blob: db9755d61b870048b5b90b37ff29e00f4700f4ba [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.continuum;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.continuum.buildagent.NoBuildAgentException;
import org.apache.continuum.buildagent.NoBuildAgentInGroupException;
import org.apache.continuum.builder.distributed.manager.DistributedBuildManager;
import org.apache.continuum.buildmanager.BuildManagerException;
import org.apache.continuum.buildmanager.BuildsManager;
import org.apache.continuum.buildqueue.BuildQueueService;
import org.apache.continuum.buildqueue.BuildQueueServiceException;
import org.apache.continuum.configuration.BuildAgentConfigurationException;
import org.apache.continuum.configuration.ContinuumConfigurationException;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.BuildDefinitionDao;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.BuildResultDao;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.ContinuumReleaseResultDao;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.DaoUtils;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.NotifierDao;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.ProjectDao;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.ProjectGroupDao;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.ProjectScmRootDao;
import org.apache.continuum.dao.ScheduleDao;
import org.apache.continuum.model.project.ProjectGroupSummary;
import org.apache.continuum.model.project.ProjectScmRoot;
import org.apache.continuum.model.release.ContinuumReleaseResult;
import org.apache.continuum.purge.ContinuumPurgeManager;
import org.apache.continuum.purge.PurgeConfigurationService;
import org.apache.continuum.release.config.ContinuumReleaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.continuum.release.distributed.manager.DistributedReleaseManager;
import org.apache.continuum.release.model.PreparedRelease;
import org.apache.continuum.repository.RepositoryService;
import org.apache.continuum.taskqueue.manager.TaskQueueManager;
import org.apache.continuum.taskqueue.manager.TaskQueueManagerException;
import org.apache.continuum.utils.ProjectSorter;
import org.apache.continuum.utils.file.FileSystemManager;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.builddefinition.BuildDefinitionService;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.builddefinition.BuildDefinitionServiceException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.configuration.ConfigurationLoadingException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.configuration.ConfigurationService;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.core.action.AbstractContinuumAction;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.core.action.CheckoutProjectContinuumAction;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.core.action.CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.core.action.StoreProjectAction;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.execution.ContinuumBuildExecutorConstants;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.execution.manager.BuildExecutorManager;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.initialization.ContinuumInitializationException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.initialization.ContinuumInitializer;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.installation.InstallationService;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinition;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinitionTemplate;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildQueue;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Project;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectGroup;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectNotifier;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Schedule;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ChangeSet;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.profile.ProfileService;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ContinuumProjectState;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.builder.ContinuumProjectBuildingResult;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.builder.maven.MavenOneContinuumProjectBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.builder.maven.MavenTwoContinuumProjectBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.release.ContinuumReleaseException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.release.ContinuumReleaseManager;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.utils.ContinuumUrlValidator;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.utils.WorkingDirectoryService;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseResult;
import org.codehaus.plexus.action.Action;
import org.codehaus.plexus.action.ActionManager;
import org.codehaus.plexus.action.ActionNotFoundException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement;
import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Initializable;
import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.InitializationException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Startable;
import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.StartingException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.StoppingException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
* @author <a href="">Trygve Laugst&oslash;l </a>
@Component( role = org.apache.maven.continuum.Continuum.class, hint = "default" )
public class DefaultContinuum
implements Continuum, Initializable, Startable
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( DefaultContinuum.class );
private ActionManager actionManager;
private ConfigurationService configurationService;
private DaoUtils daoUtils;
private BuildDefinitionDao buildDefinitionDao;
private BuildResultDao buildResultDao;
private NotifierDao notifierDao;
private ProjectDao projectDao;
private ProjectGroupDao projectGroupDao;
private ScheduleDao scheduleDao;
private ContinuumReleaseResultDao releaseResultDao;
private ProjectScmRootDao projectScmRootDao;
private ContinuumInitializer initializer;
private SchedulesActivator schedulesActivator;
private InstallationService installationService;
private ProfileService profileService;
private BuildDefinitionService buildDefinitionService;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Moved from core
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private ContinuumReleaseManager releaseManager;
private WorkingDirectoryService workingDirectoryService;
private BuildExecutorManager executorManager;
@Requirement( hint = "continuumUrl" )
private ContinuumUrlValidator urlValidator;
private boolean stopped = false;
private ContinuumPurgeManager purgeManager;
private RepositoryService repositoryService;
private PurgeConfigurationService purgeConfigurationService;
private TaskQueueManager taskQueueManager;
@Requirement( hint = "parallel" )
private BuildsManager parallelBuildsManager;
private BuildQueueService buildQueueService;
private DistributedBuildManager distributedBuildManager;
private DistributedReleaseManager distributedReleaseManager;
private FileSystemManager fsManager;
public DefaultContinuum()
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook( new Thread()
public void run()
} );
public ContinuumReleaseManager getReleaseManager()
return releaseManager;
public ContinuumPurgeManager getPurgeManager()
return purgeManager;
public RepositoryService getRepositoryService()
return repositoryService;
public TaskQueueManager getTaskQueueManager()
return taskQueueManager;
public PurgeConfigurationService getPurgeConfigurationService()
return purgeConfigurationService;
public BuildsManager getBuildsManager()
return parallelBuildsManager;
public DistributedReleaseManager getDistributedReleaseManager()
return distributedReleaseManager;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Project Groups
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public ProjectGroup getProjectGroup( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectGroupDao.getProjectGroup( projectGroupId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "invalid group id", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while querying for project group.", e );
public ProjectGroup getProjectGroupWithProjects( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupWithProjects( projectGroupId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "could not find project group containing " + projectGroupId );
public ProjectGroup getProjectGroupByProjectId( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupByProjectId( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "could not find project group containing " + projectId );
public void removeProjectGroup( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupWithProjects( projectGroupId );
if ( projectGroup != null )
List<Project> projects = projectGroup.getProjects();
int[] projectIds = new int[projects.size()];
int idx = 0;
for ( Project project : projects )
projectIds[idx] = project.getId();
// check if any project is still being checked out
// canceling the checkout and proceeding with the delete results to a cannot delete directory error!
if ( parallelBuildsManager.isAnyProjectCurrentlyBeingCheckedOut( projectIds ) )
throw new ContinuumException(
"unable to remove group while project is being checked out" );
if ( parallelBuildsManager.isAnyProjectCurrentlyPreparingBuild( projectIds ) )
throw new ContinuumException(
"unable to remove group while build is being prepared" );
if ( parallelBuildsManager.isAnyProjectCurrentlyBuilding( projectIds ) )
throw new ContinuumException(
"unable to remove group while project is building" );
if ( isAnyProjectsInReleaseStage( projects ) )
throw new ContinuumException(
"unable to remove group while project is being released" );
catch ( BuildManagerException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage() );
for ( int projectId : projectIds )
removeProject( projectId );
// check if there are any project scm root left
List<ProjectScmRoot> scmRoots = getProjectScmRootByProjectGroup( projectGroupId );
for ( ProjectScmRoot scmRoot : scmRoots )
removeProjectScmRoot( scmRoot );
} "Remove project group " + projectGroup.getName() + "(" + projectGroup.getId() + ")" );
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectGroupId( context, projectGroup.getId() );
executeAction( "remove-assignable-roles", context );
projectGroupDao.removeProjectGroup( projectGroup );
public void addProjectGroup( ProjectGroup projectGroup )
throws ContinuumException
ProjectGroup pg = null;
pg = projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupByGroupId( projectGroup.getGroupId() );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
//since we want to add a new project group, we should be getting
//this exception
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to add the requested project group", e );
if ( pg == null )
projectGroup.setName( projectGroup.getName().trim() );
ProjectGroup new_pg = projectGroupDao.addProjectGroup( projectGroup );
buildDefinitionService.addBuildDefinitionTemplateToProjectGroup( new_pg.getId(),
buildDefinitionService.getDefaultMavenTwoBuildDefinitionTemplate() );
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectGroupId( context, new_pg.getId() );
executeAction( "add-assignable-roles", context ); "Added new project group: " + new_pg.getName() );
catch ( BuildDefinitionServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to add the requested project group: groupId already exists." );
public List<ProjectGroup> getAllProjectGroups()
return new ArrayList<ProjectGroup>( projectGroupDao.getAllProjectGroups() );
public ProjectGroup getProjectGroupByGroupId( String groupId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupByGroupId( groupId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to find project group", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving", e );
public ProjectGroup getProjectGroupByGroupIdWithBuildDetails( String groupId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupByGroupIdWithBuildDetails( groupId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to find project group", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving", e );
public List<ProjectGroup> getAllProjectGroupsWithRepository( int repositoryId )
return projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupByRepository( repositoryId );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Projects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* TODO: Remove this method
public Collection<Project> getProjects()
