blob: 4de7a14ba81c5dd26f91f7524a616e7c3468d317 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.continuum.web.test;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.continuum.web.test.parent.AbstractAdminTest;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* Based on AddMavenTwoProjectTest of Emmanuel Venisse test.
* @author José Morales Martínez
* @version $Id$
@Test( groups = { "mavenTwoProject" } )
public class MavenTwoProjectTest
extends AbstractAdminTest
private String pomUrl;
private String pomUsername;
private String pomPassword;
private String projectGroupName;
private String projectGroupId;
private String projectGroupDescription;
private String projectGroupScmRootUrl;
private String projectName;
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
pomUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_POM_URL" );
pomUsername = getProperty( "MAVEN2_POM_USERNAME" );
pomPassword = getProperty( "MAVEN2_POM_PASSWORD" );
projectName = getProperty( "MAVEN2_POM_PROJECT_NAME" );
projectGroupName = getProperty( "MAVEN2_POM_PROJECT_GROUP_NAME" );
projectGroupId = getProperty( "MAVEN2_POM_PROJECT_GROUP_ID" );
projectGroupDescription = getProperty( "MAVEN2_POM_PROJECT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" );
projectGroupScmRootUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_POM_PROJECT_GROUP_SCM_ROOT_URL" );
public void tearDown()
removeProjectGroup( projectGroupName, false );
public void testAddMavenTwoProject()
throws Exception
// Enter values into Add Maven Two Project fields, and submit
addMavenTwoProject( pomUrl, pomUsername, pomPassword, null, true );
// Wait Struts Listener
assertProjectGroupSummaryPage( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription );
assertTextPresent( projectGroupScmRootUrl );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = { "testAddMavenTwoProject" } )
public void testEditProjectName()
throws Exception
// Create a project to use
// Navigate to project's edit page
assertPage("Continuum - Update Continuum Project");
// Edit the name of the project and save it
String newName = "New Name";
setFieldValue("projectSave_name", newName);
// Verify that the save succeeded
assertPage("Continuum - Continuum Project");
assertTextPresent(String.format("Continuum Project \"%s\"", newName));
* Test flat multi module project with names that start with the same letter
public void testAddMavenTwoProjectModuleNameWithSameLetter()
throws Exception
pomUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_SAME_LETTER_FLAT_POM_URL" );
pomUsername = "";
pomPassword = "";
projectGroupName = getProperty( "MAVEN2_SAME_LETTER_FLAT_PROJECT_GROUP_NAME" );
projectGroupId = getProperty( "MAVEN2_SAME_LETTER_FLAT_PROJECT_GROUP_ID" );
projectGroupDescription = getProperty( "MAVEN2_SAME_LETTER_FLAT_PROJECT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" );
projectGroupScmRootUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_SAME_LETTER_FLAT_PROJECT_GROUP_SCM_ROOT_URL" );
addMavenTwoProject( pomUrl, pomUsername, pomPassword, null, true );
assertProjectGroupSummaryPage( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription );
assertTextPresent( projectGroupScmRootUrl );
public void testAddMavenTwoProjectFromRemoteSourceToNonDefaultProjectGroup()
throws Exception
projectGroupName = getProperty( "MAVEN2_NON_DEFAULT_PROJECT_GROUP_NAME" );
projectGroupId = getProperty( "MAVEN2_NON_DEFAULT_PROJECT_GROUP_ID" );
projectGroupDescription = getProperty( "MAVEN2_NON_DEFAULT_PROJECT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" );
addProjectGroup( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription, true );
addMavenTwoProject( pomUrl, pomUsername, pomPassword, projectGroupName, true );
assertProjectGroupSummaryPage( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription );
assertTextPresent( projectGroupScmRootUrl );
public void testMoveProject()
throws Exception
addMavenTwoProject( pomUrl, pomUsername, pomPassword, null, true );
assertProjectGroupSummaryPage( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription );
assertTextPresent( projectGroupScmRootUrl );
String targetGroupName = getProperty( "MAVEN2_MOVE_PROJECT_TARGET_PROJECT_GROUP_NAME" );
String targetGroupId = getProperty( "MAVEN2_MOVE_PROJECT_TARGET_PROJECT_GROUP_ID" );
String targetGroupDescription = getProperty( "MAVEN2_MOVE_PROJECT_TARGET_PROJECT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" );
addProjectGroup( targetGroupName, targetGroupId, targetGroupDescription, true );
try {
// Move the project
moveProjectToProjectGroup( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription, projectName,
targetGroupName );
showProjectGroup( targetGroupName, targetGroupId, targetGroupDescription );
assertTextPresent( "Member Projects" );
assertTextPresent( projectName );
showProjectGroup( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription );
assertTextNotPresent( "Member Projects" );
} finally {
removeProjectGroup( targetGroupName, false );
* Test invalid pom url
public void testNoPomSpecified()
throws Exception
submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage( "" );
assertTextPresent( "Either POM URL or Upload POM is required." );
* Test when scm element is missing from pom
public void testMissingScmElementPom()
throws Exception
String pomUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_NO_SCM_POM_URL" );
submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage( pomUrl );
assertTextPresent( "Missing ''scm'' element in the POM, project Maven Two Project" );
* test with a malformed pom url
public void testMalformedPomUrl()
throws Exception
String pomUrl = "aaa";
submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage( pomUrl );
"The specified resource cannot be accessed. Please try again later or contact your administrator." );
* Test when the connection element is missing from the scm tag
public void testMissingConnectionElement()
throws Exception
String pomUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_MISS_CONNECTION_POM_URL" );
submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage( pomUrl );
assertTextPresent( "Missing 'connection' sub-element in the 'scm' element in the POM." );
* test unallowed file protocol
public void testNotAllowedProtocol()
throws Exception
String pomUrl = "file:///pom.xml";
submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage( pomUrl );
assertTextPresent( "The specified resource isn't a file or the protocol used isn't allowed." );
* Test when the parent pom is missing or not yet added in continuum
public void testMissingParentPom()
throws Exception
String pomUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_MISS_PARENT_POM_URL" );
submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage( pomUrl );
"Missing artifact trying to build the POM. Check that its parent POM is available or add it first in Continuum." );
* Test when the modules/subprojects specified in the pom are not found
public void testMissingModules()
throws Exception
String pomUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_MISS_SUBPRO_POM_URL" );
submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage( pomUrl );
assertTextPresent( "Unknown error trying to build POM." );
* test with an inaccessible pom url
public void testInaccessiblePomUrl()
throws Exception
String pomUrl = baseUrl + "/inaccessible-pom/";
submitAddMavenTwoProjectPage( pomUrl );
"POM file does not exist. Either the POM you specified or one of its modules does not exist." );
* test cancel button
public void testCancelButton()
clickButtonWithValue( "Cancel" );
public void testDeleteMavenTwoProject()
throws Exception
addMavenTwoProject( pomUrl, pomUsername, pomPassword, null, true );
assertLinkPresent( projectGroupName );
clickLinkWithText( projectGroupName );
assertPage( "Continuum - Project Group" );
assertTextPresent( projectGroupScmRootUrl );
// wait for project to finish checkout
clickLinkWithXPath( "//tbody/tr['0']/td['10']/a/img[@alt='Delete']" );
assertTextPresent( "Delete Continuum Project" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Delete" );
assertPage( "Continuum - Project Group" );
assertTextNotPresent( "Unable to delete project" );
assertLinkNotPresent( projectGroupName );
assertTextNotPresent( projectGroupScmRootUrl );
public void testDeleteMavenTwoProjects()
throws Exception
addMavenTwoProject( pomUrl, pomUsername, pomPassword, null, true );
assertLinkPresent( projectGroupName );
clickLinkWithText( projectGroupName );
assertPage( "Continuum - Project Group" );
//wait for project to finish checkout
checkField( "//tbody/tr['0']/td['0']/input[@name='selectedProjects']" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Delete Project(s)" );
assertTextPresent( "Delete Continuum Projects" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Delete" );
assertPage( "Continuum - Project Group" );
assertTextNotPresent( "Unable to delete project" );
assertLinkNotPresent( projectGroupName );
assertTextNotPresent( projectGroupScmRootUrl );
public void testBuildMaven2ProjectWithTag()
throws Exception
pomUrl = getProperty( "MAVEN2_PROJECT_WITH_TAG_POM_URL" );
pomUsername = "";
pomPassword = "";
projectGroupName = getProperty( "MAVEN2_PROJECT_WITH_TAG_POM_PROJECT_GROUP_NAME" );
projectGroupId = getProperty( "MAVEN2_PROJECT_WITH_TAG_POM_PROJECT_GROUP_ID" );
projectGroupDescription = getProperty( "MAVEN2_PROJECT_WITH_TAG_POM_PROJECT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" );
addMavenTwoProject( pomUrl, pomUsername, pomPassword, null, true );
assertProjectGroupSummaryPage( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription );
buildProjectGroup( projectGroupName, projectGroupId, projectGroupDescription, projectGroupName, true );