diff --git a/src/changes/changes.xml b/src/changes/changes.xml
index e9c0297..3869af1 100644
--- a/src/changes/changes.xml
+++ b/src/changes/changes.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,15 @@
     <author email="">Matt Benson</author>
-    <release version="1.4" date="YYYY-MM-DD" description="Requires Java 6 or greater.">
-      <action issue="WEAVER-18" type="fix">Update Apache Commons IO from 2.5 to 2.6.</action>
+    <release version="1.4" date="YYYY-MM-DD" description="Requires Java 8 or greater.">
+      <action issue="WEAVER-19" type="update">Upgrade to Java 8.</action>
+      <action issue="WEAVER-20" type="update">Remove commons-io, commons-collections dependencies.</action>
+      <action issue="WEAVER-21" type="update">Upgrade xbean-finder to v4.8.</action>
+      <action issue="WEAVER-22" type="update">Upgrade modules to ASM 6.1.</action>
+      <action issue="WEAVER-23" type="fix">Privilizer Weaver computes Object for all variable types in catch context.</action>
+      <action issue="WEAVER-24" type="update">Blueprint method references.</action>
+      <action issue="WEAVER-25" type="update">Reject blueprint methods that access entities that would be inaccessible.</action>
+      <action issue="WEAVER-26" type="update">Upgrade to commons-parent v46.</action>
     <release version="1.3" date="2016-10-18" description="Requires Java 6 or greater.">
       <action issue="WEAVER-11" type="fix">bytecode generated with java 7 or 8 is different and can break on earlier versions</action>