blob: b936aa4e9e7d8d0d58de8cf4824eea0349f4f9b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.validator.routines;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
* <p><b>Domain name</b> validation routines.</p>
* <p>
* This validator provides methods for validating Internet domain names
* and top-level domains.
* </p>
* <p>Domain names are evaluated according
* to the standards <a href="">RFC1034</a>,
* section 3, and <a href="">RFC1123</a>,
* section 2.1. No accommodation is provided for the specialized needs of
* other applications; if the domain name has been URL-encoded, for example,
* validation will fail even though the equivalent plaintext version of the
* same name would have passed.
* </p>
* <p>
* Validation is also provided for top-level domains (TLDs) as defined and
* maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA):
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #isValidInfrastructureTld} - validates infrastructure TLDs
* (<code>.arpa</code>, etc.)</li>
* <li>{@link #isValidGenericTld} - validates generic TLDs
* (<code>.com, .org</code>, etc.)</li>
* <li>{@link #isValidCountryCodeTld} - validates country code TLDs
* (<code>.us, .uk, .cn</code>, etc.)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* (<b>NOTE</b>: This class does not provide IP address lookup for domain names or
* methods to ensure that a given domain name matches a specific IP; see
* {@link} for that functionality.)
* </p>
* @version $Revision$
* @since Validator 1.4
public class DomainValidator implements Serializable {
/** Maximum allowable length ({@value}) of a domain name */
private static final int MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH = 253;
private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4407125112880174009L;
// Regular expression strings for hostnames (derived from RFC2396 and RFC 1123)
// RFC2396: domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
// Max 63 characters
private static final String DOMAIN_LABEL_REGEX = "\\p{Alnum}(?>[\\p{Alnum}-]{0,61}\\p{Alnum})?";
// RFC2396 toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
// Max 63 characters
private static final String TOP_LABEL_REGEX = "\\p{Alpha}(?>[\\p{Alnum}-]{0,61}\\p{Alnum})?";
// RFC2396 hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
// Note that the regex currently requires both a domain label and a top level label, whereas
// the RFC does not. This is because the regex is used to detect if a TLD is present.
// If the match fails, input is checked against DOMAIN_LABEL_REGEX (hostnameRegex)
// RFC1123 sec 2.1 allows hostnames to start with a digit
private static final String DOMAIN_NAME_REGEX =
"^(?:" + DOMAIN_LABEL_REGEX + "\\.)+" + "(" + TOP_LABEL_REGEX + ")\\.?$";
private static final String UNEXPECTED_ENUM_VALUE = "Unexpected enum value: ";
private final boolean allowLocal;
private static class LazyHolder { // IODH
* Singleton instance of this validator, which
* doesn't consider local addresses as valid.
private static final DomainValidator DOMAIN_VALIDATOR = new DomainValidator(false);
* Singleton instance of this validator, which does
* consider local addresses valid.
private static final DomainValidator DOMAIN_VALIDATOR_WITH_LOCAL = new DomainValidator(true);
* The above instances must only be returned via the getInstance() methods.
* This is to ensure that the override data arrays are properly protected.
* RegexValidator for matching domains.
private final RegexValidator domainRegex =
new RegexValidator(DOMAIN_NAME_REGEX);
* RegexValidator for matching a local hostname
// RFC1123 sec 2.1 allows hostnames to start with a digit
private final RegexValidator hostnameRegex =
new RegexValidator(DOMAIN_LABEL_REGEX);
* Returns the singleton instance of this validator. It
* will not consider local addresses as valid.
* @return the singleton instance of this validator
public static synchronized DomainValidator getInstance() {
inUse = true;
return LazyHolder.DOMAIN_VALIDATOR;
* Returns the singleton instance of this validator,
* with local validation as required.
* @param allowLocal Should local addresses be considered valid?
* @return the singleton instance of this validator
public static synchronized DomainValidator getInstance(boolean allowLocal) {
inUse = true;
if(allowLocal) {
return LazyHolder.DOMAIN_VALIDATOR;
* Returns a new instance of this validator.
* The user can provide a list of {@link Item} entries which can
* be used to override the generic and country code lists.
* Note that any such entries override values provided by the
* {@link #updateTLDOverride(ArrayType, String[])} method
* If an entry for a particular type is not provided, then
* the class override (if any) is retained.
* @param allowLocal Should local addresses be considered valid?
* @param items - array of {@link Item} entries
* @return an instance of this validator
* @since 1.7
public static synchronized DomainValidator getInstance(boolean allowLocal, List<Item> items) {
inUse = true;
return new DomainValidator(allowLocal, items);
// intance variables allowing local overrides
final String[] mycountryCodeTLDsMinus;
final String[] mycountryCodeTLDsPlus;
final String[] mygenericTLDsPlus;
final String[] mygenericTLDsMinus;
final String[] mylocalTLDsPlus;
final String[] mylocalTLDsMinus;
* N.B. It is vital that instances are immutable.
* This is because the default instances are shared.
// N.B. The constructors are deliberately private to avoid possible problems with unsafe publication.
// It is vital that the static override arrays are not mutable once they have been used in an instance
// The arrays could be copied into the instance variables, however if the static array were changed it could
// result in different settings for the shared default instances
* Private constructor.
private DomainValidator(boolean allowLocal) {
this.allowLocal = allowLocal;
// link to class overrides
mycountryCodeTLDsMinus = countryCodeTLDsMinus;
mycountryCodeTLDsPlus = countryCodeTLDsPlus;
mygenericTLDsPlus = genericTLDsPlus;
mygenericTLDsMinus = genericTLDsMinus;
mylocalTLDsPlus = localTLDsPlus;
mylocalTLDsMinus = localTLDsMinus;
* Private constructor, allowing local overrides
* @since 1.7
private DomainValidator(boolean allowLocal, List<Item> items) {
this.allowLocal = allowLocal;
// default to class overrides
String[] ccMinus = countryCodeTLDsMinus;
String[] ccPlus = countryCodeTLDsPlus;
String[] genMinus = genericTLDsMinus;
String[] genPlus = genericTLDsPlus;
String[] localMinus = localTLDsMinus;
String[] localPlus = localTLDsPlus;
// apply the instance overrides
for(Item item: items) {
String [] copy = new String[item.values.length];
// Comparisons are always done with lower-case entries
for (int i = 0; i < item.values.length; i++) {
copy[i] = item.values[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
switch(item.type) {
ccMinus = copy;
ccPlus = copy;
genMinus = copy;
genPlus = copy;
localMinus = copy;
case LOCAL_PLUS: {
localPlus = copy;
// init the instance overrides
mycountryCodeTLDsMinus = ccMinus;
mycountryCodeTLDsPlus = ccPlus;
mygenericTLDsMinus = genMinus;
mygenericTLDsPlus = genPlus;
mylocalTLDsMinus = localMinus;
mylocalTLDsPlus = localPlus;
* Returns true if the specified <code>String</code> parses
* as a valid domain name with a recognized top-level domain.
* The parsing is case-insensitive.
* @param domain the parameter to check for domain name syntax
* @return true if the parameter is a valid domain name
public boolean isValid(String domain) {
if (domain == null) {
return false;
domain = unicodeToASCII(domain);
// hosts must be equally reachable via punycode and Unicode
// Unicode is never shorter than punycode, so check punycode
// if domain did not convert, then it will be caught by ASCII
// checks in the regexes below
if (domain.length() > MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH) {
return false;
String[] groups = domainRegex.match(domain);
if (groups != null && groups.length > 0) {
return isValidTld(groups[0]);
return allowLocal && hostnameRegex.isValid(domain);
// package protected for unit test access
// must agree with isValid() above
final boolean isValidDomainSyntax(String domain) {
if (domain == null) {
return false;
domain = unicodeToASCII(domain);
// hosts must be equally reachable via punycode and Unicode
// Unicode is never shorter than punycode, so check punycode
// if domain did not convert, then it will be caught by ASCII
// checks in the regexes below
if (domain.length() > MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH) {
return false;
String[] groups = domainRegex.match(domain);
return (groups != null && groups.length > 0)
|| hostnameRegex.isValid(domain);
* Returns true if the specified <code>String</code> matches any
* IANA-defined top-level domain. Leading dots are ignored if present.
* The search is case-insensitive.
* <p>
* If allowLocal is true, the TLD is checked using {@link #isValidLocalTld(String)}.
* The TLD is then checked against {@link #isValidInfrastructureTld(String)},
* {@link #isValidGenericTld(String)} and {@link #isValidCountryCodeTld(String)}
* @param tld the parameter to check for TLD status, not null
* @return true if the parameter is a TLD
public boolean isValidTld(String tld) {
if(allowLocal && isValidLocalTld(tld)) {
return true;
return isValidInfrastructureTld(tld)
|| isValidGenericTld(tld)
|| isValidCountryCodeTld(tld);
* Returns true if the specified <code>String</code> matches any
* IANA-defined infrastructure top-level domain. Leading dots are
* ignored if present. The search is case-insensitive.
* @param iTld the parameter to check for infrastructure TLD status, not null
* @return true if the parameter is an infrastructure TLD
public boolean isValidInfrastructureTld(String iTld) {
final String key = chompLeadingDot(unicodeToASCII(iTld).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
return arrayContains(INFRASTRUCTURE_TLDS, key);
* Returns true if the specified <code>String</code> matches any
* IANA-defined generic top-level domain. Leading dots are ignored
* if present. The search is case-insensitive.
* @param gTld the parameter to check for generic TLD status, not null
* @return true if the parameter is a generic TLD
public boolean isValidGenericTld(String gTld) {
final String key = chompLeadingDot(unicodeToASCII(gTld).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
return (arrayContains(GENERIC_TLDS, key) || arrayContains(mygenericTLDsPlus, key))
&& !arrayContains(mygenericTLDsMinus, key);
* Returns true if the specified <code>String</code> matches any
* IANA-defined country code top-level domain. Leading dots are
* ignored if present. The search is case-insensitive.
* @param ccTld the parameter to check for country code TLD status, not null
* @return true if the parameter is a country code TLD
public boolean isValidCountryCodeTld(String ccTld) {
final String key = chompLeadingDot(unicodeToASCII(ccTld).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
return (arrayContains(COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS, key) || arrayContains(mycountryCodeTLDsPlus, key))
&& !arrayContains(mycountryCodeTLDsMinus, key);
* Returns true if the specified <code>String</code> matches any
* widely used "local" domains (localhost or localdomain). Leading dots are
* ignored if present. The search is case-insensitive.
* @param lTld the parameter to check for local TLD status, not null
* @return true if the parameter is an local TLD
public boolean isValidLocalTld(String lTld) {
final String key = chompLeadingDot(unicodeToASCII(lTld).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
return (arrayContains(LOCAL_TLDS, key) || arrayContains(mylocalTLDsPlus, key))
&& !arrayContains(mylocalTLDsMinus, key);
* Does this instance allow local addresses?
* @return true if local addresses are allowed.
