blob: 76ae6db2534229eb07239016131239e94fe3c9f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.commons.statistics.inference;
import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.Precision;
* For a function defined on some interval {@code (lo, hi)}, this class
* finds an approximation {@code x} to the point at which the function
* attains its minimum.
* It implements Richard Brent's algorithm (from his book "Algorithms for
* Minimization without Derivatives", p. 79) for finding minima of real
* univariate functions.
* <P>This code is an adaptation, partly based on the Python code from SciPy
* (module "" v0.5); the original algorithm is also modified:
* <ul>
* <li>to use an initial guess provided by the user,</li>
* <li>to ensure that the best point encountered is the one returned.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>This class has been extracted from {@code o.a.c.math4.optim.univariate}
* and simplified to remove support for the UnivariateOptimizer interface.
* This removed the options: to find the maximum; use a custom convergence checker
* on the function value; and remove the maximum function evaluation count.
* The class now implements a single optimize method within the provided bracket
* from the given start position (with value).
* @since 1.1
class BrentOptimizer {
/** Golden section. (3 - sqrt(5)) / 2. */
private static final double GOLDEN_SECTION = 0.3819660112501051;
/** Minimum relative tolerance. 2 * eps = 2^-51. */
private static final double MIN_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE = 0x1.0p-51;
/** Relative threshold. */
private final double relativeThreshold;
/** Absolute threshold. */
private final double absoluteThreshold;
/** The number of function evaluations from the most recent call to optimize. */
private int evaluations;
* This class holds a point and the value of an objective function at this
* point. This is a simple immutable container.
* @since 1.1
static final class PointValuePair {
/** Point. */
private final double point;
/** Value of the objective function at the point. */
private final double value;
* @param point Point.
* @param value Value of an objective function at the point.
private PointValuePair(double point, double value) {
this.point = point;
this.value = value;
* Create a point/objective function value pair.
* @param point Point.
* @param value Value of an objective function at the point.
* @return the pair
static PointValuePair of(double point, double value) {
return new PointValuePair(point, value);
* Get the point.
* @return the point.
double getPoint() {
return point;
* Get the value of the objective function.
* @return the stored value of the objective function.
double getValue() {
return value;
* The arguments are used to implement the original stopping criterion
* of Brent's algorithm.
* {@code abs} and {@code rel} define a tolerance
* {@code tol = rel |x| + abs}. {@code rel} should be no smaller than
* <em>2 macheps</em> and preferably not much less than <em>sqrt(macheps)</em>,
* where <em>macheps</em> is the relative machine precision. {@code abs} must
* be positive.
* @param rel Relative threshold.
* @param abs Absolute threshold.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code abs <= 0}; or if {@code rel < 2 * Math.ulp(1.0)}
BrentOptimizer(double rel, double abs) {
relativeThreshold = rel;
absoluteThreshold = Arguments.checkStrictlyPositive(abs);
} else {
// relative too small, or NaN
throw new InferenceException(InferenceException.X_LT_Y, rel, MIN_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE);
* Gets the number of function evaluations from the most recent call to
* {@link #optimize(DoubleUnaryOperator, double, double, double, double) optimize}.
* @return the function evaluations
int getEvaluations() {
return evaluations;
* Search for the minimum inside the provided interval. The bracket must satisfy
* the equalities {@code lo < mid < hi} or {@code hi < mid < lo}.
* <p>Note: This function accepts the initial guess and the function value at that point.
* This is done for convenience as this internal class is used where the caller already
* knows the function value.
* @param func Function to solve.
* @param lo Lower bound of the search interval.
* @param hi Higher bound of the search interval.
* @param mid Start point.
* @param fMid Function value at the start point.
* @return the value where the function is minimum.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if start point is not within the search interval
* @throws IllegalStateException if the maximum number of iterations is exceeded
PointValuePair optimize(DoubleUnaryOperator func,
double lo, double hi,
double mid, double fMid) {
double a;
double b;
if (lo < hi) {
a = lo;
b = hi;
} else {
a = hi;
b = lo;
if (!(a < mid && mid < b)) {
throw new InferenceException("Invalid bounds: (%s, %s) with start %s", a, b, mid);
double x = mid;
double v = x;
double w = x;
double d = 0;
double e = 0;
double fx = fMid;
double fv = fx;
double fw = fx;
// Best point encountered so far (which is the initial guess).
double bestX = x;
double bestFx = fx;
// No test for iteration count.
// Note that the termination criterion is based purely on the size of the current
// bracket and the current point x. If the function evaluates NaN then golden
// section steps are taken.
evaluations = 0;
for (;;) {
final double m = 0.5 * (a + b);
final double tol1 = relativeThreshold * Math.abs(x) + absoluteThreshold;
final double tol2 = 2 * tol1;
// Default termination (Brent's criterion).
if (Math.abs(x - m) <= tol2 - 0.5 * (b - a)) {
return PointValuePair.of(bestX, bestFx);
if (Math.abs(e) > tol1) {
// Fit parabola.
double r = (x - w) * (fx - fv);
double q = (x - v) * (fx - fw);
double p = (x - v) * q - (x - w) * r;
q = 2 * (q - r);
if (q > 0) {
p = -p;
} else {
q = -q;
r = e;
e = d;
if (p > q * (a - x) &&
p < q * (b - x) &&
Math.abs(p) < Math.abs(0.5 * q * r)) {
// Parabolic interpolation step.
d = p / q;
final double u = x + d;
// f must not be evaluated too close to a or b.
if (u - a < tol2 || b - u < tol2) {
if (x <= m) {
d = tol1;
} else {
d = -tol1;
} else {
// Golden section step.
if (x < m) {
e = b - x;
} else {
e = a - x;
} else {
// Golden section step.
if (x < m) {
e = b - x;
} else {
e = a - x;
// Update by at least "tol1".
// Here d is never NaN so the evaluation point u is always finite.
double u;
if (Math.abs(d) < tol1) {
if (d >= 0) {
u = x + tol1;
} else {
u = x - tol1;
} else {
u = x + d;
final double fu = func.applyAsDouble(u);
// Maintain the best encountered result
if (fu < bestFx) {
bestX = u;
bestFx = fu;
// Note:
// Here the use of a convergence checker on f(x) previous vs current has been removed.
// Typically when the checker requires a very small relative difference
// the optimizer will stop before, or soon after, on Brent's criterion when that is
// configured with the smallest recommended convergence criteria.
// Update a, b, v, w and x.
if (fu <= fx) {
if (u < x) {
b = x;
} else {
a = x;
v = w;
fv = fw;
w = x;
fw = fx;
x = u;
fx = fu;
} else {
if (u < x) {
a = u;
} else {
b = u;
if (fu <= fw ||
Precision.equals(w, x)) {
v = w;
fv = fw;
w = u;
fw = fu;
} else if (fu <= fv ||
Precision.equals(v, x) ||
Precision.equals(v, w)) {
v = u;
fv = fu;