blob: ae71256ad01ac2dbb3d2d0328fd64b976e0ea0e8 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.continuum;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.continuum.buildmanager.BuildsManager;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.BuildResultDao;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.ProjectDao;
import org.apache.continuum.model.release.ContinuumReleaseResult;
import org.apache.continuum.model.repository.LocalRepository;
import org.apache.continuum.release.config.ContinuumReleaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.continuum.repository.RepositoryService;
import org.apache.continuum.taskqueue.manager.TaskQueueManager;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.builddefinition.BuildDefinitionService;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.configuration.ConfigurationService;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.execution.ContinuumBuildExecutorConstants;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.initialization.ContinuumInitializer;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinition;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Project;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectGroup;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectNotifier;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.builder.ContinuumProjectBuildingResult;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseResult;
import org.jmock.Expectations;
import org.jmock.Mockery;
import org.jmock.integration.junit3.JUnit3Mockery;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author <a href="">Trygve Laugst&oslash;l</a>
* @version $Id$
public class DefaultContinuumTest
extends AbstractContinuumTest
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( DefaultContinuumTest.class );
private Mockery context;
private TaskQueueManager taskQueueManager;
private ProjectDao projectDao;
private BuildResultDao buildResultDao;
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
context = new JUnit3Mockery();
taskQueueManager = context.mock( TaskQueueManager.class );
projectDao = context.mock( ProjectDao.class );
public void testContinuumConfiguration()
throws Exception
lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
public void testAddMavenTwoProjectSet()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
int projectCount = getProjectDao().getAllProjectsByName().size();
int projectGroupCount = getProjectGroupDao().getAllProjectGroupsWithProjects().size();
File rootPom = getTestFile( "src/test/resources/projects/continuum/continuum-notifiers/pom.xml" );
assertTrue( rootPom.exists() );
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = continuum.addMavenTwoProject( rootPom.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm(),
-1, true, false, true, -1, false );
assertNotNull( result );
assertEquals( "result.warnings.size" + result.getErrors(), 0, result.getErrors().size() );
assertEquals( "result.projects.size", 3, result.getProjects().size() );
assertEquals( "result.projectGroups.size", 1, result.getProjectGroups().size() ); "number of projects: " + getProjectDao().getAllProjectsByName().size() ); "number of project groups: " + getProjectGroupDao().getAllProjectGroupsWithProjects().size() );
assertEquals( "Total project count", projectCount + 3, getProjectDao().getAllProjectsByName().size() );
assertEquals( "Total project group count.", projectGroupCount + 1,
getProjectGroupDao().getAllProjectGroupsWithProjects().size() );
Map<String, Project> projects = new HashMap<String, Project>();
for ( Project project : getProjectDao().getAllProjectsByName() )
projects.put( project.getName(), project );
// validate project in project group
assertTrue( "project not in project group", getProjectGroupDao().getProjectGroupByProjectId(
project.getId() ) != null );
assertTrue( "no irc notifier", projects.containsKey( "Continuum IRC Notifier" ) );
assertTrue( "no jabber notifier", projects.containsKey( "Continuum Jabber Notifier" ) );
/* test failing intermittently, possibly due to the dodgy for loop
// handle flat multi-module projects
public void testAddMavenTwoProjectSetInSingleDirectory()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
String url = getTestFile( "src/test-projects/flat-multi-module/parent-project/pom.xml" ).toURL().toExternalForm();
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = continuum.addMavenTwoProject( url, -1, true, false, true, -1, true );
assertNotNull( result );
List<Project> projects = result.getProjects();
assertEquals( 4, projects.size() );
Project rootProject = result.getRootProject();
assertNotNull( rootProject );
Map<String, Project> projectsMap = new HashMap<String, Project>();
int projectGroupId = 0;
for ( Project project : getProjectDao().getAllProjectsByName() )
projectsMap.put( project.getName(), project );
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupDao().getProjectGroupByProjectId( project.getId() );
