blob: 5ee10f8e8031653d60f0787df95b2c68892053e1 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.continuum.core.action;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.continuum.model.project.ProjectScmRoot;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinition;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinitionTemplate;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Project;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectDependency;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectGroup;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ScmResult;
import org.codehaus.plexus.action.AbstractAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author <a href="">Trygve Laugst&oslash;l</a>
public abstract class AbstractContinuumAction
extends AbstractAction
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Keys for the values that can be in the context
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final String KEY_PROJECT_ID = "project-id";
private static final String KEY_PROJECT = "project";
private static final String KEY_PROJECTS = "projects";
private static final String KEY_PROJECTS_BUILD_DEFINITIONS_MAP = "projects-build-definitions";
private static final String KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION_TEMPLATE = "build-definition-template";
private static final String KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION = "build-definition";
private static final String KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION_ID = "build-definition-id";
private static final String KEY_UNVALIDATED_PROJECT = "unvalidated-project";
private static final String KEY_PROJECT_GROUP_ID = "project-group-id";
private static final String KEY_UNVALIDATED_PROJECT_GROUP = "unvalidated-project-group";
private static final String KEY_BUILD_ID = "build-id";
private static final String KEY_WORKING_DIRECTORY = "working-directory";
private static final String KEY_UPDATE_DEPENDENCIES = "update-dependencies";
private static final String KEY_BUILD_TRIGGER = "buildTrigger";
private static final String KEY_SCM_RESULT = "scmResult";
private static final String KEY_OLD_SCM_RESULT = "old-scmResult";
private static final String KEY_PROJECT_SCM_ROOT = "projectScmRoot";
* SCM root url. Used in these actions add-project-to-checkout-queue, checkout-project, clean-working-directory,
* create-projects-from-metadata, update-project-from-working-directory,
* update-working-directory-from-scm
private static final String KEY_PROJECT_SCM_ROOT_URL = "projectScmRootUrl";
* List of projects in a project group with a common scm root url.
private static final String KEY_PROJECTS_IN_GROUP_WITH_COMMON_SCM_ROOT = "projects-in-group-with-common-scm-root";
private static final String KEY_OLD_BUILD_ID = "old-buildResult-id";
private static final String KEY_SCM_RESULT_MAP = "scm-result-map";
private static final String KEY_ROOT_DIRECTORY = "root-directory";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static int getProjectId( Map<String, Object> context )
return getInteger( context, KEY_PROJECT_ID );
public static void setProjectId( Map<String, Object> context, int projectId )
context.put( KEY_PROJECT_ID, projectId );
public static Project getProject( Map<String, Object> context )
return (Project) getObject( context, KEY_PROJECT );
public static Project getProject( Map<String, Object> context, Project defaultValue )
return (Project) getObject( context, KEY_PROJECT, defaultValue );
public static void setProject( Map<String, Object> context, Project p )
context.put( KEY_PROJECT, p );
public static int getProjectGroupId( Map<String, Object> context )
return getInteger( context, KEY_PROJECT_GROUP_ID );
public static void setProjectGroupId( Map<String, Object> context, int projectGroupId )
context.put( KEY_PROJECT_GROUP_ID, projectGroupId );
public static BuildDefinitionTemplate getBuildDefinitionTemplate( Map<String, Object> context )
return (BuildDefinitionTemplate) getObject( context, KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION_TEMPLATE, null );
public static void setBuildDefinitionTemplate( Map<String, Object> context, BuildDefinitionTemplate bdt )
public static BuildDefinition getBuildDefinition( Map<String, Object> context )
return (BuildDefinition) getObject( context, KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION, null );
public static void setBuildDefinition( Map<String, Object> context, BuildDefinition bd )
context.put( KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION, bd );
public static int getBuildDefinitionId( Map<String, Object> context )
return getInteger( context, KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION_ID );
public static void setBuildDefinitionId( Map<String, Object> context, int buildDefintionId )
context.put( KEY_BUILD_DEFINITION_ID, buildDefintionId );
public static String getBuildId( Map<String, Object> context )
return getString( context, KEY_BUILD_ID );
public static String getBuildId( Map<String, Object> context, String defaultValue )
return getString( context, KEY_BUILD_ID, defaultValue );
public static void setBuildId( Map<String, Object> context, String buildId )
context.put( KEY_BUILD_ID, buildId );
public static BuildTrigger getBuildTrigger( Map<String, Object> context )
BuildTrigger defaultValue = new BuildTrigger( 0, "" );
return (BuildTrigger) getObject( context, KEY_BUILD_TRIGGER, defaultValue );
public static void setBuildTrigger( Map<String, Object> context, BuildTrigger buildTrigger )
context.put( KEY_BUILD_TRIGGER, buildTrigger );
public static Project getUnvalidatedProject( Map<String, Object> context )
return (Project) getObject( context, KEY_UNVALIDATED_PROJECT );
