Updated stress test progress reporting to show end of test.

Previously progress was reported when tasks were submitted. This has
been changed to show when tasks are submitted or end. The progress is
only reported at intervals to prevent too many messages.

The end of the final task is always logged.
diff --git a/commons-rng-examples/examples-stress/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/rng/examples/stress/StressTestCommand.java b/commons-rng-examples/examples-stress/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/rng/examples/stress/StressTestCommand.java
index ef1dc0f..a963ede 100644
--- a/commons-rng-examples/examples-stress/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/rng/examples/stress/StressTestCommand.java
+++ b/commons-rng-examples/examples-stress/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/rng/examples/stress/StressTestCommand.java
@@ -518,6 +518,9 @@
      * for all the tests.
     static class ProgressTracker {
+        /** The interval at which to report progress (in milliseconds). */
+        private static final long PROGRESS_INTERVAL = 500;
         /** The total. */
         private int total;
         /** The level of parallelisation. */
@@ -530,6 +533,8 @@
         private long[] sortedDurations;
         /** The number of completed tasks. */
         private int completed;
+        /** The timestamp of the next progress report. */
+        private long nextReportTimestamp;
          * Create a new instance. The total number of tasks must be initialised before use.
@@ -563,12 +568,7 @@
                 final long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
                 id = taskId++;
                 startTimes[id] = current;
-                final StringBuilder sb = createStringBuilderWithTimestamp(current);
-                try (Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb)) {
-                    formatter.format(" (%.2f%%)", 100.0 * taskId / total);
-                    appendRemaining(sb);
-                    LogUtils.info(sb.toString());
-                }
+                reportProgress(current);
             return id;
@@ -580,26 +580,62 @@
          * @return the task time in milliseconds
         long endTask(int id) {
-            final long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
-            final long duration = current - startTimes[id];
+            long duration;
             synchronized (this) {
+                final long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
+                duration = current - startTimes[id];
                 sortedDurations[completed++] = duration;
-                Arrays.sort(sortedDurations, 0, completed);
+                reportProgress(current);
             return duration;
+         * Report the progress. This uses the current state and should be done within a
+         * synchronized block.
+         *
+         * @param current Current time (in milliseconds).
+         */
+        private void reportProgress(long current) {
+            // Determine the current state of tasks
+            final int pending = total - taskId;
+            final int running = taskId - completed;
+            // Report progress in the following conditions:
+            // - All tasks have completed (i.e. the end); or
+            // - The current timestamp is above the next reporting time and either:
+            // -- The number of running tasks is equal to the level of parallel tasks
+            //    (i.e. the system is running at capacity, so not the end of a task but the start
+            //    of a new one)
+            // -- There are no pending tasks (i.e. the final submission or the end of a final task)
+            if (completed >= total ||
+                (current >= nextReportTimestamp && (running == parallelTasks || pending == 0))) {
+                // Report
+                nextReportTimestamp = current + PROGRESS_INTERVAL;
+                final StringBuilder sb = createStringBuilderWithTimestamp(current, pending, running, completed);
+                try (Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb)) {
+                    formatter.format(" (%.2f%%)", 100.0 * completed / total);
+                    appendRemaining(sb, current, pending, running);
+                    LogUtils.info(sb.toString());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /**
          * Creates the string builder for the progress message with a timestamp prefix.
          * <pre>
-         * [HH:mm:ss] Progress [count] / [total]
+         * [HH:mm:ss] Pending [pending]. Running [running]. Completed [completed]
          * </pre>
          * @param current Current time (in milliseconds)
+         * @param pending Pending tasks.
+         * @param running Running tasks.
+         * @param completed Completed tasks.
          * @return the string builder
-        private StringBuilder createStringBuilderWithTimestamp(long current) {
+        private static StringBuilder createStringBuilderWithTimestamp(long current,
+            int pending, int running, int completed) {
             final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80);
             // Use local time to adjust for timezone
             final LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(
@@ -608,7 +644,9 @@
             append00(sb, time.getHour()).append(':');
             append00(sb, time.getMinute()).append(':');
             append00(sb, time.getSecond());
-            return sb.append("] Running ").append(taskId).append(" / ").append(total);
+            return sb.append("] Pending ").append(pending)
+                     .append(". Running ").append(running)
+                     .append(". Completed ").append(completed);
@@ -616,10 +654,13 @@
          * the estimated time of arrival (ETA).
          * @param sb String Builder.
+         * @param current Current time (in milliseconds)
+         * @param pending Pending tasks.
