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Managing Build Definitions
Emmanuel Venisse
Olivier Lamy
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Managing Build Definitions
Each project or project group must have at least one attached build definition in order to build.
Depending on the project, you can define different values which will be used in order to build your project.
Continuum includes some default build definitions which can be changed in the <<{{{../../administrator_guides/builddefTemplate.html}Build Definition Templates}}>> screen.
You can add or edit build definitions at the <<Project Group level>> or at the <<Project level>>.
Project Group Build Definition
The project group level build definition is executed on all of the projects in the group. The following description
covers the fields for a Maven project, though the fields for other types are similar.
[../../images/buildDefGroup.png] Project Group Build Definitions
To add a build definition to your project group, under the <<Build Definitions>> tab in the <<Project Information>>
screen, click <<Add>>.
Supply the values for the necessary fields:
* Enter your <<POM filename>>, which is very likely the same as previous builds, <<<pom.xml>>>.
* In the <<Goals>> text box, enter your new goals. For example, <<<clean site deploy>>> or <<<release:branch>>>.
* You may have arguments for Maven, such as <<<--batch-mode --non-recursive>>>.
Add your arguments in the <<Arguments>> text box or leave it empty.
* Check <<Build Fresh>> to do a fresh checkout from SCM before the build process.
Check <<Always Build>> if you want to execute the goal every time you build the project.
If you want this build definition to be your default for building your project,
check the <<Is it default?>> check box.
* Select your build schedule from the pull-down menu. There will only be the <<<DEFAULT_SCHEDULE>>>
if you have not defined any others.
* Select from the pull-down menu the <<Build Environment>> for the build definition.
* Select the <<Type>> from the pull-down menu.
* Select the <<Update Policy>> from the pull-down menu. This describes when a Continuum project definition should
be updated if changes are detected in the Maven POM.
* You can supply a short description of the build definition (<<Description>>).
Click <<Save>> to complete the changes.
Project Build Definition
The project level build definition is executed for a specific project where the build definition is defined. The
following description covers the fields for a Maven project, though the fields for other types are similar.
[../../images/buildDefProject.png] Project Build Definitions
To add a build definition to your project, select a project within the group and under the <<Build Definitions>>
section in the <<Project Information>> screen, click <<Add>>.
The fields are the same as for a project group build definition.