projectGroupId = projectGroup.getId();
// validate project in project group
assertTrue( "project not in project group", projectGroup != null );
// sometimes projects don't get added to checkout queue
continuum.buildProjectGroup( projectGroupId, new 1, "user" ) );
assertTrue( "no module-a", projectsMap.containsKey( "module-a" ) );
assertTrue( "no module-b", projectsMap.containsKey( "module-b" ) );
assertTrue( "no module-d", projectsMap.containsKey( "module-d" ) );
// check if the modules were checked out in the same directory as the parent
ConfigurationService configurationService = ( ConfigurationService ) lookup( "configurationService" );
File workingDir = configurationService.getWorkingDirectory();
Project parentProject = getProjectDao().getProjectByName( "parent-project" );
File checkoutDir = new File( workingDir, String.valueOf( parentProject.getId() ) );
for( long delay = 0; delay <= 999999999; delay++ )
// wait while the project has been checked out/build
assertTrue( "checkout directory of project 'parent-project' does not exist." , new File( checkoutDir, "parent-project" ).exists() );
assertFalse( "module-a should not have been checked out as a separate project.",
new File( workingDir, String.valueOf( getProjectDao().getProjectByName( "module-a" ).getId() ) ).exists() );
assertFalse( "module-b should not have been checked out as a separate project.",
new File( workingDir, String.valueOf( getProjectDao().getProjectByName( "module-b" ).getId() ) ).exists() );
assertFalse( "module-d should not have been checked out as a separate project.",
new File( workingDir, String.valueOf( getProjectDao().getProjectByName( "module-d" ).getId() ) ).exists() );
assertTrue( "module-a was not checked out in the same directory as it's parent.", new File( checkoutDir, "module-a" ).exists() );
assertTrue( "module-b was not checked out in the same directory as it's parent.", new File( checkoutDir, "module-b" ).exists() );
assertTrue( "module-d was not checked out in the same directory as it's parent.", new File( checkoutDir, "module-c/module-d" ).exists() );
// assert project state
// commented out this test case as it sometimes fails because the actual checkout hasn't finished yet so
// the state hasn't been updated yet
//assertEquals( "state of 'parent-project' should have been updated.", ContinuumProjectState.CHECKEDOUT, parentProject.getState() );
//assertEquals( "state of 'module-a' should have been updated.", ContinuumProjectState.CHECKEDOUT,
// getProjectDao().getProjectByName( "module-a" ).getState() );
//assertEquals( "state of 'module-b' should have been updated.", ContinuumProjectState.CHECKEDOUT,
// getProjectDao().getProjectByName( "module-b" ).getState() );
public void testUpdateMavenTwoProject()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test projects with duplicate names
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
String url = getTestFile( "src/test-projects/project1/pom.xml" ).toURL().toExternalForm();
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = continuum.addMavenTwoProject( url );
assertNotNull( result );
List<Project> projects = result.getProjects();
assertEquals( 1, projects.size() );
assertEquals( Project.class, projects.get( 0 ).getClass() );
Project project = projects.get( 0 );
// reattach
project = continuum.getProject( project.getId() );
project.setName( project.getName() + " 2" );
continuum.updateProject( project );
project = continuum.getProject( project.getId() );
public void testRemoveMavenTwoProject()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
Project project = makeStubProject( "test-project" );
ProjectGroup defaultGroup = getDefaultProjectGroup();
defaultGroup.addProject( project );
getProjectGroupDao().updateProjectGroup( defaultGroup );
project = getProjectDao().getProjectByName( "test-project" );
assertNotNull( project );
BuildResult buildResult = new BuildResult();
getBuildResultDao().addBuildResult( project, buildResult );
Collection<BuildResult> brs = continuum.getBuildResultsForProject( project.getId() );
assertEquals( "Build result of project was not added", 1, brs.size() );
// delete project
continuum.removeProject( project.getId() );
continuum.getProject( project.getId() );
fail( "Project was not removed" );
catch ( ContinuumException expected )
brs = continuum.getBuildResultsForProject( project.getId() );
assertEquals( "Build result of project was not removed", 0, brs.size() );
public void testBuildDefinitions()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
String url = getTestFile( "src/test-projects/project1/pom.xml" ).toURL().toExternalForm();
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = continuum.addMavenTwoProject( url );
assertNotNull( result );
List<Project> projects = result.getProjects();
assertEquals( 1, projects.size() );
assertEquals( Project.class, projects.get( 0 ).getClass() );
Project project = projects.get( 0 );
// reattach