* @since 1.7
public boolean isAllowLocal() {
return this.allowLocal;
private String chompLeadingDot(String str) {
if (str.startsWith(".")) {
return str.substring(1);
return str;
// ---------------------------------------------
// ----- TLDs defined by IANA
// ----- Authoritative and comprehensive list at:
// -----
// Note that the above list is in UPPER case.
// The code currently converts strings to lower case (as per the tables below)
// IANA also provide an HTML list at
// Note that this contains several country code entries which are NOT in
// the text file. These all have the "Not assigned" in the "Sponsoring Organisation" column
// For example (as of 2015-01-02):
// .bl country-code Not assigned
// .um country-code Not assigned
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static final String[] INFRASTRUCTURE_TLDS = new String[] {
"arpa", // internet infrastructure
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static final String[] GENERIC_TLDS = new String[] {
// Taken from Version 2020073100, Last Updated Fri Jul 31 07:07:01 2020 UTC
"aaa", // aaa American Automobile Association, Inc.
"aarp", // aarp AARP
"abarth", // abarth Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.
"abb", // abb ABB Ltd
"abbott", // abbott Abbott Laboratories, Inc.
"abbvie", // abbvie AbbVie Inc.
"abc", // abc Disney Enterprises, Inc.
"able", // able Able Inc.
"abogado", // abogado Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"abudhabi", // abudhabi Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre
"academy", // academy Half Oaks, LLC
"accenture", // accenture Accenture plc
"accountant", // accountant dot Accountant Limited
"accountants", // accountants Knob Town, LLC
"aco", // aco ACO Severin Ahlmann GmbH &amp; Co. KG
// "active", // active The Active Network, Inc
"actor", // actor United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"adac", // adac Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e.V. (ADAC)
"ads", // ads Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"adult", // adult ICM Registry AD LLC
"aeg", // aeg Aktiebolaget Electrolux
"aero", // aero Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautique (SITA INC USA)
"aetna", // aetna Aetna Life Insurance Company
"afamilycompany", // afamilycompany Johnson Shareholdings, Inc.
"afl", // afl Australian Football League
"africa", // africa ZA Central Registry NPC trading as Registry.Africa
"agakhan", // agakhan Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation)
"agency", // agency Steel Falls, LLC
"aig", // aig American International Group, Inc.
// "aigo", // aigo aigo Digital Technology Co,Ltd. [Not assigned as of Jul 25]
"airbus", // airbus Airbus S.A.S.
"airforce", // airforce United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"airtel", // airtel Bharti Airtel Limited
"akdn", // akdn Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation)
"alfaromeo", // alfaromeo Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.
"alibaba", // alibaba Alibaba Group Holding Limited
"alipay", // alipay Alibaba Group Holding Limited
"allfinanz", // allfinanz Allfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft
"allstate", // allstate Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company
"ally", // ally Ally Financial Inc.
"alsace", // alsace REGION D ALSACE
"alstom", // alstom ALSTOM
"amazon", // amazon Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"americanexpress", // americanexpress American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.
"americanfamily", // americanfamily AmFam, Inc.
"amex", // amex American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.
"amfam", // amfam AmFam, Inc.
"amica", // amica Amica Mutual Insurance Company
"amsterdam", // amsterdam Gemeente Amsterdam
"analytics", // analytics Campus IP LLC
"android", // android Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"anquan", // anquan QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.
"anz", // anz Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited
"aol", // aol AOL Inc.
"apartments", // apartments June Maple, LLC
"app", // app Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"apple", // apple Apple Inc.
"aquarelle", // aquarelle
"arab", // arab League of Arab States
"aramco", // aramco Aramco Services Company
"archi", // archi STARTING DOT LIMITED
"army", // army United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"art", // art UK Creative Ideas Limited
"arte", // arte Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne G.E.I.E.
"asda", // asda Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
"asia", // asia DotAsia Organisation Ltd.
"associates", // associates Baxter Hill, LLC
"athleta", // athleta The Gap, Inc.
"attorney", // attorney United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"auction", // auction United TLD HoldCo, Ltd.
"audi", // audi AUDI Aktiengesellschaft
"audible", // audible Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"audio", // audio Uniregistry, Corp.
"auspost", // auspost Australian Postal Corporation
"author", // author Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"auto", // auto Uniregistry, Corp.
"autos", // autos DERAutos, LLC
"avianca", // avianca Aerovias del Continente Americano S.A. Avianca
"aws", // aws Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"axa", // axa AXA SA
"azure", // azure Microsoft Corporation
"baby", // baby Johnson &amp; Johnson Services, Inc.
"baidu", // baidu Baidu, Inc.
"banamex", // banamex Citigroup Inc.
"bananarepublic", // bananarepublic The Gap, Inc.
"band", // band United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"bank", // bank fTLD Registry Services, LLC
"bar", // bar Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable
"barcelona", // barcelona Municipi de Barcelona
"barclaycard", // barclaycard Barclays Bank PLC
"barclays", // barclays Barclays Bank PLC
"barefoot", // barefoot Gallo Vineyards, Inc.
"bargains", // bargains Half Hallow, LLC
"baseball", // baseball MLB Advanced Media DH, LLC
"basketball", // basketball Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA)
"bauhaus", // bauhaus Werkhaus GmbH
"bayern", // bayern Bayern Connect GmbH
"bbc", // bbc British Broadcasting Corporation
"bbt", // bbt BB&amp;T Corporation
"bcg", // bcg The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
"bcn", // bcn Municipi de Barcelona
"beats", // beats Beats Electronics, LLC
"beauty", // beauty L&#39;Oréal
"beer", // beer Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"bentley", // bentley Bentley Motors Limited
"berlin", // berlin dotBERLIN GmbH &amp; Co. KG
"best", // best BestTLD Pty Ltd
"bestbuy", // bestbuy BBY Solutions, Inc.
"bet", // bet Afilias plc
"bharti", // bharti Bharti Enterprises (Holding) Private Limited
"bible", // bible American Bible Society
"bid", // bid dot Bid Limited
"bike", // bike Grand Hollow, LLC
"bing", // bing Microsoft Corporation
"bingo", // bingo Sand Cedar, LLC
"biz", // biz Neustar, Inc.
"black", // black Afilias Limited
"blackfriday", // blackfriday Uniregistry, Corp.
// "blanco", // blanco BLANCO GmbH + Co KG
"blockbuster", // blockbuster Dish DBS Corporation
"blog", // blog Knock Knock WHOIS There, LLC
"bloomberg", // bloomberg Bloomberg IP Holdings LLC
"blue", // blue Afilias Limited
"bms", // bms Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
"bmw", // bmw Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft
// "bnl", // bnl Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
"bnpparibas", // bnpparibas BNP Paribas
"boats", // boats DERBoats, LLC
"boehringer", // boehringer Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH
"bofa", // bofa NMS Services, Inc.
"bom", // bom Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR -
"bond", // bond Bond University Limited
"boo", // boo Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"book", // book Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"booking", // booking B.V.
// "boots", // boots THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC
"bosch", // bosch Robert Bosch GMBH
"bostik", // bostik Bostik SA
"boston", // boston Boston TLD Management, LLC
"bot", // bot Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"boutique", // boutique Over Galley, LLC
"box", // box NS1 Limited
"bradesco", // bradesco Banco Bradesco S.A.
"bridgestone", // bridgestone Bridgestone Corporation
"broadway", // broadway Celebrate Broadway, Inc.
"broker", // broker DOTBROKER REGISTRY LTD
"brother", // brother Brother Industries, Ltd.
"brussels", // brussels vzw
"budapest", // budapest Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"bugatti", // bugatti Bugatti International SA
"build", // build Plan Bee LLC
"builders", // builders Atomic Madison, LLC
"business", // business Spring Cross, LLC
"buy", // buy Amazon Registry Services, INC
"buzz", // buzz DOTSTRATEGY CO.
"bzh", // bzh Association
"cab", // cab Half Sunset, LLC
"cafe", // cafe Pioneer Canyon, LLC
"cal", // cal Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"call", // call Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"calvinklein", // calvinklein PVH gTLD Holdings LLC
"cam", // cam AC Webconnecting Holding B.V.
"camera", // camera Atomic Maple, LLC
"camp", // camp Delta Dynamite, LLC
"cancerresearch", // cancerresearch Australian Cancer Research Foundation
"canon", // canon Canon Inc.
"capetown", // capetown ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry
"capital", // capital Delta Mill, LLC
"capitalone", // capitalone Capital One Financial Corporation
"car", // car Cars Registry Limited
"caravan", // caravan Caravan International, Inc.
"cards", // cards Foggy Hollow, LLC
"care", // care Goose Cross, LLC
"career", // career dotCareer LLC
"careers", // careers Wild Corner, LLC
"cars", // cars Uniregistry, Corp.
// "cartier", // cartier Richemont DNS Inc.
"casa", // casa Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"case", // case CNH Industrial N.V.
"caseih", // caseih CNH Industrial N.V.
"cash", // cash Delta Lake, LLC
"casino", // casino Binky Sky, LLC
"cat", // cat Fundacio puntCAT
"catering", // catering New Falls. LLC
"catholic", // catholic Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication)
"cbn", // cbn The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.
"cbre", // cbre CBRE, Inc.
"cbs", // cbs CBS Domains Inc.
"ceb", // ceb The Corporate Executive Board Company
"center", // center Tin Mill, LLC
"ceo", // ceo CEOTLD Pty Ltd
"cern", // cern European Organization for Nuclear Research (&quot;CERN&quot;)
"cfa", // cfa CFA Institute
"chanel", // chanel Chanel International B.V.
"channel", // channel Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"charity", // charity Corn Lake, LLC
"chase", // chase JPMorgan Chase &amp; Co.
"chat", // chat Sand Fields, LLC
"cheap", // cheap Sand Cover, LLC
"chintai", // chintai CHINTAI Corporation
// "chloe", // chloe Richemont DNS Inc. (Not assigned)
"christmas", // christmas Uniregistry, Corp.
"chrome", // chrome Charleston Road Registry Inc.
// "chrysler", // chrysler FCA US LLC.
"church", // church Holly Fileds, LLC
"cipriani", // cipriani Hotel Cipriani Srl
"circle", // circle Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"cisco", // cisco Cisco Technology, Inc.
"citadel", // citadel Citadel Domain LLC
"citi", // citi Citigroup Inc.
"citic", // citic CITIC Group Corporation
"city", // city Snow Sky, LLC
"cityeats", // cityeats Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"claims", // claims Black Corner, LLC
"cleaning", // cleaning Fox Shadow, LLC
"click", // click Uniregistry, Corp.
"clinic", // clinic Goose Park, LLC
"clinique", // clinique The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
"clothing", // clothing Steel Lake, LLC
"cloud", // cloud ARUBA S.p.A.
"club", // club .CLUB DOMAINS, LLC
"clubmed", // clubmed Club Méditerranée S.A.
