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<title>Apache Commons Statistics User Guide</title>
<section name="" id="page_title">
<h1>Apache Commons Statistics User Guide</h1>
<section name="Contents" id="toc">
<a href="#overview">Overview</a>
<a href="#example-modules">Example Modules</a>
<a href="#distributions">Probability Distributions</a>
<a href="#dist_overview">Overview</a>
<a href="#dist_api">API</a>
<a href="#dist_imp_details">Implementation Details</a>
<a href="#dist_complements">Complementary Probabilities</a>
<a href="#inference">Inference</a>
<a href="#inference_overview">Overview</a>
<a href="#inference_examples">Examples</a>
<a href="#ranking">Ranking</a>
<section name="Overview" id="overview">
Apache Commons Statistics provides utilities for statistical applications. The code
originated in the <code><a href="">
commons-math</a></code> project but was pulled out into a separate project for better
maintainability and has since undergone numerous improvements.
Commons Statistics is divided into a number of submodules:
<code><a href="../commons-statistics-distribution/index.html">
commons-statistics-distribution</a></code> - Provides interfaces
and classes for probability distributions.
<code><a href="../commons-statistics-inference/index.html">
commons-statistics-inference</a></code> - Provides hypothesis testing.
<code><a href="../commons-statistics-ranking/index.html">
commons-statistics-ranking</a></code> - Provides rank transformations.
<section name="Example Modules" id="example-modules">
In addition to the modules above, the Commons Statistics
<a href="">source distribution</a>
contains example code demonstrating library functionality and/or providing useful
development utilities. These modules are not part of the public API of the library and no
guarantees are made concerning backwards compatibility. The
<a href="../commons-statistics-examples/modules.html">example module parent page</a>
contains a listing of available modules.
<section name="Probability Distributions" id="distributions">
<subsection name="Overview" id="dist_overview">
The <code>commons-statistics-distribution</code> module provides a framework and implementations for some commonly used
probability distributions. Continuous univariate distributions are represented by
implementations of the
<a href="../commons-statistics-distribution/apidocs/org/apache/commons/statistics/distribution/ContinuousDistribution.html">ContinuousDistribution</a>
interface. Discrete distributions implement
<a href="../commons-statistics-distribution/apidocs/org/apache/commons/statistics/distribution/DiscreteDistribution.html">DiscreteDistribution</a>
(values must be mapped to integers).
<subsection name="API" id="dist_api">
The distribution framework provides the means to compute probability density,
probability mass and cumulative probability functions for several well-known
discrete (integer-valued) and continuous probability distributions.
The API also allows for the computation of inverse cumulative probabilities
and sampling from distributions.
For an instance <code>f</code> of a distribution <code>F</code>,
and a domain value, <code>x</code>, <code>f.cumulativeProbability(x)</code>
computes <code>P(X &lt;= x)</code> where <code>X</code> is a random variable distributed
as <code>F</code>. The complement of the cumulative probability,
<code>f.survivalProbability(x)</code> computes <code>P(X &gt; x)</code>. Note that
the survival probability is approximately equal to <code>1 - P(X &lt;= x)</code> but
does not suffer from cancellation error as the cumulative probability approaches 1.
The cancellation error may cause a (total) loss of accuracy when
<code>P(X &lt;= x) ~ 1</code>
(see <a href="#complements">complementary probabilities</a>).
<source class="prettyprint">
TDistribution t = TDistribution.of(29);
double lowerTail = t.cumulativeProbability(-2.656); // P(T(29) &lt;= -2.656)
double upperTail = t.survivalProbability(2.75); // P(T(29) &gt; 2.75)
For <a href="../commons-statistics-distribution/apidocs/org/apache/commons/statistics/distribution/DiscreteDistribution.html">discrete</a>
<code>F</code>, the probability mass function is given by <code>f.probability(x)</code>.
For <a href="../commons-statistics-distribution/apidocs/org/apache/commons/statistics/distribution/ContinuousDistribution.html">continuous</a>
<code>F</code>, the probability density function is given by <code>f.density(x)</code>.
