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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.commons.rng.simple.internal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import org.apache.commons.rng.core.source64.SplitMix64;
import org.apache.commons.rng.core.util.NumberFactory;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;
* Tests for {@link Conversions}.
class ConversionsTest {
* The fractional part of the the golden ratio, phi, scaled to 64-bits and rounded to odd.
* <pre>
* phi = (sqrt(5) - 1) / 2) * 2^64
* </pre>
* @see <a href="">Golden ratio</a>
private static final long GOLDEN_RATIO = 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15L;
* Gets the lengths for the byte[] seeds to convert.
* @return the lengths
static IntStream getByteLengths() {
return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, Long.BYTES * 2);
* Gets the lengths for the int[] seeds to convert.
* @return the lengths
static IntStream getIntLengths() {
return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, (Long.BYTES / Integer.BYTES) * 2);
* Gets the lengths for the long[] seeds to convert.
* @return the lengths
static IntStream getLongLengths() {
return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 2);
@ValueSource(ints = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Integer.MAX_VALUE})
void testIntSizeFromByteSize(int size) {
Assertions.assertEquals((int) Math.ceil((double) size / Integer.BYTES), Conversions.intSizeFromByteSize(size));
@ValueSource(ints = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Integer.MAX_VALUE})
void testLongSizeFromByteSize(int size) {
Assertions.assertEquals((int) Math.ceil((double) size / Long.BYTES), Conversions.longSizeFromByteSize(size));
@ValueSource(ints = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Integer.MAX_VALUE})
void testIntSizeFromLongSize(int size) {
Assertions.assertEquals((int) Math.min(size * 2L, Integer.MAX_VALUE), Conversions.intSizeFromLongSize(size));
@ValueSource(ints = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Integer.MAX_VALUE})
void testLongSizeFromIntSize(int size) {
Assertions.assertEquals((int) Math.ceil((double) size / 2), Conversions.longSizeFromIntSize(size));
@RepeatedTest(value = 5)
void testInt2Long() {
final int v = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
Assertions.assertEquals(new SplitMix64(v).nextLong(), Conversions.int2Long(v));
@RepeatedTest(value = 5)
void testInt2IntArray() {
final int v = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
getIntLengths().forEach(len -> {
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Conversions.long2IntArray(v, len),
Conversions.int2IntArray(v, len));
@RepeatedTest(value = 5)
void testInt2LongArray() {
final int v = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
getIntLengths().forEach(len -> {
final long[] a = Conversions.int2LongArray(v, len);
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Conversions.long2LongArray(v, len), a);
if (len != 0) {
// Special case of expansion to length 1
// Expandion is done by mixing
Assertions.assertEquals(Conversions.int2Long(v), a[0]);
@RepeatedTest(value = 5)
void testLong2Int() {
final long v = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
Assertions.assertEquals(NumberFactory.makeInt(v), Conversions.long2Int(v));
@RepeatedTest(value = 5)
void testLong2IntArray() {
// Avoid seed == 0 - 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15L. See testLong2IntArrayLength2NotAllZero.
long seed;
do {
seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
} while (seed == -GOLDEN_RATIO);
final long v = seed;
getIntLengths().forEach(len -> {
final int longs = Conversions.longSizeFromIntSize(len);
// Little-endian conversion
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(longs * Long.BYTES).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
LongStream.generate(new SplitMix64(v)::nextLong).limit(longs).forEach(bb::putLong);
final int[] expected = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
expected[i] = bb.getInt();
Conversions.long2IntArray(v, len));
// Note:
// long -> int[] position[0] != long -> int
// Reduction is done by folding upper and lower using xor
* Test the long2IntArray conversion avoids an input that will generate a zero from the
* SplitMix64-style RNG. This prevents creating an array of length 2 that is zero.
* <p>This special case avoids creating a small state Xor-based generator such as
* XoRoShiRo64StarStar with a seed of all zeros.
void testLong2IntArrayLength2NotAllZero() {
// The first output from the SplitMix64 is mix(seed + GOLDEN_RATIO).
// Create the seed to ensure a zero output from the mix function.
final long seed = -GOLDEN_RATIO;
Assertions.assertEquals(0, new SplitMix64(seed).nextLong());
// Note: This cannot occur for int2IntArray as the SplitMix64 is seeded with the int.