"coach", // coach Koko Island, LLC
"codes", // codes Puff Willow, LLC
"coffee", // coffee Trixy Cover, LLC
"college", // college XYZ.COM LLC
"cologne", // cologne NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH
"com", // com VeriSign Global Registry Services
"comcast", // comcast Comcast IP Holdings I, LLC
"commbank", // commbank COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA
"community", // community Fox Orchard, LLC
"company", // company Silver Avenue, LLC
"compare", // compare iSelect Ltd
"computer", // computer Pine Mill, LLC
"comsec", // comsec VeriSign, Inc.
"condos", // condos Pine House, LLC
"construction", // construction Fox Dynamite, LLC
"consulting", // consulting United TLD Holdco, LTD.
"contact", // contact Top Level Spectrum, Inc.
"contractors", // contractors Magic Woods, LLC
"cooking", // cooking Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"cookingchannel", // cookingchannel Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"cool", // cool Koko Lake, LLC
"coop", // coop DotCooperation LLC
"corsica", // corsica Collectivité Territoriale de Corse
"country", // country Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"coupon", // coupon Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"coupons", // coupons Black Island, LLC
"cpa", // cpa American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
"credit", // credit Snow Shadow, LLC
"creditcard", // creditcard Binky Frostbite, LLC
"creditunion", // creditunion CUNA Performance Resources, LLC
"cricket", // cricket dot Cricket Limited
"crown", // crown Crown Equipment Corporation
"crs", // crs Federated Co-operatives Limited
"cruise", // cruise Viking River Cruises (Bermuda) Ltd.
"cruises", // cruises Spring Way, LLC
"csc", // csc Alliance-One Services, Inc.
"cuisinella", // cuisinella SALM S.A.S.
"cymru", // cymru Nominet UK
"cyou", // cyou Beijing Gamease Age Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
"dabur", // dabur Dabur India Limited
"dad", // dad Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"dance", // dance United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"data", // data Dish DBS Corporation
"date", // date dot Date Limited
"dating", // dating Pine Fest, LLC
"datsun", // datsun NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.
"day", // day Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"dclk", // dclk Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"dds", // dds Minds + Machines Group Limited
"deal", // deal Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"dealer", // dealer Dealer Dot Com, Inc.
"deals", // deals Sand Sunset, LLC
"degree", // degree United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"delivery", // delivery Steel Station, LLC
"dell", // dell Dell Inc.
"deloitte", // deloitte Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
"delta", // delta Delta Air Lines, Inc.
"democrat", // democrat United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"dental", // dental Tin Birch, LLC
"dentist", // dentist United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"desi", // desi Desi Networks LLC
"design", // design Top Level Design, LLC
"dev", // dev Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"dhl", // dhl Deutsche Post AG
"diamonds", // diamonds John Edge, LLC
"diet", // diet Uniregistry, Corp.
"digital", // digital Dash Park, LLC
"direct", // direct Half Trail, LLC
"directory", // directory Extra Madison, LLC
"discount", // discount Holly Hill, LLC
"discover", // discover Discover Financial Services
"dish", // dish Dish DBS Corporation
"diy", // diy Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"dnp", // dnp Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
"docs", // docs Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"doctor", // doctor Brice Trail, LLC
// "dodge", // dodge FCA US LLC.
"dog", // dog Koko Mill, LLC
// "doha", // doha Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA)
"domains", // domains Sugar Cross, LLC
// "doosan", // doosan Doosan Corporation (retired)
"dot", // dot Dish DBS Corporation
"download", // download dot Support Limited
"drive", // drive Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"dtv", // dtv Dish DBS Corporation
"dubai", // dubai Dubai Smart Government Department
"duck", // duck Johnson Shareholdings, Inc.
"dunlop", // dunlop The Goodyear Tire &amp; Rubber Company
// "duns", // duns The Dun &amp; Bradstreet Corporation
"dupont", // dupont E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
"durban", // durban ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry
"dvag", // dvag Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
"dvr", // dvr Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation
"earth", // earth Interlink Co., Ltd.
"eat", // eat Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"eco", // eco Big Room Inc.
"edeka", // edeka EDEKA Verband kaufmännischer Genossenschaften e.V.
"edu", // edu EDUCAUSE
"education", // education Brice Way, LLC
"email", // email Spring Madison, LLC
"emerck", // emerck Merck KGaA
"energy", // energy Binky Birch, LLC
"engineer", // engineer United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"engineering", // engineering Romeo Canyon
"enterprises", // enterprises Snow Oaks, LLC
// "epost", // epost Deutsche Post AG
"epson", // epson Seiko Epson Corporation
"equipment", // equipment Corn Station, LLC
"ericsson", // ericsson Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson
"erni", // erni ERNI Group Holding AG
"esq", // esq Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"estate", // estate Trixy Park, LLC
// "esurance", // esurance Esurance Insurance Company (not assigned as at Version 2020062100)
"etisalat", // etisalat Emirates Telecommunic
"eurovision", // eurovision European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
"eus", // eus Puntueus Fundazioa
"events", // events Pioneer Maple, LLC
// "everbank", // everbank EverBank
"exchange", // exchange Spring Falls, LLC
"expert", // expert Magic Pass, LLC
"exposed", // exposed Victor Beach, LLC
"express", // express Sea Sunset, LLC
"extraspace", // extraspace Extra Space Storage LLC
"fage", // fage Fage International S.A.
"fail", // fail Atomic Pipe, LLC
"fairwinds", // fairwinds FairWinds Partners, LLC
"faith", // faith dot Faith Limited
"family", // family United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"fan", // fan Asiamix Digital Ltd
"fans", // fans Asiamix Digital Limited
"farm", // farm Just Maple, LLC
"farmers", // farmers Farmers Insurance Exchange
"fashion", // fashion Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"fast", // fast Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"fedex", // fedex Federal Express Corporation
"feedback", // feedback Top Level Spectrum, Inc.
"ferrari", // ferrari Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.
"ferrero", // ferrero Ferrero Trading Lux S.A.
"fiat", // fiat Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.
"fidelity", // fidelity Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC
"fido", // fido Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
"film", // film Motion Picture Domain Registry Pty Ltd
"final", // final Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR -
"finance", // finance Cotton Cypress, LLC
"financial", // financial Just Cover, LLC
"fire", // fire Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"firestone", // firestone Bridgestone Corporation
"firmdale", // firmdale Firmdale Holdings Limited
"fish", // fish Fox Woods, LLC
"fishing", // fishing Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"fit", // fit Minds + Machines Group Limited
"fitness", // fitness Brice Orchard, LLC
"flickr", // flickr Yahoo! Domain Services Inc.
"flights", // flights Fox Station, LLC
"flir", // flir FLIR Systems, Inc.
"florist", // florist Half Cypress, LLC
"flowers", // flowers Uniregistry, Corp.
// "flsmidth", // flsmidth FLSmidth A/S retired 2016-07-22
"fly", // fly Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"foo", // foo Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"food", // food Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"foodnetwork", // foodnetwork Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"football", // football Foggy Farms, LLC
"ford", // ford Ford Motor Company
"forex", // forex DOTFOREX REGISTRY LTD
"forsale", // forsale United TLD Holdco, LLC
"forum", // forum Fegistry, LLC
"foundation", // foundation John Dale, LLC
"fox", // fox FOX Registry, LLC
"free", // free Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"fresenius", // fresenius Fresenius Immobilien-Verwaltungs-GmbH
"frl", // frl FRLregistry B.V.
"frogans", // frogans OP3FT
"frontdoor", // frontdoor Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"frontier", // frontier Frontier Communications Corporation
"ftr", // ftr Frontier Communications Corporation
"fujitsu", // fujitsu Fujitsu Limited
"fujixerox", // fujixerox Xerox DNHC LLC
"fun", // fun DotSpace, Inc.
"fund", // fund John Castle, LLC
"furniture", // furniture Lone Fields, LLC
"futbol", // futbol United TLD Holdco, Ltd.
"fyi", // fyi Silver Tigers, LLC
"gal", // gal Asociación puntoGAL
"gallery", // gallery Sugar House, LLC
"gallo", // gallo Gallo Vineyards, Inc.
"gallup", // gallup Gallup, Inc.
"game", // game Uniregistry, Corp.
"games", // games United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"gap", // gap The Gap, Inc.
"garden", // garden Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"gay", // gay Top Level Design, LLC
"gbiz", // gbiz Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"gdn", // gdn Joint Stock Company "Navigation-information systems"
"gea", // gea GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
"gent", // gent COMBELL GROUP NV/SA
"genting", // genting Resorts World Inc. Pte. Ltd.
"george", // george Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
"ggee", // ggee GMO Internet, Inc.
"gift", // gift Uniregistry, Corp.
"gifts", // gifts Goose Sky, LLC
"gives", // gives United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"giving", // giving Giving Limited
"glade", // glade Johnson Shareholdings, Inc.
"glass", // glass Black Cover, LLC
"gle", // gle Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"global", // global Dot Global Domain Registry Limited
"globo", // globo Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A
"gmail", // gmail Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"gmbh", // gmbh Extra Dynamite, LLC
"gmo", // gmo GMO Internet, Inc.
"gmx", // gmx 1&amp;1 Mail &amp; Media GmbH
"godaddy", // godaddy Go Daddy East, LLC
"gold", // gold June Edge, LLC
"goldpoint", // goldpoint YODOBASHI CAMERA CO.,LTD.
"golf", // golf Lone Falls, LLC
"goo", // goo NTT Resonant Inc.
// "goodhands", // goodhands Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company
"goodyear", // goodyear The Goodyear Tire &amp; Rubber Company
"goog", // goog Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"google", // google Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"gop", // gop Republican State Leadership Committee, Inc.
"got", // got Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"gov", // gov General Services Administration Attn: QTDC, 2E08 (.gov Domain Registration)
"grainger", // grainger Grainger Registry Services, LLC
"graphics", // graphics Over Madison, LLC
"gratis", // gratis Pioneer Tigers, LLC
"green", // green Afilias Limited
"gripe", // gripe Corn Sunset, LLC
"grocery", // grocery Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
"group", // group Romeo Town, LLC
"guardian", // guardian The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
"gucci", // gucci Guccio Gucci S.p.a.
"guge", // guge Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"guide", // guide Snow Moon, LLC
"guitars", // guitars Uniregistry, Corp.
"guru", // guru Pioneer Cypress, LLC
"hair", // hair L&#39;Oreal
"hamburg", // hamburg Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH
"hangout", // hangout Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"haus", // haus United TLD Holdco, LTD.
"hbo", // hbo HBO Registry Services, Inc.
"hdfcbank", // hdfcbank HDFC Bank Limited
"health", // health DotHealth, LLC
"healthcare", // healthcare Silver Glen, LLC
"help", // help Uniregistry, Corp.
"helsinki", // helsinki City of Helsinki
"here", // here Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"hermes", // hermes Hermes International
"hgtv", // hgtv Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"hiphop", // hiphop Uniregistry, Corp.
"hisamitsu", // hisamitsu Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co.,Inc.
"hitachi", // hitachi Hitachi, Ltd.
"hiv", // hiv dotHIV gemeinnuetziger e.V.
"hkt", // hkt PCCW-HKT DataCom Services Limited
"hockey", // hockey Half Willow, LLC
"holdings", // holdings John Madison, LLC
"holiday", // holiday Goose Woods, LLC
"homedepot", // homedepot Homer TLC, Inc.
