blob: 05966af6c8b43ae4d85454ee3ada94ad23acffee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.vfs2;
* Abstract class which has the right to fill FileSystemOptions.
public abstract class FileSystemConfigBuilder
/** Default prefix to use when resolving system properties */
private static final String PREFIX = "vfs.";
/** The root uri of the file system */
private static final String ROOTURI = "rootURI";
/** The prefix to use when resolving system properties */
private final String prefix;
* Construct builder with default prefix.
* @since 1.0
protected FileSystemConfigBuilder()
this.prefix = PREFIX;
* Construct builder with specified component name.
* @param component component name to be used in prefix
* @since 2.0
protected FileSystemConfigBuilder(final String component)
this.prefix = PREFIX + component;
* The root URI of the file system.
* @param opts the file system options to modify
* @param rootURI The creator name to be associated with the file.
* @since 2.0
public void setRootURI(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String rootURI)
setParam(opts, ROOTURI, rootURI);
* Return the root URI of the file system.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @return The root URI
* @since 2.0
public String getRootURI(final FileSystemOptions opts)
return getString(opts, ROOTURI);
* Set named parameter.
* @param opts the file system options to modify
* @param name set option with this name
* @param value boolean value to set
* @since 2.1
protected void setParam(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final boolean value)
setParam(opts, name, Boolean.valueOf(value));
* Set named parameter.
* @param opts the file system options to modify
* @param name set option with this name
* @param value object value to set
* @since 1.0
protected void setParam(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Object value)
opts.setOption(getConfigClass(), name, value);
* Get named parameter.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name get option with this name
* @return the named option or null
* @since 1.0
protected Object getParam(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
if (opts == null)
return null;
return opts.getOption(getConfigClass(), name);
* Check if option exists.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the name to look up in {@code opts}
* @return true if opts have the named parameter
* @since 1.0
protected boolean hasParam(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return opts != null && opts.hasOption(getConfigClass(), name);
* Is named setting specified.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option to check in {@code opts} or system properties
* @return true if option exists
* @since 2.0
protected boolean hasObject(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return hasParam(opts, name) || System.getProperties().containsKey(toPropertyKey(name));
* Get named option as boolean.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getBoolean(FileSystemOptions, String, Boolean)
* @since 2.0
protected Boolean getBoolean(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getBoolean(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as boolean.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getBoolean(FileSystemOptions, String, Boolean)
* @since 2.0
protected boolean getBoolean(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final boolean defaultValue)
return getBoolean(opts, name, Boolean.valueOf(defaultValue)).booleanValue();
* Get named option as boolean.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getBoolean(FileSystemOptions, String, Boolean)
* @since 2.0
protected Boolean getBoolean(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Boolean defaultValue)
Boolean value = (Boolean) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null)
return defaultValue;
value = Boolean.valueOf(str);
return value;
* Get named option as byte.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getByte(FileSystemOptions, String, Byte)
* @since 2.0
protected Byte getByte(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getByte(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as byte.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getByte(FileSystemOptions, String, Byte)
* @since 2.0
protected byte getByte(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final byte defaultValue)
return getByte(opts, name, Byte.valueOf(defaultValue)).byteValue();
* Get named option as byte.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @since 2.0
protected Byte getByte(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Byte defaultValue)
Byte value = (Byte) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null)
return defaultValue;
value = Byte.valueOf(str);
return value;
* Get named option as character.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getCharacter(FileSystemOptions, String, Character)
* @since 2.0
protected Character getCharacter(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getCharacter(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as character.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getCharacter(FileSystemOptions, String, Character)
* @since 2.0
protected char getCharacter(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final char defaultValue)
return getCharacter(opts, name, new Character(defaultValue)).charValue();
* Get named option as character.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @since 2.0
protected Character getCharacter(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Character defaultValue)
Character value = (Character) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null || str.length() <= 0)
return defaultValue;
value = new Character(str.charAt(0));
return value;
* Get named option as double.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getDouble(FileSystemOptions, String, Double)
* @since 2.0
protected Double getDouble(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getDouble(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as double.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getDouble(FileSystemOptions, String, Double)
* @since 2.0
protected double getDouble(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final double defaultValue)
return getDouble(opts, name, new Double(defaultValue)).doubleValue();
* Get named option as double.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @since 2.0
protected Double getDouble(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Double defaultValue)
Double value = (Double) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null || str.length() <= 0)
return defaultValue;
value = Double.valueOf(str);
return value;
* Get named option as enumeration.