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getAllProjectsByName();
* TODO: Remove this method
public Collection<Project> getProjectsWithDependencies()
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getAllProjectsByNameWithDependencies();
public Map<Integer, BuildResult> getLatestBuildResults( int projectGroupId )
Map<Integer, BuildResult> result = buildResultDao.getLatestBuildResultsByProjectGroupId( projectGroupId );
if ( result == null )
result = new HashMap<Integer, BuildResult>();
return result;
public Map<Integer, BuildResult> getBuildResultsInSuccess( int projectGroupId )
Map<Integer, BuildResult> result = buildResultDao.getBuildResultsInSuccessByProjectGroupId( projectGroupId );
if ( result == null )
result = new HashMap<Integer, BuildResult>();
return result;
public BuildResult getLatestBuildResultForProject( int projectId )
return buildResultDao.getLatestBuildResultForProject( projectId );
public List<BuildResult> getBuildResultsInRange( Collection<Integer> projectGroupIds, Date fromDate, Date toDate,
int state, String triggeredBy, int offset, int length )
return buildResultDao.getBuildResultsInRange( fromDate, toDate, state, triggeredBy, projectGroupIds, offset,
length );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void removeProject( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
Project project = getProject( projectId );
if ( parallelBuildsManager.isProjectCurrentlyBeingCheckedOut( projectId ) )
throw new ContinuumException(
"Unable to remove project " + projectId + " because it is currently being checked out" );
if ( parallelBuildsManager.isProjectInAnyCurrentBuild( projectId ) )
throw new ContinuumException(
"Unable to remove project " + projectId + " because it is currently building" );
catch ( BuildManagerException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
if ( isProjectInReleaseStage( project ) )
throw new ContinuumException(
"Unable to remove project " + projectId + " because it is in release stage" );
parallelBuildsManager.removeProjectFromCheckoutQueue( projectId );
parallelBuildsManager.removeProjectFromBuildQueue( projectId );
catch ( BuildManagerException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
List<ContinuumReleaseResult> releaseResults = releaseResultDao.getContinuumReleaseResultsByProject(
projectId );
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = getProjectScmRootByProject( projectId );
for ( ContinuumReleaseResult releaseResult : releaseResults )
releaseResultDao.removeContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResult );
File releaseOutputDirectory = configurationService.getReleaseOutputDirectory(
project.getProjectGroup().getId() );
if ( releaseOutputDirectory != null )
fsManager.removeDir( releaseOutputDirectory );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while deleting continuum release result of project group", e );
catch ( IOException e )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while deleting project group release output directory.", e );
} "Remove project " + project.getName() + "(" + projectId + ")" );
// remove dependencies first to avoid key clash with build results
project = projectDao.getProjectWithDependencies( projectId );
project.setParent( null );
projectDao.updateProject( project );
// Remove build results in batches: the number of results could be very large
int batchSize = 100;
Collection<BuildResult> buildResults;
buildResults = buildResultDao.getBuildResultsForProject( projectId, 0, batchSize, true );
for ( BuildResult br : buildResults )
br.setBuildDefinition( null );
//Remove all modified dependencies to prevent SQL errors
buildResultDao.updateBuildResult( br );
removeBuildResult( br );
while ( buildResults != null && buildResults.size() > 0 );
File workingDirectory = getWorkingDirectory( projectId );
fsManager.removeDir( workingDirectory );
File buildOutputDirectory = configurationService.getBuildOutputDirectory( projectId );
fsManager.removeDir( buildOutputDirectory );
projectDao.removeProject( projectDao.getProject( projectId ) );
removeProjectScmRoot( scmRoot );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while removing project in database.", ex );
catch ( IOException e )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while deleting project working directory.", e );
* @see org.apache.maven.continuum.Continuum#checkoutProject(int)
public void checkoutProject( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectId( context, projectId );
BuildDefinition buildDefinition = buildDefinitionDao.getDefaultBuildDefinition( projectId );
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, buildDefinition );
executeAction( "add-project-to-checkout-queue", context );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
public Project getProject( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getProject( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Exception while getting project '" + projectId + "'.", ex );
public Project getProjectWithBuildDetails( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getProjectWithBuildDetails( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Exception while getting project '" + projectId + "'.", ex );
public Map<Integer, ProjectGroupSummary> getProjectsSummaryByGroups()
return projectDao.getProjectsSummary();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Building
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void buildProjects( String username )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
buildProjects( new BuildTrigger( ContinuumProjectState.TRIGGER_FORCED, username ) );
public void buildProjectsWithBuildDefinition( List<Project> projects, List<BuildDefinition> bds )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
Collection<Project> filteredProjectsList = getProjectsNotInReleaseStage( projects );
prepareBuildProjects( filteredProjectsList, bds, true, new BuildTrigger( ContinuumProjectState.TRIGGER_FORCED,
"" ) );
public void buildProjectsWithBuildDefinition( List<Project> projects, int buildDefinitionId )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
Collection<Project> filteredProjectsList = getProjectsNotInReleaseStage( projects );
prepareBuildProjects( filteredProjectsList, buildDefinitionId, new BuildTrigger(
ContinuumProjectState.TRIGGER_FORCED, "" ) );
* fire of the builds of all projects across all project groups using their default build definitions
* TODO:Remove this method
* @param buildTrigger
* @throws ContinuumException
public void buildProjects( BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
Collection<Project> projectsList = getProjectsInBuildOrder();
Collection<Project> filteredProjectsList = getProjectsNotInReleaseStage( projectsList );
prepareBuildProjects( filteredProjectsList, null, true, buildTrigger );
* fire off a build for all of the projects in a project group using their default builds
* @param projectGroupId
* @param buildTrigger
* @throws ContinuumException
public void buildProjectGroup( int projectGroupId, BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
List<BuildDefinition> groupDefaultBDs;
if ( !isAnyProjectInGroupInReleaseStage( projectGroupId ) )
groupDefaultBDs = getDefaultBuildDefinitionsForProjectGroup( projectGroupId );
buildProjectGroupWithBuildDefinition( projectGroupId, groupDefaultBDs, true, buildTrigger );
* fire off a build for all of the projects in a project group using their default builds.
* @param projectGroupId the project group id
* @param buildDefinitionId the build definition id to use
* @param buildTrigger the trigger state and the username
* @throws ContinuumException
public void buildProjectGroupWithBuildDefinition( int projectGroupId, int buildDefinitionId,
BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
if ( !isAnyProjectInGroupInReleaseStage( projectGroupId ) )
List<BuildDefinition> bds = new ArrayList<BuildDefinition>();
BuildDefinition bd = getBuildDefinition( buildDefinitionId );
if ( bd != null )
bds.add( bd );
buildProjectGroupWithBuildDefinition( projectGroupId, bds, false, buildTrigger );
* fire off a build for all of the projects in a project group using their default builds
* @param projectGroupId
* @param bds
* @param checkDefaultBuildDefinitionForProject
* @param buildTrigger
* @throws ContinuumException
private void buildProjectGroupWithBuildDefinition( int projectGroupId, List<BuildDefinition> bds,
boolean checkDefaultBuildDefinitionForProject,
BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
if ( !isAnyProjectInGroupInReleaseStage( projectGroupId ) )
Collection<Project> projectsList;
projectsList = getProjectsInBuildOrder( projectDao.getProjectsWithDependenciesByGroupId( projectGroupId ) );
buildTrigger.setTrigger( ContinuumProjectState.TRIGGER_FORCED );
prepareBuildProjects( projectsList, bds, checkDefaultBuildDefinitionForProject, buildTrigger );
* takes a given schedule and determines which projects need to build
* The build order is determined by the dependencies
* @param schedule The schedule
* @throws ContinuumException
public void buildProjects( Schedule schedule )
throws ContinuumException
Collection<Project> projectsList;
Map<Integer, Object> projectsMap;
projectsMap = daoUtils.getAggregatedProjectIdsAndBuildDefinitionIdsBySchedule( schedule.getId() );
if ( projectsMap == null || projectsMap.size() == 0 )
log.debug( "no builds attached to schedule" );
schedulesActivator.unactivateOrphanBuildSchedule( schedule );
catch ( SchedulesActivationException e )
log.debug( "Can't unactivate orphan shcedule for buildDefinitions" );
// We don't have projects attached to this schedule. This is because it's only is setting for a
// templateBuildDefinition
//TODO: As all projects are built in the same queue for a project group, it would be better to get them by
// project group and add them in queues in parallel to save few seconds
projectsList = getProjectsInBuildOrder();
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Can't get project list for schedule " + schedule.getName(), e );
Map<ProjectScmRoot, Map<Integer, Integer>> map = new HashMap<ProjectScmRoot, Map<Integer, Integer>>();
List<ProjectScmRoot> sortedScmRoot = new ArrayList<ProjectScmRoot>();
boolean signalIgnored = false;
for ( Project project : projectsList )
List<Integer> buildDefIds = (List<Integer>) projectsMap.get( project.getId() );
int projectId = project.getId();
if ( buildDefIds != null && !buildDefIds.isEmpty() )
for ( Integer buildDefId : buildDefIds )
assertBuildable( project.getId(), buildDefId );
catch ( BuildException be )
{ "project not queued for build preparation: {}", be.getLocalizedMessage() );
signalIgnored = true;
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = getProjectScmRootByProject( project.getId() );
Map<Integer, Integer> projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap = map.get( scmRoot );
if ( projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap == null )
projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap.put( projectId, buildDefId );
map.put( scmRoot, projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap );
if ( !sortedScmRoot.contains( scmRoot ) )
sortedScmRoot.add( scmRoot );
BuildTrigger buildTrigger = new BuildTrigger( ContinuumProjectState.TRIGGER_SCHEDULED, schedule.getName() );
for ( ProjectScmRoot scmRoot : sortedScmRoot )
prepareBuildProjects( map.get( scmRoot ), buildTrigger, scmRoot.getScmRootAddress(),
scmRoot.getProjectGroup().getId(), scmRoot.getId(), sortedScmRoot );
catch ( NoBuildAgentException e )
log.error( "Unable to build projects in project group " + scmRoot.getProjectGroup().getName() +
" because there is no build agent configured" );
catch ( NoBuildAgentInGroupException e )
log.error( "Unable to build projects in project group " + scmRoot.getProjectGroup().getName() +
" because there is no build agent configured in build agent group" );
if ( signalIgnored )
throw new BuildException( "some projects were not queued due to their current build state",
"build.projects.someNotQueued" );
public void buildProject( int projectId, String username )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
buildProject( projectId, new BuildTrigger( ContinuumProjectState.TRIGGER_FORCED, username ) );
public void buildProjectWithBuildDefinition( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId, BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
buildTrigger.setTrigger( ContinuumProjectState.TRIGGER_FORCED );
buildProject( projectId, buildDefinitionId, buildTrigger );
public void buildProject( int projectId, BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
Project project = getProject( projectId );
if ( isProjectInReleaseStage( project ) )