"homegoods", // homegoods The TJX Companies, Inc.
"homes", // homes DERHomes, LLC
"homesense", // homesense The TJX Companies, Inc.
"honda", // honda Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
// "honeywell", // honeywell Honeywell GTLD LLC
"horse", // horse Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"hospital", // hospital Ruby Pike, LLC
"host", // host DotHost Inc.
"hosting", // hosting Uniregistry, Corp.
"hot", // hot Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"hoteles", // hoteles Travel Reservations SRL
"hotels", // hotels B.V.
"hotmail", // hotmail Microsoft Corporation
"house", // house Sugar Park, LLC
"how", // how Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"hsbc", // hsbc HSBC Holdings PLC
// "htc", // htc HTC corporation (Not assigned)
"hughes", // hughes Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation
"hyatt", // hyatt Hyatt GTLD, L.L.C.
"hyundai", // hyundai Hyundai Motor Company
"ibm", // ibm International Business Machines Corporation
"icbc", // icbc Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
"ice", // ice IntercontinentalExchange, Inc.
"icu", // icu A/S
"ieee", // ieee IEEE Global LLC
"ifm", // ifm ifm electronic gmbh
// "iinet", // iinet Connect West Pty. Ltd. (Retired)
"ikano", // ikano Ikano S.A.
"imamat", // imamat Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation)
"imdb", // imdb Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"immo", // immo Auburn Bloom, LLC
"immobilien", // immobilien United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"inc", // inc Intercap Holdings Inc.
"industries", // industries Outer House, LLC
"infiniti", // infiniti NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.
"info", // info Afilias Limited
"ing", // ing Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"ink", // ink Top Level Design, LLC
"institute", // institute Outer Maple, LLC
"insurance", // insurance fTLD Registry Services LLC
"insure", // insure Pioneer Willow, LLC
"int", // int Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
"intel", // intel Intel Corporation
"international", // international Wild Way, LLC
"intuit", // intuit Intuit Administrative Services, Inc.
"investments", // investments Holly Glen, LLC
"ipiranga", // ipiranga Ipiranga Produtos de Petroleo S.A.
"irish", // irish Dot-Irish LLC
// "iselect", // iselect iSelect Ltd
"ismaili", // ismaili Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation)
"ist", // ist Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
"istanbul", // istanbul Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality / Medya A.S.
"itau", // itau Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.
"itv", // itv ITV Services Limited
"iveco", // iveco CNH Industrial N.V.
// "iwc", // iwc Richemont DNS Inc.
"jaguar", // jaguar Jaguar Land Rover Ltd
"java", // java Oracle Corporation
"jcb", // jcb JCB Co., Ltd.
"jcp", // jcp JCP Media, Inc.
"jeep", // jeep FCA US LLC.
"jetzt", // jetzt New TLD Company AB
"jewelry", // jewelry Wild Bloom, LLC
"jio", // jio Affinity Names, Inc.
// "jlc", // jlc Richemont DNS Inc.
"jll", // jll Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated
"jmp", // jmp Matrix IP LLC
"jnj", // jnj Johnson &amp; Johnson Services, Inc.
"jobs", // jobs Employ Media LLC
"joburg", // joburg ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry
"jot", // jot Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"joy", // joy Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"jpmorgan", // jpmorgan JPMorgan Chase &amp; Co.
"jprs", // jprs Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd.
"juegos", // juegos Uniregistry, Corp.
"juniper", // juniper JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC.
"kaufen", // kaufen United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"kddi", // kddi KDDI CORPORATION
"kerryhotels", // kerryhotels Kerry Trading Co. Limited
"kerrylogistics", // kerrylogistics Kerry Trading Co. Limited
"kerryproperties", // kerryproperties Kerry Trading Co. Limited
"kfh", // kfh Kuwait Finance House
"kim", // kim Afilias Limited
"kinder", // kinder Ferrero Trading Lux S.A.
"kindle", // kindle Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"kitchen", // kitchen Just Goodbye, LLC
"kiwi", // kiwi DOT KIWI LIMITED
"koeln", // koeln NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH
"komatsu", // komatsu Komatsu Ltd.
"kosher", // kosher Kosher Marketing Assets LLC
"kpmg", // kpmg KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International Genossenschaft)
"kpn", // kpn Koninklijke KPN N.V.
"krd", // krd KRG Department of Information Technology
"kred", // kred KredTLD Pty Ltd
"kuokgroup", // kuokgroup Kerry Trading Co. Limited
"kyoto", // kyoto Academic Institution: Kyoto Jyoho Gakuen
// "ladbrokes", // ladbrokes LADBROKES INTERNATIONAL PLC
"lamborghini", // lamborghini Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.
"lamer", // lamer The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
"lancaster", // lancaster LANCASTER
"lancia", // lancia Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.
// "lancome", // lancome L&#39;Oréal
"land", // land Pine Moon, LLC
"landrover", // landrover Jaguar Land Rover Ltd
"lanxess", // lanxess LANXESS Corporation
"lasalle", // lasalle Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated
"lat", // lat ECOM-LAC Federación de Latinoamérica y el Caribe para Internet y el Comercio Electrónico
"latino", // latino Dish DBS Corporation
"latrobe", // latrobe La Trobe University
"law", // law Minds + Machines Group Limited
"lawyer", // lawyer United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"lds", // lds IRI Domain Management, LLC
"lease", // lease Victor Trail, LLC
"leclerc", // leclerc A.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclerc
"lefrak", // lefrak LeFrak Organization, Inc.
"legal", // legal Blue Falls, LLC
"lego", // lego LEGO Juris A/S
"lgbt", // lgbt Afilias Limited
// "liaison", // liaison Liaison Technologies, Incorporated
"lidl", // lidl Schwarz Domains und Services GmbH &amp; Co. KG
"life", // life Trixy Oaks, LLC
"lifeinsurance", // lifeinsurance American Council of Life Insurers
"lifestyle", // lifestyle Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"lighting", // lighting John McCook, LLC
"like", // like Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"lilly", // lilly Eli Lilly and Company
"limited", // limited Big Fest, LLC
"limo", // limo Hidden Frostbite, LLC
"lincoln", // lincoln Ford Motor Company
"linde", // linde Linde Aktiengesellschaft
"link", // link Uniregistry, Corp.
"lipsy", // lipsy Lipsy Ltd
"live", // live United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"living", // living Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"lixil", // lixil LIXIL Group Corporation
"llc", // llc Afilias plc
"llp", // llp Dot Registry LLC
"loan", // loan dot Loan Limited
"loans", // loans June Woods, LLC
"locker", // locker Dish DBS Corporation
"locus", // locus Locus Analytics LLC
"loft", // loft Annco, Inc.
"lol", // lol Uniregistry, Corp.
"london", // london Dot London Domains Limited
"lotte", // lotte Lotte Holdings Co., Ltd.
"lotto", // lotto Afilias Limited
"love", // love Merchant Law Group LLP
"lpl", // lpl LPL Holdings, Inc.
"lplfinancial", // lplfinancial LPL Holdings, Inc.
"ltd", // ltd Over Corner, LLC
"ltda", // ltda InterNetX Corp.
"lundbeck", // lundbeck H. Lundbeck A/S
"lupin", // lupin LUPIN LIMITED
"luxe", // luxe Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"luxury", // luxury Luxury Partners LLC
"macys", // macys Macys, Inc.
"madrid", // madrid Comunidad de Madrid
"maif", // maif Mutuelle Assurance Instituteur France (MAIF)
"maison", // maison Victor Frostbite, LLC
"makeup", // makeup L&#39;Oréal
"man", // man MAN SE
"management", // management John Goodbye, LLC
"mango", // mango PUNTO FA S.L.
"map", // map Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"market", // market Unitied TLD Holdco, Ltd
"marketing", // marketing Fern Pass, LLC
"markets", // markets DOTMARKETS REGISTRY LTD
"marriott", // marriott Marriott Worldwide Corporation
"marshalls", // marshalls The TJX Companies, Inc.
"maserati", // maserati Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.
"mattel", // mattel Mattel Sites, Inc.
"mba", // mba Lone Hollow, LLC
// "mcd", // mcd McDonald’s Corporation (Not assigned)
// "mcdonalds", // mcdonalds McDonald’s Corporation (Not assigned)
"mckinsey", // mckinsey McKinsey Holdings, Inc.
"med", // med Medistry LLC
"media", // media Grand Glen, LLC
"meet", // meet Afilias Limited
"melbourne", // melbourne The Crown in right of the State of Victoria, represented by its Department of State Development, Business and Innovation
"meme", // meme Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"memorial", // memorial Dog Beach, LLC
"men", // men Exclusive Registry Limited
"menu", // menu Wedding TLD2, LLC
// "meo", // meo PT Comunicacoes S.A.
"merckmsd", // merckmsd MSD Registry Holdings, Inc.
"metlife", // metlife MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC
"miami", // miami Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"microsoft", // microsoft Microsoft Corporation
"mil", // mil DoD Network Information Center
"mini", // mini Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft
"mint", // mint Intuit Administrative Services, Inc.
"mit", // mit Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"mitsubishi", // mitsubishi Mitsubishi Corporation
"mlb", // mlb MLB Advanced Media DH, LLC
"mls", // mls The Canadian Real Estate Association
"mma", // mma MMA IARD
"mobi", // mobi Afilias Technologies Limited dba dotMobi
"mobile", // mobile Dish DBS Corporation
// "mobily", // mobily GreenTech Consultancy Company W.L.L.
"moda", // moda United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"moe", // moe Interlink Co., Ltd.
"moi", // moi Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"mom", // mom Uniregistry, Corp.
"monash", // monash Monash University
"money", // money Outer McCook, LLC
"monster", // monster Monster Worldwide, Inc.
// "montblanc", // montblanc Richemont DNS Inc. (Not assigned)
// "mopar", // mopar FCA US LLC.
"mormon", // mormon IRI Domain Management, LLC (&quot;Applicant&quot;)
"mortgage", // mortgage United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"moscow", // moscow Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID)
"moto", // moto Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC
"motorcycles", // motorcycles DERMotorcycles, LLC
"mov", // mov Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"movie", // movie New Frostbite, LLC
// "movistar", // movistar Telefónica S.A.
"msd", // msd MSD Registry Holdings, Inc.
"mtn", // mtn MTN Dubai Limited
// "mtpc", // mtpc Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation (Retired)
"mtr", // mtr MTR Corporation Limited
"museum", // museum Museum Domain Management Association
"mutual", // mutual Northwestern Mutual MU TLD Registry, LLC
// "mutuelle", // mutuelle Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française (Retired)
"nab", // nab National Australia Bank Limited
// "nadex", // nadex Nadex Domains, Inc
"nagoya", // nagoya GMO Registry, Inc.
"name", // name VeriSign Information Services, Inc.
"nationwide", // nationwide Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
"natura", // natura NATURA COSMÉTICOS S.A.