Distributions also implement <code>f.probability(x1, x2)</code> for computing
<code>P(x1 &lt; X &lt;= x2)</code>.
<source class="prettyprint">
PoissonDistribution pd = PoissonDistribution.of(1.23);
double p1 = pd.probability(5);
double p2 = pd.probability(5, 5);
double p3 = pd.probability(4, 5);
// p2 == 0
// p1 == p3
Inverse distribution functions can be computed using the
<code>inverseCumulativeProbability</code> and <code>inverseSurvivalProbability</code>
methods. For continuous <code>f</code> and <code>p</code> a probability,
<code>f.inverseCumulativeProbability(p)</code> returns
\[ x = \begin{cases}
\inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \le x) \ge p\} &amp; \text{for } 0 \lt p \le 1 \\
\inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \le x) \gt 0 \} &amp; \text{for } p = 0
\end{cases} \]
where <code>X</code> is distributed as <code>F</code>.<br/>
Likewise <code>f.inverseSurvivalProbability(p)</code> returns
\[ x = \begin{cases}
\inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \gt x) \le p\} &amp; \text{for } 0 \le p \lt 1 \\
\inf \{ x \in \mathbb R : P(X \gt x) \lt 1 \} &amp; \text{for } p = 1
\end{cases} \]
<source class="prettyprint">
NormalDistribution n = NormalDistribution.of(0, 1);
double x1 = n.inverseCumulativeProbability(1e-300);
double x2 = n.inverseSurvivalProbability(1e-300);
// x1 == -x2 ~ -37.0471
For discrete <code>F</code>, the definition is the same, with \( \mathbb Z \)
(the integers) in place of \( \mathbb R \). Note that, in the discrete case,
the strict inequality on \( p \) in the definition can make a difference when
\( p \) is an attained value of the distribution. For example moving to the next
larger value of \( p \) will return the value \( x + 1 \) for inverse CDF.
All distributions provide accessors for the parameters used to create the distribution,
and a mean and variance. The return value when the mean or variance
is undefined is noted in the class javadoc.
<source class="prettyprint">
ChiSquaredDistribution chi2 = ChiSquaredDistribution.of(42);
double df = chi2.getDegreesOfFreedom(); // 42
double mean = chi2.getMean(); // 42
double variance = chi2.getVariance(); // 84
CauchyDistribution cauchy = CauchyDistribution.of(1.23, 4.56);
double location = cauchy.getLocation(); // 1.23
double scale = cauchy.getScale(); // 4.56
double undefined1 = cauchy.getMean(); // NaN
double undefined2 = cauchy.getVariance(); // NaN
The supported domain of the distribution is provided by the
<code>getSupportLowerBound</code> and <code>getSupportUpperBound</code> methods.
<source class="prettyprint">
BinomialDistribution b = BinomialDistribution.of(13, 0.15);
int lower = b.getSupportLowerBound(); // 0
int upper = b.getSupportUpperBound(); // 13
All distributions implement a <code>createSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng)</code>
method to support random sampling from the distribution, where <code>UniformRandomProvider</code>
is an interface defined in <a href="">Commons RNG</a>.
The sampler is a functional interface whose functional method is <code>sample()</code>,
suitable for generation of <code>double</code> or <code>int</code> samples.
Default <code>samples()</code> methods are provided to create a
<code>DoubleStream</code> or <code>IntStream</code>.
<source class="prettyprint">
// From Commons RNG Simple
UniformRandomProvider rng = RandomSource.KISS.create(123L);
NormalDistribution n = NormalDistribution.of(0, 1);
double x = n.createSampler(rng).sample();
// Generate a number of samples
GeometricDistribution g = GeometricDistribution.of(0.75);
int[] k = g.createSampler(rng).samples(100).toArray();
// k.length == 100
Note that even when distributions are immutable, the sampler is not immutable as it
depends on the instance of the mutable <code>UniformRandomProvider</code>. Generation of
many samples in a multi-threaded application should use a separate instance of
<code>UniformRandomProvider</code> per thread. Any synchronization should be avoided
for best performance. By default the streams returned from the <code>samples()</code>
methods are sequential.
