blob: 4cc69cbd714a9c60914126fea6c0f3dbd4712e0c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.continuum;
* Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.buildcontroller.BuildController;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.builder.ContinuumBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.builder.ant.AntBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.builder.manager.BuilderManager;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.builder.maven.m1.Maven1Builder;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.builder.maven.m2.MavenShellBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.buildqueue.BuildQueue;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.buildqueue.BuildQueueException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.AntProject;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ContinuumBuild;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ContinuumBuildResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ContinuumProject;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.MavenOneProject;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.MavenTwoProject;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ShellProject;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ScmFile;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.scm.ContinuumScm;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.scm.ContinuumScmException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Initializable;
import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Startable;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
* @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
* @author <a href="">Trygve Laugst&oslash;l </a>
* @version $Id:,v 1.7 2005/04/08 12:47:56 trygvis Exp $
public class DefaultContinuum
extends AbstractLogEnabled
implements Continuum, Initializable, Startable
private final static String DATABASE_INITIALIZED = "database.initialized";
private final static String CONTINUUM_VERSION = "1.0-alpha-1";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: look up these requiremetns in start() to have better control of the
// application initialization sequence. The application should make sure
// that the database is properly initialized before starting the store.
/** @requirement */
private BuilderManager builderManager;
/** @requirement */
private BuildController buildController;
/** @requirement */
private BuildQueue buildQueue;
/** @requirement */
private ContinuumStore store;
/** @requirement */
private ContinuumScm scm;
/** @configuration */
private String appHome;
/** @configuration */
private String workingDirectory;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private BuilderThread builderThread;
private Thread builderThreadThread;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public Iterator getProjects()
throws ContinuumStoreException
return store.getAllProjects();
public ContinuumBuild getLatestBuildForProject( String id )
throws ContinuumStoreException
return store.getLatestBuildForProject( id );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here it would probably be possible to tell from looking at the meta
// data what type of project handler would be required. We could
// definitely tell if we were looking at a Maven POM, So for the various
// POM versions we would know what builder to use, and for an arbitrary
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// add project meta data
// create continuum project from project metadata
// add continuum project to the store
// setup the project
// -> check out from scm
// -> update the project metadata
public String addProjectFromUrl( String url, String builderType )
throws ContinuumException
URL u;
u = new URL( url );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Invalid URL", e );
return addProjectFromUrl( u, builderType );
public String addProjectFromUrl( URL url, String builderType )
throws ContinuumException
File pomFile;
String pom = IOUtil.toString( url.openStream() );
pomFile = File.createTempFile( "continuum-", "-pom-download" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( pomFile.getAbsolutePath(), pom );
getLogger().info( "wrote pom to " + pomFile );
catch ( IOException ex )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while downloading the pom.", ex );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Really what we want to do is encapsulate the all handling to a builderType
// or project type handler to deal with everything. Take the initial
// URL which points to the metadata for the project and let the
// handler deal with everything else.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ContinuumBuilder builder = builderManager.getBuilder( builderType );
getLogger().info( "We have the builder: " + builder );
ContinuumProject project = builder.createProjectFromMetadata( url );
getLogger().info( "done creating continuum project" );
// TODO: Update from metadata in the initial checkout?