throw new ContinuumException( "Project (id=" + projectId + ") is currently in release stage." );
BuildDefinition buildDef = getDefaultBuildDefinition( projectId );
if ( buildDef == null )
throw new ContinuumException( "Project (id=" + projectId + ") doesn't have a default build definition." );
assertBuildable( projectId, buildDef.getId() );
Map<Integer, Integer> projectsBuildDefinitionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
projectsBuildDefinitionsMap.put( projectId, buildDef.getId() );
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = getProjectScmRootByProject( projectId );
List<ProjectScmRoot> sortedScmRoot = new ArrayList<ProjectScmRoot>();
sortedScmRoot.add( scmRoot );
prepareBuildProjects( projectsBuildDefinitionsMap, buildTrigger, scmRoot.getScmRootAddress(),
scmRoot.getProjectGroup().getId(), scmRoot.getId(), sortedScmRoot );
public void buildProject( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId, BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
Project project = getProject( projectId );
if ( isProjectInReleaseStage( project ) )
throw new ContinuumException( "Project (id=" + projectId + ") is currently in release stage." );
assertBuildable( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
Map<Integer, Integer> projectsBuildDefinitionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
projectsBuildDefinitionsMap.put( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = getProjectScmRootByProject( projectId );
List<ProjectScmRoot> sortedScmRoot = new ArrayList<ProjectScmRoot>();
sortedScmRoot.add( scmRoot );
prepareBuildProjects( projectsBuildDefinitionsMap, buildTrigger, scmRoot.getScmRootAddress(),
scmRoot.getProjectGroup().getId(), scmRoot.getId(), sortedScmRoot );
public BuildResult getBuildResult( int buildId )
throws ContinuumException
return buildResultDao.getBuildResult( buildId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw logAndCreateException( "Exception while getting build result for project.", e );
public void removeBuildResult( int buildId )
throws ContinuumException
BuildResult buildResult = getBuildResult( buildId );
// check first if build result is currently being used by a building project
Project project = buildResult.getProject();
BuildResult bResult = getLatestBuildResultForProject( project.getId() );
if ( bResult != null && buildResult.getId() == bResult.getId() &&
parallelBuildsManager.isProjectInAnyCurrentBuild( project.getId() ) )
throw new ContinuumException(
"Unable to remove build result because it is currently being used by a building project " +
project.getId() );
int projectId = buildResult.getProject().getId();
int buildDefId = buildResult.getBuildDefinition().getId();
boolean resultPending = false;
resultPending =
distributedBuildManager.getCurrentRun( projectId, buildDefId ).getBuildResultId() == buildId;
catch ( ContinuumException e )
// No current run for given project/builddef
if ( resultPending )
throw new ContinuumException(
String.format( "Unable to remove build result %s, response is pending from build agent %s.",
buildId, buildResult.getBuildUrl() ) );
catch ( BuildManagerException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
buildResult.setBuildDefinition( null );
buildResultDao.updateBuildResult( buildResult );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while removing build result in database.", e );
removeBuildResult( buildResult );
private void removeBuildResult( BuildResult buildResult )
buildResultDao.removeBuildResult( buildResult );
// cleanup some files
File buildOutputDirectory = getConfiguration().getBuildOutputDirectory( buildResult.getProject().getId() );
File buildDirectory = new File( buildOutputDirectory, Integer.toString( buildResult.getId() ) );
if ( buildDirectory.exists() )
fsManager.removeDir( buildDirectory );
File buildOutputFile = getConfiguration().getBuildOutputFile( buildResult.getId(),
buildResult.getProject().getId() );
if ( buildOutputFile.exists() )
fsManager.delete( buildOutputFile );
catch ( ConfigurationException e )
{ "skip error during cleanup build files " + e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( IOException e )
{ "skip IOException during cleanup build files " + e.getMessage(), e );
public String getBuildOutput( int projectId, int buildId )
throws ContinuumException
return configurationService.getBuildOutput( buildId, projectId );
catch ( ConfigurationException e )
throw logAndCreateException( "Exception while getting build result for project.", e );
* TODO: Must be done by build definition
public List<ChangeSet> getChangesSinceLastSuccess( int projectId, int buildResultId )
throws ContinuumException
BuildResult previousBuildResult = null;
previousBuildResult = buildResultDao.getPreviousBuildResultInSuccess( projectId, buildResultId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
//No previous build in success, Nothing to do
int lastSuccessId = previousBuildResult == null ? 0 : previousBuildResult.getId();
ArrayList<BuildResult> buildResults = new ArrayList<BuildResult>(
buildResultDao.getBuildResultsForProjectWithDetails( projectId, lastSuccessId, buildResultId ) );
Iterator<BuildResult> buildResultsIterator = buildResults.iterator();
boolean stop = false;
//TODO: Shouldn't be used now with the previous call of buildResultDao.getBuildResultsForProjectWithDetails
while ( !stop )
if ( buildResultsIterator.hasNext() )
BuildResult buildResult =;
if ( buildResult.getId() == buildResultId )
stop = true;
stop = true;
if ( !buildResultsIterator.hasNext() )
return null;
BuildResult buildResult =;
List<ChangeSet> changes = null;
while ( buildResult.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.OK )
if ( changes == null )
changes = new ArrayList<ChangeSet>();
ScmResult scmResult = buildResult.getScmResult();
if ( scmResult != null )
changes.addAll( scmResult.getChanges() );
if ( !buildResultsIterator.hasNext() )
return changes;
buildResult =;
if ( changes == null )
changes = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
return changes;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* TODO: Remove this method when it won't be used
private List<Project> getProjectsInBuildOrder()
throws ContinuumException
return getProjectsInBuildOrder( getProjectsWithDependencies() );
* take a collection of projects and sort for order
* @param projects
* @return
public List<Project> getProjectsInBuildOrder( Collection<Project> projects )
if ( projects == null || projects.isEmpty() )
return new ArrayList<Project>();
return ProjectSorter.getSortedProjects( projects, log );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Maven 1.x projects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenOneProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
return addMavenOneProject( metadataUrl, projectGroupId, true );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenOneProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol )
throws ContinuumException
return addMavenOneProject( metadataUrl, projectGroupId, checkProtocol, false );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenOneProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol, boolean useCredentialsCache )
throws ContinuumException
return addMavenOneProject( metadataUrl, projectGroupId, checkProtocol, useCredentialsCache,
buildDefinitionService.getDefaultMavenOneBuildDefinitionTemplate().getId() );
catch ( BuildDefinitionServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenOneProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol, boolean useCredentialsCache,
int buildDefinitionTemplateId )
throws ContinuumException
return executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( metadataUrl, MavenOneContinuumProjectBuilder.ID, projectGroupId,
checkProtocol, useCredentialsCache, true,
buildDefinitionTemplateId, false );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Maven 2.x projects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenTwoProject( String metadataUrl )
throws ContinuumException
return addMavenTwoProject( metadataUrl, true );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenTwoProject( String metadataUrl, boolean checkProtocol )
throws ContinuumException
return executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( metadataUrl, MavenTwoContinuumProjectBuilder.ID, -1,
buildDefinitionService.getDefaultMavenTwoBuildDefinitionTemplate().getId() );
catch ( BuildDefinitionServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenTwoProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
return addMavenTwoProject( metadataUrl, projectGroupId, true );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenTwoProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol )
throws ContinuumException
return addMavenTwoProject( metadataUrl, projectGroupId, checkProtocol, false );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenTwoProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol, boolean useCredentialsCache )
throws ContinuumException
return executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( metadataUrl, MavenTwoContinuumProjectBuilder.ID,
projectGroupId, checkProtocol, useCredentialsCache, true,
false );
catch ( BuildDefinitionServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenTwoProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol, boolean useCredentialsCache,
boolean recursiveProjects )
throws ContinuumException
return executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( metadataUrl, MavenTwoContinuumProjectBuilder.ID,
projectGroupId, checkProtocol, useCredentialsCache,
false );
catch ( BuildDefinitionServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
public ContinuumProjectBuildingResult addMavenTwoProject( String metadataUrl, int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol, boolean useCredentialsCache,
boolean recursiveProjects, int buildDefinitionTemplateId,
boolean checkoutInSingleDirectory )
throws ContinuumException
return executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( metadataUrl, MavenTwoContinuumProjectBuilder.ID, projectGroupId,
checkProtocol, useCredentialsCache, recursiveProjects,
buildDefinitionTemplateId, checkoutInSingleDirectory );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shell projects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public int addProject( Project project, String executorId, int groupId )
throws ContinuumException
return addProject( project, executorId, groupId, -1 );
* @see org.apache.maven.continuum.Continuum#addProject(org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Project, java.lang.String, int, int)
public int addProject( Project project, String executorId, int groupId, int buildDefinitionTemplateId )
throws ContinuumException
project.setExecutorId( executorId );
return executeAddProjectFromScmActivity( project, groupId, buildDefinitionTemplateId );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Activities. These should end up as workflows in werkflow
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private int executeAddProjectFromScmActivity( Project project, int groupId, int buildDefinitionTemplateId )
throws ContinuumException
String executorId = project.getExecutorId();
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupWithBuildDetails( groupId );
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String scmUrl = project.getScmUrl();
List<ProjectScmRoot> scmRoots = getProjectScmRootByProjectGroup( groupId );
boolean found = false;
for ( ProjectScmRoot scmRoot : scmRoots )
if ( scmUrl.startsWith( scmRoot.getScmRootAddress() ) )
found = true;
if ( !found )
createProjectScmRoot( projectGroup, scmUrl );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
AbstractContinuumAction.setWorkingDirectory( context, getWorkingDirectory() );
AbstractContinuumAction.setUnvalidatedProject( context, project );
AbstractContinuumAction.setUnvalidatedProjectGroup( context, projectGroup );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectGroupId( context, projectGroup.getId() );
StoreProjectAction.setUseScmCredentialsCache( context, project.isScmUseCache() );
// set for initial checkout
String scmUsername = project.getScmUsername();
String scmPassword = project.getScmPassword();
if ( scmUsername != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty( scmUsername ) )
CheckoutProjectContinuumAction.setScmUsername( context, scmUsername );
if ( scmPassword != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty( scmPassword ) )
CheckoutProjectContinuumAction.setScmPassword( context, scmPassword );
executeAction( "validate-project", context );
executeAction( "store-project", context );
