blob: 58eecca14a039eff0d3597ad30b34250b0166768 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.continuum.distributed.transport.slave;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import com.atlassian.xmlrpc.Binder;
import com.atlassian.xmlrpc.BindingException;
import com.atlassian.xmlrpc.ConnectionInfo;
import org.apache.continuum.distributed.commons.utils.ContinuumXmlRpcBinder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* SlaveBuildAgentTransportClient
public class SlaveBuildAgentTransportClient
implements SlaveBuildAgentTransportService
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( SlaveBuildAgentTransportClient.class );
private SlaveBuildAgentTransportService slave;
private String buildAgentUrl;
public SlaveBuildAgentTransportClient( URL serviceUrl )
throws Exception
this( serviceUrl, null, null );
public SlaveBuildAgentTransportClient( URL serviceUrl, String login, String password )
throws Exception
Binder binder = ContinuumXmlRpcBinder.getInstance();
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
connectionInfo.setUsername( login );
connectionInfo.setPassword( password );
connectionInfo.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getDefault() );
buildAgentUrl = serviceUrl.toString();
slave = binder.bind( SlaveBuildAgentTransportService.class, serviceUrl, connectionInfo );
catch ( BindingException e )
log.error( "Can't bind service interface " + SlaveBuildAgentTransportService.class.getName() + " to " +
serviceUrl.toExternalForm() + " using " + connectionInfo.getUsername() + ", " +
connectionInfo.getPassword(), e );
throw new Exception(
"Can't bind service interface " + SlaveBuildAgentTransportService.class.getName() + " to " +
serviceUrl.toExternalForm() + " using " + connectionInfo.getUsername() + ", " +
connectionInfo.getPassword(), e );
public Boolean buildProjects( List<Map<String, Object>> projectsBuildContext )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.buildProjects( projectsBuildContext );
log.debug( "Building projects in build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to build projects in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
log.error( "Context: " + projectsBuildContext );
throw new Exception( "Failed to build projects in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public List<Map<String, String>> getAvailableInstallations()
throws Exception
List<Map<String, String>> installations;
installations = slave.getAvailableInstallations();
log.debug( "Available installations in build agent {} : {}", buildAgentUrl, installations.size() );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to get available installations in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to get available installations in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return installations;
public Map<String, Object> getBuildResult( int projectId )
throws Exception
Map<String, Object> buildResult;
buildResult = slave.getBuildResult( projectId );
log.debug( "Build result for project '{}' acquired from build agent {}", projectId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to get build result for project '" + projectId + "' in build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to get build result for project '" + projectId + "' in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return buildResult;
public Map<String, Object> getProjectCurrentlyBuilding()
throws Exception
Map<String, Object> map;
map = slave.getProjectCurrentlyBuilding();
log.debug( "Retrieving currently building project in build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to get the currently building project in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to get the currently building project in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return map;
public Boolean ping()
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result =;
log.debug( "Ping build agent {} : {}", buildAgentUrl, ( result ? "ok" : "failed" ) );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Ping build agent " + buildAgentUrl + " error", e );
throw new Exception( "Ping build agent " + buildAgentUrl + " error", e );
return result;
public Boolean cancelBuild()
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.cancelBuild();
log.debug( "Cancelled current build in build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error cancelling current build in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Error cancelling current build in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public String generateWorkingCopyContent( int projectId, String directory, String baseUrl, String imagesBaseUrl )
throws Exception
String result;
result = slave.generateWorkingCopyContent( projectId, directory, baseUrl, imagesBaseUrl );
log.debug( "Generated working copy content for project '{}' in build agent ", projectId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
"Error generating working copy content for project '" + projectId + "' in build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
throw new Exception(
"Error generating working copy content for project '" + projectId + "' in build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
return result;
public Map<String, Object> getProjectFile( int projectId, String directory, String filename )
throws Exception
Map<String, Object> result;
result = slave.getProjectFile( projectId, directory, filename );
log.debug( "Retrieved project '{}' file content from build agent {}", projectId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error retrieving project '" + projectId + "' file content from build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
throw new Exception(
