blob: b38d4cd3c7b34ef35d6879b4862a87066d0c3064 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.continuum.web.test;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.continuum.web.test.parent.AbstractUserRolesManagementTest;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@Test( groups = {"userroles"}, sequential = true )
public class UserRolesManagementTest
extends AbstractUserRolesManagementTest
public static final String TEST_GROUP = "UserRoles Test Group";
private List<String> usernames = new ArrayList<String>();
public void testBasicAddDeleteUser()
username = getProperty( "GUEST_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "GUEST_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
deleteUser( username );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
* Guest Role could only view the About Page. Project Groups should not be shown when clicking
* Show Project Group link.
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testBasicAddDeleteUser"} )
public void testAddUserWithGuestRole()
username = getProperty( "GUEST_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "GUEST_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
//checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickLinkWithLocator( "addRolesToUser_addNDSelectedRoles", false );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
//assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testAddUserWithGuestRole"} )
public void testGuestUserRoleFunction()
username = getProperty( "GUEST_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "GUEST_FULLNAME" );
loginAs( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Show Project Groups" );
assertTextPresent( "Project Groups list is empty" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
* Registered User Role could only view the About Page. Project Groups should not be shown when clicking
* Show Project Group link.
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testBasicAddDeleteUser", "testGuestUserRoleFunction"} )
public void testAddUserWithRegisteredUserRole()
username = getProperty( "REGISTERED_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "REGISTERED_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
// assertTextPresent("You are already logged in.");
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testAddUserWithRegisteredUserRole"} )
public void testRegisteredRoleFunction()
username = getProperty( "REGISTERED_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "REGISTERED_FULLNAME" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Show Project Groups" );
assertTextPresent( "Project Groups list is empty." );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
* Has access to all functions in the application.
* The following tests only asserts elements that could be shown
* when system admin user is logged in since the user that is used
* to test the other functionalities is a system admin user.
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testBasicAddDeleteUser", "testRegisteredRoleFunction"} )
public void testAddUserWithSystemAdminRole()
username = getProperty( "SYSAD_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "SYSAD_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testAddUserWithSystemAdminRole"} )
public void testSystemAdminRoleFunction()
username = getProperty( "SYSAD_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "SYSAD_FULLNAME" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Show Project Groups" );
assertTextNotPresent( "Project Groups list is empty." );
assertLinkPresent( "Default Project Group" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
* User Admin role could only add/edit/delete users and can view user Roles. Cannot view Project Groups
* but can assign a User to a project.
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testBasicAddDeleteUser", "testSystemAdminRoleFunction"} )
public void testAddUserWithUserAdminRole()
username = getProperty( "USERADMIN_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "USERADMIN_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testAddUserWithUserAdminRole"} )
public void testUserAdminFunction()
username = getProperty( "USERADMIN_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "USERADMIN_FULLNAME" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Show Project Groups" );
assertTextPresent( "Project Groups list is empty." );
// add user
clickLinkWithText( "Users" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Create New User" );
setFieldValue( "user.username", "guest0" );
setFieldValue( "user.fullName", "guest0" );
setFieldValue( "", "" );
setFieldValue( "user.password", "pass" );
setFieldValue( "user.confirmPassword", "pass" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
selectValue( "name=ec_rd", "50" );
// delete user
deleteUser( "guest0" );
// TODO edit user
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
* - Can Add/Edit/Delete Project Group, can Add/Edit/Delete projects, can assign Users
* roles to existing projects, can add/edit/delete schedules, can view existing roles for the
* projects, can build/release projects
* - Cannot add users, --- --- ---
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testBasicAddDeleteUser", "testUserAdminFunction"} )
public void testAddUserWithContinuumGroupProjectAdminRole()
username = getProperty( "GROUPPROJECTADMIN_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "GROUPPROJECTADMIN_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
// enable distributed build
clickLinkWithText( "Configuration" );
checkField( "distributedBuildEnabled" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Save" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
// disable distributed build
clickLinkWithText( "Configuration" );
uncheckField( "distributedBuildEnabled" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Save" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testAddUserWithContinuumGroupProjectAdminRole"} )
public void testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_AddProjectGroup()
throws Exception
username = getProperty( "GROUPPROJECTADMIN_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "GROUPPROJECTADMIN_FULLNAME" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Show Project Groups" );
assertTextNotPresent( "Project Groups list is empty." );
// test add project group
clickButtonWithValue( "Add Project Group" );
setFieldValue( "name", TEST_GROUP );
setFieldValue( "groupId", TEST_GROUP );
setFieldValue( "description", "testing project group" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_AddProjectGroup"} )
public void testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_AddProjectToProjectGroup()
throws Exception
clickLinkWithText( TEST_GROUP );
clickButtonWithValue( "Add" );
setFieldValue( "m2PomUrl", getProperty( "M2_POM_URL" ) );
clickButtonWithValue( "Add" );
waitAddProject( "Continuum - Project Group" );
assertTextPresent( "ContinuumBuildQueueTestData" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_AddProjectToProjectGroup"} )
public void testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_BuildProject()
throws Exception
buildProjectGroup( TEST_GROUP, TEST_GROUP, "testing project group", "ContinuumBuildQueueTestData", true );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_BuildProject"} )
public void testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_AssignUserToAGroup()
clickLinkWithText( "Users" );
clickLinkWithText( "guest1" );
clickLinkWithText( "Edit Roles" );
checkUserRoleWithValue( "Guest" );
checkResourceRoleWithValue( "Project Developer - " + TEST_GROUP );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
* Uncomment the lines below to release a Project provided that you add
* the values under RELEASE A PROJECT in file (project's pom url, access to project to be released.)