"navy", // navy United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"nba", // nba NBA REGISTRY, LLC
"nec", // nec NEC Corporation
"net", // net VeriSign Global Registry Services
"netflix", // netflix Netflix, Inc.
"network", // network Trixy Manor, LLC
"neustar", // neustar NeuStar, Inc.
"new", // new Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"newholland", // newholland CNH Industrial N.V.
"news", // news United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"next", // next Next plc
"nextdirect", // nextdirect Next plc
"nexus", // nexus Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"nfl", // nfl NFL Reg Ops LLC
"ngo", // ngo Public Interest Registry
"nhk", // nhk Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)
"nico", // nico DWANGO Co., Ltd.
"nike", // nike NIKE, Inc.
"nikon", // nikon NIKON CORPORATION
"ninja", // ninja United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"nissan", // nissan NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.
"nissay", // nissay Nippon Life Insurance Company
"nokia", // nokia Nokia Corporation
"northwesternmutual", // northwesternmutual Northwestern Mutual Registry, LLC
"norton", // norton Symantec Corporation
"now", // now Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"nowruz", // nowruz Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
"nowtv", // nowtv Starbucks (HK) Limited
"nra", // nra NRA Holdings Company, INC.
"nrw", // nrw Minds + Machines GmbH
"nyc", // nyc The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology &amp; Telecommunications
"obi", // obi OBI Group Holding SE &amp; Co. KGaA
"observer", // observer Top Level Spectrum, Inc.
"off", // off Johnson Shareholdings, Inc.
"office", // office Microsoft Corporation
"okinawa", // okinawa BusinessRalliart inc.
"olayan", // olayan Crescent Holding GmbH
"olayangroup", // olayangroup Crescent Holding GmbH
"oldnavy", // oldnavy The Gap, Inc.
"ollo", // ollo Dish DBS Corporation
"omega", // omega The Swatch Group Ltd
"one", // one A/S
"ong", // ong Public Interest Registry
"onl", // onl I-REGISTRY Ltd., Niederlassung Deutschland
"online", // online DotOnline Inc.
"onyourside", // onyourside Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
"open", // open American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.
"oracle", // oracle Oracle Corporation
"orange", // orange Orange Brand Services Limited
"org", // org Public Interest Registry (PIR)
"organic", // organic Afilias Limited
// "orientexpress", // orientexpress Orient Express (retired 2017-04-11)
"origins", // origins The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
"osaka", // osaka Interlink Co., Ltd.
"otsuka", // otsuka Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.
"ott", // ott Dish DBS Corporation
"ovh", // ovh OVH SAS
"page", // page Charleston Road Registry Inc.
// "pamperedchef", // pamperedchef The Pampered Chef, Ltd. (Not assigned)
"panasonic", // panasonic Panasonic Corporation
// "panerai", // panerai Richemont DNS Inc.
"paris", // paris City of Paris
"pars", // pars Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
"partners", // partners Magic Glen, LLC
"parts", // parts Sea Goodbye, LLC
"party", // party Blue Sky Registry Limited
"passagens", // passagens Travel Reservations SRL
"pay", // pay Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"pccw", // pccw PCCW Enterprises Limited
"pet", // pet Afilias plc
"pfizer", // pfizer Pfizer Inc.
"pharmacy", // pharmacy National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
"phd", // phd Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"philips", // philips Koninklijke Philips N.V.
"phone", // phone Dish DBS Corporation
"photo", // photo Uniregistry, Corp.
"photography", // photography Sugar Glen, LLC
"photos", // photos Sea Corner, LLC
"physio", // physio PhysBiz Pty Ltd
// "piaget", // piaget Richemont DNS Inc.
"pics", // pics Uniregistry, Corp.
"pictet", // pictet Pictet Europe S.A.
"pictures", // pictures Foggy Sky, LLC
"pid", // pid Top Level Spectrum, Inc.
"pin", // pin Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"ping", // ping Ping Registry Provider, Inc.
"pink", // pink Afilias Limited
"pioneer", // pioneer Pioneer Corporation
"pizza", // pizza Foggy Moon, LLC
"place", // place Snow Galley, LLC
"play", // play Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"playstation", // playstation Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
"plumbing", // plumbing Spring Tigers, LLC
"plus", // plus Sugar Mill, LLC
"pnc", // pnc PNC Domain Co., LLC
"pohl", // pohl Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
"poker", // poker Afilias Domains No. 5 Limited
"politie", // politie Politie Nederland
"porn", // porn ICM Registry PN LLC
"post", // post Universal Postal Union
"pramerica", // pramerica Prudential Financial, Inc.
"praxi", // praxi Praxi S.p.A.
"press", // press DotPress Inc.
"prime", // prime Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"pro", // pro Registry Services Corporation dba RegistryPro
"prod", // prod Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"productions", // productions Magic Birch, LLC
"prof", // prof Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"progressive", // progressive Progressive Casualty Insurance Company
"promo", // promo Afilias plc
"properties", // properties Big Pass, LLC
"property", // property Uniregistry, Corp.
"protection", // protection XYZ.COM LLC
"pru", // pru Prudential Financial, Inc.
"prudential", // prudential Prudential Financial, Inc.
"pub", // pub United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"pwc", // pwc PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
"qpon", // qpon dotCOOL, Inc.
"quebec", // quebec PointQuébec Inc
"quest", // quest Quest ION Limited
"qvc", // qvc QVC, Inc.
"racing", // racing Premier Registry Limited
"radio", // radio European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
"raid", // raid Johnson Shareholdings, Inc.
"read", // read Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"realestate", // realestate dotRealEstate LLC
"realtor", // realtor Real Estate Domains LLC
"realty", // realty Fegistry, LLC
"recipes", // recipes Grand Island, LLC
"red", // red Afilias Limited
"redstone", // redstone Redstone Haute Couture Co., Ltd.
"redumbrella", // redumbrella Travelers TLD, LLC
"rehab", // rehab United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"reise", // reise Foggy Way, LLC
"reisen", // reisen New Cypress, LLC
"reit", // reit National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc.
"reliance", // reliance Reliance Industries Limited
"ren", // ren Beijing Qianxiang Wangjing Technology Development Co., Ltd.
"rent", // rent XYZ.COM LLC
"rentals", // rentals Big Hollow,LLC
"repair", // repair Lone Sunset, LLC
"report", // report Binky Glen, LLC
"republican", // republican United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"rest", // rest Punto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variable
"restaurant", // restaurant Snow Avenue, LLC
"review", // review dot Review Limited
"reviews", // reviews United TLD Holdco, Ltd.
"rexroth", // rexroth Robert Bosch GMBH
"rich", // rich I-REGISTRY Ltd., Niederlassung Deutschland
"richardli", // richardli Pacific Century Asset Management (HK) Limited
"ricoh", // ricoh Ricoh Company, Ltd.
// "rightathome", // rightathome Johnson Shareholdings, Inc. (retired 2020-07-31)
"ril", // ril Reliance Industries Limited
"rio", // rio Empresa Municipal de Informática SA - IPLANRIO
"rip", // rip United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"rmit", // rmit Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
"rocher", // rocher Ferrero Trading Lux S.A.
"rocks", // rocks United TLD Holdco, LTD.
"rodeo", // rodeo Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"rogers", // rogers Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
"room", // room Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"rsvp", // rsvp Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"rugby", // rugby World Rugby Strategic Developments Limited
"ruhr", // ruhr regiodot GmbH &amp; Co. KG
"run", // run Snow Park, LLC
"rwe", // rwe RWE AG
"ryukyu", // ryukyu BusinessRalliart inc.
"saarland", // saarland dotSaarland GmbH
"safe", // safe Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"safety", // safety Safety Registry Services, LLC.
"sakura", // sakura SAKURA Internet Inc.
"sale", // sale United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"salon", // salon Outer Orchard, LLC
"samsclub", // samsclub Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
"samsung", // samsung SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD
"sandvik", // sandvik Sandvik AB
"sandvikcoromant", // sandvikcoromant Sandvik AB
"sanofi", // sanofi Sanofi
"sap", // sap SAP AG
// "sapo", // sapo PT Comunicacoes S.A.
"sarl", // sarl Delta Orchard, LLC
"sas", // sas Research IP LLC
"save", // save Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"saxo", // saxo Saxo Bank A/S
"sbi", // sbi STATE BANK OF INDIA
"scb", // scb The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited (&quot;SCB&quot;)
"schaeffler", // schaeffler Schaeffler Technologies AG &amp; Co. KG
"schmidt", // schmidt SALM S.A.S.
"scholarships", // scholarships, LLC
"school", // school Little Galley, LLC
"schule", // schule Outer Moon, LLC
"schwarz", // schwarz Schwarz Domains und Services GmbH &amp; Co. KG
"science", // science dot Science Limited
"scjohnson", // scjohnson Johnson Shareholdings, Inc.
// "scor", // scor SCOR SE (not assigned as at Version 2020062100)
"scot", // scot Dot Scot Registry Limited
"search", // search Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"seat", // seat SEAT, S.A. (Sociedad Unipersonal)
"secure", // secure Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"security", // security XYZ.COM LLC
"seek", // seek Seek Limited
"select", // select iSelect Ltd
"sener", // sener Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A.
"services", // services Fox Castle, LLC
"ses", // ses SES
"seven", // seven Seven West Media Ltd
"sew", // sew SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH &amp; Co KG
"sex", // sex ICM Registry SX LLC
"sexy", // sexy Uniregistry, Corp.
"sfr", // sfr Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone - SFR
"shangrila", // shangrila Shangri‐La International Hotel Management Limited
"sharp", // sharp Sharp Corporation
"shaw", // shaw Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
"shell", // shell Shell Information Technology International Inc
"shia", // shia Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
"shiksha", // shiksha Afilias Limited
"shoes", // shoes Binky Galley, LLC
"shop", // shop GMO Registry, Inc.
"shopping", // shopping Over Keep, LLC
"shouji", // shouji QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.
"show", // show Snow Beach, LLC
"showtime", // showtime CBS Domains Inc.
"shriram", // shriram Shriram Capital Ltd.
"silk", // silk Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"sina", // sina Sina Corporation
"singles", // singles Fern Madison, LLC
"site", // site DotSite Inc.
"skin", // skin L&#39;Oréal
"sky", // sky Sky International AG
"skype", // skype Microsoft Corporation
"sling", // sling Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation
"smart", // smart Smart Communications, Inc. (SMART)
"smile", // smile Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"sncf", // sncf SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais)
"soccer", // soccer Foggy Shadow, LLC
"social", // social United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"softbank", // softbank SoftBank Group Corp.
"software", // software United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"sohu", // sohu Limited
"solar", // solar Ruby Town, LLC
"solutions", // solutions Silver Cover, LLC
"song", // song Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"sony", // sony Sony Corporation
"soy", // soy Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"space", // space DotSpace Inc.
// "spiegel", // spiegel SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH &amp; Co. KG
"sport", // sport Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF)
"spot", // spot Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"spreadbetting", // spreadbetting DOTSPREADBETTING REGISTRY LTD
"srl", // srl InterNetX Corp.
// "srt", // srt FCA US LLC.