"Error retrieving project '" + projectId + "' file content from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Map getReleasePluginParameters( int projectId, String pomFilename )
throws Exception
Map result;
result = slave.getReleasePluginParameters( projectId, pomFilename );
log.debug( "Retrieving release plugin parameters for project '{}' from build agent {}", projectId,
buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error retrieving release plugin parameters for project '" + projectId + "' from build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Error retrieving release plugin parameters for project '" + projectId + "' from build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public List<Map<String, String>> processProject( int projectId, String pomFilename, boolean autoVersionSubmodules )
throws Exception
List<Map<String, String>> result;
result = slave.processProject( projectId, pomFilename, autoVersionSubmodules );
log.debug( "Processing project '{}' in build agent ", projectId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error processing project '" + projectId + "' in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Error processing project '" + projectId + "' in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public String releasePrepare( Map project, Properties properties, Map releaseVersion, Map developmentVersion,
Map environments, String username )
throws Exception
String releaseId;
releaseId = slave.releasePrepare( project, properties, releaseVersion, developmentVersion, environments,
username );
log.debug( "Preparing release '{}' in build agent {}", releaseId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error while preparing release in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Error while preparing release in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return releaseId;
public Map<String, Object> getReleaseResult( String releaseId )
throws Exception
Map<String, Object> result;
result = slave.getReleaseResult( releaseId );
log.debug( "Retrieving release result, releaseId={} from build agent {}", releaseId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error retrieving release result, releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
throw new Exception(
"Error retrieving release result, releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Map<String, Object> getListener( String releaseId )
throws Exception
Map<String, Object> result;
result = slave.getListener( releaseId );
log.debug( "Retrieving listener for releaseId={} from build agent {}", releaseId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error retrieving listener for releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
throw new Exception(
"Error retrieving listener for releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean removeListener( String releaseId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
slave.removeListener( releaseId );
result = Boolean.FALSE;
log.debug( "Removing listener for releaseId={} from build agent {}", releaseId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error removing listener for releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Error removing listener for releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public String getPreparedReleaseName( String releaseId )
throws Exception
String result;
result = slave.getPreparedReleaseName( releaseId );
log.debug( "Retrieving prepared release name, releaseId={} from build agent {}", releaseId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error while retrieving prepared release name, releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Error while retrieving prepared release name, releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean releasePerform( String releaseId, String goals, String arguments, boolean useReleaseProfile,
Map repository, String username )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
slave.releasePerform( releaseId, goals, arguments, useReleaseProfile, repository, username );
result = Boolean.FALSE;
log.debug( "Performing release of releaseId={} from build agent {}", releaseId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error performing release of releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Error performing release of releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public String releasePerformFromScm( String goals, String arguments, boolean useReleaseProfile, Map repository,
String scmUrl, String scmUsername, String scmPassword, String scmTag,
String scmTagBase, Map environments, String username )
throws Exception
String result;
result = slave.releasePerformFromScm( goals, arguments, useReleaseProfile, repository, scmUrl, scmUsername,
scmPassword, scmTag, scmTagBase, environments, username );
log.debug( "Performing release of scmUrl={} from build agent {}", scmUrl, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error performing release from scm '" + scmUrl + "' from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Error performing release from scm '" + scmUrl + "' from build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
return result;
public String releaseCleanup( String releaseId )
throws Exception
String result;
result = slave.releaseCleanup( releaseId );
log.debug( "Cleanup release, releaseId={} from build agent {}", releaseId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Error cleaning up release, releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Error cleaning up release, releaseId=" + releaseId + " from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean releaseRollback( String releaseId, int projectId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
slave.releaseRollback( releaseId, projectId );
result = Boolean.TRUE;