project = addProjectAndCheckOutSources( project, builderType );
return project.getId();
public String addProjectFromScm( String scmUrl,
String builderType,
String projectName,
String nagEmailAddress,
String version,
Properties configuration )
throws ContinuumException
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create the stub project
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ContinuumProject project = new ContinuumProject();
project.setScmUrl( scmUrl );
project.setBuilderId( builderType );
project.setName( projectName );
project.setNagEmailAddress( nagEmailAddress );
project.setVersion( version );
project.setConfiguration( configuration );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure that the builder id is correct before starting to check
// stuff out
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if( !builderManager.hasBuilder( builderType ) )
throw new ContinuumException( "No such builder '" + builderType + "'." );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
doTempCheckOut( project );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
project = addProjectAndCheckOutSources( project, builderType );
updateProjectFromCheckOut( project );
return project.getId();
public void updateProjectFromScm( String projectId )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumProject project = store.getProject( projectId );
File workingDirectory = new File( project.getWorkingDirectory() );
if ( !workingDirectory.exists() )
getLogger().warn( "Creating missing working directory for project '" + project.getName() + "'." );
if ( !workingDirectory.exists() )
throw new ContinuumException( "Could not make missing working directory for project '" + project.getName() + "'." );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update the source code
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
scm.updateProject( project );
catch ( ContinuumScmException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while updating project.", e );
updateProjectFromCheckOut( project );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
getLogger().error( "Error while updating project.", ex );
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while updating project from SCM.", ex );
public void updateProjectConfiguration( String projectId, Properties configuration )
throws ContinuumException
store.updateProjectConfiguration( projectId, configuration );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
getLogger().error( "Error while updating project configuration.", ex );
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while updating project configuration.", ex );
public void removeProject( String projectId )
throws ContinuumException
store.removeProject( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
getLogger().error( "Error while updating project.", ex );
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while removing project.", ex );
public ContinuumProject getProject( String projectId )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumProject project = store.getProject( projectId );
return project;
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
getLogger().error( "Error while finding all projects.", ex );
throw new ContinuumException( "Exception while getting all projects.", ex );
public Iterator getAllProjects( int start, int end )
throws ContinuumException
Iterator it = store.getAllProjects();
return it;
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
getLogger().error( "Error while finding all projects.", ex );
throw new ContinuumException( "Exception while getting all projects.", ex );
public String buildProject( String projectId )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumProject project = store.getProject( projectId );
getLogger().info( "Enqueuing '" + project.getName() + "'." );
String buildId = store.createBuild( project.getId() );
getLogger().info( "Build id: '" + buildId + "'." );
buildQueue.enqueue( projectId, buildId );
return buildId;
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
getLogger().error( "Error while building project.", e );
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while creating build object.", e );
catch ( BuildQueueException e )
getLogger().error( "Error while enqueuing project.", e );
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while creating enqueuing object.", e );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build inforation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public ContinuumBuild getBuild( String buildId )
throws ContinuumException
return store.getBuild( buildId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to retrieve build with id = " + buildId, e );
public Iterator getBuildsForProject( String projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return store.getBuildsForProject( projectId, 0, 0 );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Cannot retrieve builds for project with id = " + projectId, e );
public ContinuumBuildResult getBuildResultForBuild( String buildId )
throws ContinuumException
return store.getBuildResultForBuild( buildId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Cannot retrieve build result for build with id = " + buildId, e );
public List getChangedFilesForBuild( String buildId )
throws ContinuumException
return store.getChangedFilesForBuild( buildId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Cannot retrieve build result for build with id = " + buildId, e );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ant Projects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void addAntProject( AntProject project )
throws ContinuumException
Properties configuration = new Properties();
configuration.setProperty( AntBuilder.CONFIGURATION_EXECUTABLE, project.getExecutable() );
configuration.setProperty( AntBuilder.CONFIGURATION_TARGETS, project.getTargets() );
addProjectFromScm( project.getScmUrl(),
configuration );
public AntProject getAntProject( String id )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumProject p = getProject( id );
AntProject ap = new AntProject();
copyProject( p, ap );
ap.setTargets( p.getConfiguration().getProperty( AntBuilder.CONFIGURATION_TARGETS ) );
ap.setExecutable( p.getConfiguration().getProperty( AntBuilder.CONFIGURATION_EXECUTABLE ) );
return ap;
public void updateAntProject( AntProject project )
throws ContinuumException
