blob: 450f85ce66725fa70a58f79a9d3a53c16c93f2cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.rng.examples.jmh.sampling;
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.distribution.AhrensDieterExponentialSampler;
import org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.distribution.NormalizedGaussianSampler;
import org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.distribution.ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler;
import org.apache.commons.rng.simple.RandomSource;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generating samples within an N-dimension unit ball.
@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Fork(value = 1, jvmArgs = { "-server", "-Xms128M", "-Xmx128M" })
public class UnitBallSamplerBenchmark {
/** Name for the baseline method. */
private static final String BASELINE = "Baseline";
/** Name for the rejection method. */
private static final String REJECTION = "Rejection";
/** Name for the disk-point picking method. */
private static final String DISK_POINT = "DiskPoint";
/** Name for the ball-point picking method. */
private static final String BALL_POINT = "BallPoint";
/** Name for the method moving from the surface of the hypersphere to an internal point. */
private static final String HYPERSPHERE_INTERNAL = "HypersphereInternal";
/** Name for the picking from the surface of a greater dimension hypersphere and discarding 2 points. */
private static final String HYPERSPHERE_DISCARD = "HypersphereDiscard";
/** Error message for an unknown sampler type. */
private static final String UNKNOWN_SAMPLER = "Unknown sampler type: ";
/** The mask to extract the lower 53-bits from a long. */
private static final long LOWER_53_BITS = -1L >>> 11;
* The sampler.
private interface Sampler {
* Gets the next sample.
* @return the sample
double[] sample();
* Base class for a sampler using a provided source of randomness.
private abstract static class BaseSampler implements Sampler {
/** The source of randomness. */
protected UniformRandomProvider rng;
* Create an instance.
* @param rng the source of randomness
BaseSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
this.rng = rng;
* Base class for the sampler data.
* Contains the source of randomness and the number of samples.
* The sampler should be created by a sub-class of the data.
public abstract static class SamplerData {
/** The sampler. */
private Sampler sampler;
/** The number of samples. */
private int size;
* Gets the size.
* @return the size
public int getSize() {
return size;
* Gets the sampler.
* @return the sampler
public Sampler getSampler() {
return sampler;
* Create the source of randomness.
public void setup() {
// This could be configured using @Param
final UniformRandomProvider rng = RandomSource.create(RandomSource.XO_RO_SHI_RO_128_PP);
sampler = createSampler(rng);
* Creates the sampler.
* @param rng the source of randomness
* @return the sampler
protected abstract Sampler createSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng);
* The 1D unit line sampler.
public static class Sampler1D extends SamplerData {
/** Name for the signed double method. */
private static final String SIGNED_DOUBLE = "signedDouble";
/** Name for the two doubles method. */
private static final String TWO_DOUBLES = "twoDoubles";
/** Name for the boolean double method. */
private static final String BOOLEAN_DOUBLE = "booleanDouble";
/** The sampler type. */
private String type;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Sampler createSampler(final UniformRandomProvider rng) {
if (BASELINE.equals(type)) {
return new Sampler() {
public double[] sample() {
return new double[] {0.5};
} else if (SIGNED_DOUBLE.equals(type)) {
return new Sampler() {
public double[] sample() {
// Sample [-1, 1) uniformly
return new double[] {makeSignedDouble(rng.nextLong())};
} else if (TWO_DOUBLES.equals(type)) {
return new Sampler() {
public double[] sample() {
// Sample [-1, 1) excluding -0.0 but also missing the final 1.0 - 2^-53.
// The 1.0 could be adjusted to 1.0 - 2^-53 to create the interval (-1, 1).
return new double[] {rng.nextDouble() + rng.nextDouble() - 1.0};
} else if (BOOLEAN_DOUBLE.equals(type)) {
return new Sampler() {
public double[] sample() {
// This will sample (-1, 1) including -0.0 and 0.0
return new double[] {rng.nextBoolean() ? -rng.nextDouble() : rng.nextDouble()};
throw new IllegalStateException(UNKNOWN_SAMPLER + type);
* The 2D unit disk sampler.
public static class Sampler2D extends SamplerData {
/** The sampler type. */
private String type;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Sampler createSampler(final UniformRandomProvider rng) {
if (BASELINE.equals(type)) {
return new Sampler() {
public double[] sample() {
return new double[] {0.5, 0};
} else if (REJECTION.equals(type)) {
return new RejectionSampler(rng);
} else if (DISK_POINT.equals(type)) {
return new DiskPointSampler(rng);
} else if (HYPERSPHERE_INTERNAL.equals(type)) {
return new HypersphereInternalSampler(rng);
} else if (HYPERSPHERE_DISCARD.equals(type)) {
return new HypersphereDiscardSampler(rng);
throw new IllegalStateException(UNKNOWN_SAMPLER + type);
* Sample using a simple rejection method.
private static class RejectionSampler extends BaseSampler {
* @param rng the source of randomness
RejectionSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
public double[] sample() {
// Generate via rejection method of a circle inside a square of edge length 2.
