheckedOutFile = (ChangeFile) actualCheckedOutFiles.get( i );
assertEquals( "File #" + i + " doesn't match the expected path.", expectedCheckedOutFile,
actualCheckedOutFile.getName() );
public BuildResult assertSuccessfulNoBuildPerformed( int buildId )
throws Exception
BuildResult build = waitForBuild( buildId );
assertEquals( "The build wasn't successful.", ContinuumProjectState.OK, build.getState() );
return build;
public BuildResult assertSuccessfulBuild( int buildId, int projectId )
throws Exception
BuildResult build = waitForBuild( buildId );
if ( build.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.OK )
print( "Build state: " + build.getState() );
print( "Output" );
print( configurationService.getBuildOutput( buildId, projectId ) );
fail( "The build was not successful" );
String output = configurationService.getBuildOutput( buildId, projectId );
assertNotNull( "Output was null.", output );
return build;
public BuildResult assertSuccessfulMaven1Build( int buildId, int projectId )
throws Exception
return assertSuccessfulAntBuild( buildId, projectId );
public BuildResult assertSuccessfulMaven2Build( int buildId, int projectId )
throws Exception
return assertSuccessfulMaven1Build( buildId, projectId );
public BuildResult assertSuccessfulAntBuild( int buildId, int projectId )
throws Exception
BuildResult build = assertSuccessfulBuild( buildId, projectId );
String output = configurationService.getBuildOutput( buildId, projectId );
if ( output.indexOf( "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" ) < 0 )
System.err.println( "output: " + output );
fail( "Standard output didn't contain the 'BUILD SUCCESSFUL' message." );
return build;
public BuildResult assertSuccessfulShellBuild( int buildId, int projectId, String expectedStandardOutput )
throws Exception
BuildResult build = assertSuccessfulBuild( buildId, projectId );
String output = configurationService.getBuildOutput( buildId, projectId );
assertEquals( "Standard output didn't contain the expected output.", expectedStandardOutput, output );
return build;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scm Operations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void initializeCvsRoot()
throws IOException, CommandLineException
File cvsRoot = getCvsRoot();
deleteAndCreateDirectory( cvsRoot );
system( cvsRoot, CVS_COMMAND, " -d " + cvsRoot.getAbsolutePath() + " init" );
protected void scmImport( File root, String artifactId, String scm, File scmRoot )
throws CommandLineException
if ( "cvs".equals( scm ) )
cvsImport( root, artifactId, scmRoot );
fail( "Unknown scm '" + scm + "'." );
protected void cvsImport( File root, String artifactId, File scmRoot )
throws CommandLineException
system( root, CVS_COMMAND,
"-d " + scmRoot.getAbsolutePath() + " import -m yo_yo " + artifactId + " continuum_test start" );
protected void svnImport( File root, String artifactId, File svnRoot )
throws CommandLineException
system( root, "svn", "import -m - . " + getFileUrl( getSvnRoot() ) + "/" + artifactId );
protected void cvsCheckout( File cvsRoot, String module, File coDir )
throws CommandLineException
system( new File( getBasedir() ), CVS_COMMAND,
"-d " + cvsRoot.getAbsolutePath() + " checkout -d " + coDir.getAbsolutePath() + " " + module );
protected void cvsCommit( File coDir )
throws CommandLineException
system( coDir, CVS_COMMAND, new String[]{"commit -m ", "-"} );
protected void initializeSvnRoot()
throws CommandLineException, IOException
File svnRoot = getSvnRoot();
deleteAndCreateDirectory( svnRoot );
system( svnRoot, "svnadmin", "create " + svnRoot.getAbsolutePath() );
protected String getFileUrl( File repositoryRootFile )
throws CommandLineException
String repositoryRoot = repositoryRootFile.getAbsolutePath();
// TODO: it'd be great to build this into CommandLineUtils somehow
// TODO: some way without a custom cygwin sys property?
if ( "true".equals( System.getProperty( "cygwin" ) ) )
Commandline cl = new Commandline();
cl.setExecutable( "cygpath" );
cl.createArgument().setValue( "--unix" );
cl.createArgument().setValue( repositoryRoot );
CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer stdout = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();
int exitValue = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( cl, stdout, null );
if ( exitValue != 0 )
throw new CommandLineException( "Unable to convert cygwin path, exit code = " + exitValue );
repositoryRoot = stdout.getOutput().trim();
else if ( System.getProperty( "" ).startsWith( "Windows" ) )
repositoryRoot = "/" + StringUtils.replace( repositoryRoot, "\\", "/" );
return "file://" + repositoryRoot;
private String getScmUrl( File repositoryRootFile )
throws CommandLineException
return "scm:svn:" + getFileUrl( repositoryRootFile );
protected String makeScmUrl( String scm, File scmRoot, String artifactId )
throws CommandLineException
if ( "cvs".equals( scm ) )
return "scm|cvs|local|" + scmRoot.getAbsolutePath() + "|" + artifactId;
else if ( "svn".equals( scm ) )
return getScmUrl( scmRoot ) + "/" + artifactId;
throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown SCM type '" + scm + "'" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Maven 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void writeMavenOnePom( File file, String artifactId, String scmUrl, String email )
throws IOException
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( file ) );
writer.println( "<project>" );
writer.println( " <pomVersion>3</pomVersion>" );
writer.println( " <groupId>continuum</groupId>" );
writer.println( " <artifactId>" + artifactId + "</artifactId>" );
writer.println( " <currentVersion>1.0</currentVersion>" );
writer.println( " <name>Maven 1 Project</name>" );
writer.println( " <repository>" );
writer.println( " <connection>" + scmUrl + "</connection>" );
writer.println( " </repository>" );
writer.println( " <build>" );
writer.println( " <nagEmailAddress>" + email + "</nagEmailAddress>" );
writer.println( " </build>" );
writer.println( "</project>" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Logging
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static void progress( String message )
System.out.println( "[" + progressDateFormat.format( new Date() ) + "] " + message );
public static void print( String message )
System.out.println( "[" + progressDateFormat.format( new Date() ) + "] " + message );