updateProject( project );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The configuration will be null here because the "executable" and
// "targets" fields in the AntProject are used to create the
// configuration. We probably don't even need the configuration.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Properties configuration = new Properties();
configuration.setProperty( AntBuilder.CONFIGURATION_EXECUTABLE, project.getExecutable() );
configuration.setProperty( AntBuilder.CONFIGURATION_TARGETS, project.getTargets() );
updateProjectConfiguration( project.getId(), configuration );
public void addMavenOneProject( MavenOneProject project )
throws ContinuumException
Properties configuration = new Properties();
configuration.setProperty( Maven1Builder.CONFIGURATION_GOALS, project.getGoals() );
addProjectFromScm( project.getScmUrl(),
configuration );
public MavenOneProject getMavenOneProject( String id )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumProject p = getProject( id );
MavenOneProject mp = new MavenOneProject();
copyProject( p, mp );
mp.setGoals( p.getConfiguration().getProperty( Maven1Builder.CONFIGURATION_GOALS ) );
return mp;
public void updateMavenOneProject( MavenOneProject project )
throws ContinuumException
updateProject( project );
Properties configuration = new Properties();
configuration.setProperty( Maven1Builder.CONFIGURATION_GOALS, project.getGoals() );
updateProjectConfiguration( project.getId(), configuration );
public void addMavenTwoProject( MavenTwoProject project )
throws ContinuumException
Properties configuration = new Properties();
configuration.setProperty( MavenShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_GOALS, project.getGoals() );
addProjectFromScm( project.getScmUrl(),
configuration );
public MavenTwoProject getMavenTwoProject( String id )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumProject p = getProject( id );
MavenTwoProject mp = new MavenTwoProject();
copyProject( p, mp );
mp.setGoals( p.getConfiguration().getProperty( MavenShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_GOALS ) );
return mp;
public void updateMavenTwoProject( MavenTwoProject project )
throws ContinuumException
updateProject( project );
Properties configuration = new Properties();
configuration.setProperty( MavenShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_GOALS, project.getGoals() );
updateProjectConfiguration( project.getId(), configuration );
public void addShellProject( ShellProject project )
throws ContinuumException
Properties configuration = new Properties();
configuration.setProperty( ShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_EXECUTABLE, project.getExecutable() );
if ( project.getArguments() != null )
configuration.setProperty( ShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_ARGUMENTS, project.getArguments() );
addProjectFromScm( project.getScmUrl(),
configuration );
public ShellProject getShellProject( String id )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumProject p = getProject( id );
ShellProject sp = new ShellProject();
copyProject( p, sp );
sp.setExecutable( p.getConfiguration().getProperty( ShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_EXECUTABLE ) );
sp.setArguments( p.getConfiguration().getProperty( ShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_ARGUMENTS ) );
return sp;
public void updateShellProject( ShellProject project )
throws ContinuumException
updateProject( project );
Properties configuration = new Properties();
configuration.setProperty( ShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_EXECUTABLE, project.getExecutable() );
if ( project.getArguments() != null )
configuration.setProperty( ShellBuilder.CONFIGURATION_ARGUMENTS, project.getArguments() );
updateProjectConfiguration( project.getId(), configuration );
private void updateProject( ContinuumProject project )
throws ContinuumException
store.updateProject( project.getId(),
project.getVersion() );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while updating the project.", e );
private void copyProject( ContinuumProject p1, ContinuumProject p2 )
p2.setId( p1.getId() );
p2.setName( p1.getName() );
p2.setScmUrl( p1.getScmUrl() );
p2.setNagEmailAddress( p1.getNagEmailAddress() );
p2.setVersion( p1.getVersion() );
p2.setBuilderId( p1.getBuilderId() );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private ContinuumProject addProjectAndCheckOutSources( ContinuumProject project, String builderType )
throws ContinuumException
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the project
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
String projectId = store.addProject( project.getName(),
project.getConfiguration() );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the working directory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
File projectWorkingDirectory = new File( workingDirectory, projectId );
if ( !projectWorkingDirectory.exists() && !projectWorkingDirectory.mkdirs() )
throw new ContinuumException( "Could not make the working directory for the project (" + projectWorkingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + ")." );
project.setWorkingDirectory( projectWorkingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check out the project
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
store.setWorkingDirectory( projectId, projectWorkingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
scm.checkOutProject( project );
project = store.getProject( projectId );
return project;
catch ( ContinuumScmException ex )
getLogger().error( "Exception while checking out the project.", ex );
throw new ContinuumException( "Exception while checking out the project.", ex );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
getLogger().error( "Exception while adding project.", ex );
throw new ContinuumException( "Exception while adding project.", ex );
private void doTempCheckOut( ContinuumProject project )
throws ContinuumException
File checkoutDirectory = new File( workingDirectory, "temp-project" );
if ( checkoutDirectory.exists() )
FileUtils.cleanDirectory( checkoutDirectory );
catch ( IOException ex )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while cleaning out " + checkoutDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
if ( !checkoutDirectory.mkdirs() )
throw new ContinuumException( "Could not make the check out directory (" + checkoutDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + ")." );
// TODO: Get the list of files to check out from the builder.