public static void setUnvalidatedProject( Map<String, Object> context, Project p )
context.put( KEY_UNVALIDATED_PROJECT, p );
public static ProjectGroup getUnvalidatedProjectGroup( Map<String, Object> context )
return (ProjectGroup) getObject( context, KEY_UNVALIDATED_PROJECT_GROUP );
public static void setUnvalidatedProjectGroup( Map<String, Object> context, ProjectGroup pg )
public static File getWorkingDirectory( Map<String, Object> context )
return new File( getString( context, KEY_WORKING_DIRECTORY ) );
public static void setWorkingDirectory( Map<String, Object> context, String workingDirectory )
context.put( KEY_WORKING_DIRECTORY, workingDirectory );
public static List<ProjectDependency> getUpdatedDependencies( Map<String, Object> context )
return getUpdatedDependencies( context, null );
public static List<ProjectDependency> getUpdatedDependencies( Map<String, Object> context,
List<ProjectDependency> defaultValue )
return (List<ProjectDependency>) getObject( context, KEY_UPDATE_DEPENDENCIES, defaultValue );
public static void setUpdatedDependencies( Map<String, Object> context, List<ProjectDependency> dependencies )
context.put( KEY_UPDATE_DEPENDENCIES, dependencies );
public static ScmResult getScmResult( Map<String, Object> context )
return getScmResult( context, null );
public static ScmResult getScmResult( Map<String, Object> context, ScmResult defaultValue )
return (ScmResult) getObject( context, KEY_SCM_RESULT, defaultValue );
public static void setScmResult( Map<String, Object> context, ScmResult scmResult )
context.put( KEY_SCM_RESULT, scmResult );
public static ScmResult getOldScmResult( Map<String, Object> context )
return getOldScmResult( context, null );
public static ScmResult getOldScmResult( Map<String, Object> context, ScmResult defaultValue )
return (ScmResult) getObject( context, KEY_OLD_SCM_RESULT, defaultValue );
public static void setOldScmResult( Map<String, Object> context, ScmResult oldScmResult )
context.put( KEY_OLD_SCM_RESULT, oldScmResult );
public static ProjectScmRoot getProjectScmRoot( Map<String, Object> context )
return (ProjectScmRoot) getObject( context, KEY_PROJECT_SCM_ROOT );
public static void setProjectScmRoot( Map<String, Object> context, ProjectScmRoot projectScmRoot )
context.put( KEY_PROJECT_SCM_ROOT, projectScmRoot );
public static int getOldBuildId( Map<String, Object> context )
return getInteger( context, KEY_OLD_BUILD_ID );
public static void setOldBuildId( Map<String, Object> context, int oldBuildId )
context.put( KEY_OLD_BUILD_ID, oldBuildId );
public static List<Project> getListOfProjects( Map<String, Object> context )
return (List<Project>) getObject( context, KEY_PROJECTS );
public static void setListOfProjects( Map<String, Object> context, List<Project> projects )
context.put( KEY_PROJECTS, projects );
public static List<Project> getListOfProjectsInGroupWithCommonScmRoot( Map<String, Object> context )
return (List<Project>) getObject( context, KEY_PROJECTS_IN_GROUP_WITH_COMMON_SCM_ROOT,
new ArrayList<Integer>() );
public static void setListOfProjectsInGroupWithCommonScmRoot( Map<String, Object> context, List<Project> projects )
public static Map<Integer, BuildDefinition> getProjectsBuildDefinitionsMap( Map<String, Object> context )
return (Map<Integer, BuildDefinition>) getObject( context, KEY_PROJECTS_BUILD_DEFINITIONS_MAP );
public static void setProjectsBuildDefinitionsMap( Map<String, Object> context,
Map<Integer, BuildDefinition> projectsBuildDefinitionsMap )
context.put( KEY_PROJECTS_BUILD_DEFINITIONS_MAP, projectsBuildDefinitionsMap );
public static Map<Integer, ScmResult> getScmResultMap( Map<String, Object> context )
return (Map<Integer, ScmResult>) getObject( context, KEY_SCM_RESULT_MAP );
public static void setScmResultMap( Map<String, Object> context, Map<Integer, ScmResult> scmResultMap )
context.put( KEY_SCM_RESULT_MAP, scmResultMap );
public static boolean isRootDirectory( Map<String, Object> context )
return getBoolean( context, KEY_ROOT_DIRECTORY, true );
public static void setRootDirectory( Map<String, Object> context, boolean isRootDirectory )
context.put( KEY_ROOT_DIRECTORY, isRootDirectory );
public static String getProjectScmRootUrl( Map<String, Object> context, String projectScmRootUrl )
return getString( context, KEY_PROJECT_SCM_ROOT_URL, projectScmRootUrl );
public static void setProjectScmRootUrl( Map<String, Object> context, String projectScmRootUrl )
context.put( KEY_PROJECT_SCM_ROOT_URL, projectScmRootUrl );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static String getString( Map<String, Object> context, String key )
return (String) getObject( context, key );
public static String getString( Map<String, Object> context, String key, String defaultValue )
return (String) getObject( context, key, defaultValue );
public static boolean getBoolean( Map<String, Object> context, String key )
return (Boolean) getObject( context, key );
public static boolean getBoolean( Map<String, Object> context, String key, boolean defaultValue )
return (Boolean) getObject( context, key, defaultValue );
protected static int getInteger( Map<String, Object> context, String key )
Object obj = getObject( context, key, null );
if ( obj == null )
return 0;
return (Integer) obj;
protected static Object getObject( Map<String, Object> context, String key )
if ( !context.containsKey( key ) )
throw new RuntimeException( "Missing key '" + key + "'." );
Object value = context.get( key );
if ( value == null )
throw new RuntimeException( "Missing value for key '" + key + "'." );
return value;
protected static Object getObject( Map<String, Object> context, String key, Object defaultValue )
Object value = context.get( key );
if ( value == null )
return defaultValue;
return value;