blob: 5f1e12e62ef3726548d535adf8e08d53511659d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.hdfs;
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystem;
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemConfigBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemOptions;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
* Configuration settings for the HdfsFileSystem.
* @since 2.1
public final class HdfsFileSystemConfigBuilder extends FileSystemConfigBuilder
private static final HdfsFileSystemConfigBuilder BUILDER = new HdfsFileSystemConfigBuilder();
private static final String KEY_CONFIG_NAMES = "configNames";
private static final String KEY_CONFIG_PATHS = "configPaths";
private static final String KEY_CONFIG_URLS = "configURLs";
private static final String KEY_CONFIG_STREAM = "configStream";
private static final String KEY_CONFIG_CONF = "configConf";
private HdfsFileSystemConfigBuilder()
* @return HdfsFileSystemConfigBuilder instance
public static HdfsFileSystemConfigBuilder getInstance()
return BUILDER;
* @return HDFSFileSystem
protected Class<? extends FileSystem> getConfigClass()
return HdfsFileSystem.class;
* Get names of alternate configuration resources.
* @return resource name list of alternate configurations or {@code null}.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
* @see #setConfigName(FileSystemOptions, String)
public String[] getConfigNames(final FileSystemOptions opts)
String names = this.getString(opts, KEY_CONFIG_NAMES);
return names == null || names.isEmpty() ? null : names.split(",");
* Sets the name of configuration resource to be loaded after the defaults.
* <p>
* Specifies the name of a config resource to override any specific HDFS settings.
* The property will be passed on to {@code org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration#addResource(String)}
* after the URL was set as the default name with: {@code Configuration#set(FileSystem.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, url)}.
* <p>
* One use for this is to set a different value for the {@code dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname}
* property in order to access HDFS files stored in an AWS installation (from outside their
* firewall). There are other possible uses too.
* <p>
* This method may be called multiple times and all the specified resources will be loaded
* in the order they were specified.
* <p>
* Note also, that if a list of names is provided, separated by commas ({@code ","}), that
* this will work the same as calling this method a number of times with just one name each.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions to modify.
* @param name resource name of additional configuration or {@code null} to unset all the
* values set so far.
* @see #getConfigNames
public void setConfigName(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
if (name == null || name.isEmpty())
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_NAMES, null);
String previousNames = this.getString(opts, KEY_CONFIG_NAMES);
if (previousNames == null || previousNames.isEmpty())
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_NAMES, name);
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_NAMES, previousNames + "," + name);
* Get paths of alternate configuration file system files.
* @return list of full paths of alternate configuration files or {@code null}.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
* @see #setConfigPath(FileSystemOptions, Path)
public Path[] getConfigPaths(final FileSystemOptions opts)
String pathNames = this.getString(opts, KEY_CONFIG_PATHS);
if (pathNames == null || pathNames.isEmpty())
return null;
String[] paths = pathNames.split(",");
Path[] realPaths = new Path[paths.length];
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++)
realPaths[i] = new Path(paths[i]);
return realPaths;
* Sets the full path of configuration file to be loaded after the defaults.
* <p>
* Specifies the path of a local file system config file to override any specific HDFS settings.
* The property will be passed on to {@code org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration#addResource(Path)}
* after the URL was set as the default name with: {@code Configuration#set(FileSystem.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, url)}.
* <p>
* One use for this is to set a different value for the {@code dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname}
* property in order to access HDFS files stored in an AWS installation (from outside their
* firewall). There are other possible uses too.
* <p>
* This method may be called multiple times and all the specified resources will be loaded
* in the order they were specified.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions to modify.
* @param path full path of additional configuration file (local file system) or {@code null}
* to unset all the path values set so far.
public void setConfigPath(final FileSystemOptions opts, final Path path)
if (path == null)
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_PATHS, null);
String previousPathNames = this.getString(opts, KEY_CONFIG_PATHS);
if (previousPathNames == null || previousPathNames.isEmpty())
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_PATHS, path.toString());
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_PATHS, previousPathNames + "," + path.toString());
* Get URLs of alternate configurations.
* @return list of alternate configuration URLs or {@code null}.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
* @see #setConfigURL(FileSystemOptions, URL)
public URL[] getConfigURLs(final FileSystemOptions opts)
String urlNames = this.getString(opts, KEY_CONFIG_URLS);
if (urlNames == null || urlNames.isEmpty())
return null;
String[] urls = urlNames.split(",");
URL[] realURLs = new URL[urls.length];
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++)
realURLs[i] = new URL(urls[i]);
return realURLs;
catch (MalformedURLException mue)
// This should never happen because we save it in the proper form
return null;
* Sets the URL of configuration file to be loaded after the defaults.
* <p>
* Specifies the URL of a config file to override any specific HDFS settings.
* The property will be passed on to {@code org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration#addResource(URL)}
* after the URL was set as the default name with: {@code Configuration#set(FileSystem.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, url)}.
* <p>
* One use for this is to set a different value for the {@code dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname}
* property in order to access HDFS files stored in an AWS installation (from outside their
* firewall). There are other possible uses too.
* <p>
* This method may be called multiple times and all the specified resources will be loaded
* in the order they were specified.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions to modify.
* @param url URL of additional configuration file or {@code null} to unset all the URL
* values set so far.
public void setConfigURL(final FileSystemOptions opts, final URL url)
if (url == null)
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_URLS, null);
String previousURLNames = this.getString(opts, KEY_CONFIG_URLS);
if (previousURLNames == null || previousURLNames.isEmpty())
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_URLS, url.toString());
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_URLS, previousURLNames + "," + url.toString());
* Get alternate configuration input stream.
* @return alternate configuration input stream or {@code null}.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
* @see #setConfigInputStream(FileSystemOptions, InputStream)
public InputStream getConfigInputStream(final FileSystemOptions opts)
return (InputStream)this.getParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_STREAM);
* Sets the input stream of configuration file to be loaded after the defaults.
* <p>
* Specifies an input stream connected to a config file to override any specific HDFS settings.
* The property will be passed on to {@code org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration#addResource(InputStream)}
* after the URL was set as the default name with: {@code Configuration#set(FileSystem.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, url)}.
* <p>
* One use for this is to set a different value for the {@code dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname}
* property in order to access HDFS files stored in an AWS installation (from outside their
* firewall). There are other possible uses too.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions to modify.
* @param inputStream input stream of additional configuration file or {@code null} to unset
* the configuration input stream previously set up.
public void setConfigInputStream(final FileSystemOptions opts, final InputStream inputStream)
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_STREAM, inputStream);
* Get alternate configuration object.
* @return alternate configuration object or {@code null}.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
* @see #setConfigConfiguration(FileSystemOptions, Configuration)
public Configuration getConfigConfiguration(final FileSystemOptions opts)
return (Configuration)this.getParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_CONF);
* Sets the configuration object to be loaded after the defaults.
* <p>
* Specifies an already initialized configuration object to override any specific HDFS settings.
* The property will be passed on to {@code org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration#addResource(Configuration)}
* after the URL was set as the default name with: {@code Configuration#set(FileSystem.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, url)}.
* <p>
* One use for this is to set a different value for the {@code dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname}
* property in order to access HDFS files stored in an AWS installation (from outside their
* firewall). There are other possible uses too.
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions to modify.
* @param configuration additional configuration object or {@code null} to unset any configuration
* object previously set.
public void setConfigConfiguration(final FileSystemOptions opts, final Configuration configuration)
this.setParam(opts, KEY_CONFIG_CONF, configuration);