blob: 1d88bcc6765d1ebe4f79ddbcfb527dafd1a01752 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.validator.routines;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* Base Number Test Case.
* @version $Revision$
public abstract class AbstractNumberValidatorTest extends TestCase {
protected AbstractNumberValidator validator;
protected AbstractNumberValidator strictValidator;
protected Number max;
protected Number maxPlusOne;
protected Number min;
protected Number minMinusOne;
protected String[] invalid;
protected String[] valid;
protected Number[] validCompare;
protected String[] invalidStrict;
protected String[] validStrict;
protected Number[] validStrictCompare;
protected String testPattern;
protected Number testNumber;
protected Number testZero;
protected String testStringUS;
protected String testStringDE;
protected String localeValue;
protected String localePattern;
protected Locale testLocale;
protected Number localeExpected;
* Constructor
* @param name test name
public AbstractNumberValidatorTest(String name) {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
* Tear down
* @throws Exception
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
validator = null;
strictValidator = null;
* Test Format Type
public void testFormatType() {
assertEquals("Format Type A", 0, validator.getFormatType());
assertEquals("Format Type B", AbstractNumberValidator.STANDARD_FORMAT, validator.getFormatType());
* Test Min/Max values allowed
public void testValidateMinMax() {
DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#");
if (max != null) {
assertEquals("Test Max", max, validator.parse(fmt.format(max), "#", null));
assertNull("Test Max + 1", validator.parse(fmt.format(maxPlusOne), "#", null));
assertEquals("Test Min", min, validator.parse(fmt.format(min), "#", null));
assertNull("Test min - 1", validator.parse(fmt.format(minMinusOne), "#", null));
* Test Invalid, strict=true
public void testInvalidStrict() {
for (int i = 0; i < invalidStrict.length; i++) {
String text = "idx=["+i+"] value=[" + invalidStrict[i] + "]";
assertNull("(A) " + text, strictValidator.parse(invalidStrict[i], null, Locale.US));
assertFalse("(B) " + text, strictValidator.isValid(invalidStrict[i], null, Locale.US));
assertNull("(C) " + text, strictValidator.parse(invalidStrict[i], testPattern, null));
assertFalse("(D) " + text, strictValidator.isValid(invalidStrict[i], testPattern, null));
* Test Invalid, strict=false
public void testInvalidNotStrict() {
for (int i = 0; i < invalid.length; i++) {
String text = "idx=["+i+"] value=[" + invalid[i] + "]";
assertNull("(A) " + text, validator.parse(invalid[i], null, Locale.US));
assertFalse("(B) " + text, validator.isValid(invalid[i], null, Locale.US));
assertNull("(C) " + text, validator.parse(invalid[i], testPattern, null));
assertFalse("(D) " + text, validator.isValid(invalid[i], testPattern, null));
* Test Valid, strict=true
public void testValidStrict() {
for (int i = 0; i < validStrict.length; i++) {
String text = "idx=["+i+"] value=[" + validStrictCompare[i] + "]";
assertEquals("(A) " + text, validStrictCompare[i], strictValidator.parse(validStrict[i], null, Locale.US));
assertTrue("(B) " + text, strictValidator.isValid(validStrict[i], null, Locale.US));
assertEquals("(C) " + text, validStrictCompare[i], strictValidator.parse(validStrict[i], testPattern, null));
assertTrue("(D) " + text, strictValidator.isValid(validStrict[i], testPattern, null));
* Test Valid, strict=false
public void testValidNotStrict() {
for (int i = 0; i < valid.length; i++) {
String text = "idx=["+i+"] value=[" + validCompare[i] + "]";
assertEquals("(A) " + text, validCompare[i], validator.parse(valid[i], null, Locale.US));
assertTrue("(B) " + text, validator.isValid(valid[i], null, Locale.US));
assertEquals("(C) " + text, validCompare[i], validator.parse(valid[i], testPattern, null));
assertTrue("(D) " + text, validator.isValid(valid[i], testPattern, null));
* Test different Locale
public void testValidateLocale() {
assertEquals("US Locale, US Format", testNumber, strictValidator.parse(testStringUS, null, Locale.US));
assertNull("US Locale, DE Format", strictValidator.parse(testStringDE, null, Locale.US));
// Default German Locale
assertEquals("DE Locale, DE Format", testNumber, strictValidator.parse(testStringDE, null, Locale.GERMAN));
assertNull("DE Locale, US Format", strictValidator.parse(testStringUS, null, Locale.GERMAN));
// Default Locale has been set to Locale.US in setup()
assertEquals("Default Locale, US Format", testNumber, strictValidator.parse(testStringUS, null, null));
assertNull("Default Locale, DE Format", strictValidator.parse(testStringDE, null, null));
* Test format() methods
public void testFormat() {
Number number = new BigDecimal("1234.5");
assertEquals("US Locale, US Format", "1,234.5", strictValidator.format(number, Locale.US));
assertEquals("DE Locale, DE Format", "1.234,5", strictValidator.format(number, Locale.GERMAN));
assertEquals("Pattern #,#0.00", "12,34.50", strictValidator.format(number, "#,#0.00"));
* Test Range/Min/Max
public void testRangeMinMax() {
Number number9 = Integer.valueOf(9);
Number number10 = Integer.valueOf(10);
Number number11 = Integer.valueOf(11);
Number number19 = Integer.valueOf(19);
Number number20 = Integer.valueOf(20);
Number number21 = Integer.valueOf(21);
// Test isInRange()
assertFalse("isInRange() < min", strictValidator.isInRange(number9 , number10, number20));
assertTrue("isInRange() = min", strictValidator.isInRange(number10 , number10, number20));
assertTrue("isInRange() in range", strictValidator.isInRange(number11 , number10, number20));
assertTrue("isInRange() = max", strictValidator.isInRange(number20 , number10, number20));
assertFalse("isInRange() > max", strictValidator.isInRange(number21 , number10, number20));
// Test minValue()
assertFalse("minValue() < min", strictValidator.minValue(number9 , number10));
assertTrue("minValue() = min", strictValidator.minValue(number10 , number10));
assertTrue("minValue() > min", strictValidator.minValue(number11 , number10));
// Test minValue()
assertTrue("maxValue() < max", strictValidator.maxValue(number19 , number20));
assertTrue("maxValue() = max", strictValidator.maxValue(number20 , number20));
assertFalse("maxValue() > max", strictValidator.maxValue(number21 , number20));
* Test validator serialization.
public void testSerialization() {
// Serialize the check digit routine
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(validator.getClass().getName() + " error during serialization: " + e);
// Deserialize the test object
Object result = null;
try {
ByteArrayInputStream bais =
new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
result = ois.readObject();
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(validator.getClass().getName() + " error during deserialization: " + e);