"stada", // stada STADA Arzneimittel AG
"staples", // staples Staples, Inc.
"star", // star Star India Private Limited
// "starhub", // starhub StarHub Limited
"statebank", // statebank STATE BANK OF INDIA
"statefarm", // statefarm State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
// "statoil", // statoil Statoil ASA
"stc", // stc Saudi Telecom Company
"stcgroup", // stcgroup Saudi Telecom Company
"stockholm", // stockholm Stockholms kommun
"storage", // storage Self Storage Company LLC
"store", // store DotStore Inc.
"stream", // stream dot Stream Limited
"studio", // studio United TLD Holdco Ltd.
"style", // style Binky Moon, LLC
"sucks", // sucks Vox Populi Registry Ltd.
"supplies", // supplies Atomic Fields, LLC
"supply", // supply Half Falls, LLC
"support", // support Grand Orchard, LLC
"surf", // surf Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"surgery", // surgery Tin Avenue, LLC
"suzuki", // suzuki SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION
"swatch", // swatch The Swatch Group Ltd
"swiftcover", // swiftcover Swiftcover Insurance Services Limited
"swiss", // swiss Swiss Confederation
"sydney", // sydney State of New South Wales, Department of Premier and Cabinet
// "symantec", // symantec Symantec Corporation [Not assigned as of Jul 25]
"systems", // systems Dash Cypress, LLC
"tab", // tab Tabcorp Holdings Limited
"taipei", // taipei Taipei City Government
"talk", // talk Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"taobao", // taobao Alibaba Group Holding Limited
"target", // target Target Domain Holdings, LLC
"tatamotors", // tatamotors Tata Motors Ltd
"tatar", // tatar LLC "Coordination Center of Regional Domain of Tatarstan Republic"
"tattoo", // tattoo Uniregistry, Corp.
"tax", // tax Storm Orchard, LLC
"taxi", // taxi Pine Falls, LLC
"tci", // tci Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
"tdk", // tdk TDK Corporation
"team", // team Atomic Lake, LLC
"tech", // tech Dot Tech LLC
"technology", // technology Auburn Falls, LLC
"tel", // tel Telnic Ltd.
// "telecity", // telecity TelecityGroup International Limited
// "telefonica", // telefonica Telefónica S.A.
"temasek", // temasek Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited
"tennis", // tennis Cotton Bloom, LLC
"teva", // teva Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited
"thd", // thd Homer TLC, Inc.
"theater", // theater Blue Tigers, LLC
"theatre", // theatre XYZ.COM LLC
"tiaa", // tiaa Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America
"tickets", // tickets Accent Media Limited
"tienda", // tienda Victor Manor, LLC
"tiffany", // tiffany Tiffany and Company
"tips", // tips Corn Willow, LLC
"tires", // tires Dog Edge, LLC
"tirol", // tirol punkt Tirol GmbH
"tjmaxx", // tjmaxx The TJX Companies, Inc.
"tjx", // tjx The TJX Companies, Inc.
"tkmaxx", // tkmaxx The TJX Companies, Inc.
"tmall", // tmall Alibaba Group Holding Limited
"today", // today Pearl Woods, LLC
"tokyo", // tokyo GMO Registry, Inc.
"tools", // tools Pioneer North, LLC
"top", // top Jiangsu Bangning Science &amp; Technology Co.,Ltd.
"toray", // toray Toray Industries, Inc.
"toshiba", // toshiba TOSHIBA Corporation
"total", // total Total SA
"tours", // tours Sugar Station, LLC
"town", // town Koko Moon, LLC
"toyota", // toyota TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION
"toys", // toys Pioneer Orchard, LLC
"trade", // trade Elite Registry Limited
"trading", // trading DOTTRADING REGISTRY LTD
"training", // training Wild Willow, LLC
"travel", // travel Tralliance Registry Management Company, LLC.
"travelchannel", // travelchannel Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"travelers", // travelers Travelers TLD, LLC
"travelersinsurance", // travelersinsurance Travelers TLD, LLC
"trust", // trust Artemis Internet Inc
"trv", // trv Travelers TLD, LLC
"tube", // tube Latin American Telecom LLC
"tui", // tui TUI AG
"tunes", // tunes Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"tushu", // tushu Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"ubank", // ubank National Australia Bank Limited
"ubs", // ubs UBS AG
// "uconnect", // uconnect FCA US LLC.
"unicom", // unicom China United Network Communications Corporation Limited
"university", // university Little Station, LLC
"uno", // uno Dot Latin LLC
"uol", // uol UBN INTERNET LTDA.
"ups", // ups UPS Market Driver, Inc.
"vacations", // vacations Atomic Tigers, LLC
"vana", // vana Lifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.
"vanguard", // vanguard The Vanguard Group, Inc.
"vegas", // vegas Dot Vegas, Inc.
"ventures", // ventures Binky Lake, LLC
"verisign", // verisign VeriSign, Inc.
"versicherung", // versicherung dotversicherung-registry GmbH
"vet", // vet United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"viajes", // viajes Black Madison, LLC
"video", // video United TLD Holdco, Ltd
"vig", // vig VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe
"viking", // viking Viking River Cruises (Bermuda) Ltd.
"villas", // villas New Sky, LLC
"vin", // vin Holly Shadow, LLC
"vip", // vip Minds + Machines Group Limited
"virgin", // virgin Virgin Enterprises Limited
"visa", // visa Visa Worldwide Pte. Limited
"vision", // vision Koko Station, LLC
// "vista", // vista Vistaprint Limited
// "vistaprint", // vistaprint Vistaprint Limited
"viva", // viva Saudi Telecom Company
"vivo", // vivo Telefonica Brasil S.A.
"vlaanderen", // vlaanderen vzw
"vodka", // vodka Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"volkswagen", // volkswagen Volkswagen Group of America Inc.
"volvo", // volvo Volvo Holding Sverige Aktiebolag
"vote", // vote Monolith Registry LLC
"voting", // voting Valuetainment Corp.
"voto", // voto Monolith Registry LLC
"voyage", // voyage Ruby House, LLC
"vuelos", // vuelos Travel Reservations SRL
"wales", // wales Nominet UK
"walmart", // walmart Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
"walter", // walter Sandvik AB
"wang", // wang Zodiac Registry Limited
"wanggou", // wanggou Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
// "warman", // warman Weir Group IP Limited
"watch", // watch Sand Shadow, LLC
"watches", // watches Richemont DNS Inc.
"weather", // weather The Weather Channel, LLC
"weatherchannel", // weatherchannel The Weather Channel, LLC
"webcam", // webcam dot Webcam Limited
"weber", // weber Saint-Gobain Weber SA
"website", // website DotWebsite Inc.
"wed", // wed Atgron, Inc.
"wedding", // wedding Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"weibo", // weibo Sina Corporation
"weir", // weir Weir Group IP Limited
"whoswho", // whoswho Who&#39;s Who Registry
"wien", // wien GmbH
"wiki", // wiki Top Level Design, LLC
"williamhill", // williamhill William Hill Organization Limited
"win", // win First Registry Limited
"windows", // windows Microsoft Corporation
"wine", // wine June Station, LLC
"winners", // winners The TJX Companies, Inc.
"wme", // wme William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC
"wolterskluwer", // wolterskluwer Wolters Kluwer N.V.
"woodside", // woodside Woodside Petroleum Limited
"work", // work Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"works", // works Little Dynamite, LLC
"world", // world Bitter Fields, LLC
"wow", // wow Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"wtc", // wtc World Trade Centers Association, Inc.
"wtf", // wtf Hidden Way, LLC
"xbox", // xbox Microsoft Corporation
"xerox", // xerox Xerox DNHC LLC
"xfinity", // xfinity Comcast IP Holdings I, LLC
"xihuan", // xihuan QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.
"xin", // xin Elegant Leader Limited
"xn--11b4c3d", // कॉम VeriSign Sarl
"xn--1ck2e1b", // セール Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--1qqw23a", // 佛山 Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd.
"xn--30rr7y", // 慈善 Excellent First Limited
"xn--3bst00m", // 集团 Eagle Horizon Limited
"xn--3ds443g", // 在线 TLD REGISTRY LIMITED
"xn--3oq18vl8pn36a", // 大众汽车 Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
"xn--3pxu8k", // 点看 VeriSign Sarl
"xn--42c2d9a", // คอม VeriSign Sarl
"xn--45q11c", // 八卦 Zodiac Scorpio Limited
"xn--4gbrim", // موقع Suhub Electronic Establishment
"xn--55qw42g", // 公益 China Organizational Name Administration Center
"xn--55qx5d", // 公司 Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center)
"xn--5su34j936bgsg", // 香格里拉 Shangri‐La International Hotel Management Limited
"xn--5tzm5g", // 网站 Global Website TLD Asia Limited
"xn--6frz82g", // 移动 Afilias Limited
"xn--6qq986b3xl", // 我爱你 Tycoon Treasure Limited
"xn--80adxhks", // москва Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID)
"xn--80aqecdr1a", // католик Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication)
"xn--80asehdb", // онлайн CORE Association
"xn--80aswg", // сайт CORE Association
"xn--8y0a063a", // 联通 China United Network Communications Corporation Limited
"xn--90ae", // бг Imena.BG Plc (NAMES.BG Plc)
"xn--9dbq2a", // קום VeriSign Sarl
"xn--9et52u", // 时尚 RISE VICTORY LIMITED
"xn--9krt00a", // 微博 Sina Corporation
"xn--b4w605ferd", // 淡马锡 Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited
"xn--bck1b9a5dre4c", // ファッション Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--c1avg", // орг Public Interest Registry
"xn--c2br7g", // नेट VeriSign Sarl
"xn--cck2b3b", // ストア Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--cckwcxetd", // アマゾン Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--cg4bki", // 삼성 SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD
"xn--czrs0t", // 商店 Wild Island, LLC
"xn--czru2d", // 商城 Zodiac Aquarius Limited
"xn--d1acj3b", // дети The Foundation for Network Initiatives “The Smart Internet”
"xn--eckvdtc9d", // ポイント Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--efvy88h", // 新闻 Xinhua News Agency Guangdong Branch 新华通讯社广东分社
// "xn--estv75g", // 工行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
"xn--fct429k", // 家電 Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--fhbei", // كوم VeriSign Sarl
"xn--fiq228c5hs", // 中文网 TLD REGISTRY LIMITED
"xn--fiq64b", // 中信 CITIC Group Corporation
"xn--fjq720a", // 娱乐 Will Bloom, LLC
"xn--flw351e", // 谷歌 Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"xn--fzys8d69uvgm", // 電訊盈科 PCCW Enterprises Limited
"xn--g2xx48c", // 购物 Minds + Machines Group Limited
"xn--gckr3f0f", // クラウド Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--gk3at1e", // 通販 Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--hxt814e", // 网店 Zodiac Libra Limited
"xn--i1b6b1a6a2e", // संगठन Public Interest Registry
"xn--io0a7i", // 网络 Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China Internet Network Information Center)
"xn--j1aef", // ком VeriSign Sarl
"xn--jlq480n2rg", // 亚马逊 Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--jlq61u9w7b", // 诺基亚 Nokia Corporation
"xn--jvr189m", // 食品 Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"xn--kcrx77d1x4a", // 飞利浦 Koninklijke Philips N.V.