// This should compute approximately 2^2 / pi = 1.27 square positions per sample.
double x;
double y;
do {
x = makeSignedDouble(rng.nextLong());
y = makeSignedDouble(rng.nextLong());
} while (x * x + y * y > 1.0);
return new double[] {x, y};
* Sample using disk point picking.
* @see <a href="">Disk point picking</a>
private static class DiskPointSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** 2 pi. */
private static final double TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;
* @param rng the source of randomness
DiskPointSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
public double[] sample() {
final double t = TWO_PI * rng.nextDouble();
final double r = Math.sqrt(rng.nextDouble());
final double x = r * Math.cos(t);
final double y = r * Math.sin(t);
return new double[] {x, y};
* Choose a uniform point X on the unit hypersphere, then multiply it by U<sup>1/n</sup>
* where U in [0, 1].
* @see <a href="">
* Sampling a uniformly distributed point INSIDE a hypersphere?</a>
private static class HypersphereInternalSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The normal distribution. */
private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normal;
* @param rng the source of randomness
HypersphereInternalSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
normal = new ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(rng);
public double[] sample() {
final double x = normal.sample();
final double y = normal.sample();
final double sum = x * x + y * y;
// Note: Handle the possibility of a zero sum and invalid inverse
if (sum == 0) {
return sample();
// Take a point on the unit hypersphere then multiply it by U^1/n
final double f = Math.sqrt(rng.nextDouble()) / Math.sqrt(sum);
return new double[] {x * f, y * f};
* Take a random point on the (n+1)-dimensional hypersphere and drop two coordinates.
* Remember that the (n+1)-hypersphere is the unit sphere of R^(n+2).
* @see <a href="">
* Sampling a uniformly distributed point INSIDE a hypersphere?</a>
private static class HypersphereDiscardSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The normal distribution. */
private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normal;
* @param rng the source of randomness
HypersphereDiscardSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
normal = new ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(rng);
public double[] sample() {
// Discard 2 samples from the coordinate but include in the sum
final double x0 = normal.sample();
final double x1 = normal.sample();
final double x = normal.sample();
final double y = normal.sample();
final double sum = x0 * x0 + x1 * x1 + x * x + y * y;
// Note: Handle the possibility of a zero sum and invalid inverse
if (sum == 0) {
return sample();
final double f = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(sum);
return new double[] {x * f, y * f};
* The 3D unit ball sampler.
public static class Sampler3D extends SamplerData {
/** The sampler type. */
private String type;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Sampler createSampler(final UniformRandomProvider rng) {
if (BASELINE.equals(type)) {
return new Sampler() {
public double[] sample() {
return new double[] {0.5, 0, 0};
} else if (REJECTION.equals(type)) {
return new RejectionSampler(rng);
} else if (BALL_POINT.equals(type)) {
return new BallPointSampler(rng);
} else if (HYPERSPHERE_INTERNAL.equals(type)) {
return new HypersphereInternalSampler(rng);
} else if (HYPERSPHERE_DISCARD.equals(type)) {
return new HypersphereDiscardSampler(rng);
throw new IllegalStateException(UNKNOWN_SAMPLER + type);
* Sample using a simple rejection method.
private static class RejectionSampler extends BaseSampler {
* @param rng the source of randomness
RejectionSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
public double[] sample() {
// Generate via rejection method of a ball inside a cube of edge length 2.
// This should compute approximately 2^3 / (4pi/3) = 1.91 cube positions per sample.
double x;
double y;
double z;
do {
x = makeSignedDouble(rng.nextLong());
y = makeSignedDouble(rng.nextLong());
z = makeSignedDouble(rng.nextLong());
} while (x * x + y * y + z * z > 1.0);
return new double[] {x, y, z};
* Sample using ball point picking.