project = continuum.getProject( project.getId() );
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupDao().getProjectGroupByProjectId( project.getId() );
projectGroup = getProjectGroupDao().getProjectGroupWithBuildDetailsByProjectGroupId( projectGroup.getId() );
List<BuildDefinition> buildDefs = projectGroup.getBuildDefinitions();
assertTrue( "missing project group build definition", !buildDefs.isEmpty() );
assertTrue( "more then one project group build definition on add project", buildDefs.size() == 1 );
BuildDefinition pgbd = buildDefs.get( 0 );
pgbd.setGoals( "foo" );
continuum.updateBuildDefinitionForProjectGroup( projectGroup.getId(), pgbd );
pgbd = continuum.getBuildDefinition( pgbd.getId() );
assertTrue( "update failed for project group build definition", "foo".equals( pgbd.getGoals() ) );
assertTrue( "project group build definition is not default", pgbd.isDefaultForProject() );
// project was added as a single project (loadRecursiveProjects == false) so project should not
// get the PG's build def which has '--non-recursive' flag set in its argument
assertTrue( "project group build definition should not be the default for project",
continuum.getDefaultBuildDefinition( project.getId() ).getId() != pgbd.getId() );
BuildDefinition nbd = new BuildDefinition();
nbd.setGoals( "clean" );
nbd.setArguments( "" );
nbd.setDefaultForProject( true );
nbd.setSchedule( getScheduleDao().getScheduleByName( ConfigurationService.DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_NAME ) );
continuum.addBuildDefinitionToProject( project.getId(), nbd );
assertTrue( "project lvl build definition not default for project", continuum.getDefaultBuildDefinition(
project.getId() ).getId() == nbd.getId() );
continuum.removeBuildDefinitionFromProject( project.getId(), nbd.getId() );
assertTrue( "default build definition didn't toggle back to project group level",
continuum.getDefaultBuildDefinition( project.getId() ).getId() == pgbd.getId() );
continuum.removeBuildDefinitionFromProjectGroup( projectGroup.getId(), pgbd.getId() );
fail( "we were able to remove the default build definition, and that is bad" );
catch ( ContinuumException expected )
* todo add another project group to test
public void testProjectGroups()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
Collection projectGroupList = continuum.getAllProjectGroups();
int projectGroupsBefore = projectGroupList.size();
assertEquals( 1, projectGroupsBefore );
String url = getTestFile( "src/test-projects/project1/pom.xml" ).toURL().toExternalForm();
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = continuum.addMavenTwoProject( url );
assertNotNull( result );
assertEquals( 1, result.getProjectGroups().size() );
ProjectGroup projectGroup = result.getProjectGroups().get( 0 );
assertEquals( "plexus", projectGroup.getGroupId() );
projectGroupList = continuum.getAllProjectGroups();
assertEquals( "Project group missing, should have " + ( projectGroupsBefore + 1 ) + " project groups",
projectGroupsBefore + 1, projectGroupList.size() );
projectGroup = (ProjectGroup) projectGroupList.iterator().next();
assertNotNull( projectGroup );
BuildsManager buildsManager = continuum.getBuildsManager();
List<Project> projects = continuum.getProjectGroupWithProjects( projectGroup.getId() ).getProjects();
int[] projectIds = new int[projects.size()];
int idx = 0;
for ( Project project : projects )
projectIds[idx] = project.getId();
while ( buildsManager.isAnyProjectCurrentlyBeingCheckedOut( projectIds ) )
continuum.removeProjectGroup( projectGroup.getId() );
projectGroupList = continuum.getAllProjectGroups();
assertEquals( "Remove project group failed", projectGroupsBefore, projectGroupList.size() );
* test the logic for notifiers
public void testProjectAndGroupNotifiers()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
Collection projectGroupList = continuum.getAllProjectGroups();
int projectGroupsBefore = projectGroupList.size();
assertEquals( 1, projectGroupsBefore );
String url = getTestFile( "src/test-projects/project1/pom.xml" ).toURL().toExternalForm();
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = continuum.addMavenTwoProject( url );
assertNotNull( result );
assertEquals( 1, result.getProjectGroups().size() );
ProjectGroup projectGroup = result.getProjectGroups().get( 0 );
continuum.addGroupNotifier( projectGroup.getId(), new ProjectNotifier() );
for ( Project p : (List<Project>) projectGroup.getProjects() )
continuum.addNotifier( p.getId(), new ProjectNotifier() );
projectGroup = continuum.getProjectGroupWithBuildDetails( projectGroup.getId() );
assertEquals( 1, projectGroup.getNotifiers().size() );
for ( Project p : (List<Project>) projectGroup.getProjects() )
assertEquals( 2, p.getNotifiers().size() );
public void testExecuteAction()
throws Exception
DefaultContinuum continuum = (DefaultContinuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
String exceptionName = ContinuumException.class.getName();
