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<title>Using The API</title>
<author email="">Adam Murdoch</author>
<section name="Using The API">
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/FileSystemManager.html">FileSystemManager</a>
interface provides access to Commons VFS. Using this interface
you can locate files and create file systems.
There are a
<a href="#Configuring Commons VFS">number of ways</a>
to obtain a
<code>FileSystemManager</code> instance.
The simplest is to use the static
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/VFS.html#getManager()">VFS.getManager()</a>
method, which returns the default Commons VFS implementation.
Once you have a
<code>FileSystemManager</code>, you can use its
<code>resolveFile()</code> methods to locate a file by name.
For example:
FileSystemManager fsManager = VFS.getManager();
FileObject jarFile = fsManager.resolveFile( "jar:lib/aJarFile.jar" );
Each file is represented by a
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/FileObject.html">FileObject</a>
instance. Using this interface you can create or delete the
file, list its children, read or write its content, and so on.
For example:
// Locate the Jar file
FileSystemManager fsManager = VFS.getManager();
FileObject jarFile = fsManager.resolveFile( "jar:lib/aJarFile.jar" );
// List the children of the Jar file
FileObject[] children = jarFile.getChildren();
System.out.println( "Children of " + jarFile.getName().getURI() );
for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
System.out.println( children[ i ].getName().getBaseName() );
See the
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/FileObject.html">FileObject</a>
Javadocs for more detail.
<subsection name="Cache">
By default every resolved file will be cached in an map and - unhappily - it will never be released.
This is what
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/cache/SoftRefFilesCache.html">SoftRefFilesCache</a>
tries to address.
Currently you could not use VFS.getManager() to use this sort of cache, instead you have to create
your own FileSytemManager instance.
private static FileSystemManager manager;
manager = new StandardFileSystemManager();
manager.setFilesCache(new SoftRefFilesCache());
This cache will return the same instance for a file as long as it is "strongly reachable" e.g. you
hold a reference to this object. If the FileObject is no longer reachable, and the jvm needs some memory,
it will be released.
<subsection name="Examples">
For an example of using the API, take a look at the classes
in the
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/example/package-summary.html">example</a>
<section name="Configuring Commons VFS">
Commons VFS is represented using the
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/FileSystemManager.html">FileSystemManager</a>
interface. There are a number of ways to create and configure a
<code>FileSystemManager</code> instance.
The simplest method is to use the static
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/VFS.html#getManager()">VFS.getManager()</a>
method, which returns the default Commons VFS implementation.
To configure Commons VFS programatically, you can create an
instance of
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/impl/DefaultFileSystemManager.html">DefaultFileSystemManager</a>
and configure it manually. The default constructor
<code>DefaultFileSystemManager</code> creates a manager that
is completely empty. You will have to add file providers to it
to make it do anything useful.
Here are the steps for using
<li>Create a new instance.</li>
Set the logger for the manager and all its components,
<code>setLogger()</code>. This step is
optional, and if skipped, the manager will use the default
logger provided by Commons Logging.
Add file providers, using
Set the default provider, using
<code>setDefaultProvider()</code>. This step is optional.
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/provider/url/UrlFileProvider.html">UrlFileProvider</a>
for a useful default provider.
Set the file replicator, using
This step is optional.
Set the temporary file store, using
This step is optional.
Set the base file using
<code>setBaseFile()</code>. The
base file is used to resolve relative URI passed to
<code>resolveFile()</code>. This step is optional.
Initialise the manager using
You should make sure that you call
<code>close()</code> on the
manager when you are finished with it.
The third method for configuring Commons VFS, is to configure
it from a file. Create an instance of
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/vfs/impl/StandardFileSystemManager.html">StandardFileSystemManager</a>,
and use its
<code>setConfiguration()</code> method to set the
location of the configuration file to use. The configuration
file format is described below.
<code>StandardFileSystemManager</code> is a subclass of
<code>DefaultFileSystemManager</code>, so you can also
also configure it programmatically, as described above.
<subsection name="Configuration File">
The configuration file is an XML file. The root element
of the configuration file should be a
<code>&lt;providers&gt;</code> element.
<code>&lt;providers&gt;</code> element may contain:
<li>Zero or more
<code>&lt;provider&gt;</code> elements.
<li>An optional
<code>&lt;default-provider&gt;</code> element.
<li>Zero or more
<code>&lt;extension-map&gt;</code> elements.
<li>Zero or more
<code>&lt;mime-type-map&gt;</code> elements.
<code>&lt;provider&gt;</code> element defines a file
provider. It must have a
<code>class-name</code> attribute,
which specifies the fully-qualified name of the provider
class. The provider class must be public, and must have a
public constructor with an FileSystemManager argument which
allows the systems to pass the used filesystem manager.
<code>&lt;provider&gt;</code> element may contain
zero or more
<code>&lt;scheme&gt;</code> elements,
and zero or more
<code>&lt;if-available&gt;</code> elements.
<code>&lt;scheme&gt;</code> element defines a URI scheme
that the provider will handle. It must have a
<code>name</code> attribute, which specifies the URI scheme.
<code>&lt;if-available&gt;</code> elements is used to
disable the provider if certain classes are not present in
the class-path.
It must have a
<code>class-name</code> attribute, which
specifies the fully qualified name of a class to test for.
If the class cannot be found, the provider is not registered.
<code>&lt;default-provider&gt;</code> element defines
the default provider. It has the same format as the
<code>&lt;provider&gt;</code> element.
<code>&lt;extension-map&gt;</code> element defines
a mapping from a file's extension to the provider that
should handle files with that extension.
It must have an
<code>extension</code> attribute, which
specifies the extension, and a
<code>scheme</code> attribute,
which specifies the URI scheme of the provider.
<code>&lt;mime-type-map&gt;</code> element defines
a mapping from a file's MIME type to the provider that
should handle files with that MIME type.
It must have an
<code>mime-type</code> attribute, which
specifies the MIME type, and a
<code>scheme</code> attribute,
which specified the URI scheme of the provider.
Below is an example configuration file:
<provider class-name="">
<scheme name="zip"/>
<extension-map extension="zip" scheme="zip"/>
<mime-type-map mime-type="application/zip" scheme="zip"/>
<provider class-name="org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.ftp.FtpFileProvider">
<scheme name="ftp"/>
<if-available class-name=""/>
<default-provider class-name="org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.url.UrlFileProvider"/>