// "xn--kpu716f", // 手表 Richemont DNS Inc. [Not assigned as of Jul 25]
"xn--kput3i", // 手机 Beijing RITT-Net Technology Development Co., Ltd
"xn--mgba3a3ejt", // ارامكو Aramco Services Company
"xn--mgba7c0bbn0a", // العليان Crescent Holding GmbH
"xn--mgbaakc7dvf", // اتصالات Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (trading as Etisalat)
"xn--mgbab2bd", // بازار CORE Association
// "xn--mgbb9fbpob", // موبايلي GreenTech Consultancy Company W.L.L.
"xn--mgbca7dzdo", // ابوظبي Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre
"xn--mgbi4ecexp", // كاثوليك Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication)
"xn--mgbt3dhd", // همراه Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
"xn--mk1bu44c", // 닷컴 VeriSign Sarl
"xn--mxtq1m", // 政府 Net-Chinese Co., Ltd.
"xn--ngbc5azd", // شبكة International Domain Registry Pty. Ltd.
"xn--ngbe9e0a", // بيتك Kuwait Finance House
"xn--ngbrx", // عرب League of Arab States
"xn--nqv7f", // 机构 Public Interest Registry
"xn--nqv7fs00ema", // 组织机构 Public Interest Registry
"xn--nyqy26a", // 健康 Stable Tone Limited
"xn--otu796d", // 招聘 Dot Trademark TLD Holding Company Limited
"xn--p1acf", // рус Rusnames Limited
// "xn--pbt977c", // 珠宝 Richemont DNS Inc. [Not assigned as of Jul 25]
"xn--pssy2u", // 大拿 VeriSign Sarl
"xn--q9jyb4c", // みんな Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"xn--qcka1pmc", // グーグル Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"xn--rhqv96g", // 世界 Stable Tone Limited
"xn--rovu88b", // 書籍 Amazon EU S.à r.l.
"xn--ses554g", // 网址 KNET Co., Ltd
"xn--t60b56a", // 닷넷 VeriSign Sarl
"xn--tckwe", // コム VeriSign Sarl
"xn--tiq49xqyj", // 天主教 Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication)
"xn--unup4y", // 游戏 Spring Fields, LLC
"xn--vermgensberater-ctb", // VERMöGENSBERATER Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
"xn--vermgensberatung-pwb", // VERMöGENSBERATUNG Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAG
"xn--vhquv", // 企业 Dash McCook, LLC
"xn--vuq861b", // 信息 Beijing Tele-info Network Technology Co., Ltd.
"xn--w4r85el8fhu5dnra", // 嘉里大酒店 Kerry Trading Co. Limited
"xn--w4rs40l", // 嘉里 Kerry Trading Co. Limited
"xn--xhq521b", // 广东 Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd.
"xn--zfr164b", // 政务 China Organizational Name Administration Center
// "xperia", // xperia Sony Mobile Communications AB
"xxx", // xxx ICM Registry LLC
"xyz", // xyz XYZ.COM LLC
"yachts", // yachts DERYachts, LLC
"yahoo", // yahoo Yahoo! Domain Services Inc.
"yamaxun", // yamaxun Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"yandex", // yandex YANDEX, LLC
"yodobashi", // yodobashi YODOBASHI CAMERA CO.,LTD.
"yoga", // yoga Top Level Domain Holdings Limited
"yokohama", // yokohama GMO Registry, Inc.
"you", // you Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"youtube", // youtube Charleston Road Registry Inc.
"yun", // yun QIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.
"zappos", // zappos Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"zara", // zara Industria de Diseño Textil, S.A. (INDITEX, S.A.)
"zero", // zero Amazon Registry Services, Inc.
"zip", // zip Charleston Road Registry Inc.
// "zippo", // zippo Zadco Company
"zone", // zone Outer Falls, LLC
"zuerich", // zuerich Kanton Zürich (Canton of Zurich)
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static final String[] COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS = new String[] {
// Taken from Version 2020051000, Last Updated Sun May 10 07:07:01 2020 UTC
"ac", // Ascension Island
"ad", // Andorra
"ae", // United Arab Emirates
"af", // Afghanistan
"ag", // Antigua and Barbuda
"ai", // Anguilla
"al", // Albania
"am", // Armenia
// "an", // Netherlands Antilles (retired)
"ao", // Angola
"aq", // Antarctica
"ar", // Argentina
"as", // American Samoa
"at", // Austria
"au", // Australia (includes Ashmore and Cartier Islands and Coral Sea Islands)
"aw", // Aruba
"ax", // Åland
"az", // Azerbaijan
"ba", // Bosnia and Herzegovina
"bb", // Barbados
"bd", // Bangladesh
"be", // Belgium
"bf", // Burkina Faso
"bg", // Bulgaria
"bh", // Bahrain
"bi", // Burundi
"bj", // Benin
"bm", // Bermuda
"bn", // Brunei Darussalam
"bo", // Bolivia
"br", // Brazil
"bs", // Bahamas
"bt", // Bhutan
"bv", // Bouvet Island
"bw", // Botswana
"by", // Belarus
"bz", // Belize
"ca", // Canada
"cc", // Cocos (Keeling) Islands
"cd", // Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire)
"cf", // Central African Republic
"cg", // Republic of the Congo
"ch", // Switzerland
"ci", // Côte d'Ivoire
"ck", // Cook Islands
"cl", // Chile
"cm", // Cameroon
"cn", // China, mainland
"co", // Colombia
"cr", // Costa Rica
"cu", // Cuba
"cv", // Cape Verde
"cw", // Curaçao
"cx", // Christmas Island
"cy", // Cyprus
"cz", // Czech Republic
"de", // Germany
"dj", // Djibouti
"dk", // Denmark
"dm", // Dominica
"do", // Dominican Republic
"dz", // Algeria
"ec", // Ecuador
"ee", // Estonia
"eg", // Egypt
"er", // Eritrea
"es", // Spain
"et", // Ethiopia
"eu", // European Union
"fi", // Finland
"fj", // Fiji
"fk", // Falkland Islands
"fm", // Federated States of Micronesia
"fo", // Faroe Islands
"fr", // France
"ga", // Gabon
"gb", // Great Britain (United Kingdom)
"gd", // Grenada
"ge", // Georgia
"gf", // French Guiana
"gg", // Guernsey
"gh", // Ghana
"gi", // Gibraltar
"gl", // Greenland
"gm", // The Gambia
"gn", // Guinea
"gp", // Guadeloupe
"gq", // Equatorial Guinea
"gr", // Greece
"gs", // South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
"gt", // Guatemala
"gu", // Guam
"gw", // Guinea-Bissau
"gy", // Guyana
"hk", // Hong Kong
"hm", // Heard Island and McDonald Islands
"hn", // Honduras
"hr", // Croatia (Hrvatska)
"ht", // Haiti
"hu", // Hungary
"id", // Indonesia
"ie", // Ireland (Éire)
"il", // Israel
"im", // Isle of Man
"in", // India
"io", // British Indian Ocean Territory
"iq", // Iraq
"ir", // Iran
"is", // Iceland
"it", // Italy
"je", // Jersey
"jm", // Jamaica
"jo", // Jordan
"jp", // Japan
"ke", // Kenya
"kg", // Kyrgyzstan
"kh", // Cambodia (Khmer)
"ki", // Kiribati
"km", // Comoros
"kn", // Saint Kitts and Nevis
"kp", // North Korea
"kr", // South Korea
"kw", // Kuwait
"ky", // Cayman Islands
"kz", // Kazakhstan
"la", // Laos (currently being marketed as the official domain for Los Angeles)
"lb", // Lebanon
"lc", // Saint Lucia
"li", // Liechtenstein
"lk", // Sri Lanka
"lr", // Liberia
"ls", // Lesotho
"lt", // Lithuania
"lu", // Luxembourg
"lv", // Latvia
"ly", // Libya
"ma", // Morocco
"mc", // Monaco
"md", // Moldova
"me", // Montenegro
"mg", // Madagascar
"mh", // Marshall Islands
"mk", // Republic of Macedonia
"ml", // Mali
"mm", // Myanmar
"mn", // Mongolia
"mo", // Macau
"mp", // Northern Mariana Islands
"mq", // Martinique
"mr", // Mauritania
"ms", // Montserrat
"mt", // Malta
"mu", // Mauritius
"mv", // Maldives
"mw", // Malawi
"mx", // Mexico
"my", // Malaysia
"mz", // Mozambique
"na", // Namibia
"nc", // New Caledonia
"ne", // Niger
"nf", // Norfolk Island
"ng", // Nigeria
"ni", // Nicaragua
"nl", // Netherlands
"no", // Norway
"np", // Nepal
"nr", // Nauru
"nu", // Niue
"nz", // New Zealand
"om", // Oman
"pa", // Panama
"pe", // Peru
"pf", // French Polynesia With Clipperton Island
"pg", // Papua New Guinea
"ph", // Philippines
"pk", // Pakistan
"pl", // Poland
"pm", // Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
"pn", // Pitcairn Islands
"pr", // Puerto Rico
"ps", // Palestinian territories (PA-controlled West Bank and Gaza Strip)
"pt", // Portugal
"pw", // Palau
"py", // Paraguay
"qa", // Qatar
"re", // Réunion
"ro", // Romania
"rs", // Serbia
"ru", // Russia
"rw", // Rwanda
"sa", // Saudi Arabia
"sb", // Solomon Islands
"sc", // Seychelles
"sd", // Sudan
"se", // Sweden
"sg", // Singapore
"sh", // Saint Helena
"si", // Slovenia
"sj", // Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Not in use (Norwegian dependencies; see .no)
"sk", // Slovakia
"sl", // Sierra Leone
"sm", // San Marino
"sn", // Senegal
"so", // Somalia
"sr", // Suriname
"ss", // ss National Communication Authority (NCA)
"st", // São Tomé and Príncipe
"su", // Soviet Union (deprecated)
"sv", // El Salvador
"sx", // Sint Maarten
"sy", // Syria
"sz", // Swaziland
"tc", // Turks and Caicos Islands
"td", // Chad
"tf", // French Southern and Antarctic Lands
"tg", // Togo
"th", // Thailand
"tj", // Tajikistan
"tk", // Tokelau
"tl", // East Timor (deprecated old code)
"tm", // Turkmenistan
"tn", // Tunisia
"to", // Tonga
// "tp", // East Timor (Retired)
"tr", // Turkey
"tt", // Trinidad and Tobago
"tv", // Tuvalu
"tw", // Taiwan, Republic of China
"tz", // Tanzania
"ua", // Ukraine
"ug", // Uganda
"uk", // United Kingdom
"us", // United States of America
"uy", // Uruguay
"uz", // Uzbekistan
"va", // Vatican City State
"vc", // Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
"ve", // Venezuela
"vg", // British Virgin Islands
"vi", // U.S. Virgin Islands
"vn", // Vietnam
"vu", // Vanuatu
"wf", // Wallis and Futuna
"ws", // Samoa (formerly Western Samoa)
"xn--2scrj9c", // ಭಾರತ National Internet eXchange of India
"xn--3e0b707e", // 한국 KISA (Korea Internet &amp; Security Agency)
"xn--3hcrj9c", // ଭାରତ National Internet eXchange of India
"xn--45br5cyl", // ভাৰত National Internet eXchange of India
"xn--45brj9c", // ভারত National Internet Exchange of India
"xn--54b7fta0cc", // বাংলা Posts and Telecommunications Division
"xn--80ao21a", // қаз Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan
"xn--90a3ac", // срб Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS)
"xn--90ais", // ??? Reliable Software Inc.
"xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd", // சிங்கப்பூர் Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd
"xn--d1alf", // мкд Macedonian Academic Research Network Skopje
"xn--e1a4c", // ею EURid vzw/asbl
"xn--fiqs8s", // 中国 China Internet Network Information Center
"xn--fiqz9s", // 中國 China Internet Network Information Center
"xn--fpcrj9c3d", // భారత్ National Internet Exchange of India
"xn--fzc2c9e2c", // ලංකා LK Domain Registry
"xn--gecrj9c", // ભારત National Internet Exchange of India
"xn--h2breg3eve", // भारतम् National Internet eXchange of India
"xn--h2brj9c", // भारत National Internet Exchange of India
"xn--h2brj9c8c", // भारोत National Internet eXchange of India
"xn--j1amh", // укр Ukrainian Network Information Centre (UANIC), Inc.
"xn--j6w193g", // 香港 Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd.
"xn--kprw13d", // 台湾 Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
"xn--kpry57d", // 台灣 Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
"xn--l1acc", // мон Datacom Co.,Ltd
"xn--lgbbat1ad8j", // الجزائر CERIST
"xn--mgb9awbf", // عمان Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
"xn--mgba3a4f16a", // ایران Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
"xn--mgbaam7a8h", // امارات Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
"xn--mgbah1a3hjkrd", // موريتانيا Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya
"xn--mgbai9azgqp6j", // پاکستان National Telecommunication Corporation
"xn--mgbayh7gpa", // الاردن National Information Technology Center (NITC)
"xn--mgbbh1a", // بارت National Internet eXchange of India
"xn--mgbbh1a71e", // بھارت National Internet Exchange of India
"xn--mgbc0a9azcg", // المغرب Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT)
"xn--mgbcpq6gpa1a", // البحرين Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
"xn--mgberp4a5d4ar", // السعودية Communications and Information Technology Commission
"xn--mgbgu82a", // ڀارت National Internet eXchange of India
"xn--mgbpl2fh", // ????? Sudan Internet Society
"xn--mgbtx2b", // عراق Communications and Media Commission (CMC)
"xn--mgbx4cd0ab", // مليسيا MYNIC Berhad
"xn--mix891f", // 澳門 Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation (DSRT)
"xn--node", // გე Information Technologies Development Center (ITDC)
"xn--o3cw4h", // ไทย Thai Network Information Center Foundation
"xn--ogbpf8fl", // سورية National Agency for Network Services (NANS)
"xn--p1ai", // рф Coordination Center for TLD RU
"xn--pgbs0dh", // تونس Agence Tunisienne d&#39;Internet
"xn--q7ce6a", // ລາວ Lao National Internet Center (LANIC)
"xn--qxa6a", // ευ EURid vzw/asbl
"xn--qxam", // ελ ICS-FORTH GR
"xn--rvc1e0am3e", // ഭാരതം National Internet eXchange of India
"xn--s9brj9c", // ਭਾਰਤ National Internet Exchange of India
"xn--wgbh1c", // مصر National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority - NTRA
"xn--wgbl6a", // قطر Communications Regulatory Authority
"xn--xkc2al3hye2a", // இலங்கை LK Domain Registry
"xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h", // இந்தியா National Internet Exchange of India
"xn--y9a3aq", // ??? Internet Society
"xn--yfro4i67o", // 新加坡 Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd
"xn--ygbi2ammx", // فلسطين Ministry of Telecom &amp; Information Technology (MTIT)
"ye", // Yemen
"yt", // Mayotte
"za", // South Africa
"zm", // Zambia
"zw", // Zimbabwe
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static final String[] LOCAL_TLDS = new String[] {
"localdomain", // Also widely used as localhost.localdomain
"localhost", // RFC2606 defined
// Additional arrays to supplement or override the built in ones.
// The PLUS arrays are valid keys, the MINUS arrays are invalid keys
* This field is used to detect whether the getInstance has been called.
* After this, the method updateTLDOverride is not allowed to be called.
* This field does not need to be volatile since it is only accessed from
* synchronized methods.
private static boolean inUse = false;
* These arrays are mutable.
* They can only be updated by the updateTLDOverride method, and readers must first get an instance
* using the getInstance methods which are all (now) synchronised.
* The only other access is via getTLDEntries which is now synchronised.
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static String[] countryCodeTLDsPlus = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static String[] genericTLDsPlus = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static String[] countryCodeTLDsMinus = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static String[] genericTLDsMinus = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static String[] localTLDsMinus = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
// WARNING: this array MUST be sorted, otherwise it cannot be searched reliably using binary search
private static String[] localTLDsPlus = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
* enum used by {@link DomainValidator#updateTLDOverride(ArrayType, String[])}
* to determine which override array to update / fetch
* @since 1.5.0
* @since 1.5.1 made public and added read-only array references
public enum ArrayType {
/** Update (or get a copy of) the GENERIC_TLDS_PLUS table containing additonal generic TLDs */
/** Update (or get a copy of) the GENERIC_TLDS_MINUS table containing deleted generic TLDs */
/** Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_PLUS table containing additonal country code TLDs */
/** Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_MINUS table containing deleted country code TLDs */
/** Get a copy of the generic TLDS table */
/** Get a copy of the country code table */
/** Get a copy of the infrastructure table */
/** Get a copy of the local table */
* Update (or get a copy of) the LOCAL_TLDS_PLUS table containing additional local TLDs
* @since 1.7
* Update (or get a copy of) the LOCAL_TLDS_MINUS table containing deleted local TLDs
* @since 1.7
* Used to specify overrides when creating a new class.
* @since 1.7
public static class Item {
final ArrayType type;
final String[] values;
* @param type ArrayType, e.g. GENERIC_PLUS, LOCAL_PLUS
* @param values array of TLDs. Will be lower-cased and sorted
public Item(ArrayType type, String[] values) {
this.type = type;
this.values = values; // no need to copy here
* Update one of the TLD override arrays.
* This must only be done at program startup, before any instances are accessed using getInstance.
* <p>
* For example:
* <p>
* {@code DomainValidator.updateTLDOverride(ArrayType.GENERIC_PLUS, new String[]{"apache"})}
* <p>
* To clear an override array, provide an empty array.
* @param table the table to update, see {@link DomainValidator.ArrayType}
* Must be one of the following
* <ul>
* <li>GENERIC_MINUS</li>
* <li>GENERIC_PLUS</li>
* <li>LOCAL_MINUS</li>
* <li>LOCAL_PLUS</li>
* </ul>
* @param tlds the array of TLDs, must not be null
* @throws IllegalStateException if the method is called after getInstance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the read-only tables is requested
* @since 1.5.0
public static synchronized void updateTLDOverride(ArrayType table, String [] tlds) {
if (inUse) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can only invoke this method before calling getInstance");
String [] copy = new String[tlds.length];
// Comparisons are always done with lower-case entries
for (int i = 0; i < tlds.length; i++) {
copy[i] = tlds[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
switch(table) {
countryCodeTLDsMinus = copy;
countryCodeTLDsPlus = copy;
genericTLDsMinus = copy;
genericTLDsPlus = copy;
localTLDsMinus = copy;
localTLDsPlus = copy;
case LOCAL_RO:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update the table: " + table);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_ENUM_VALUE + table);
* Get a copy of a class level internal array.
* @param table the array type (any of the enum values)
* @return a copy of the array
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the table type is unexpected (should not happen)
* @since 1.5.1
public static synchronized String [] getTLDEntries(ArrayType table) {
final String[] array;
switch(table) {
array = countryCodeTLDsMinus;
array = countryCodeTLDsPlus;
array = genericTLDsMinus;
array = genericTLDsPlus;
array = localTLDsMinus;
array = localTLDsPlus;
case LOCAL_RO:
array = LOCAL_TLDS;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_ENUM_VALUE + table);
return Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length); // clone the array
* Get a copy of an instance level internal array.
* @param table the array type (any of the enum values)
* @return a copy of the array
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the table type is unexpected, e.g. GENERIC_RO
* @since 1.7
public String [] getOverrides(ArrayType table) {
final String[] array;
switch(table) {
array = mycountryCodeTLDsMinus;
array = mycountryCodeTLDsPlus;
array = mygenericTLDsMinus;
array = mygenericTLDsPlus;
array = mylocalTLDsMinus;
array = mylocalTLDsPlus;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_ENUM_VALUE + table);
return Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length); // clone the array
* Converts potentially Unicode input to punycode.
* If conversion fails, returns the original input.
* @param input the string to convert, not null
* @return converted input, or original input if conversion fails
// Needed by UrlValidator
static String unicodeToASCII(String input) {
if (isOnlyASCII(input)) { // skip possibly expensive processing
return input;
try {
final String ascii = IDN.toASCII(input);
return ascii;
final int length = input.length();
if (length == 0) {// check there is a last character
return input;
// RFC3490 3.1. 1)
// Whenever dots are used as label separators, the following
// characters MUST be recognized as dots: U+002E (full stop), U+3002
// (ideographic full stop), U+FF0E (fullwidth full stop), U+FF61
// (halfwidth ideographic full stop).
char lastChar = input.charAt(length-1);// fetch original last char
switch(lastChar) {
case '\u002E': // "." full stop
case '\u3002': // ideographic full stop
case '\uFF0E': // fullwidth full stop
case '\uFF61': // halfwidth ideographic full stop
return ascii + "."; // restore the missing stop
return ascii;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // input is not valid
return input;
private static class IDNBUGHOLDER {
private static boolean keepsTrailingDot() {
final String input = "a."; // must be a valid name
return input.equals(IDN.toASCII(input));
private static final boolean IDN_TOASCII_PRESERVES_TRAILING_DOTS = keepsTrailingDot();
* Check if input contains only ASCII
* Treats null as all ASCII
private static boolean isOnlyASCII(String input) {
if (input == null) {
return true;
for(int i=0; i < input.length(); i++) {
if (input.charAt(i) > 0x7F) { // CHECKSTYLE IGNORE MagicNumber
return false;
return true;
* Check if a sorted array contains the specified key
* @param sortedArray the array to search
* @param key the key to find
* @return {@code true} if the array contains the key
private static boolean arrayContains(String[] sortedArray, String key) {
return Arrays.binarySearch(sortedArray, key) >= 0;