BuildDefinitionTemplate bdt;
if ( executorId.equalsIgnoreCase( ContinuumBuildExecutorConstants.ANT_BUILD_EXECUTOR ) )
if ( buildDefinitionTemplateId <= 0 )
bdt = buildDefinitionService.getDefaultAntBuildDefinitionTemplate();
bdt = buildDefinitionService.getBuildDefinitionTemplate( buildDefinitionTemplateId );
//shell default
if ( buildDefinitionTemplateId <= 0 )
bdt = buildDefinitionService.getDefaultShellBuildDefinitionTemplate();
bdt = buildDefinitionService.getBuildDefinitionTemplate( buildDefinitionTemplateId );
buildDefinitionService.addTemplateInProject( bdt.getId(), getProject( AbstractContinuumAction.getProjectId(
context ) ) );
catch ( BuildDefinitionServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
if ( !configurationService.isDistributedBuildEnabled() )
// used by BuildManager to determine on which build queue will the project be put
BuildDefinition bd = (BuildDefinition) getProjectWithBuildDetails( AbstractContinuumAction.getProjectId(
context ) ).getBuildDefinitions().get( 0 );
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, bd );
executeAction( "add-project-to-checkout-queue", context );
executeAction( "add-assignable-roles", context );
return AbstractContinuumAction.getProjectId( context );
private ContinuumProjectBuildingResult executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( String metadataUrl,
String projectBuilderId,
int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol,
int buildDefinitionTemplateId )
throws ContinuumException
return executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( metadataUrl, projectBuilderId, projectGroupId, checkProtocol,
false, false, buildDefinitionTemplateId, false );
protected ContinuumProjectBuildingResult executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( String metadataUrl,
String projectBuilderId,
int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol,
boolean useCredentialsCache,
boolean loadRecursiveProjects,
int buildDefinitionTemplateId,
boolean addAssignableRoles,
boolean checkoutInSingleDirectory )
throws ContinuumException
if ( checkProtocol )
if ( !urlValidator.validate( metadataUrl ) )
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult res = new ContinuumProjectBuildingResult();
res.addError( ContinuumProjectBuildingResult.ERROR_PROTOCOL_NOT_ALLOWED );
return res;
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction.setProjectBuilderId( context, projectBuilderId );
CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction.setUrl( context, metadataUrl );
CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction.setLoadRecursiveProject( context, loadRecursiveProjects );
StoreProjectAction.setUseScmCredentialsCache( context, useCredentialsCache );
AbstractContinuumAction.setWorkingDirectory( context, getWorkingDirectory() );
CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction.setCheckoutProjectsInSingleDirectory( context, checkoutInSingleDirectory );
// CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction will check null and use default
if ( buildDefinitionTemplateId > 0 )
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinitionTemplate( context,
buildDefinitionTemplateId ) );
catch ( BuildDefinitionServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create the projects from the URL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ProjectGroup projectGroup;
if ( projectGroupId != -1 )
CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction.setProjectGroupId( context, projectGroupId );
executeAction( "create-projects-from-metadata", context );
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result = CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction.getProjectBuildingResult( context );
if ( log.isInfoEnabled() )
if ( result.getProjects() != null )
{ "Created " + result.getProjects().size() + " projects." );
if ( result.getProjectGroups() != null )
{ "Created " + result.getProjectGroups().size() + " project groups." );
} result.getErrors().size() + " errors." );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Look for any errors.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( result.hasErrors() )
{ result.getErrors().size() + " errors during project add: " ); result.getErrorsAsString() );
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Save any new project groups that we've found. Currently all projects
// will go into the first project group in the list.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( result.getProjectGroups().size() != 1 )
throw new ContinuumException( "The project building result has to contain exactly one project group." );
boolean projectGroupCreation = false;
if ( projectGroupId == -1 )
projectGroup = result.getProjectGroups().iterator().next();
projectGroup = projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupByGroupId( projectGroup.getGroupId() );
projectGroupId = projectGroup.getId(); "Using existing project group with the group id: '" + projectGroup.getGroupId() + "'." );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
{ "Creating project group with the group id: '" + projectGroup.getGroupId() + "'." );
Map<String, Object> pgContext = new HashMap<String, Object>();
AbstractContinuumAction.setWorkingDirectory( pgContext, getWorkingDirectory() );
AbstractContinuumAction.setUnvalidatedProjectGroup( pgContext, projectGroup );
executeAction( "validate-project-group", pgContext );
executeAction( "store-project-group", pgContext );
projectGroupId = AbstractContinuumAction.getProjectGroupId( pgContext );
projectGroupCreation = true;
projectGroup = projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupWithBuildDetailsByProjectGroupId( projectGroupId );
//String url = CreateProjectsFromMetadataAction.getUrl( context );
String url = AbstractContinuumAction.getProjectScmRootUrl( context, null );
List<ProjectScmRoot> scmRoots = getProjectScmRootByProjectGroup( projectGroup.getId() );
boolean found = false;
for ( ProjectScmRoot scmRoot : scmRoots )
if ( url.startsWith( scmRoot.getScmRootAddress() ) )
found = true;
if ( !found )
createProjectScmRoot( projectGroup, url );
/* add the project group loaded from database, which has more info, like id */
result.getProjectGroups().remove( 0 );
result.getProjectGroups().add( projectGroup );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while querying for project group.", e );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Save all the projects if recursive mode asked
// TODO: Validate all the projects before saving them
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
List<Project> projects = result.getProjects();
String scmUserName = null;
String scmPassword = null;
for ( Project project : projects )
checkForDuplicateProjectInGroup( projectGroup, project, result );
if ( result.hasErrors() )
{ result.getErrors().size() + " errors during project add: " ); result.getErrorsAsString() );
return result;
project.setScmUseCache( useCredentialsCache );
// values backup for first checkout
scmUserName = project.getScmUsername();
scmPassword = project.getScmPassword();
// CONTINUUM-1792 : we don't store it
if ( useCredentialsCache )
project.setScmUsername( null );
project.setScmPassword( null );
projectGroup.addProject( project );
projectGroupDao.updateProjectGroup( projectGroup );
if ( !checkoutInSingleDirectory )
for ( Project project : projects )
context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Project fetchedProject = projectDao.getProjectWithBuildDetails( project.getId() );
addProjectToCheckoutQueue( projectBuilderId, buildDefinitionTemplateId, context,
projectGroupCreation, scmUserName, scmPassword, project,
isDefaultProjectBuildDefSet( fetchedProject ) );
Project project = result.getRootProject();
if ( project != null )
String scmRootUrl = AbstractContinuumAction.getProjectScmRootUrl( context, null );
context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectScmRootUrl( context, scmRootUrl );
List<Project> projectsWithSimilarScmRoot = new ArrayList<Project>();
for ( Project projectWithSimilarScmRoot : projects )
projectsWithSimilarScmRoot.add( projectWithSimilarScmRoot );
AbstractContinuumAction.setListOfProjectsInGroupWithCommonScmRoot( context,
projectsWithSimilarScmRoot );
Project fetchedProject = projectDao.getProjectWithBuildDetails( project.getId() );
addProjectToCheckoutQueue( projectBuilderId, buildDefinitionTemplateId, context,
projectGroupCreation, scmUserName, scmPassword, project,
isDefaultProjectBuildDefSet( fetchedProject ) );
catch ( BuildDefinitionServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error attaching buildDefintionTemplate to project ", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error adding projects from modules", e );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectGroupId( context, projectGroup.getId() );
// add the relevant security administration roles for this project
if ( addAssignableRoles )
executeAction( "add-assignable-roles", context );
return result;
private boolean isDefaultProjectBuildDefSet( Project project )
for ( BuildDefinition bd : project.getBuildDefinitions() )
if ( bd.isDefaultForProject() )
return true;
return false;
private void addProjectToCheckoutQueue( String projectBuilderId, int buildDefinitionTemplateId,
Map<String, Object> context, boolean projectGroupCreation,
String scmUserName, String scmPassword, Project project,
boolean defaultProjectBuildDefSet )
throws BuildDefinitionServiceException, ContinuumStoreException, ContinuumException
// CONTINUUM-1953 olamy : attached buildDefs from template here
// if no group creation
if ( !projectGroupCreation && buildDefinitionTemplateId > 0 && !defaultProjectBuildDefSet )
buildDefinitionService.addTemplateInProject( buildDefinitionTemplateId, projectDao.getProject(
project.getId() ) );
AbstractContinuumAction.setUnvalidatedProject( context, project );
// executeAction( "validate-project", context );
// executeAction( "store-project", context );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectId( context, project.getId() );
// does the scm username & password really have to be set in the project?
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( scmUserName ) )
project.setScmUsername( scmUserName );
CheckoutProjectContinuumAction.setScmUsername( context, scmUserName );
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( scmPassword ) )
project.setScmPassword( scmPassword );
CheckoutProjectContinuumAction.setScmPassword( context, scmPassword );
// olamy : read again the project to have values because store.updateProjectGroup( projectGroup );
// remove object data -> we don't display the project name in the build queue
AbstractContinuumAction.setProject( context, projectDao.getProject( project.getId() ) );
BuildDefinition defaultBuildDefinition = null;
BuildDefinitionTemplate template = null;
if ( projectBuilderId.equals( MavenTwoContinuumProjectBuilder.ID ) )
template = buildDefinitionService.getDefaultMavenTwoBuildDefinitionTemplate();
if ( template != null && template.getBuildDefinitions().size() > 0 )
defaultBuildDefinition = template.getBuildDefinitions().get( 0 );
else if ( projectBuilderId.equals( MavenOneContinuumProjectBuilder.ID ) )
template = buildDefinitionService.getDefaultMavenOneBuildDefinitionTemplate();
if ( template != null && template.getBuildDefinitions().size() > 0 )
defaultBuildDefinition = template.getBuildDefinitions().get( 0 );
if ( defaultBuildDefinition == null )
// do not throw exception
// project already added so might as well continue with the rest
log.warn( "No default build definition found in the template. Project cannot be checked out." );
// used by BuildManager to determine on which build queue will the project be put
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, defaultBuildDefinition );
if ( !configurationService.isDistributedBuildEnabled() )
executeAction( "add-project-to-checkout-queue", context );
private ContinuumProjectBuildingResult executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( String metadataUrl,
String projectBuilderId,
int projectGroupId,
boolean checkProtocol,
boolean useCredentialsCache,
boolean loadRecursiveProjects,
int buildDefinitionTemplateId,
boolean checkoutInSingleDirectory )
throws ContinuumException
return executeAddProjectsFromMetadataActivity( metadataUrl, projectBuilderId, projectGroupId, checkProtocol,
useCredentialsCache, loadRecursiveProjects,
buildDefinitionTemplateId, true, checkoutInSingleDirectory );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This whole section needs a scrub but will need to be dealt with generally
// when we add schedules and profiles to the mix.
