blob: 145cd0fcd4ddbb166cb9ef2fa6ed25feab6ae181 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.vfs.provider;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileName;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileType;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.VFS;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.util.Os;
* Utilities for dealing with URIs. See RFC 2396 for details.
* @author <a href="">Adam Murdoch</a>
* @version $Revision$ $Date: 2005-10-13 21:11:33 +0200 (Do, 13 Okt
* 2005) $
public final class UriParser
* The set of valid separators. These are all converted to the normalised
* one. Does <i>not</i> contain the normalised separator
// public static final char[] separators = {'\\'};
public static final char TRANS_SEPARATOR = '\\';
* The normalised separator to use.
private static final char SEPARATOR_CHAR = FileName.SEPARATOR_CHAR;
private static final int HEX_BASE = 16;
private static final int BITS_IN_HALF_BYTE = 4;
private static final char LOW_MASK = 0x0F;
private UriParser()
* Extracts the first element of a path.
* @param name StringBuffer containing the path.
* @return The first element of the path.
public static String extractFirstElement(final StringBuffer name)
final int len = name.length();
if (len < 1)
return null;
int startPos = 0;
if (name.charAt(0) == SEPARATOR_CHAR)
startPos = 1;
for (int pos = startPos; pos < len; pos++)
if (name.charAt(pos) == SEPARATOR_CHAR)
// Found a separator
final String elem = name.substring(startPos, pos);
name.delete(startPos, pos + 1);
return elem;
// No separator
final String elem = name.substring(startPos);
return elem;
* Normalises a path. Does the following:
* <ul>
* <li>Removes empty path elements.
* <li>Handles '.' and '..' elements.
* <li>Removes trailing separator.
* </ul>
* Its assumed that the separators are already fixed.
* @param path The path to normalize.
* @return The FileType.
* @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
* @see #fixSeparators
public static FileType normalisePath(final StringBuffer path)
throws FileSystemException
FileType fileType = FileType.FOLDER;
if (path.length() == 0)
return fileType;
if (path.charAt(path.length() - 1) != '/')
fileType = FileType.FILE;
// Adjust separators
// fixSeparators(path);
// Determine the start of the first element
int startFirstElem = 0;
if (path.charAt(0) == SEPARATOR_CHAR)
if (path.length() == 1)
return fileType;
startFirstElem = 1;
// Iterate over each element
int startElem = startFirstElem;
int maxlen = path.length();
while (startElem < maxlen)
// Find the end of the element
int endElem = startElem;
for (; endElem < maxlen && path.charAt(endElem) != SEPARATOR_CHAR; endElem++)
final int elemLen = endElem - startElem;
if (elemLen == 0)
// An empty element - axe it
path.delete(endElem, endElem + 1);
maxlen = path.length();
if (elemLen == 1 && path.charAt(startElem) == '.')
// A '.' element - axe it
path.delete(startElem, endElem + 1);
maxlen = path.length();
if (elemLen == 2 && path.charAt(startElem) == '.'
&& path.charAt(startElem + 1) == '.')
// A '..' element - remove the previous element
if (startElem == startFirstElem)
// Previous element is missing
throw new FileSystemException(
// Find start of previous element
int pos = startElem - 2;
for (; pos >= 0 && path.charAt(pos) != SEPARATOR_CHAR; pos--)
startElem = pos + 1;
path.delete(startElem, endElem + 1);
maxlen = path.length();
// A regular element
startElem = endElem + 1;
// Remove trailing separator
if (!VFS.isUriStyle())
if (maxlen > 0 && path.charAt(maxlen - 1) == SEPARATOR_CHAR
&& maxlen > 1)
path.delete(maxlen - 1, maxlen);
return fileType;
* Normalises the separators in a name.
* @param name The StringBuffer containing the name
* @return true if the StringBuffer was modified.
public static boolean fixSeparators(final StringBuffer name)
boolean changed = false;
final int maxlen = name.length();
for (int i = 0; i < maxlen; i++)
final char ch = name.charAt(i);
name.setCharAt(i, SEPARATOR_CHAR);
changed = true;
return changed;
* Extracts the scheme from a URI.
* @param uri The URI.
* @return The scheme name. Returns null if there is no scheme.
public static String extractScheme(final String uri)
return extractScheme(uri, null);
* Extracts the scheme from a URI. Removes the scheme and ':' delimiter from
* the front of the URI.
* @param uri The URI.
* @param buffer Returns the remainder of the URI.
* @return The scheme name. Returns null if there is no scheme.
public static String extractScheme(final String uri, final StringBuffer buffer)
if (buffer != null)
final int maxPos = uri.length();
for (int pos = 0; pos < maxPos; pos++)
final char ch = uri.charAt(pos);
if (ch == ':')
// Found the end of the scheme
final String scheme = uri.substring(0, pos);
if (scheme.length() <= 1 && Os.isFamily(Os.OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS))
// This is not a scheme, but a Windows drive letter
return null;
if (buffer != null)
buffer.delete(0, pos + 1);
return scheme.intern();
if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'))
// A scheme character
if (pos > 0
&& ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '.'))
// A scheme character (these are not allowed as the first
// character of the scheme, but can be used as subsequent
// characters.
// Not a scheme character
// No scheme in URI
return null;
* Removes %nn encodings from a string.
* @param encodedStr The encoded String.