continuum.executeAction( "testAction", new HashMap() );
catch ( ContinuumException e )
//expected, check for twice wrapped exception
if ( e.getCause() != null )
assertFalse( exceptionName + " is wrapped in " + exceptionName, e.getCause().getClass().equals(
ContinuumException.class ) );
public void testRemoveProjectFromCheckoutQueue()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
BuildsManager parallelBuildsManager = continuum.getBuildsManager();
String url = getTestFile( "src/test-projects/project1/pom.xml" ).toURL().toExternalForm();
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = continuum.addMavenTwoProject( url );
assertNotNull( result );
List<Project> projects = result.getProjects();
assertEquals( 1, projects.size() );
assertEquals( Project.class, projects.get( 0 ).getClass() );
Project project = projects.get( 0 );
parallelBuildsManager.removeProjectFromCheckoutQueue( project.getId() );
assertFalse( "project still exist on the checkout queue", parallelBuildsManager.isInAnyCheckoutQueue(
project.getId() ) );
/*public void testCreationOfProjectScmRootDuringInitialization()
throws Exception
DefaultContinuum continuum = (DefaultContinuum) getContinuum();
ProjectGroup defaultProjectGroup =
continuum.getProjectGroupByGroupId( ContinuumInitializer.DEFAULT_PROJECT_GROUP_GROUP_ID );
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = new ProjectScmRoot();
scmRoot.setProjectGroup( defaultProjectGroup );
scmRoot.setScmRootAddress( "" );
getProjectScmRootDao().addProjectScmRoot( scmRoot );
defaultProjectGroup = continuum.getProjectGroupWithProjects( defaultProjectGroup.getId() );
assertEquals( 0, defaultProjectGroup.getProjects().size() );
Project project = new Project();
project.setGroupId( "project1" );
project.setArtifactId( "project1" );
project.setVersion( "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
project.setScmUrl( "" );
defaultProjectGroup.addProject( project );
project = new Project();
project.setGroupId( "project2" );
project.setArtifactId( "project2" );
project.setVersion( "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
project.setScmUrl( "" );
defaultProjectGroup.addProject( project );
project = new Project();
project.setGroupId( "project3" );
project.setArtifactId( "project3" );
project.setVersion( "1.0-SNAPSHOT" );
project.setScmUrl( "" );
defaultProjectGroup.addProject( project );
getProjectGroupDao().updateProjectGroup( defaultProjectGroup );
List<ProjectScmRoot> scmRoots = continuum.getProjectScmRootByProjectGroup( defaultProjectGroup.getId() );
assertEquals( "#scmRoots in the group", 1, scmRoots.size() );
} */
public void testAddAntProjectWithdefaultBuildDef()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = getContinuum();
Project project = new Project();
project.setScmUrl( "scmUrl" );
ProjectGroup defaultProjectGroup = continuum.getProjectGroupByGroupId(
int projectId = continuum.addProject( project, ContinuumBuildExecutorConstants.ANT_BUILD_EXECUTOR,
defaultProjectGroup.getId() );
assertEquals( 1, continuum.getProjectGroupWithProjects( defaultProjectGroup.getId() ).getProjects().size() );
project = continuum.getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
assertNotNull( project );
BuildDefinitionService service = (BuildDefinitionService) lookup( BuildDefinitionService.class );
assertEquals( 4, service.getAllBuildDefinitionTemplate().size() );
assertEquals( 5, service.getAllBuildDefinitions().size() );
BuildDefinition buildDef =
(BuildDefinition) service.getDefaultAntBuildDefinitionTemplate().getBuildDefinitions().get( 0 );
buildDef = service.cloneBuildDefinition( buildDef );
buildDef.setTemplate( false );
continuum.addBuildDefinitionToProject( project.getId(), buildDef );
project = continuum.getProjectWithAllDetails( project.getId() );
assertEquals( 2, project.getBuildDefinitions().size() );
assertEquals( 4, service.getAllBuildDefinitionTemplate().size() );
assertEquals( 6, service.getAllBuildDefinitions().size() );
public void testRemoveProjectGroupWithRepository()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = getContinuum();
RepositoryService service = (RepositoryService) lookup( RepositoryService.ROLE );
LocalRepository repository = new LocalRepository();
repository.setName( "defaultRepo" );
repository.setLocation( getTestFile( "target/default-repository" ).getAbsolutePath() );
repository = service.addLocalRepository( repository );
ProjectGroup group = new ProjectGroup();
group.setGroupId( "testGroup" );
group.setName( "testGroup" );
group.setLocalRepository( repository );
continuum.addProjectGroup( group );
ProjectGroup retrievedDefaultProjectGroup = continuum.getProjectGroupByGroupId( "testGroup" );
assertNotNull( retrievedDefaultProjectGroup.getLocalRepository() );
continuum.removeProjectGroup( retrievedDefaultProjectGroup.getId() );
continuum.getProjectGroupByGroupId( "testGroup" );
fail( "project group was not deleted" );
catch ( Exception e )
// should fail. do nothing.