<subsection name="Implementation Details" id="dist_imp_details">
Instances are constructed using factory methods, typically a static method in the
distribution class named <code>of</code>. This allows the returned instance
to be specialised to the distribution parameters.
Exceptions will be raised by the factory method when constructing the distribution
using invalid parameters. See the class javadoc for exception conditions.
Unless otherwise noted, distribution instances are immutable. This allows sharing
an instance between threads for computations.
Exceptions will not be raised by distributions for an invalid <code>x</code> argument
to probability functions. Typically the cumulative probability functions will return
0 or 1 for an out-of-domain argument, depending on which the side of the domain bound
the argument falls, and the density or probability mass functions return 0.
Return values for <code>x</code> arguments when the result is
undefined should be documented in the class javadoc. For example the beta distribution
is undefined for <code>x = 0, alpha &lt; 1</code> or <code>x = 1, beta &lt; 1</code>.
Note: This out-of-domain behaviour may be different from distributions in the
<code>org.apache.commons.math3.distribution</code> package. Users upgrading from
<code><a href="">commons-math</a></code>
should check the appropriate class javadoc.
An exception will be raised by distributions for an invalid <code>p</code> argument
to inverse probability functions. The argument must be in the range <code>[0, 1]</code>.
<subsection name="Complementary Probabilities" id="dist_complements">
The distributions provide the cumulative probability <code>p</code> and its complement,
the survival probability, <code>q = 1 - p</code>. When the probability
<code>q</code> is small use of the cumulative probability to compute <code>q</code> can
result in dramatic loss of accuracy. This is due to the distribution of floating-point
numbers having a
<a href="">log-uniform</a>
distribution as the limiting distribution. There are far more
representable numbers as the probability value approaches zero than when it approaches
The difference is illustrated with the result of computing the upper tail of a
probability distribution.
<source class="prettyprint">
ChiSquaredDistribution chi2 = ChiSquaredDistribution.of(42);
double q1 = 1 - chi2.cumulativeProbability(168);
double q2 = chi2.survivalProbability(168);
// q1 == 0
// q2 != 0
In this case the value <code>1 - p</code> has only a single bit of information as
<code>x</code> approaches 168. For example the value <code>1 - p(x=167)</code>
is <code>2<sup>-53</sup></code> (or approximately <code>1.11e-16</code>).
The complement <code>q</code> retains information
much further into the long tail as shown in the following table:
<table border="1" style="width: auto">
<tr><th colspan="3"><font size="+1">Chi-squared distribution, 42 degrees of freedom</font></th></tr>
<tr><th>x</th><th>1 - p</th><th>q</th></tr>
Probability computations should use the appropriate cumulative or survival function
to calculate the lower or upper tail respectively. The same care should be applied
when inverting probability distributions. It is preferred to compute either
<code>p &le; 0.5</code> or <code>q &le; 0.5</code> without loss of accuracy and then
invert respectively the cumulative probability using <code>p</code> or the survival
probabilty using <code>q</code> to obtain <code>x</code>.
<source class="prettyprint">
ChiSquaredDistribution chi2 = ChiSquaredDistribution.of(42);
double q = 5.43e-17;
// Incorrect: p = 1 - q == 1.0 !!!
double x1 = chi2.inverseCumulativeProbability(1 - q);
// Correct: invert q
double x2 = chi2.inverseSurvivalProbability(q);
// x1 == +infinity
// x2 ~ 168.0
Note: The survival probability functions were not present in the
<code>org.apache.commons.math3.distribution</code> package. Users upgrading from
<code><a href="">commons-math</a></code>
should update usage of the cumulative probability functions where appropriate.
<section name="Inference" id="inference">
The <code>commons-statistics-inference</code> module provides hypothesis testing.
