blob: 9f2d14efa47acc109746dea3dae5ab32a2ed048c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cli
import continuum
# Build your commands in this class. Each method that
# starts with "do_" is exposed as a shell command, and
# its doc string is used when the user types 'help' or
# 'man'. A command that does not return None, will
# cause the shell to terminate.
# The first line of the docstring is used when help is
# typed by itself to give a summary, and then if the
# user requests specific help on a command, the full
# text is supplied.
# If your system has the GNU readline stuff on it, then
# pressing tab will do tab completion of the commands.
# You will also get much nicer command line editing
# just like using your shell, as well as command
# history.
def isEmpty( str ):
return str == None or str == ""
class ContinuumXmlRpcCli(cli.cli):
def __init__(self):
def do_quit(self, args):
"""Exit the command interpreter.
Use this command to quit the demo shell."""
return 1
def do_version(self, args):
"""Display the version of the shell.
Prints the version of this software on the command line."""
print "Version 1.0"
def do_addMavenTwoProject(self, args):
"""Add a Maven 2.x project."""
projectIds = c.addMavenTwoProject( args[0] )
print "Added " + str( len( projectIds ) ) + " projects."
for id in projectIds:
print " id: " + id
def do_addMavenOneProject(self, args):
"""Add a Maven 1.x project."""
projectId = c.addMavenOneProject( args[0] )
print "Added project, id: " + projectId
# TODO: addAntProject
# TODO: addShellProject
def do_showProject(self, args):
"""Shows Continuum project.
Use this command to show the details of a Continuum project."""
project = c.getProject( args[0] )
print "Project details:"
print "Id: " +
print "Name: " +
print "Version: " + project.version
print "Working directory: " + project.workingDirectory
# print "State: " + continuum.decodeState( project.state )
print "Executor type: " + project.executorId
print "SCM URL: " + project.scmUrl
if ( not isEmpty( project.checkOutErrorMessage ) or not isEmpty( project.checkOutErrorException ) ):
print ""
print "There was a error while checking out the project:"
if ( project.checkOutErrorMessage != None ):
print "Error message: " + project.checkOutErrorMessage
if ( project.checkOutErrorException != None ):
print "Exception: " + project.checkOutErrorException
print ""
print project.checkOutScmResult
builds = c.getBuildsForProject(, 0, 0 )
print ""
print "Project Builds:"
print "| Id | State | Start time | End time | Build time |"
for build in builds:
build.state = continuum.decodeState( build.state )
print "| %(id)4s | %(state)6s | %(startTime)s | %(endTime)s | %(totalTime)10s |" %
print ""
print "Notifiers:"
for notifier in project.notifiers:
print " type: " + notifier.type
print " configuration: " + str( notifier.configuration )
def do_showProjects(self, args):
"""Shows all Continuum projects registeret.
Use this command to list all Continuum projects."""
projects = c.getAllProjects()
print ""
print "Projects:"
print " Id | State | Executor | Name"
for project in projects:
# project.state = continuum.decodeState( project.state )
# | %(state)12s
print "%(id)4s | %(executorId)s | %(name)s" %
def do_removeProject(self,args):
"""Removes a project."""
c.removeProject( args[0] )
def do_buildProject(self, args):
"""Build a Continuum project.
Use this command to signal a build for a Continuum project."""
c.buildProject( args[ 0 ] )
print "Enqueued project"
def do_showBuild( self, args ):
"""Shows the result of a build."""
build = c.getBuild( args[ 0 ] );
print build
if ( build.updateScmResult != None and len( build.updateScmResult.updatedFiles ) > 0 ):
print "Updated files:"
print build.updateScmResult
print ""
buildResult = c.getBuildResultForBuild( args[ 0 ] );
print "Build result:"
print buildResult
def do_run(self, args):
"""Run a script of commands.
Use this command to run a script of commands."""
commands = open( args[0], "r" ).readlines()
for command in commands:
cli.cli.onecmd( self, command )
# Main loop
c = continuum.Continuum( "http://localhost:8000" )
except Exception, e:
print "Error:", e