blob: a15ba4242f481083a54c035b7f79a372547cc427 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>Setup a Testserver</title>
<author email="">Mario Ivankovits</author>
<section name="Testserver">
This documentation describes how to setup a VFS testserver needet during development for the junit
I tried to simplify things as good as I can, e.g. this setup uses for all server the same vfs work
Thus it is needet to setup apache to use user 'vfsusr' instead of 'wwwrun'.
Based on this description it should be possible for you to avoid this "insecurity" if needet.
I created it during setup a fresh server based on the following components:
<li>SuSE Linux 9.3 Minimal Installation</li>
<li>Apache 2 Webserver (apache2-2.0.53)</li>
<li>Samba 3 (samba-3.0.12)</li>
<li>ssh (openssh-3.9p1)</li>
<li>vsftp (vsftpd-2.0.2-3)</li>
<subsection name="System setup">
<li>You need maven to build the local test-data structure. This is done automatically during build of VFS.</li>
<li>Create a user 'vfsusr' with password 'vfsusr' and home directory '/home/vfsusr'
useradd -p vfsusr -m vfsusr
<li>Create the directories
and copy from your local 'target/test-data' the directories
<source>code,read-tests</source> into it.<br />
Now your structure looks like this:<br />
<li>Setup a symbolic link to '/vfstest'<br />
ln -s /vfstest /home/vfsusr/vfstest
<li>Set permissions
find /vfstest -print0 | xargs -0 chown vfsusr.users
<li>After you followed the steps below and setup the server ensure they
are activated and running.<br />
This is only needet if you installed a fresh system. Otherwise simply restart them.
insserv xinetd
insserv apache2
insserv smb
insserv nmb
/etc/rc.d/xinetd restart
/etc/rc.d/apache2 restart
/etc/rc.d/smb restart
/etc/rc.d/nmb restart
<subsection name="Apache 2 Webserver">
<li>Create a file named '/etc/apache2/conf.d/vfstest.conf' with this content<br />
Alias /vfstest /vfstest/
DAVLockDB /var/lib/apache2/dav.lockDB
DAVMinTimeout 600
<Directory /vfstest>
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Location />
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
AuthType Basic
AuthName vfstest_zone
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwd
Require user vfsusr
<li>change the permission on
chown vfsusr.users /var/lib/apache2
<li>Activate the WebDAV module by adding 'dav' and 'dav_fs' to the list of modules in '/etc/sysconfig/apache2'. e.g <br/>
APACHE_MODULES="access actions alias auth auth_dbm autoindex cgi dir env expires include log_config
mime negotiation setenvif ssl suexec userdir php4 php5 dav dav_fs"
<li>Setup the webserver to use user-id 'vfsusr' and group 'users'. This can be done by changing the file '/etc/apache2/uid.conf'<br />
User vfsusr
Group users
<li>Create the VFS user to access the Webdav resource<br />
htpasswd2 -cmb /etc/apache2/passwd vfsusr vfsusr
<subsection name="Samba 3">
<li>Create a share 'vfsusr'<br />
comment = VFS Test Directory
path = /home/vfsusr
guest ok = yes
writable = yes
<li>Setup a 'vfsusr' with password 'vfsusr'<br />
smbpasswd -a vfsusr
<subsection name="ssh">
<li>In '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' ensure<br />
PasswordAuthentication yes
<subsection name="vsftp">
<li>Ensure the server is not disabled in the xinetd configuration<br />
Set <source>disable=no</source> in '/etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd'
<li>Setup the server config: '/etc/vsftpd.conf'<br/>
<subsection name="Tests">
Now we are finished and you can try to activate the tests by
<li>reactivate the tests in 'build.xml'.<br/>
Search for <code><![CDATA[<!-- tests disabled -->]]></code> and comment the exclude.</li>
<!-- tests disabled
<exclude name="**/*.java">
<li>or use the class org.apache.commons.vfs.RunTest where you have
to adapt some properties at the top of the file and choose which test
you would like to run by comment the others.<br />
This is the way how I debug a failed testcase.