* @param <E> enumeration type
* @param enumClass class of enumeration type
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name *
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getEnum(Class, FileSystemOptions, String, Enum)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if option value is not a known enumeration.
* @since 2.1
protected <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnum(final Class<E> enumClass, final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return this.<E>getEnum(enumClass, opts, name, null);
* Get named option as enumeration.
* @param <E> enumeration type
* @param enumClass class of enumeration type
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getEnum(Class, FileSystemOptions, String, Enum)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if option value is not a known enumeration.
* @since 2.1
protected <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnum(final Class<E> enumClass, final FileSystemOptions opts,
final String name, final E defaultValue)
E value = (E) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null)
return defaultValue;
value = Enum.valueOf(enumClass, str);
return value;
* Get named option as float.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getFloat(FileSystemOptions, String, Float)
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid float.
* @since 2.0
protected Float getFloat(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getFloat(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as float.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getFloat(FileSystemOptions, String, Float)
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid float.
* @since 2.0
protected float getFloat(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final float defaultValue)
return getFloat(opts, name, new Float(defaultValue)).floatValue();
* Get named option as float.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid float.
* @since 2.0
protected Float getFloat(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Float defaultValue)
Float value = (Float) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null || str.length() <= 0)
return defaultValue;
value = Float.valueOf(str);
return value;
* Get named option as integer.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getInteger(FileSystemOptions, String, Integer)
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid integer.
* @since 2.0
protected Integer getInteger(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getInteger(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as integer.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getInteger(FileSystemOptions, String, Integer)
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid integer.
* @since 2.0
protected int getInteger(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final int defaultValue)
return getInteger(opts, name, Integer.valueOf(defaultValue)).intValue();
* Get named option as integer.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid integer.
* @since 2.0
protected Integer getInteger(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Integer defaultValue)
Integer value = (Integer) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null)
return defaultValue;
value = Integer.valueOf(str);
return value;
* Get named option as long.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getLong(FileSystemOptions, String, Long)
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid long.
* @since 2.0
protected Long getLong(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getLong(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as long.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getLong(FileSystemOptions, String, Long)
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid long.
* @since 2.0
protected long getLong(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final long defaultValue)
return getLong(opts, name, Long.valueOf(defaultValue)).longValue();
* Get named option as long.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid long.
* @since 2.0
protected Long getLong(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Long defaultValue)
Long value = (Long) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null)
return defaultValue;
value = Long.valueOf(str);
return value;
* Get named option as short.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getShort(FileSystemOptions, String, Short)
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid short.
* @since 2.0
protected Short getShort(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getShort(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as short.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @see #getShort(FileSystemOptions, String, Short)
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid short
* @since 2.0
protected short getShort(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final short defaultValue)
return getShort(opts, name, Short.valueOf(defaultValue)).shortValue();
* Get named option as short.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @throws NumberFormatException if option value is not a valid short
* @since 2.0
protected Short getShort(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final Short defaultValue)
Short value = (Short) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
final String str = getProperty(name);
if (str == null)
return defaultValue;
value = Short.valueOf(str);
return value;
* Get named option as String.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise null
* @see #getString(FileSystemOptions, String, String)
* @since 2.0
protected String getString(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name)
return getString(opts, name, null);
* Get named option as String.
* @param opts file system options to work with
* @param name the option name
* @param defaultValue value to return if option is not present
* @return the option in {@code opts} or system properties, otherwise {@code defaultValue}
* @since 2.0
protected String getString(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String name, final String defaultValue)
String value = (String) getParam(opts, name);
if (value == null)
value = getProperty(name);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
return value;
* Get the target of this configuration.
* @return the specific file system class
* @since 1.0
protected abstract Class<? extends FileSystem> getConfigClass();
* Converts the given name into a System property key.
* @param name a name to combine with the builder prefix
* @return name of system property
* @since 2.1
private String toPropertyKey(final String name)
return this.prefix + name;
* Get the system property for the given name.
* @param name The name to lookup combined with the prefix.
* @return a system property or null
* @since 2.1
private String getProperty(final String name)
return System.getProperty(toPropertyKey(name));