* @see <a href="">Ball point picking</a>
private static class BallPointSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The normal distribution. */
private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normal;
/** The exponential distribution. */
private final AhrensDieterExponentialSampler exp;
* @param rng the source of randomness
BallPointSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
normal = new ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(rng);
// Exponential(mean=2) == Chi-squared distribution(degrees freedom=2)
// thus is the equivalent of the HypersphereDiscardSampler.
exp = new AhrensDieterExponentialSampler(rng, 2.0);
public double[] sample() {
final double x = normal.sample();
final double y = normal.sample();
final double z = normal.sample();
// Include the exponential sample
final double sum = exp.sample() + x * x + y * y + z * z;
// Note: Handle the possibility of a zero sum and invalid inverse
if (sum == 0) {
return sample();
final double f = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(sum);
return new double[] {x * f, y * f, z * f};
* Choose a uniform point X on the unit hypersphere, then multiply it by U<sup>1/n</sup>
* where U in [0, 1].
* @see <a href="">
* Sampling a uniformly distributed point INSIDE a hypersphere?</a>
private static class HypersphereInternalSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The normal distribution. */
private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normal;
* @param rng the source of randomness
HypersphereInternalSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
normal = new ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(rng);
public double[] sample() {
final double x = normal.sample();
final double y = normal.sample();
final double z = normal.sample();
final double sum = x * x + y * y + z * z;
// Note: Handle the possibility of a zero sum and invalid inverse
if (sum == 0) {
return sample();
// Take a point on the unit hypersphere then multiply it by U^1/n
final double f = Math.cbrt(rng.nextDouble()) / Math.sqrt(sum);
return new double[] {x * f, y * f, z * f};
* Take a random point on the (n+1)-dimensional hypersphere and drop two coordinates.
* Remember that the (n+1)-hypersphere is the unit sphere of R^(n+2).
* @see <a href="">
* Sampling a uniformly distributed point INSIDE a hypersphere?</a>
private static class HypersphereDiscardSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The normal distribution. */
private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normal;
* @param rng the source of randomness
HypersphereDiscardSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
normal = new ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(rng);
public double[] sample() {
// Discard 2 samples from the coordinate but include in the sum
final double x0 = normal.sample();
final double x1 = normal.sample();
final double x = normal.sample();
final double y = normal.sample();
final double z = normal.sample();
final double sum = x0 * x0 + x1 * x1 + x * x + y * y + z * z;
// Note: Handle the possibility of a zero sum and invalid inverse
if (sum == 0) {
return sample();
final double f = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(sum);
return new double[] {x * f, y * f, z * f};
* The ND unit ball sampler.
public static class SamplerND extends SamplerData {
/** The sampler type. */
private String type;
/** The number of dimensions. */
@Param({"3", "4", "5"})
private int dimension;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Sampler createSampler(final UniformRandomProvider rng) {
if (BASELINE.equals(type)) {
return new Sampler() {
private final int dim = dimension;
public double[] sample() {
final double[] sample = new double[dim];
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
sample[i] = 0.01;
return sample;
} else if (REJECTION.equals(type)) {
return new RejectionSampler(rng, dimension);
} else if (BALL_POINT.equals(type)) {
return new BallPointSampler(rng, dimension);
} else if (HYPERSPHERE_INTERNAL.equals(type)) {
return new HypersphereInternalSampler(rng, dimension);
} else if (HYPERSPHERE_DISCARD.equals(type)) {
return new HypersphereDiscardSampler(rng, dimension);
throw new IllegalStateException(UNKNOWN_SAMPLER + type);
* Sample using a simple rejection method.
private static class RejectionSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The dimension. */
private final int dimension;
* @param rng the source of randomness
* @param dimension the dimension
RejectionSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng, int dimension) {
this.dimension = dimension;
public double[] sample() {
// Generate via rejection method of a ball inside a hypercube of edge length 2.
final double[] sample = new double[dimension];
double sum;
do {
sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
final double x = makeSignedDouble(rng.nextLong());
sum += x * x;
sample[i] = x;
} while (sum > 1.0);
return sample;
* Sample using ball point picking.