log.debug( "Rollback release. releaseId={}, projectId={} from build agent {}",
new Object[]{releaseId, projectId, buildAgentUrl} );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to rollback release. releaseId=" + releaseId + ", projectId=" + projectId +
" from build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw (Exception) e.getCause().getCause().getCause().getCause();
return result;
public Integer getBuildSizeOfAgent()
throws Exception
Integer size;
size = slave.getBuildSizeOfAgent();
log.debug( "Retrieving build size of build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to retrieve build size of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to retrieve build size of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return size;
public Map<String, Object> getProjectCurrentlyPreparingBuild()
throws Exception
Map<String, Object> projects;
projects = slave.getProjectCurrentlyPreparingBuild();
log.debug( "Retrieving projects currently preparing build in build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to retrieve projects currently preparing build in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to retrieve projects currently preparing build in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return projects;
public List<Map<String, Object>> getProjectsAndBuildDefinitionsCurrentlyPreparingBuild()
throws Exception
List<Map<String, Object>> projects;
projects = slave.getProjectsAndBuildDefinitionsCurrentlyPreparingBuild();
log.debug( "Retrieving projects currently preparing build in build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to retrieve projects currently preparing build in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to retrieve projects currently preparing build in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return projects;
public List<Map<String, Object>> getProjectsInBuildQueue()
throws Exception
List<Map<String, Object>> projects;
projects = slave.getProjectsInBuildQueue();
log.debug( "Retrieving projects in build queue of build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to retrieve projects in build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to retrieve projects in build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return projects;
public List<Map<String, Object>> getProjectsInPrepareBuildQueue()
throws Exception
List<Map<String, Object>> projects;
projects = slave.getProjectsInPrepareBuildQueue();
log.debug( "Retrieving projects in prepare build queue of build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to retrieve projects in prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to retrieve projects in prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
return projects;
public List<Map<String, Object>> getProjectsAndBuildDefinitionsInPrepareBuildQueue()
throws Exception
List<Map<String, Object>> projects;
projects = slave.getProjectsAndBuildDefinitionsInPrepareBuildQueue();
log.debug( "Retrieving projects in prepare build queue of build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to retrieve projects in prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to retrieve projects in prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
return projects;
public Boolean isProjectGroupInQueue( int projectGroupId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.isProjectGroupInQueue( projectGroupId );
log.debug( "Checking if project group '{}' is in queue in build agent {}", projectGroupId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
"Failed to check if project group '" + projectGroupId + "' is in queue in build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to check if project group '" + projectGroupId + "' is in queue in build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
return result;
public Boolean isProjectScmRootInQueue( int projectScmRootId, List<Integer> projectIds )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.isProjectScmRootInQueue( projectScmRootId, projectIds );
log.debug( "Checking if project scm root '{}' is in queue in build agent {}", projectScmRootId,
buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to check if project scm root '" + projectScmRootId + "' is in queue in build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to check if project scm root '" + projectScmRootId + "' is in queue in build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean isProjectCurrentlyBuilding( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.isProjectCurrentlyBuilding( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
log.debug( "Checking if projectId={}, buildDefinitionId={} is currently building in build agent {}",
new Object[]{projectId, buildDefinitionId, buildAgentUrl} );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to check if projectId=" + projectId + ", buildDefinitionId=" + buildDefinitionId +
" is currently building in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to check if projectId=" + projectId + ", buildDefinitionId=" + buildDefinitionId +
" is currently building in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean isProjectInBuildQueue( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.isProjectInBuildQueue( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
log.debug( "Checking if projectId={}, buildDefinitionId={} is in build queue of build agent {}",
new Object[]{projectId, buildDefinitionId, buildAgentUrl} );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to check if projectId=" + projectId + ", buildDefinitionId=" + buildDefinitionId +
" is in build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to check if projectId=" + projectId + ", buildDefinitionId=" + buildDefinitionId +