// Maven 2: pom.xml, Maven 1: project.xml, Ant: all? build.xml?
scm.checkOut( project, checkoutDirectory);
catch ( ContinuumScmException ex )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while checking out the project.", ex );
private void updateProjectFromCheckOut( ContinuumProject project )
throws ContinuumException
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make a new descriptor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ContinuumBuilder builder = builderManager.getBuilder( project.getBuilderId() );
String id = project.getId();
builder.updateProjectFromCheckOut( new File( project.getWorkingDirectory() ), project );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the new descriptor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
store.updateProject( id,
project.getVersion() );
store.updateProjectConfiguration( id, project.getConfiguration() );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while storing the updated project.", e );
getLogger().info( "Updated project: " + project.getName() );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lifecylce Management
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void initialize()
throws Exception
getLogger().info( "Initializing Continuum." );
File wdFile = new File( workingDirectory );
if ( wdFile.exists() )
if ( !wdFile.isDirectory() )
throw new ContinuumException( "The specified working directory isn't a directory: " + wdFile.getAbsolutePath() );
if ( !wdFile.mkdirs() )
throw new ContinuumException( "Could not making the working directory: " + wdFile.getAbsolutePath() );
getLogger().info( "Showing all projects: " );
for ( Iterator it = store.getAllProjects(); it.hasNext(); )
ContinuumProject project = (ContinuumProject);
getLogger().info( " " + project.getId() + ":" + project.getName() + ":" + project.getBuilderId() );
public void start()
throws Exception
getLogger().info( "Starting Continuum." );
// start the builder thread
builderThread = new BuilderThread( buildController, buildQueue, getLogger() );
builderThreadThread = new Thread( builderThread );
builderThreadThread.setDaemon( true );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// check to see if the tables exists or not.
File file = new File( appHome, "" );
Properties properties = new Properties();
if ( !file.exists() )
initializeStore( file );
properties.load( new FileInputStream( file ) );
String state = properties.getProperty( DATABASE_INITIALIZED );
if ( !state.equals( "true" ) )
initializeStore( file );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
String banner = StringUtils.repeat( "-", CONTINUUM_VERSION.length() );
getLogger().info( "" );
getLogger().info( "" );
getLogger().info( "< Continuum " + CONTINUUM_VERSION + " started! >" );
getLogger().info( "-----------------------" + banner );
getLogger().info( " \\ ^__^" );
getLogger().info( " \\ (oo)\\_______" );
getLogger().info( " (__)\\ )\\/\\" );
getLogger().info( " ||----w |" );
getLogger().info( " || ||" );
getLogger().info( "" );
getLogger().info( "" );
public void stop()
throws Exception
int maxSleep = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds
int interval = 1000;
int slept = 0;
getLogger().info( "Stopping Continuum." );
// signal the thread to stop
while ( !builderThread.isDone() )
if ( slept > maxSleep )
getLogger().warn( "Timeout, stopping Continuum." );
getLogger().info( "Waiting until Continuum is idling..." );
synchronized ( builderThread )
builderThread.wait( interval );
catch ( InterruptedException ex )
// ignore
// TODO: should use System.currentTimeMillis()
slept += interval;
getLogger().info( "Continuum stopped." );
private void initializeStore( File file )
throws Exception
Properties properties = new Properties();
getLogger().warn( "This system isn't configured. Configuring." );
properties.setProperty( DATABASE_INITIALIZED, "true" ); new FileOutputStream( file ), null );