* @see <a href="">Ball point picking</a>
private static class BallPointSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The dimension. */
private final int dimension;
/** The normal distribution. */
private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normal;
/** The exponential distribution. */
private final AhrensDieterExponentialSampler exp;
* @param rng the source of randomness
* @param dimension the dimension
BallPointSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng, int dimension) {
this.dimension = dimension;
normal = new ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(rng);
// Exponential(mean=2) == Chi-squared distribution(degrees freedom=2)
// thus is the equivalent of the HypersphereDiscardSampler.
exp = new AhrensDieterExponentialSampler(rng, 2.0);
public double[] sample() {
final double[] sample = new double[dimension];
// Include the exponential sample
double sum = exp.sample();
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
final double x = normal.sample();
sum += x * x;
sample[i] = x;
// Note: Handle the possibility of a zero sum and invalid inverse
if (sum == 0) {
return sample();
final double f = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(sum);
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
sample[i] *= f;
return sample;
* Choose a uniform point X on the unit hypersphere, then multiply it by U<sup>1/n</sup>
* where U in [0, 1].
* @see <a href="">
* Sampling a uniformly distributed point INSIDE a hypersphere?</a>
private static class HypersphereInternalSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The dimension. */
private final int dimension;
/** The normal distribution. */
private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normal;
/** Reciprocal of the dimension. */
private final double power;
* @param rng the source of randomness
* @param dimension the dimension
HypersphereInternalSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng, int dimension) {
this.dimension = dimension;
power = 1.0 / dimension;
normal = new ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(rng);
public double[] sample() {
final double[] sample = new double[dimension];
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
final double x = normal.sample();
sum += x * x;
sample[i] = x;
// Note: Handle the possibility of a zero sum and invalid inverse
if (sum == 0) {
return sample();
// Take a point on the unit hypersphere then multiply it by U^1/n
final double f = Math.pow(rng.nextDouble(), power) / Math.sqrt(sum);
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
sample[i] *= f;
return sample;
* Take a random point on the (n+1)-dimensional hypersphere and drop two coordinates.
* Remember that the (n+1)-hypersphere is the unit sphere of R^(n+2).
* @see <a href="">
* Sampling a uniformly distributed point INSIDE a hypersphere?</a>
private static class HypersphereDiscardSampler extends BaseSampler {
/** The dimension. */
private final int dimension;
/** The normal distribution. */
private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normal;
* @param rng the source of randomness
* @param dimension the dimension
HypersphereDiscardSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng, int dimension) {
this.dimension = dimension;
normal = new ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(rng);
public double[] sample() {
final double[] sample = new double[dimension];
// Discard 2 samples from the coordinate but include in the sum
final double x0 = normal.sample();
final double x1 = normal.sample();
double sum = x0 * x0 + x1 * x1;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
final double x = normal.sample();
sum += x * x;
sample[i] = x;
// Note: Handle the possibility of a zero sum and invalid inverse
if (sum == 0) {
return sample();
final double f = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(sum);
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
sample[i] *= f;
return sample;
* Creates a signed double in the range {@code [-1, 1)}. The magnitude is sampled evenly
* from the 2<sup>54</sup> dyadic rationals in the range.
* <p>Note: This method will not return samples for both -0.0 and 0.0.
* @param bits the bits
* @return the double
private static double makeSignedDouble(long bits) {
// Use the upper 54 bits on the assumption they are more random.
// The sign bit generates a value of 0 or 1 for subtraction.
// The next 53 bits generates a positive number in the range [0, 1).
// [0, 1) - (0 or 1) => [-1, 1)
return (((bits >>> 10) & LOWER_53_BITS) * 0x1.0p-53d) - (bits >>> 63);
* Run the sampler for the configured number of samples.
* @param bh Data sink
* @param data Input data.
private static void runSampler(Blackhole bh, SamplerData data) {
final Sampler sampler = data.getSampler();
for (int i = data.getSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Generation of uniform samples on a 1D unit line.
* @param bh Data sink
* @param data Input data.
public void create1D(Blackhole bh, Sampler1D data) {
runSampler(bh, data);
* Generation of uniform samples from a 2D unit disk.
* @param bh Data sink
* @param data Input data.
public void create2D(Blackhole bh, Sampler2D data) {
runSampler(bh, data);
* Generation of uniform samples from a 3D unit ball.
* @param bh Data sink
* @param data Input data.
public void create3D(Blackhole bh, Sampler3D data) {
runSampler(bh, data);
* Generation of uniform samples from an ND unit ball.
* @param bh Data sink
* @param data Input data.
public void createND(Blackhole bh, SamplerND data) {
runSampler(bh, data);