@Test( dependsOnMethods = { "testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_AssignUserToAGroup" } )
public void testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_ReleaseProject() throws Exception
String projectUrl = getProperty( "PROJECT_URL_TO_BE_RELEASED" );
String projectName = getProperty( "PROJECT_NAME_TO_BE_RELEASED" );
String projectUsername = getProperty( "PROJECT_USERNAME" );
String projectPassword = getProperty( "PROJECT_USERNAME" );
// add a project group
clickLinkWithText( "Show Project Groups" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Add Project Group" );
setFieldValue( "name", "Project Group" );
setFieldValue( "groupId", "Project Group" );
setFieldValue( "description", "project group for projects to be released" );
// add a project to a project group
clickLinkWithText( "Project Group" );
clickButtonWithValue( "Add" );
setFieldValue( "m2PomUrl", projectUrl );
// set username and password here
setFieldValue( "scmUsername", projectUsername );
setFieldValue( "scmPassword", projectPassword );
clickButtonWithValue( "Add" );
String title;
boolean success = true;
if ( success )
title = "Continuum - Project Group";
title = "Continuum - Add Maven Project";
waitAddProject( title );
// build the project added in the project group
buildProjectGroup( "Project Group", "Project Group", "project group for projects to be released", projectName );
// release the project
clickButtonWithValue( "Release" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( getAdminUsername(), getAdminPassword() );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testContinuumGroupProjectAdmin_AssignUserToAGroup"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumGroupProjectDeveloperRole()
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumGroupProjectDeveloperRole"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumGroupProjectUserRole()
username = getProperty( "GROUPPROJECTUSER_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "GROUPPROJECTUSER_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumGroupProjectUserRole"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumManageBuildEnvironmentRole()
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumManageBuildEnvironmentRole"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumManageBuildTemplatesRole()
username = getProperty( "MANAGEBUILDTEMPLATES_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "MANAGEBUILDTEMPLATES_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumManageBuildTemplatesRole"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumManageInstallationsRole()
username = getProperty( "MANAGEINSTALLATIONS_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "MANAGEINSTALLATIONS_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumManageInstallationsRole"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumManageLocalRepoRole()
username = getProperty( "MANAGELOCALREPOS_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "MANAGELOCALREPOS_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumManageLocalRepoRole"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumManagePurgingRole()
username = getProperty( "MANAGEPURGING_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "MANAGEPURGING_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumManagePurgingRole"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumManageQueuesRole()
username = getProperty( "MANAGEQUEUES_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "MANAGEQUEUES_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumManageQueuesRole"} )
public void testUserWithContinuumManageSchedulingRole()
username = getProperty( "MANAGESCHEDULING_USERNAME" );
fullname = getProperty( "MANAGESCHEDULING_FULLNAME" );
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkUserRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithContinuumManageSchedulingRole"} )
public void testUserWithProjectAdminDefaultProjectGroup()
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkResourceRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithProjectAdminDefaultProjectGroup"} )
public void testUserWithProjectDevDefaultProjectGroup()
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkResourceRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
@Test( dependsOnMethods = {"testUserWithProjectDevDefaultProjectGroup"} )
public void testUserWithProjectUserDefaultProjectGroup()
createUser( username, fullname, getUserEmail(), getUserRolePassword() );
assertCreatedUserInfo( username );
checkResourceRoleWithValue( fullname );
clickButtonWithValue( "Submit" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRolePassword() );
changePassword( getUserRolePassword(), getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertTextPresent( "Password successfully changed" );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
login( username, getUserRoleNewPassword() );
assertLeftNavMenuWithRole( fullname );
clickLinkWithText( "Logout" );
public void trackUserToDelete()
// record to delete at end, as some are used across dependent tests
// TODO: refactor!
usernames.add( username );
public void cleanup()
if ( !isTextPresent( "List of Users" ) )
clickLinkWithText( "Users" );
for ( String username : usernames )
deleteUser( username, false );
removeProjectGroup( TEST_GROUP, false );