blob: ae9bbaee43165b616ec9a4029e503afe9e0d19ae [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.continuum.web.util;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
* @author <a href="">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
* @version $Id$
public class WorkingCopyContentGenerator
extends AbstractLogEnabled
private File basedir;
private String urlParamSeparator;
private static DecimalFormat decFormatter = new DecimalFormat( "###.##" );
private static final long KILO = 1024;
private static final long MEGA = 1024 * KILO;
private static final long GIGA = 1024 * MEGA;
private boolean odd = false;
public String generate( List<File> files, String baseUrl, String imagesBaseUrl, File basedir )
this.basedir = basedir;
if ( baseUrl.indexOf( "?" ) > 0 )
urlParamSeparator = "&";
urlParamSeparator = "?";
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "<div class=\"eXtremeTable\" >" );
buf.append( "<table class=\"tableRegion\" width=\"100%\">\n" );
buf.append( "<tr class=\"odd\"><td><img src=\"" ).append( imagesBaseUrl ).append(
"icon_arrowfolder1_sml.gif\">&nbsp;<a href=\"" ).append( baseUrl ).append( urlParamSeparator ).append(
"userDirectory=/\">/</a><br /></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>" );
print( basedir, files, baseUrl, imagesBaseUrl, buf );
buf.append( "</table>\n" );
buf.append( "</div>\n" );
return buf.toString();
private void print( File basedir, List<File> files, String baseUrl, String imagesBaseUrl, StringBuffer buf )
for ( File f : files )
print( f, getIndent( basedir, f ), baseUrl, imagesBaseUrl, buf );
private void print( File f, String indent, String baseUrl, String imagesBaseUrl, StringBuffer buf )
String cssClass = odd ? "odd" : "even";
if ( !f.isDirectory() )
String fileName = f.getName();
if ( !".cvsignore".equals( fileName ) && !"vssver.scc".equals( fileName ) &&
!".DS_Store".equals( fileName ) && !"".equals( fileName ) )
String userDirectory;
if ( f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath().equals( basedir.getAbsolutePath() ) )
userDirectory = "/";
userDirectory =
f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath().substring( basedir.getAbsolutePath().length() + 1 );
userDirectory = StringUtils.replace( userDirectory, "\\", "/" );
buf.append( "<tr class=\"" ).append( cssClass ).append( "\">" );
buf.append( "<td width=\"98%\">" ).append( indent ).append( "&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=\"" ).append(
imagesBaseUrl ).append( "file.gif\">&nbsp;<a href=\"" ).append( baseUrl ).append(
urlParamSeparator ).append( "userDirectory=" ).append( userDirectory ).append( "&file=" ).append(
fileName ).append( "\">" ).append( fileName ).append( "</a></td><td width=\"1%\">" ).append(
getReadableFileSize( f.length() ) ).append( "</td><td width=\"1%\">" ).append(
getFormattedDate( f.lastModified() ) ).append( "</td>\n" );
buf.append( "</tr>\n" );
odd = !odd;
String directoryName = f.getName();
if ( !"CVS".equals( directoryName ) && !".svn".equals( directoryName ) && !"SCCS".equals( directoryName ) )
String userDirectory = f.getAbsolutePath().substring( basedir.getAbsolutePath().length() + 1 );
userDirectory = StringUtils.replace( userDirectory, "\\", "/" );
buf.append( "<tr class=\"" ).append( cssClass ).append( "\">" );
buf.append( "<td width=\"98%\">" ).append( indent ).append( "<img src=\"" ).append(
imagesBaseUrl ).append( "icon_arrowfolder1_sml.gif\">&nbsp;<a href =\"" ).append( baseUrl ).append(
urlParamSeparator ).append( "userDirectory=" ).append( userDirectory ).append( "\">" ).append(
directoryName ).append( "</a></td><td width=\"1%\">" + "&nbsp;" + "</td><td width=\"1%\">" ).append(
getFormattedDate( f.lastModified() ) ).append( "</td>" );
buf.append( "</tr>\n" );
odd = !odd;
private String getFormattedDate( long timestamp )
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTimeInMillis( timestamp );
Date date = cal.getTime();
String res = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa z" ).format( date );
return StringUtils.replace( res, " ", "&nbsp;" );
private static String getReadableFileSize( long fileSizeInBytes )
if ( fileSizeInBytes >= GIGA )
return decFormatter.format( fileSizeInBytes / GIGA ) + "&nbsp;Gb";
else if ( fileSizeInBytes >= MEGA )
return decFormatter.format( fileSizeInBytes / MEGA ) + "&nbsp;Mb";
else if ( fileSizeInBytes >= KILO )
return decFormatter.format( fileSizeInBytes / KILO ) + "&nbsp;Kb";
else if ( fileSizeInBytes > 0 && fileSizeInBytes < KILO )
return decFormatter.format( fileSizeInBytes ) + "&nbsp;b";
return "0&nbsp;b";
private String getIndent( File basedir, File userFile )
String root = basedir.getAbsolutePath();
String userdir;
if ( userFile.isDirectory() )
userdir = userFile.getAbsolutePath();
userdir = userFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath();
userdir = userdir.substring( root.length() );
StringBuffer indent = new StringBuffer();
while ( userdir.indexOf( File.separator ) >= 0 )
indent.append( "&nbsp;&nbsp;" );
userdir = userdir.substring( userdir.indexOf( File.separator ) + 1 );
return indent.toString();