public ProjectNotifier getNotifier( int projectId, int notifierId )
throws ContinuumException
Project project = getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
List<ProjectNotifier> notifiers = project.getNotifiers();
ProjectNotifier notifier = null;
for ( ProjectNotifier notif : notifiers )
notifier = notif;
if ( notifier.getId() == notifierId )
return notifier;
public ProjectNotifier getGroupNotifier( int projectGroupId, int notifierId )
throws ContinuumException
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupWithBuildDetails( projectGroupId );
List<ProjectNotifier> notifiers = projectGroup.getNotifiers();
ProjectNotifier notifier = null;
for ( ProjectNotifier notif : notifiers )
notifier = notif;
if ( notifier.getId() == notifierId )
return notifier;
public ProjectNotifier updateNotifier( int projectId, ProjectNotifier notifier )
throws ContinuumException
Project project = getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
ProjectNotifier notif = getNotifier( projectId, notifier.getId() );
// I remove notifier then add it instead of update it due to a ClassCastException in jpox
project.removeNotifier( notif );
updateProject( project );
return addNotifier( projectId, notifier );
public ProjectNotifier updateGroupNotifier( int projectGroupId, ProjectNotifier notifier )
throws ContinuumException
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupWithBuildDetails( projectGroupId );
ProjectNotifier notif = getGroupNotifier( projectGroupId, notifier.getId() );
// I remove notifier then add it instead of update it due to a ClassCastException in jpox
projectGroup.removeNotifier( notif );
projectGroupDao.updateProjectGroup( projectGroup );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException cse )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to update project group.", cse );
return addGroupNotifier( projectGroupId, notifier );
public ProjectNotifier addNotifier( int projectId, ProjectNotifier notifier )
throws ContinuumException
ProjectNotifier notif = new ProjectNotifier();
notif.setSendOnSuccess( notifier.isSendOnSuccess() );
notif.setSendOnFailure( notifier.isSendOnFailure() );
notif.setSendOnError( notifier.isSendOnError() );
notif.setSendOnWarning( notifier.isSendOnWarning() );
notif.setSendOnScmFailure( notifier.isSendOnScmFailure() );
notif.setConfiguration( notifier.getConfiguration() );
notif.setType( notifier.getType() );
notif.setFrom( ProjectNotifier.FROM_USER );
Project project = getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
project.addNotifier( notif );
updateProject( project );
return notif;
public ProjectNotifier addGroupNotifier( int projectGroupId, ProjectNotifier notifier )
throws ContinuumException
ProjectNotifier notif = new ProjectNotifier();
notif.setSendOnSuccess( notifier.isSendOnSuccess() );
notif.setSendOnFailure( notifier.isSendOnFailure() );
notif.setSendOnError( notifier.isSendOnError() );
notif.setSendOnWarning( notifier.isSendOnWarning() );
notif.setSendOnScmFailure( notifier.isSendOnScmFailure() );
notif.setConfiguration( notifier.getConfiguration() );
notif.setType( notifier.getType() );
notif.setFrom( ProjectNotifier.FROM_USER );
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupWithBuildDetails( projectGroupId );
projectGroup.addNotifier( notif );
projectGroupDao.updateProjectGroup( projectGroup );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException cse )
throw new ContinuumException( "unable to add notifier to project group", cse );
return notif;
public void removeNotifier( int projectId, int notifierId )
throws ContinuumException
Project project = getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
ProjectNotifier n = getNotifier( projectId, notifierId );
if ( n != null )
if ( n.isFromProject() )
n.setEnabled( false );
storeNotifier( n );
project.removeNotifier( n );
updateProject( project );
public void removeGroupNotifier( int projectGroupId, int notifierId )
throws ContinuumException
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupWithBuildDetails( projectGroupId );
ProjectNotifier n = getGroupNotifier( projectGroupId, notifierId );
if ( n != null )
if ( n.isFromProject() )
n.setEnabled( false );
storeNotifier( n );
projectGroup.removeNotifier( n );
projectGroupDao.updateProjectGroup( projectGroup );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException cse )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to remove notifer from project group.", cse );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build Definition
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public List<BuildDefinition> getBuildDefinitions( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
Project project = getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
return project.getBuildDefinitions();
public BuildDefinition getBuildDefinition( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws ContinuumException
List<BuildDefinition> buildDefinitions = getBuildDefinitions( projectId );
BuildDefinition buildDefinition = null;
for ( BuildDefinition bd : buildDefinitions )
if ( bd.getId() == buildDefinitionId )
buildDefinition = bd;
return buildDefinition;
public BuildDefinition getDefaultBuildDefinition( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return buildDefinitionDao.getDefaultBuildDefinition( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException cne )
throw new ContinuumException( "no default build definition for project", cne );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException cse )
throw new ContinuumException(
"error attempting to access default build definition for project " + projectId, cse );
public List<BuildDefinition> getDefaultBuildDefinitionsForProjectGroup( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
return buildDefinitionDao.getDefaultBuildDefinitionsForProjectGroup( projectGroupId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException cne )
throw new ContinuumException( "Project Group (id=" + projectGroupId +
") doesn't have a default build definition, this should be impossible, it should always have a default definition set." );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException cse )
throw new ContinuumException( "Project Group (id=" + projectGroupId +
") doesn't have a default build definition, this should be impossible, it should always have a default definition set." );
public BuildDefinition getBuildDefinition( int buildDefinitionId )
throws ContinuumException
return buildDefinitionDao.getBuildDefinition( buildDefinitionId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException cne )
throw new ContinuumException( "no build definition found", cne );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException cse )
throw new ContinuumException( "error attempting to access build definition", cse );
public List<BuildDefinition> getBuildDefinitionsForProject( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
Project project = getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
return project.getBuildDefinitions();
public List<BuildDefinition> getBuildDefinitionsForProjectGroup( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
ProjectGroup projectGroup = getProjectGroupWithBuildDetails( projectGroupId );
return projectGroup.getBuildDefinitions();
public BuildDefinition addBuildDefinitionToProject( int projectId, BuildDefinition buildDefinition )
throws ContinuumException
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Schedule schedule = buildDefinition.getSchedule();
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, buildDefinition );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectId( context, projectId );
executeAction( "add-build-definition-to-project", context );
activeBuildDefinitionSchedule( schedule );
return AbstractContinuumAction.getBuildDefinition( context );
public void removeBuildDefinitionFromProject( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws ContinuumException
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
BuildDefinition buildDefinition = getBuildDefinition( buildDefinitionId );
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, buildDefinition );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectId( context, projectId );
executeAction( "remove-build-definition-from-project", context );
public BuildDefinition updateBuildDefinitionForProject( int projectId, BuildDefinition buildDefinition )
throws ContinuumException
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Schedule schedule = buildDefinition.getSchedule();
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, buildDefinition );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectId( context, projectId );
executeAction( "update-build-definition-from-project", context );
activeBuildDefinitionSchedule( schedule );
return AbstractContinuumAction.getBuildDefinition( context );
public BuildDefinition addBuildDefinitionToProjectGroup( int projectGroupId, BuildDefinition buildDefinition )
throws ContinuumException
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Schedule schedule = buildDefinition.getSchedule();
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, buildDefinition );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectGroupId( context, projectGroupId );
executeAction( "add-build-definition-to-project-group", context );
activeBuildDefinitionSchedule( schedule );
return AbstractContinuumAction.getBuildDefinition( context );
public void removeBuildDefinitionFromProjectGroup( int projectGroupId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws ContinuumException
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, getBuildDefinition( buildDefinitionId ) );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectGroupId( context, projectGroupId );
executeAction( "remove-build-definition-from-project-group", context );
public BuildDefinition updateBuildDefinitionForProjectGroup( int projectGroupId, BuildDefinition buildDefinition )
throws ContinuumException
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Schedule schedule = buildDefinition.getSchedule();
AbstractContinuumAction.setBuildDefinition( context, buildDefinition );
AbstractContinuumAction.setProjectGroupId( context, projectGroupId );
executeAction( "update-build-definition-from-project-group", context );
activeBuildDefinitionSchedule( schedule );
return AbstractContinuumAction.getBuildDefinition( context );
public void removeBuildDefinition( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws ContinuumException
Project project = getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
BuildDefinition buildDefinition = getBuildDefinition( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
if ( buildDefinition != null )
project.removeBuildDefinition( buildDefinition );
updateProject( project );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Schedule
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public Schedule getSchedule( int scheduleId )
throws ContinuumException
return scheduleDao.getSchedule( scheduleId );
catch ( Exception ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while getting schedule.", ex );
public Schedule getScheduleByName( String scheduleName )
throws ContinuumException
return scheduleDao.getScheduleByName( scheduleName );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while accessing the store.", e );
public Collection<Schedule> getSchedules()
throws ContinuumException
return scheduleDao.getAllSchedulesByName();
public void addSchedule( Schedule schedule )
throws ContinuumException
Schedule s;
s = getScheduleByName( schedule.getName() );
if ( s != null )
throw logAndCreateException( "Can't create schedule. A schedule with the same name already exists.", null );
s = scheduleDao.addSchedule( schedule );
schedulesActivator.activateSchedule( s, this );
catch ( SchedulesActivationException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error activating schedule " + s.getName() + ".", e );
public void updateSchedule( Schedule schedule )
throws ContinuumException
updateSchedule( schedule, true );
private void updateSchedule( Schedule schedule, boolean updateScheduler )
throws ContinuumException
Schedule old = getSchedule( schedule.getId() );
storeSchedule( schedule );
if ( updateScheduler )
if ( schedule.isActive() )
// I unactivate old shcedule (could change name) before if it's already active
schedulesActivator.unactivateSchedule( old, this );
schedulesActivator.activateSchedule( schedule, this );
// Unactivate old because could change name in new schedule
schedulesActivator.unactivateSchedule( old, this );
catch ( SchedulesActivationException e )
log.error( "Can't unactivate schedule. You need to restart Continuum.", e );
public void updateSchedule( int scheduleId, Map<String, String> configuration )
throws ContinuumException
Schedule schedule = getSchedule( scheduleId );
schedule.setName( configuration.get( "" ) );
schedule.setDescription( configuration.get( "schedule.description" ) );
schedule.setCronExpression( configuration.get( "schedule.cronExpression" ) );
schedule.setDelay( Integer.parseInt( configuration.get( "schedule.delay" ) ) );
schedule.setActive( Boolean.valueOf( configuration.get( "" ) ) );
updateSchedule( schedule, true );
public void removeSchedule( int scheduleId )
throws ContinuumException
Schedule schedule = getSchedule( scheduleId );
schedulesActivator.unactivateSchedule( schedule, this );
catch ( SchedulesActivationException e )
log.error( "Can't unactivate the schedule. You need to restart Continuum.", e );
scheduleDao.removeSchedule( schedule );
catch ( Exception e )
log.error( "Can't remove the schedule.", e );
schedulesActivator.activateSchedule( schedule, this );
catch ( SchedulesActivationException sae )
log.error( "Can't reactivate the schedule. You need to restart Continuum.", e );
throw new ContinuumException( "Can't remove the schedule", e );
private Schedule storeSchedule( Schedule schedule )
throws ContinuumException
return scheduleDao.storeSchedule( schedule );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while storing schedule.", ex );
public void activePurgeSchedule( Schedule schedule )
schedulesActivator.activatePurgeSchedule( schedule, this );
catch ( SchedulesActivationException e )
log.error( "Can't activate schedule for purgeConfiguration" );
public void activeBuildDefinitionSchedule( Schedule schedule )
schedulesActivator.activateBuildSchedule( schedule, this );
catch ( SchedulesActivationException e )
log.error( "Can't activate schedule for buildDefinition" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Working copy
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public File getWorkingDirectory( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return workingDirectoryService.getWorkingDirectory( projectDao.getProject( projectId ) );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Can't get files list.", e );
public String getFileContent( int projectId, String directory, String filename )
throws ContinuumException
String relativePath = "\\.\\./"; // prevent users from using relative paths.