<subsection name="Overview" id="inference_overview">
The module provides test classes that implement a single, or family, of statistical
tests. Each test class provides methods to compute a test statistic and a p-value for the
significance of the statistic. These can be computed together using a <code>test</code>
method and returned as a
<a href="../commons-statistics-inference/apidocs/org/apache/commons/statistics/inference/DiscreteDistribution.html">SignificanceResult</a>.
The <code>SignificanceResult</code> has a method that can be used to <code>reject</code>
the null hypothesis at the provided significance level. Test classes may extend the
<code>SignificanceResult</code> to return more information about the test result,
for example the computed degrees of freedom.
Alternatively a <code>statistic</code> method is provided to compute <i>only</i> the
statistic as a <code>double</code> value. This statistic can be compared to a pre-computed
critical value, for example from a table of critical values.
A test is obtained using the <code>withDefaults()</code> method to return the test with
all options set to their default value. Any test options can be configured using
property change methods to return a new instance of the test. Tests that support an
<a href="../commons-statistics-inference/apidocs/org/apache/commons/statistics/inference/AlternativeHypothesis.html">
alternate hypothesis</a> will use a two-sided test by default. Test that support multiple
<a href="../commons-statistics-inference/apidocs/org/apache/commons/statistics/inference/PValueMethod.html">
p-value methods</a> will default to an appropriate computation for the size of the input
data. Unless otherwise noted test instances are immutable.
<subsection name="Examples" id="inference_examples">
A chi-square test that the observed counts conform to the expected frequencies.
<source class="prettyprint">
double[] expected = {0.25, 0.5, 0.25};
long[] observed = {57, 123, 38};
SignificanceResult result = ChiSquareTest.withDefaults()
.test(expected, observed);
result.getPValue(); // 0.0316148
result.reject(0.05); // true
result.reject(0.01); // false
A paired t-test that the student's marks in the math exam were greater than the science
exam. This fails to reject the null hypothesis (that there was no difference) with
95% confidence.
<source class="prettyprint">
double[] math = {53, 69, 65, 65, 67, 79, 86, 65, 62, 69}; // mean = 68.0
double[] science = {75, 65, 68, 63, 55, 65, 73, 45, 51, 52}; // mean = 61.2
SignificanceResult result = TTest.withDefaults()
.pairedTest(math, science);
result.getPValue(); // 0.05764
result.reject(0.05); // false
A G-test that the allele frequencies conform to the expected Hardy-Weinberg proportions.
This is an example of an intrinsic hypothesis where the expected frequencies are computed
using the observations and the degrees of freedom must be adjusted.
The data is from McDonald (1989) Selection component analysis
of the Mpi locus in the amphipod Platorchestia platensis.
<i>Heredity</i> <b>62</b>: 243-249.
<source class="prettyprint">
// Allele frequencies: Mpi 90/90, Mpi 90/100, Mpi 100/100
long[] observed = {1203, 2919, 1678};
// Mpi 90 proportion
double p = (2.0 * observed[0] + observed[1]) /
(2 *; // 5325 / 11600 = 0.459
// Hardy-Weinberg proportions
double[] expected = {p * p, 2 * p * (1 - p), (1 - p) * (1 - p)};
// 0.211, 0.497, 0.293
SignificanceResult result = GTest.withDefaults()
.test(expected, observed);
result.getStatistic(); // 1.03
result.getPValue(); // 0.309
result.reject(0.05); // false
A one-way analysis of variance test. This is an example where the result has more
information than the test statistic and the p-value.
The data is from McDonald <i>et al</i> (1991) Allozymes and morphometric characters of
three species of Mytilus in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
<i>Marine Biology</i> <b>111</b>: 323-333.
