blob: e5429f8ac1ae4dd207cb5bdea3848f92ba36b110 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.sftp;
import com.jcraft.jsch.UserInfo;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemConfigBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemOptions;
* The config BUILDER for various sftp configuration options.
* @author <a href="">Mario Ivankovits</a>
* @version $Revision$ $Date$
public final class SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder extends FileSystemConfigBuilder
/** HTTP Proxy. */
public static final ProxyType PROXY_HTTP = new ProxyType("http");
/** SOCKS Proxy. */
public static final ProxyType PROXY_SOCKS5 = new ProxyType("socks");
private static final SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder BUILDER = new SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder();
private static final String USER_DIR_IS_ROOT = SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".USER_DIR_IS_ROOT";
private static final String TIMEOUT = SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".TIMEOUT";
private SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder()
public static SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder getInstance()
return BUILDER;
* Proxy type.
public static final class ProxyType implements Serializable, Comparable
private final String proxyType;
private ProxyType(final String proxyType)
this.proxyType = proxyType;
public int compareTo(Object o)
return proxyType.compareTo(((ProxyType) o).proxyType);
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
ProxyType proxyType1 = (ProxyType) o;
if (proxyType != null ? !proxyType.equals(proxyType1.proxyType) : proxyType1.proxyType != null)
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode()
return proxyType.hashCode();
* Set the userinfo class to use if e.g. a password or a not known host
* will be contacted.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param info User information.
public void setUserInfo(FileSystemOptions opts, UserInfo info)
setParam(opts, UserInfo.class.getName(), info);
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return The UserInfo.
* @see #setUserInfo
public UserInfo getUserInfo(FileSystemOptions opts)
return (UserInfo) getParam(opts, UserInfo.class.getName());
* Set the known_hosts file. e.g. /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts2<br>
* Need to use a as JSch cant deal with vfs FileObjects ;-)
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param sshdir The known hosts directory.
* @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
public void setKnownHosts(FileSystemOptions opts, File sshdir) throws FileSystemException
setParam(opts, "knownHosts", sshdir);
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return the known hosts File.
* @see #setKnownHosts
public File getKnownHosts(FileSystemOptions opts)
return (File) getParam(opts, "knownHosts");
* Set the identity files (your private key files).<br>
* Need to use a as JSch cant deal with vfs FileObjects ;-)
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param identities An array of identity Files.
* @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
public void setIdentities(FileSystemOptions opts, File[] identities) throws FileSystemException
setParam(opts, "identities", identities);
* configure the compression to use.<br>
* e.g. pass "zlib,none" to enable the compression.<br>
* See the jsch documentation for details.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param compression The compression algorithm name.
* @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
public void setCompression(FileSystemOptions opts, String compression) throws FileSystemException
setParam(opts, "compression", compression);
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return The name of the compression algorithm.
* @see #setCompression
public String getCompression(FileSystemOptions opts)
return getString(opts, "compression");
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return the array of identity Files.
* @see #setIdentities
public File[] getIdentities(FileSystemOptions opts)
return (File[]) getParam(opts, "identities");
* configure the host key checking to use.<br>
* valid arguments are only yes, no and ask.<br>
* See the jsch documentation for details.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param hostKeyChecking The host key checking to use.
* @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
public void setStrictHostKeyChecking(FileSystemOptions opts, String hostKeyChecking) throws FileSystemException
if (hostKeyChecking == null || (!hostKeyChecking.equals("ask") && !hostKeyChecking.equals("no") &&
throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider.sftp/StrictHostKeyChecking-arg.error", hostKeyChecking);
setParam(opts, "StrictHostKeyChecking", hostKeyChecking);
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return the option value The host key checking.
* @see #setStrictHostKeyChecking(FileSystemOptions, String)
public String getStrictHostKeyChecking(FileSystemOptions opts)
return getString(opts, "StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
* use user directory as root (do not change to fs root).
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param userDirIsRoot true if the user dir is the root directory.
public void setUserDirIsRoot(FileSystemOptions opts, boolean userDirIsRoot)
setParam(opts, USER_DIR_IS_ROOT, userDirIsRoot ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
* @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
* @return true if the user directory is the root.
* @see #setUserDirIsRoot
public Boolean getUserDirIsRoot(FileSystemOptions opts)
return getBoolean(opts, USER_DIR_IS_ROOT, Boolean.TRUE);
* set the timeout value on jsch session.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param timeout The timeout.
public void setTimeout(FileSystemOptions opts, Integer timeout)
setParam(opts, TIMEOUT, timeout);
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return The timeout value.
* @see #setTimeout
public Integer getTimeout(FileSystemOptions opts)
return getInteger(opts, TIMEOUT);
protected Class getConfigClass()
return SftpFileSystem.class;
* Set the proxy to use for sftp connection.<br>
* You have to set the ProxyPort too if you would like to have the proxy relly used.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param proxyHost the host
* @see #setProxyPort
public void setProxyHost(FileSystemOptions opts, String proxyHost)
setParam(opts, "proxyHost", proxyHost);
* Set the proxy-port to use for sftp connection.
* You have to set the ProxyHost too if you would like to have the proxy relly used.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param proxyPort the port
* @see #setProxyHost
public void setProxyPort(FileSystemOptions opts, int proxyPort)
setParam(opts, "proxyPort", new Integer(proxyPort));
* Get the proxy to use for sftp connection.
* You have to set the ProxyPort too if you would like to have the proxy relly used.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return proxyHost
* @see #setProxyPort
public String getProxyHost(FileSystemOptions opts)
return getString(opts, "proxyHost");
* Get the proxy-port to use for sftp the connection
* You have to set the ProxyHost too if you would like to have the proxy relly used.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return proxyPort: the port number or 0 if it is not set
* @see #setProxyHost
public int getProxyPort(FileSystemOptions opts)
return getInteger(opts, "proxyPort", 0);
* Set the proxy type to use for sftp connection.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param proxyType the type of the proxy to use.
public void setProxyType(FileSystemOptions opts, ProxyType proxyType)
setParam(opts, "proxyType", proxyType);
* Get the proxy type to use for sftp connection.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return The ProxyType.
public ProxyType getProxyType(FileSystemOptions opts)
return (ProxyType) getParam(opts, "proxyType");
* Configure authentication order.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @param preferredAuthentications The authentication order.
public void setPreferredAuthentications(FileSystemOptions opts, String preferredAuthentications)
setParam(opts, "PreferredAuthentications", preferredAuthentications);
* Get authentication order.
* @param opts The FileSystem options.
* @return The authentication order.
public String getPreferredAuthentications(FileSystemOptions opts)
return (String) getParam(opts, "PreferredAuthentications");