blob: 46a16c22f7919e25b5a2283217741e1147040af3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Files
[[add-*]]: These scripts will add the respective projects to Continuum.
[[]] is a small library for making interactive command line
programs. It's used by
[[]] is a reusable library for interfacing with Continuum over
the XML-RPC interface. It's used by the integration tests.
[[]] is a interactive command line interface to Continuum.
Start it with this command:
$ python
and write "help" at the command prompt to list all
available commands.
[[]] is the integration tests. Se the next section for more information.
* Integration tests
These integration tests are executed by the program. It assumes that you
have Continuum running on localhost, with the XML-RPC interface running on port
To run the tests execute the script like this:
$ python