blob: 7f07f7a8423db489c0cf2815bbf345a3df4f2ebf [file] [log] [blame]
Managing Building Tool
Olivier Lamy
Oct 11 2007
Managing Building Tool
From the menu, choose the 'Installations' entry
[../images/installations.png] Installations
Here you must choose the Installation Type you want to add (here a Tool)
[../images/installation-type-choice.png] Installation Type Choice
You must configure the tool you want to add
[../images/installation-tool-edit.png] Tool Setup
You can use the checkbox if you want to add a Profile with the same name as your tool name.
The value 'Value/Path' field must contains the path to the tool :
* For maven2 : it must be similar to your M2_HOME
* For maven1 : it must be similar to your MAVEN_HOME
* For ant : it must be similar to your ANT_HOME
A control will be made to validate the path value :
* For maven2 : path/bin/mvn -v will be tested
* For maven1 : path/bin/maven -v will be tested
* For ant : path/bin/ant -v will be tested
It the the test, the following error will be displayed
[../images/installation-validation-failed.png] Installation validation failed