" is in build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean isProjectCurrentlyPreparingBuild( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.isProjectCurrentlyPreparingBuild( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
log.debug( "Checking if projectId={}, buildDefinitionId={} is currently preparing build in build agent {}",
new Object[]{projectId, buildDefinitionId, buildAgentUrl} );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to check if projectId=" + projectId + ", buildDefinitionId=" + buildDefinitionId +
" is currently preparing build in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to check if projectId=" + projectId + ", buildDefinitionId=" + buildDefinitionId +
" is currently preparing build in build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean isProjectInPrepareBuildQueue( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.isProjectInPrepareBuildQueue( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
log.debug( "Checking if projectId={}, buildDefinitionId={} is in prepare build queue of build agent {}",
new Object[]{projectId, buildDefinitionId, buildAgentUrl} );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to check if projectId=" + projectId + ", buildDefinitionId=" + buildDefinitionId +
" is in prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to check if projectId=" + projectId + ", buildDefinitionId=" + buildDefinitionId +
" is in prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean isProjectGroupInPrepareBuildQueue( int projectGroupId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.isProjectGroupInPrepareBuildQueue( projectGroupId );
log.debug( "Checking if projectGroup {} is in prepare build queue of build agent {}", projectGroupId,
buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
"Failed to check if projectGroup " + projectGroupId + " is in prepare build queue of build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to check if projectGroup " + projectGroupId + " is in prepare build queue of build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean isProjectGroupCurrentlyPreparingBuild( int projectGroupId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.isProjectGroupCurrentlyPreparingBuild( projectGroupId );
log.debug( "Checking if projectGroup {} is currently preparing build in build agent {}", projectGroupId,
buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
"Failed to check if projectGroup " + projectGroupId + " is currently preparing build in build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to check if projectGroup " + projectGroupId + " is currently preparing build in build agent " +
buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean removeFromPrepareBuildQueue( int projectGroupId, int scmRootId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.removeFromPrepareBuildQueue( projectGroupId, scmRootId );
log.debug( "Remove projects from prepare build queue of build agent {}. projectGroupId={}, scmRootId={}",
new Object[]{buildAgentUrl, projectGroupId, scmRootId} );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to remove projects from prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl +
". projectGroupId=" + projectGroupId +
", scmRootId=" + scmRootId, e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to remove from prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl + ". projectGroupId=" +
projectGroupId +
" scmRootId=" + scmRootId, e );
return result;
public Boolean removeFromPrepareBuildQueue( List<String> hashCodes )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.removeFromPrepareBuildQueue( hashCodes );
log.debug( "Removing projects from prepare build queue of build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to remove projects from prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to remove projects from prepare build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
return result;
public Boolean removeFromBuildQueue( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.removeFromBuildQueue( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
log.debug( "Removing project '{}' from build queue of build agent {}", projectId, buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to remove project '" + projectId + "' from build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl,
e );
throw new Exception(
"Failed to remove project '" + projectId + "' from build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public Boolean removeFromBuildQueue( List<String> hashCodes )
throws Exception
Boolean result;
result = slave.removeFromBuildQueue( hashCodes );
log.debug( "Removing projects from build queue of build agent {}", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to remove projects from build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to remove projects from build queue of build agent " + buildAgentUrl, e );
return result;
public String getBuildAgentPlatform()
throws Exception
String result;
result = slave.getBuildAgentPlatform();
log.debug( "Retrieved build agent {} platform", buildAgentUrl );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Failed to return build agent " + buildAgentUrl + " platform", e );
throw new Exception( "Failed to return build agent " + buildAgentUrl + " platform", e );
return result;
public void executeDirectoryPurge( String directoryType, int daysOlder, int retentionCount, boolean deleteAll )
throws Exception
slave.executeDirectoryPurge( directoryType, daysOlder, retentionCount, deleteAll );
public void executeRepositoryPurge( String repoName, int daysOlder, int retentionCount, boolean deleteAll,
boolean deleteReleasedSnapshots )
throws Exception
slave.executeRepositoryPurge( repoName, daysOlder, retentionCount, deleteAll, deleteReleasedSnapshots );