<source class="prettyprint">
double[] tillamook = {0.0571, 0.0813, 0.0831, 0.0976, 0.0817, 0.0859, 0.0735, 0.0659, 0.0923, 0.0836};
double[] newport = {0.0873, 0.0662, 0.0672, 0.0819, 0.0749, 0.0649, 0.0835, 0.0725};
double[] petersburg = {0.0974, 0.1352, 0.0817, 0.1016, 0.0968, 0.1064, 0.105};
double[] magadan = {0.1033, 0.0915, 0.0781, 0.0685, 0.0677, 0.0697, 0.0764, 0.0689};
double[] tvarminne = {0.0703, 0.1026, 0.0956, 0.0973, 0.1039, 0.1045};
Collection&lt;double[]&gt; data = Arrays.asList(tillamook, newport, petersburg, magadan, tvarminne);
OneWayAnova.Result result = OneWayAnova.withDefaults()
result.getStatistic(); // 7.12
result.getPValue(); // 2.8e-4
result.reject(0.001); // true
The result also provides the between and within group degrees of freedom and the mean
squares allowing reporting of the results in a table:
<tr><th></th><th>degrees of freedom</th><th>mean square</th><th>F</th><th>p</th></tr>
<tr><td>between groups</td><td>4</td><td>0.001113</td><td>7.12</td><td>2.8e-4</td></tr>
<tr><td>within groups</td><td>34</td><td>0.000159</td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<section name="Ranking" id="ranking">
The <code>commons-statistics-ranking</code> module provides rank transformations.
The <code>NaturalRanking</code> class provides a ranking based on the natural ordering
of floating-point values. Ranks are assigned to the input numbers in ascending order,
starting from 1.
<source class="prettyprint">
NaturalRanking ranking = new NaturalRanking();
ranking.apply(new double[] {5, 6, 7, 8}); // 1, 2, 3, 4
ranking.apply(new double[] {8, 5, 7, 6}); // 4, 1, 3, 2
The special case of <code>NaN</code> values are handled using the configured
<code>NaNStragegy</code>. The default is to raise an exception.
<source class="prettyprint">
double[] data = new double[] {6, 5, Double.NaN, 7};
new NaturalRanking().apply(data); // IllegalArgumentException
new NaturalRanking(NaNStrategy.MINIMAL).apply(data); // (4, 2, 1, 3)
new NaturalRanking(NaNStrategy.MAXIMAL).apply(data); // (3, 1, 4, 2)
new NaturalRanking(NaNStrategy.REMOVED).apply(data); // (3, 1, 2)
new NaturalRanking(NaNStrategy.FIXED).apply(data); // (3, 1, NaN, 2)
new NaturalRanking(NaNStrategy.FAILED).apply(data); // IllegalArgumentException
Ties are handled using the configured <code>TiesStragegy</code>. The default is to
use an average.
<source class="prettyprint">
double[] data = new double[] {7, 5, 7, 6};
new NaturalRanking(.apply(data); // (3.5, 1, 3.5, 2)
new NaturalRanking(TiesStrategy.SEQUENTIAL).apply(data); // (3, 1, 4, 2)
new NaturalRanking(TiesStrategy.MINIMUM).apply(data); // (3, 1, 3, 2)
new NaturalRanking(TiesStrategy.MAXIMUM).apply(data); // (4, 1, 4, 2)
new NaturalRanking(TiesStrategy.AVERAGE).apply(data); // (3.5, 1, 3.5, 2)
new NaturalRanking(TiesStrategy.RANDOM).apply(data); // (3, 1, 4, 2) or (4, 1, 3, 2)
The source of randomness defaults to a system supplied generator. The randomness can be
provided as a <code>LongSupplier</code> of random 64-bit values.
<source class="prettyprint">
double[] data = new double[] {7, 5, 7, 6};
new NaturalRanking(TiesStrategy.RANDOM).apply(data);
new NaturalRanking(new SplittableRandom()::nextInt).apply(data);
// From Commons RNG
UniformRandomProvider rng = RandomSource.KISS.create();
new NaturalRanking(rng::nextInt).apply(data);
// ranks: (3, 1, 4, 2) or (4, 1, 3, 2)