LocalRepository retrievedRepository = service.getLocalRepository( repository.getId() );
assertNotNull( retrievedRepository );
assertEquals( repository, retrievedRepository );
public void testContinuumReleaseResult()
throws Exception
Continuum continuum = getContinuum();
Project project = makeStubProject( "test-project" );
ProjectGroup defaultGroup = getDefaultProjectGroup();
defaultGroup.addProject( project );
getProjectGroupDao().updateProjectGroup( defaultGroup );
project = getProjectDao().getProjectByName( "test-project" );
assertNotNull( project );
assertEquals( 0, continuum.getAllContinuumReleaseResults().size() );
ReleaseResult result = new ReleaseResult();
result.setStartTime( System.currentTimeMillis() );
result.setEndTime( System.currentTimeMillis() );
result.setResultCode( 200 );
result.appendOutput( "Error in release" );
ContinuumReleaseDescriptor descriptor = new ContinuumReleaseDescriptor();
descriptor.setPreparationGoals( "clean" );
descriptor.setReleaseBy( "admin" );
continuum.getReleaseManager().getReleaseResults().put( "test-release-id", result );
continuum.getReleaseManager().getPreparedReleases().put( "test-release-id", descriptor );
ContinuumReleaseResult releaseResult = continuum.addContinuumReleaseResult( project.getId(), "test-release-id",
"prepare" );
releaseResult = continuum.addContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResult );
List<ContinuumReleaseResult> releaseResults = continuum.getContinuumReleaseResultsByProjectGroup(
defaultGroup.getId() );
assertEquals( 1, releaseResults.size() );
assertEquals( releaseResult, releaseResults.get( 0 ) );
continuum.removeContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResult.getId() );
assertEquals( 0, continuum.getAllContinuumReleaseResults().size() );
assertEquals( defaultGroup, continuum.getProjectGroupByGroupId(
ContinuumInitializer.DEFAULT_PROJECT_GROUP_GROUP_ID ) );
public void testBuildProjectWhileProjectIsInReleaseStage()
throws Exception
DefaultContinuum continuum = (DefaultContinuum) getContinuum();
continuum.setTaskQueueManager( taskQueueManager );
continuum.setProjectDao( projectDao );
final Project project = new Project();
project.setId( 1 );
project.setName( "Continuum Core" );
project.setGroupId( "org.apache.continuum" );
project.setArtifactId( "continuum-core" );
context.checking( new Expectations()
one( projectDao ).getProject( 1 );
will( returnValue( project ) );
one( taskQueueManager ).isProjectInReleaseStage( "org.apache.continuum:continuum-core" );
will( returnValue( true ) );
} );
continuum.buildProject( 1, "test-user" );
fail( "An exception should have been thrown." );
catch ( ContinuumException e )
assertEquals( "Project (id=1) is currently in release stage.", e.getMessage() );
public void testBuildProjectGroupWhileAtLeastOneProjectIsInReleaseStage()
throws Exception
DefaultContinuum continuum = (DefaultContinuum) getContinuum();
continuum.setTaskQueueManager( taskQueueManager );
continuum.setProjectDao( projectDao );
final List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<Project>();
Project project = new Project();
project.setId( 1 );
project.setName( "Continuum Core" );
project.setGroupId( "org.apache.continuum" );
project.setArtifactId( "continuum-core" );
projects.add( project );
project = new Project();
project.setId( 2 );
project.setName( "Continuum API" );
project.setGroupId( "org.apache.continuum" );
project.setArtifactId( "continuum-api" );
projects.add( project );
context.checking( new Expectations()
one( projectDao ).getProjectsInGroup( 1 );
will( returnValue( projects ) );
one( taskQueueManager ).isProjectInReleaseStage( "org.apache.continuum:continuum-core" );
will( returnValue( true ) );
} );
continuum.buildProjectGroup( 1, new BuildTrigger( 1, "test-user" ) );
fail( "An exception should have been thrown." );
catch ( ContinuumException e )
assertEquals( "Cannot build project group. Project (id=1) in group is currently in release stage.",
e.getMessage() );
private Continuum getContinuum()
throws Exception
return (Continuum) lookup( Continuum.ROLE );
private BuildResultDao getBuildResultDao()
return (BuildResultDao) lookup( BuildResultDao.class.getName() );