+         * @param running Running tasks.
          * @return the string builder
-        private StringBuilder appendRemaining(StringBuilder sb) {
-            final long millis = getRemainingTime();
+        private StringBuilder appendRemaining(StringBuilder sb, long current, int pending, int running) {
+            final long millis = getRemainingTime(current, pending, running);
             if (millis == 0) {
                 // Unknown.
                 return sb;
@@ -634,17 +675,35 @@
          * Gets the remaining time (in milliseconds).
+         * @param current Current time (in milliseconds)
+         * @param pending Pending tasks.
+         * @param running Running tasks.
          * @return the remaining time
-        private long getRemainingTime() {
+        private long getRemainingTime(long current, int pending, int running) {
             final long taskTime = getEstimatedTaskTime();
             if (taskTime == 0) {
+                // No estimate possible
                 return 0;
-            // There is at least 1 task left.
-            // The remaining time is at least the length of the task estimate.
-            long millis = taskTime;
+            // The start times are sorted. This method assumes the most recent start times
+            // are still running tasks.
+            // If this is wrong (more recently submitted tasks finished early) the result
+            // is the estimate is too high. This could be corrected by storing the tasks
+            // that have finished and finding the times of only running tasks.
+            // The remaining time is:
+            //   The time for all running tasks to finish
+            // + The time for pending tasks to run
+            // The id of the most recently submitted task.
+            // Guard with a minimum index of zero to get a valid index.
+            final int id = Math.max(0, taskId - 1);
+            // If there is a running task assume the youngest task is still running
+            // and estimate the time left.
+            long millis = (running == 0) ? 0 : getTimeRemaining(taskTime, current, startTimes[id]);
             // If additional tasks must also be submitted then the time must include
             // the estimated time for running tasks to finish before new submissions
@@ -656,35 +715,19 @@
             //                    s4 -------------->
-            // Compute the number of additional tasks after this one to finish.
-            // E.g. 4 tasks left is 3 additional tasks.
-            final int additionalTasks = total - taskId;
             // Assume parallel batch execution.
             // E.g. 3 additional tasks with parallelisation 4 is 0 batches
-            int batches = additionalTasks / parallelTasks;
+            int batches = pending / parallelTasks;
             millis += batches * taskTime;
             // Compute the expected end time of the final batch based on it starting when
             // a currently running task ends.
             // E.g. 3 remaining tasks requires the end time of the 3rd oldest running task.
-            int remainder = additionalTasks % parallelTasks;
+            int remainder = pending % parallelTasks;
             if (remainder != 0) {
-                // The start times are sorted. This assumes the most recent start times are
-                // still running tasks.
-                // If this is wrong (more recently submitted tasks finished early) the result
-                // is the estimate is too high. This could be corrected by storing the tasks
-                // that have finished and finding the time corresponding the N'th oldest
-                // task that is still running.
-                final int id = taskId - 1;
-                // This should not index-out-of-bounds unless a task ends before the first
-                // set of parallel tasks has been submitted, i.e. during a dry-run.
-                // Guard with a minimum index of zero to get a valid start time.
+                // Guard with a minimum index of zero to get a valid index.
                 final int nthOldest = Math.max(0, id - parallelTasks + remainder);
-                final long endTime = startTimes[nthOldest] + taskTime;
-                // Note: The current time is the most recent entry in the startTimes array.
-                // Ensure the addition is positive in the case where the estimate is too low.
-                millis += Math.max(0, endTime - startTimes[id]);
+                millis += getTimeRemaining(taskTime, current, startTimes[nthOldest]);
             return millis;
@@ -696,6 +739,8 @@
          * @return the estimated task time
         private long getEstimatedTaskTime() {
+            Arrays.sort(sortedDurations, 0, completed);
             // Return median of small lists. If no tasks have finished this returns zero.
             // as the durations is zero initialised.
             if (completed < 4) {
@@ -727,6 +772,20 @@
+         * Gets the time remaining for the task.
+         *
+         * @param taskTime Estimated task time.
+         * @param current Current time.
+         * @param startTime Start time.
+         * @return the time remaining
+         */
+        private static long getTimeRemaining(long taskTime, long current, long startTime) {
+            final long endTime = startTime + taskTime;
+            // Ensure the time is positive in the case where the estimate is too low.
+            return Math.max(0, endTime - current);
+        }
+        /**
          * Append the milliseconds using {@code HH::mm:ss} format.
          * @param sb String Builder.