blob: 6b1c59f20254e83b980a4c808ecaa57a28a4267d [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.continuum.dao;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Project;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* @author <a href="">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
public interface BuildResultDao
BuildResult getBuildResult( int buildId )
throws ContinuumStoreException;
void addBuildResult( Project project, BuildResult build )
throws ContinuumStoreException;
void updateBuildResult( BuildResult build )
throws ContinuumStoreException;
void removeBuildResult( BuildResult buildResult );
BuildResult getLatestBuildResultForProject( int projectId );
BuildResult getLatestBuildResultForProjectWithDetails( int projectId );
BuildResult getLatestBuildResultForBuildDefinition( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId );
BuildResult getPreviousBuildResultForBuildDefinition( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId, int buildResultId );
BuildResult getLatestBuildResultInSuccess( int projectId );
BuildResult getPreviousBuildResultInSuccess( int projectId, int buildResultId )
throws ContinuumStoreException;
* Marks results in the BUILDING status with a start time before the specified cutoff as CANCELLED.
* @param ageCutoff the time in milliseconds, before which a building result is considered orphaned
* @return the set of ids considered orphaned, and consequently marked CANCELLED
* @throws ContinuumStoreException
Set<Integer> resolveOrphanedInProgressResults( long ageCutoff )
throws ContinuumStoreException;
long getNbBuildResultsForProject( int projectId );
* Returns the list of build results between the fromdate and the buildResult defined by its toBuildResultId
* @param projectId The project id
* @param fromResultId the from date
* @param toResultId the build result id
* @return the list of build results
List<BuildResult> getBuildResultsForProjectWithDetails( int projectId, int fromResultId, int toResultId );
* Returns the number of build results in success since fromDate
* @param projectId The project id
* @param fromDate The from date
* @return the number of build results
long getNbBuildResultsInSuccessForProject( int projectId, long fromDate );
* Looks up a range of build results for a project ordered from most recent to earliest.
* @param projectId id of project to fetch results for
* @param startIndex zero-based index indicating start of result interval
* @param endIndex zero-based index indicating boundary of result interval
* @param fullDetails whether to use a fetch plan that includes full build result details
* @return a list of results in the interval [start, end)
List<BuildResult> getBuildResultsForProject( int projectId, long startIndex, long endIndex, boolean fullDetails );
* @param projectId
* @param startId
* @return the returned list will contains all BuildResult for this project after the startId
* @since 1.2
List<BuildResult> getBuildResultsForProjectFromId( int projectId, long startId )
throws ContinuumStoreException;
Map<Integer, BuildResult> getLatestBuildResultsByProjectGroupId( int projectGroupId );
Map<Integer, BuildResult> getBuildResultsInSuccessByProjectGroupId( int projectGroupId );
List<BuildResult> getBuildResultsByBuildDefinition( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId );
List<BuildResult> getBuildResultsByBuildDefinition( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId, long startIndex,
long endIndex );
List<BuildResult> getAllBuildsForAProjectByDate( int projectId );
List<BuildResult> getBuildResultsInRange( Date fromDate, Date toDate, int state, String triggeredBy,
Collection<Integer> projectGroupIds, int offset, int length );