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( relativePath );
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( directory );
String filteredDirectory = matcher.replaceAll( "" );
matcher = pattern.matcher( filename );
String filteredFilename = matcher.replaceAll( "" );
File workingDirectory = getWorkingDirectory( projectId );
File fileDirectory = new File( workingDirectory, filteredDirectory );
File userFile = new File( fileDirectory, filteredFilename );
return fsManager.fileContents( userFile );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Can't read file " + filename, e );
public List<File> getFiles( int projectId, String userDirectory )
throws ContinuumException
File workingDirectory = getWorkingDirectory( projectId );
return getFiles( workingDirectory, null, userDirectory );
private List<File> getFiles( File baseDirectory, String currentSubDirectory, String userDirectory )
List<File> dirs = new ArrayList<File>();
File workingDirectory;
if ( currentSubDirectory != null )
workingDirectory = new File( baseDirectory, currentSubDirectory );
workingDirectory = baseDirectory;
String[] files = workingDirectory.list();
Arrays.sort( files, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER );
if ( files != null )
for ( String file : files )
File current = new File( workingDirectory, file );
String currentFile;
if ( currentSubDirectory == null )
currentFile = file;
currentFile = currentSubDirectory + "/" + file;
if ( userDirectory != null && current.isDirectory() && userDirectory.startsWith( currentFile ) )
dirs.add( current );
dirs.addAll( getFiles( baseDirectory, currentFile, userDirectory ) );
dirs.add( current );
return dirs;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public ConfigurationService getConfiguration()
return configurationService;
public void reloadConfiguration()
throws ContinuumException
catch ( Exception e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Can't reload configuration.", e );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lifecycle Management
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void initialize()
throws InitializationException
{ "Initializing Continuum." ); "Showing all groups:" );
for ( ProjectGroup group : projectGroupDao.getAllProjectGroups() )
createProjectScmRootForProjectGroup( group );
catch ( ContinuumException e )
throw new InitializationException( "Error while creating project scm root for the project group", e );
} "Showing all projects: " );
for ( Project project : projectDao.getAllProjectsByNameWithBuildDetails() )
for ( ProjectNotifier notifier : (List<ProjectNotifier>) project.getNotifiers() )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( notifier.getType() ) )
removeNotifier( project.getId(), notifier.getId() );
catch ( ContinuumException e )
throw new InitializationException( "Database is corrupted.", e );
if ( project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.NEW &&
project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.CHECKEDOUT &&
project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.OK && project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.FAILED &&
project.getState() != ContinuumProjectState.ERROR )
int state = project.getState();
project.setState( project.getOldState() );
project.setOldState( 0 );
{ "Fix project state for project " + project.getId() + ":" + project.getName() + ":" +
project.getVersion() );
projectDao.updateProject( project );
Project p = projectDao.getProject( project.getId() );
if ( state == p.getState() )
{ "Can't fix the project state." );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new InitializationException( "Database is corrupted.", e );
} " " + project.getId() + ":" + project.getName() + ":" + project.getVersion() + ":" +
project.getExecutorId() );
for ( ProjectScmRoot projectScmRoot : projectScmRootDao.getAllProjectScmRoots() )
if ( projectScmRoot.getState() == ContinuumProjectState.UPDATING )
projectScmRoot.setState( projectScmRoot.getOldState() );
projectScmRoot.setOldState( 0 );
{ "Fix state for projectScmRoot " + projectScmRoot.getScmRootAddress() );
projectScmRootDao.updateProjectScmRoot( projectScmRoot );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new InitializationException( "Database is corrupted.", e );
// --------------------------------
// Plexus Lifecycle
// --------------------------------
public void start()
throws StartingException
catch ( ConfigurationLoadingException e )
throw new StartingException( "Error loading the Continuum configuration.", e );
catch ( ContinuumConfigurationException e )
throw new StartingException( "Error loading the Continuum configuration.", e );
catch ( ContinuumInitializationException e )
throw new StartingException( "Cannot initializing Continuum for the first time.", e );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Activate all the schedules in the system
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
schedulesActivator.activateSchedules( this );
catch ( SchedulesActivationException e )
// We don't throw an exception here, so users will can modify schedules in interface instead of database
log.error( "Error activating schedules.", e );
public void stop()
throws StoppingException
private void closeStore()
if ( daoUtils != null )
public void startup()
throws ContinuumException
catch ( StartingException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
private void stopContinuum()
//TODO: Remove all projects from queues, stop scheduler and wait the end of current builds so build results will be ok
if ( stopped )
if ( configurationService != null )
catch ( Exception e )
{ "Error storing the Continuum configuration.", e );
stopped = true;
public long getNbBuildResultsForProject( int projectId )
return buildResultDao.getNbBuildResultsForProject( projectId );
public Collection<BuildResult> getBuildResultsForProject( int projectId, int offset, int length )
throws ContinuumException
return buildResultDao.getBuildResultsForProject( projectId, offset, offset + length, false );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Workflow
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void executeAction( String actionName, Map<String, Object> context )
throws ContinuumException
Action action = actionManager.lookup( actionName );
action.execute( context );
catch ( ActionNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while executing the action '" + actionName + "'.", e );
catch ( ContinuumException e )
throw e;
catch ( Exception e )
{ "exception", e );
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while executing the action '" + actionName + "'.", e );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Logging
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private ContinuumException logAndCreateException( String message, Throwable cause )
if ( cause instanceof ContinuumObjectNotFoundException )
return new ContinuumException( "No such object.", cause );
log.error( message, cause );
return new ContinuumException( message, cause );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// core
public void updateProject( Project project )
throws ContinuumException
boolean removeWorkingDirectory = false;
Project p = projectDao.getProject( project.getId() );
ProjectScmRoot projectScmRoot = null;
if ( !p.getScmUrl().equals( project.getScmUrl() ) )
removeWorkingDirectory = true;
projectScmRoot = getProjectScmRootByProject( project.getId() );
if ( !p.getProjectGroup().equals( project.getProjectGroup() ) )
projectScmRoot = getProjectScmRootByProject( project.getId() );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( p.getScmTag() ) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( project.getScmTag() ) )
removeWorkingDirectory = true;
else if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( p.getScmTag() ) && StringUtils.isEmpty( project.getScmTag() ) )
removeWorkingDirectory = true;
else if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( p.getScmTag() ) && !p.getScmTag().equals( project.getScmTag() ) )
removeWorkingDirectory = true;
if ( removeWorkingDirectory )
File workingDirectory = getWorkingDirectory( project.getId() );
fsManager.removeDir( workingDirectory );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( project.getScmTag() ) )
project.setScmTag( null );
projectDao.updateProject( project );
if ( projectScmRoot != null )
updateProjectScmRoot( projectScmRoot, project );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while updating project.", ex );
catch ( IOException ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while updating project.", ex );
public void updateProjectGroup( ProjectGroup projectGroup )
throws ContinuumException
projectGroup.setName( projectGroup.getName().trim() );
projectGroupDao.updateProjectGroup( projectGroup );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException cse )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while updating project group.", cse );
private ProjectNotifier storeNotifier( ProjectNotifier notifier )
throws ContinuumException
return notifierDao.storeNotifier( notifier );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while storing notifier.", ex );
private String getWorkingDirectory()
return configurationService.getWorkingDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
public Project getProjectWithCheckoutResult( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getProjectWithCheckoutResult( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to find the requested project", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving the requested project", e );
public Project getProjectWithAllDetails( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to find the requested project", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving the requested project", e );
public ProjectGroup getProjectGroupWithBuildDetails( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectGroupDao.getProjectGroupWithBuildDetailsByProjectGroupId( projectGroupId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to find the requested project", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving the requested project", e );
public Project getProjectWithBuilds( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getProjectWithBuilds( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to find the requested project", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving the requested project", e );
public List<ProjectGroup> getAllProjectGroupsWithBuildDetails()
return projectGroupDao.getAllProjectGroupsWithBuildDetails();
public Collection<Project> getProjectsInGroup( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getProjectsInGroup( projectGroupId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to find the requested project", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving the requested project", e );
public Collection<Project> getProjectsInGroupWithDependencies( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectDao.getProjectsInGroupWithDependencies( projectGroupId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to find the requested project", e );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving the requested project", e );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private Utilities
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private void startMessage()
{ "Starting Continuum." );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
String banner = StringUtils.repeat( "-", getVersion().length() ); "" ); "" ); "< Continuum " + getVersion() + " started! >" ); "-----------------------" + banner ); " \\ ^__^" ); " \\ (oo)\\_______" ); " (__)\\ )\\/\\" ); " ||----w |" ); " || ||" ); "" ); "" );
private void stopMessage()
// Yes dorothy, this can happen!