* @return The decoded String.
* @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
public static String decode(final String encodedStr)
throws FileSystemException
if (encodedStr == null)
return null;
if (encodedStr.indexOf('%') < 0)
return encodedStr;
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(encodedStr);
decode(buffer, 0, buffer.length());
return buffer.toString();
* Removes %nn encodings from a string.
* @param buffer StringBuffer containing the string to decode.
* @param offset The position in the string to start decoding.
* @param length The number of characters to decode.
* @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
public static void decode(final StringBuffer buffer, final int offset, final int length)
throws FileSystemException
int index = offset;
int count = length;
for (; count > 0; count--, index++)
final char ch = buffer.charAt(index);
if (ch != '%')
if (count < 3)
throw new FileSystemException(
"vfs.provider/invalid-escape-sequence.error", buffer
.substring(index, index + count));
// Decode
int dig1 = Character.digit(buffer.charAt(index + 1), HEX_BASE);
int dig2 = Character.digit(buffer.charAt(index + 2), HEX_BASE);
if (dig1 == -1 || dig2 == -1)
throw new FileSystemException(
"vfs.provider/invalid-escape-sequence.error", buffer
.substring(index, index + 3));
char value = (char) (dig1 << BITS_IN_HALF_BYTE | dig2);
// Replace
buffer.setCharAt(index, value);
buffer.delete(index + 1, index + 3);
count -= 2;
* Encodes and appends a string to a StringBuffer.
* @param buffer The StringBuffer to append to.
* @param unencodedValue The String to encode and append.
* @param reserved characters to encode.
public static void appendEncoded(final StringBuffer buffer,
final String unencodedValue, final char[] reserved)
final int offset = buffer.length();
encode(buffer, offset, unencodedValue.length(), reserved);
* Encodes a set of reserved characters in a StringBuffer, using the URI %nn
* encoding. Always encodes % characters.
* @param buffer The StringBuffer to append to.
* @param offset The position in the buffer to start encoding at.
* @param length The number of characters to encode.
* @param reserved characters to encode.
public static void encode(final StringBuffer buffer, final int offset,
final int length, final char[] reserved)
int index = offset;
int count = length;
for (; count > 0; index++, count--)
final char ch = buffer.charAt(index);
boolean match = ch == '%';
if (reserved != null)
for (int i = 0; !match && i < reserved.length; i++)
if (ch == reserved[i])
match = true;
if (match)
// Encode
char[] digits =
{Character.forDigit(((ch >> BITS_IN_HALF_BYTE) & LOW_MASK), HEX_BASE),
Character.forDigit((ch & LOW_MASK), HEX_BASE)};
buffer.setCharAt(index, '%');
buffer.insert(index + 1, digits);
index += 2;
* Removes %nn encodings from a string.
* @param decodedStr The decoded String.
* @return The encoded String.
public static String encode(final String decodedStr)
return encode(decodedStr, null);
* Converts "special" characters to their %nn value.
* @param decodedStr The decoded String.
* @param reserved Characters to encode.
* @return The encoded String
public static String encode(final String decodedStr, final char[] reserved)
if (decodedStr == null)
return null;
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(decodedStr);
encode(buffer, 0, buffer.length(), reserved);
return buffer.toString();
* Encode an array of Strings.
* @param strings The array of Strings to encode.
* @return An array of encoded Strings.
public static String[] encode(String[] strings)
if (strings == null)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++)
strings[i] = encode(strings[i]);
return strings;
* Decodes the String.
* @param uri The String to decode.
* @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
public static void checkUriEncoding(String uri) throws FileSystemException
public static void canonicalizePath(StringBuffer buffer, int offset,
int length, FileNameParser fileNameParser)
throws FileSystemException
int index = offset;
int count = length;
for (; count > 0; count--, index++)
final char ch = buffer.charAt(index);
if (ch == '%')
if (count < 3)
throw new FileSystemException(
buffer.substring(index, index + count));
// Decode
int dig1 = Character.digit(buffer.charAt(index + 1), HEX_BASE);
int dig2 = Character.digit(buffer.charAt(index + 2), HEX_BASE);
if (dig1 == -1 || dig2 == -1)
throw new FileSystemException(
buffer.substring(index, index + 3));
char value = (char) (dig1 << BITS_IN_HALF_BYTE | dig2);
boolean match = value == '%'
|| (fileNameParser != null && fileNameParser.encodeCharacter(value));
if (match)
// this is a reserved character, not allowed to decode
index += 2;
count -= 2;
// Replace
buffer.setCharAt(index, value);
buffer.delete(index + 1, index + 3);
count -= 2;
else if (fileNameParser.encodeCharacter(ch))
// Encode
char[] digits =
{Character.forDigit(((ch >> BITS_IN_HALF_BYTE) & LOW_MASK), HEX_BASE),
Character.forDigit((ch & LOW_MASK), HEX_BASE) };
buffer.setCharAt(index, '%');
buffer.insert(index + 1, digits);
index += 2;
* Extract the query String from the URI.
* @param name StringBuffer containing the URI.
* @return The query string, if any. null otherwise.
public static String extractQueryString(StringBuffer name)
for (int pos = 0; pos < name.length(); pos++)
if (name.charAt(pos) == '?')
String queryString = name.substring(pos + 1);
name.delete(pos, name.length());
return queryString;
return null;