blob: 7a2e6e9a3c4b0b9d4f6464a7efa3832fe5fe8497 [file] [log] [blame]
Commons Validator Package
Version 1.3.1
Release Notes
The dependencies for Validator 1.3.1 are unchanged since the 1.3.0 release.
N.B. Jakarta ORO ( has now been marked as
an optional dependency in the project.xml as it is only required
by the Email, URL and Regular Expression validations.
Bug fixes from 1.3.0
* [VALIDATOR-19] - The Form cannot be used for the validator's
method parameter.
* [VALIDATOR-89] - ValidatorAction needs to be thread-safe
* [VALIDATOR-189] - Validating array integers fails
* [VALIDATOR-190] - EmailValidator allows control characters (ASCII 0-31)
* [VALIDATOR-195] - Loading of Digester Rules for classes extending
ValidatorResources does not work
* [VALIDATOR-198] - Example does not compile
* [VALIDATOR-199] - Commons Validator 1.3.0 source distribution's build.xml
neglects to include validator_1_1_3.dtd in JAR
* [VALIDATOR-202] - URL Validator isValid method fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* [VALIDATOR-204] - isValid return false for a valid URL
* [VALIDATOR-208] - jcv_isFieldPresent function causes error in IE5
* [VALIDATOR-210] - Generated JavaScript Causes HTML Page to Contain Illegal HTML
Improvements from 1.3.0
* [VALIDATOR-209] - Additional constructor for ValidatorResources that takes
URL[] instead of String[]