if ( log != null )
{ "Stopping Continuum." ); "Continuum stopped." );
private String getVersion()
InputStream resourceAsStream = null;
Properties properties = new Properties();
String name = "META-INF/maven/org.apache.continuum/continuum-core/";
resourceAsStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( name );
if ( resourceAsStream == null )
return "unknown";
properties.load( resourceAsStream );
return properties.getProperty( "version", "unknown" );
catch ( IOException e )
return "unknown";
if ( resourceAsStream != null )
IOUtil.close( resourceAsStream );
public InstallationService getInstallationService()
return installationService;
public ProfileService getProfileService()
return profileService;
public BuildDefinitionService getBuildDefinitionService()
return buildDefinitionService;
public ContinuumReleaseResult addContinuumReleaseResult( int projectId, String releaseId, String releaseType )
throws ContinuumException
ReleaseResult result;
String releaseBy = "";
if ( getConfiguration().isDistributedBuildEnabled() )
result = (ReleaseResult) distributedReleaseManager.getReleaseResult( releaseId );
PreparedRelease preparedRelease = distributedReleaseManager.getPreparedRelease( releaseId,
releaseType );
if ( preparedRelease != null )
releaseBy = preparedRelease.getReleaseBy();
catch ( ContinuumReleaseException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Failed to release project: " + projectId, e );
catch ( BuildAgentConfigurationException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Failed to release project: " + projectId, e );
result = (ReleaseResult) releaseManager.getReleaseResults().get( releaseId );
ContinuumReleaseDescriptor descriptor =
(ContinuumReleaseDescriptor) releaseManager.getPreparedReleases().get( releaseId );
if ( descriptor != null )
releaseBy = descriptor.getReleaseBy();
if ( result != null && getContinuumReleaseResult( projectId, releaseType, result.getStartTime(),
result.getEndTime() ) == null )
ContinuumReleaseResult releaseResult = createContinuumReleaseResult( projectId, releaseType, result,
releaseBy );
return addContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResult );
return null;
private ContinuumReleaseResult createContinuumReleaseResult( int projectId, String releaseGoals,
ReleaseResult result, String releaseBy )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumReleaseResult releaseResult = new ContinuumReleaseResult();
releaseResult.setStartTime( result.getStartTime() );
releaseResult.setEndTime( result.getEndTime() );
releaseResult.setResultCode( result.getResultCode() );
Project project = getProject( projectId );
ProjectGroup projectGroup = project.getProjectGroup();
releaseResult.setProjectGroup( projectGroup );
releaseResult.setProject( project );
releaseResult.setReleaseGoal( releaseGoals );
releaseResult.setUsername( releaseBy );
String releaseName = "releases-" + result.getStartTime();
File logFile = getConfiguration().getReleaseOutputFile( projectGroup.getId(), releaseName );
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( logFile ) );
writer.write( result.getOutput() );
catch ( ConfigurationException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Unable to write output to file", e );
return releaseResult;
public ContinuumReleaseResult addContinuumReleaseResult( ContinuumReleaseResult releaseResult )
throws ContinuumException
return releaseResultDao.addContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResult );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while adding continuumReleaseResult", e );
public void removeContinuumReleaseResult( int releaseResultId )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumReleaseResult releaseResult = getContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResultId );
releaseResultDao.removeContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResult );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while deleting continuumReleaseResult: " + releaseResultId, e );
int projectGroupId = releaseResult.getProjectGroup().getId();
String name = "releases-" + releaseResult.getStartTime();
File releaseFile = getConfiguration().getReleaseOutputFile( projectGroupId, name );
if ( releaseFile.exists() )
fsManager.delete( releaseFile );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Can't delete " + releaseFile.getAbsolutePath(), e );
catch ( ConfigurationException e )
{ "skip error during cleanup release files " + e.getMessage(), e );
public ContinuumReleaseResult getContinuumReleaseResult( int releaseResultId )
throws ContinuumException
return releaseResultDao.getContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResultId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "No continuumReleaseResult found: " + releaseResultId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while retrieving continuumReleaseResult: " + releaseResultId, e );
public List<ContinuumReleaseResult> getAllContinuumReleaseResults()
return releaseResultDao.getAllContinuumReleaseResults();
public List<ContinuumReleaseResult> getContinuumReleaseResultsByProjectGroup( int projectGroupId )
return releaseResultDao.getContinuumReleaseResultsByProjectGroup( projectGroupId );
public ContinuumReleaseResult getContinuumReleaseResult( int projectId, String releaseGoal, long startTime,
long endTime )
throws ContinuumException
return releaseResultDao.getContinuumReleaseResult( projectId, releaseGoal, startTime, endTime );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException(
"Error while retrieving continuumReleaseResult of projectId " + projectId + " with releaseGoal: " +
releaseGoal, e );
public String getReleaseOutput( int releaseResultId )
throws ContinuumException
ContinuumReleaseResult releaseResult = getContinuumReleaseResult( releaseResultId );
ProjectGroup projectGroup = releaseResult.getProjectGroup();
return configurationService.getReleaseOutput( projectGroup.getId(),
"releases-" + releaseResult.getStartTime() );
catch ( ConfigurationException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while retrieving release output for release: " + releaseResultId );
public List<ProjectScmRoot> getProjectScmRootByProjectGroup( int projectGroupId )
return projectScmRootDao.getProjectScmRootByProjectGroup( projectGroupId );
public ProjectScmRoot getProjectScmRoot( int projectScmRootId )
throws ContinuumException
return projectScmRootDao.getProjectScmRoot( projectScmRootId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "No projectScmRoot found with the given id: " + projectScmRootId );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while retrieving projectScmRoot ", e );
public ProjectScmRoot getProjectScmRootByProject( int projectId )
throws ContinuumException
Project project = getProject( projectId );
ProjectGroup group = getProjectGroupByProjectId( projectId );
List<ProjectScmRoot> scmRoots = getProjectScmRootByProjectGroup( group.getId() );
for ( ProjectScmRoot scmRoot : scmRoots )
if ( project.getScmUrl() != null && project.getScmUrl().startsWith( scmRoot.getScmRootAddress() ) )
return scmRoot;
return null;
public ProjectScmRoot getProjectScmRootByProjectGroupAndScmRootAddress( int projectGroupId, String scmRootAddress )
throws ContinuumException
return projectScmRootDao.getProjectScmRootByProjectGroupAndScmRootAddress( projectGroupId, scmRootAddress );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while retrieving project scm root for " + projectGroupId, e );
private void removeProjectScmRoot( ProjectScmRoot projectScmRoot )
throws ContinuumException
if ( projectScmRoot == null )
//get all projects in the group
ProjectGroup group = getProjectGroupWithProjects( projectScmRoot.getProjectGroup().getId() );
List<Project> projects = group.getProjects();
boolean found = false;
for ( Project project : projects )
if ( project.getScmUrl() != null && project.getScmUrl().startsWith( projectScmRoot.getScmRootAddress() ) )
found = true;
if ( !found )
{ "Removing project scm root '" + projectScmRoot.getScmRootAddress() + "'" );
projectScmRootDao.removeProjectScmRoot( projectScmRoot );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
log.error( "Failed to remove project scm root '" + projectScmRoot.getScmRootAddress() + "'", e );
throw new ContinuumException(
"Error while removing project scm root '" + projectScmRoot.getScmRootAddress() + "'", e );
"Project scm root '" + projectScmRoot.getScmRootAddress() + "' still has projects, not removing" );
public BuildQueue addBuildQueue( BuildQueue buildQueue )
throws ContinuumException
return buildQueueService.addBuildQueue( buildQueue );
catch ( BuildQueueServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error adding build queue to the database.", e );
public BuildQueue getBuildQueue( int buildQueueId )
throws ContinuumException
return buildQueueService.getBuildQueue( buildQueueId );
catch ( BuildQueueServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving build queue.", e );
public BuildQueue getBuildQueueByName( String buildQueueName )
throws ContinuumException
return buildQueueService.getBuildQueueByName( buildQueueName );
catch ( BuildQueueServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error retrieving build queue.", e );
public void removeBuildQueue( BuildQueue buildQueue )
throws ContinuumException
buildQueueService.removeBuildQueue( buildQueue );
catch ( BuildQueueServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error deleting build queue from database.", e );
public BuildQueue storeBuildQueue( BuildQueue buildQueue )
throws ContinuumException
return buildQueueService.updateBuildQueue( buildQueue );
catch ( BuildQueueServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error updating build queue.", e );
public List<BuildQueue> getAllBuildQueues()
throws ContinuumException
return buildQueueService.getAllBuildQueues();
catch ( BuildQueueServiceException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error adding build queue.", e );
private void prepareBuildProjects( Collection<Project> projects, List<BuildDefinition> bds,
boolean checkDefaultBuildDefinitionForProject, BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
Map<ProjectScmRoot, Map<Integer, Integer>> map = new HashMap<ProjectScmRoot, Map<Integer, Integer>>();
List<ProjectScmRoot> sortedScmRoot = new ArrayList<ProjectScmRoot>();
boolean signalIgnored = false;
for ( Project project : projects )
int projectId = project.getId();
int buildDefId = -1;
if ( bds != null )
for ( BuildDefinition bd : bds )
if ( project.getExecutorId().equals( bd.getType() ) || ( StringUtils.isEmpty( bd.getType() ) &&
ContinuumBuildExecutorConstants.MAVEN_TWO_BUILD_EXECUTOR.equals( project.getExecutorId() ) ) )
buildDefId = bd.getId();
if ( checkDefaultBuildDefinitionForProject )
BuildDefinition projectDefaultBD = null;
projectDefaultBD = buildDefinitionDao.getDefaultBuildDefinitionForProject( projectId );
catch ( ContinuumObjectNotFoundException e )
log.debug( e.getMessage() );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
log.debug( e.getMessage() );
if ( projectDefaultBD != null )
buildDefId = projectDefaultBD.getId();
log.debug( "Project " + project.getId() +
" has own default build definition, will use it instead of group's." );
if ( buildDefId == -1 )
{ "Project " + projectId +
" don't have a default build definition defined in the project or project group, will not be included in group build." );
assertBuildable( project.getId(), buildDefId );
catch ( BuildException be )
{ "project not queued for build preparation: {}", be.getLocalizedMessage() );
signalIgnored = true;
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = getProjectScmRootByProject( projectId );
Map<Integer, Integer> projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap = map.get( scmRoot );
if ( projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap == null )
projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap.put( projectId, buildDefId );
map.put( scmRoot, projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap );
if ( !sortedScmRoot.contains( scmRoot ) )
sortedScmRoot.add( scmRoot );
prepareBuildProjects( map, buildTrigger, sortedScmRoot );
if ( signalIgnored )
throw new BuildException( "some projects were not queued due to their current build state",
"build.projects.someNotQueued" );
private void prepareBuildProjects( Collection<Project> projects, int buildDefinitionId, BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
Map<ProjectScmRoot, Map<Integer, Integer>> map = new HashMap<ProjectScmRoot, Map<Integer, Integer>>();
List<ProjectScmRoot> sortedScmRoot = new ArrayList<ProjectScmRoot>();
boolean signalIgnored = false;
for ( Project project : projects )
int projectId = project.getId();
// check if project already in queue
assertBuildable( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
catch ( BuildException be )
{ "project not queued for build preparation: {}", be.getLocalizedMessage() );
signalIgnored = true;
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = getProjectScmRootByProject( projectId );
Map<Integer, Integer> projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap = map.get( scmRoot );
if ( projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap == null )
projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap.put( projectId, buildDefinitionId );
map.put( scmRoot, projectsAndBuildDefinitionsMap );
if ( !sortedScmRoot.contains( scmRoot ) )
sortedScmRoot.add( scmRoot );
prepareBuildProjects( map, buildTrigger, sortedScmRoot );
if ( signalIgnored )
throw new BuildException( "some projects were not queued due to their current build state",
"build.projects.someNotQueued" );
private void prepareBuildProjects( Map<ProjectScmRoot, Map<Integer, Integer>> map, BuildTrigger buildTrigger,
List<ProjectScmRoot> scmRoots )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
for ( ProjectScmRoot scmRoot : scmRoots )
prepareBuildProjects( map.get( scmRoot ), buildTrigger, scmRoot.getScmRootAddress(),
scmRoot.getProjectGroup().getId(), scmRoot.getId(), scmRoots );
private void prepareBuildProjects( Map<Integer, Integer> projectsBuildDefinitionsMap, BuildTrigger buildTrigger,
String scmRootAddress, int projectGroupId, int scmRootId,
List<ProjectScmRoot> scmRoots )
throws ContinuumException, NoBuildAgentException, NoBuildAgentInGroupException
ProjectGroup group = getProjectGroup( projectGroupId );
if ( configurationService.isDistributedBuildEnabled() )
distributedBuildManager.prepareBuildProjects( projectsBuildDefinitionsMap, buildTrigger, projectGroupId,
group.getName(), scmRootAddress, scmRootId, scmRoots );
parallelBuildsManager.prepareBuildProjects( projectsBuildDefinitionsMap, buildTrigger, projectGroupId,
group.getName(), scmRootAddress, scmRootId );
catch ( BuildManagerException e )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while creating enqueuing object.", e );
private void createProjectScmRootForProjectGroup( ProjectGroup projectGroup )
throws ContinuumException
List<Project> projectsList;
projectsList = getProjectsInBuildOrder( projectDao.getProjectsWithDependenciesByGroupId(
projectGroup.getId() ) );
List<ProjectScmRoot> scmRoots = getProjectScmRootByProjectGroup( projectGroup.getId() );
String url = "";
for ( Project project : projectsList )
boolean found = false;
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( url ) || !project.getScmUrl().startsWith( url ) )
// this is a root project or the project is part of a flat multi module
url = project.getScmUrl();
//createProjectScmRoot( projectGroup, url );
for ( ProjectScmRoot scmRoot : scmRoots )
if ( url.startsWith( scmRoot.getScmRootAddress() ) )
found = true;
if ( !found )
createProjectScmRoot( projectGroup, url );
private ProjectScmRoot createProjectScmRoot( ProjectGroup projectGroup, String url )
throws ContinuumException
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( url ) )
return null;
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = projectScmRootDao.getProjectScmRootByProjectGroupAndScmRootAddress(
projectGroup.getId(), url );
if ( scmRoot != null )
return null;
ProjectScmRoot projectScmRoot = new ProjectScmRoot();
projectScmRoot.setProjectGroup( projectGroup );
projectScmRoot.setScmRootAddress( url );
return projectScmRootDao.addProjectScmRoot( projectScmRoot );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error while creating project scm root with scm root address:" + url );
private void updateProjectScmRoot( ProjectScmRoot oldScmRoot, Project project )
throws ContinuumException
removeProjectScmRoot( oldScmRoot );
ProjectScmRoot scmRoot = projectScmRootDao.getProjectScmRootByProjectGroupAndScmRootAddress(
project.getProjectGroup().getId(), project.getScmUrl() );
if ( scmRoot == null )
ProjectScmRoot newScmRoot = new ProjectScmRoot();
if ( project.getScmUrl().equals( oldScmRoot.getScmRootAddress() ) )
BeanUtils.copyProperties( oldScmRoot, newScmRoot, new String[] { "id", "projectGroup" } );
newScmRoot.setScmRootAddress( project.getScmUrl() );
newScmRoot.setProjectGroup( project.getProjectGroup() );
projectScmRootDao.addProjectScmRoot( newScmRoot );
catch ( ContinuumStoreException ex )
throw logAndCreateException( "Error while updating project.", ex );
private boolean isProjectInReleaseStage( Project project )
throws ContinuumException
String releaseId = project.getGroupId() + ":" + project.getArtifactId();
return taskQueueManager.isProjectInReleaseStage( releaseId );
catch ( TaskQueueManagerException e )
throw new ContinuumException( "Error occurred while checking if project is currently being released.", e );
private boolean isAnyProjectInGroupInReleaseStage( int projectGroupId )
throws ContinuumException
Collection<Project> projects = getProjectsInGroup( projectGroupId );
for ( Project project : projects )
if ( isProjectInReleaseStage( project ) )
throw new ContinuumException( "Cannot build project group. Project (id=" + project.getId() +
") in group is currently in release stage." );
return false;
private boolean isAnyProjectsInReleaseStage( List<Project> projects )
throws ContinuumException
for ( Project project : projects )
if ( isProjectInReleaseStage( project ) )
return true;
return false;
private Collection<Project> getProjectsNotInReleaseStage( Collection<Project> projectsList )
throws ContinuumException
// filter the projects to be built
// projects that are in the release stage will not be built
Collection<Project> filteredProjectsList = new ArrayList<Project>();
for ( Project project : projectsList )
if ( !isProjectInReleaseStage( project ) )
filteredProjectsList.add( project );
"Project (id=" + project.getId() + ") will not be built. It is currently in the release stage." );
return filteredProjectsList;
private void checkForDuplicateProjectInGroup( ProjectGroup projectGroup, Project projectToCheck,
ContinuumProjectBuildingResult result )
List<Project> projectsInGroup = projectGroup.getProjects();
if ( projectsInGroup == null )
for ( Project project : projectGroup.getProjects() )
// projectToCheck is first in the equals check, as projectToCheck must be a Maven project and will have
// non-null values for each. project may be an Ant or Shell project and have null values.
if ( projectToCheck.getGroupId().equals( project.getGroupId() ) && projectToCheck.getArtifactId().equals(
project.getArtifactId() ) && projectToCheck.getVersion().equals( project.getVersion() ) )
result.addError( ContinuumProjectBuildingResult.ERROR_DUPLICATE_PROJECTS );
private void assertBuildable( int projectId, int buildDefinitionId )
throws ContinuumException
if ( configurationService.isDistributedBuildEnabled() )
if ( distributedBuildManager.isProjectInAnyPrepareBuildQueue( projectId, buildDefinitionId )
|| distributedBuildManager.isProjectInAnyBuildQueue( projectId, buildDefinitionId ) )
throw new BuildException( "project is already queued", "build.project.alreadyQueued" );
if ( distributedBuildManager.isProjectCurrentlyPreparingBuild( projectId, buildDefinitionId )
|| distributedBuildManager.isProjectCurrentlyBuilding( projectId, buildDefinitionId ) )
throw new BuildException( "project is already building", "build.project.alreadyBuilding" );
if ( parallelBuildsManager.isInAnyBuildQueue( projectId, buildDefinitionId )
|| parallelBuildsManager.isInAnyCheckoutQueue( projectId )
|| parallelBuildsManager.isInPrepareBuildQueue( projectId ) )
throw new BuildException( "project is already queued", "build.project.alreadyQueued" );
if ( parallelBuildsManager.isProjectCurrentlyPreparingBuild( projectId )
|| parallelBuildsManager.isProjectInAnyCurrentBuild( projectId ) )
throw new BuildException( "project is already building", "build.project.alreadyBuilding" );
catch ( BuildManagerException e )
throw new ContinuumException( e.getMessage(), e );
void setTaskQueueManager( TaskQueueManager taskQueueManager )
this.taskQueueManager = taskQueueManager;
void setProjectDao( ProjectDao projectDao )
this.projectDao = projectDao;
public DistributedBuildManager getDistributedBuildManager()
return distributedBuildManager;