// This ignores the case of an output int[] of length 1 which could be zero.
// An int -> int[1] conversion is nonsensical and should not be performed by the library.
Assertions.assertNotEquals(0, new SplitMix64((int) seed).nextLong());
// The conversion should detect this case and a zero seed of length 2 should not happen.
final int[] actual = Conversions.long2IntArray(seed, 2);
Assertions.assertFalse(Arrays.equals(new int[2], actual));
// Longer arrays may be a partially zero as the generator state passes through
// the zero-point.
Arrays.copyOf(Conversions.long2IntArray(seed - GOLDEN_RATIO, 2), 4),
Conversions.long2IntArray(seed - GOLDEN_RATIO, 4));
@RepeatedTest(value = 5)
void testLong2LongArray() {
final long v = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
getIntLengths().forEach(len -> {
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(LongStream.generate(new SplitMix64(v)::nextLong).limit(len).toArray(),
Conversions.long2LongArray(v, len));
@MethodSource(value = {"getIntLengths"})
void testIntArray2Int(int ints) {
final int[] seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(ints).toArray();
// xor all the bytes
int expected = 0;
for (final int i : seed) {
expected ^= i;
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, Conversions.intArray2Int(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getIntLengths"})
void testIntArray2Long(int ints) {
final int[] seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(ints).toArray();
// int[] -> long[] -> long
// Concatenate all ints in little-endian order to bytes
final int outLength = Conversions.longSizeFromIntSize(ints);
final int[] filledSeed = Arrays.copyOf(seed, outLength * 2);
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(filledSeed.length * Integer.BYTES)
// xor all the bytes read as longs
long expected = 0;
for (int i = outLength; i-- != 0;) {
final long l = bb.getLong();
expected ^= l;
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, Conversions.intArray2Long(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getIntLengths"})
void testIntArray2LongComposed(int ints) {
final int[] seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(ints).toArray();
final long expected = new LongArray2Long().convert(new IntArray2LongArray().convert(seed));
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, Conversions.intArray2Long(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getIntLengths"})
void testIntArray2LongArray(int ints) {
final int[] seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(ints).toArray();
// Concatenate all bytes in little-endian order to bytes
final int outLength = Conversions.longSizeFromIntSize(ints);
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(outLength * Long.BYTES)
final long[] expected = new long[outLength];
for (int i = 0; i < outLength; i++) {
expected[i] = bb.getLong();
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(expected, Conversions.intArray2LongArray(seed, outLength));
// Zero fill
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, outLength * 2),
Conversions.intArray2LongArray(seed, outLength * 2));
// Truncation
for (int i = 0; i < outLength; i++) {
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, i), Conversions.intArray2LongArray(seed, i));
@MethodSource(value = {"getLongLengths"})
void testLongArray2Int(long longs) {
final long[] seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().longs(longs).toArray();
// xor all the bytes
long expected = 0;
for (final long i : seed) {
expected ^= i;
Assertions.assertEquals((int) (expected ^ expected >>> 32), Conversions.longArray2Int(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getLongLengths"})
void testLongArray2Long(long longs) {
final long[] seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().longs(longs).toArray();
// xor all the bytes
long expected = 0;
for (final long i : seed) {
expected ^= i;
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, Conversions.longArray2Long(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getLongLengths"})
void testLongArray2IntArray(int longs) {
final long[] seed = ThreadLocalRandom.current().longs(longs).toArray();
// Concatenate all bytes in little-endian order to bytes
final int outLength = Conversions.intSizeFromLongSize(longs);
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(longs * Long.BYTES)
final int[] expected = new int[outLength];
for (int i = 0; i < outLength; i++) {
expected[i] = bb.getInt();
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(expected, Conversions.longArray2IntArray(seed, outLength));
// Zero fill
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, outLength * 2),
Conversions.longArray2IntArray(seed, outLength * 2));
// Truncation
for (int i = 0; i < outLength; i++) {
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, i), Conversions.longArray2IntArray(seed, i));
@MethodSource(value = {"getByteLengths"})
void testByteArray2Int(int bytes) {
final byte[] seed = new byte[bytes];
// byte[] -> int[] -> int
// Concatenate all bytes in little-endian order to bytes
final int outLength = Conversions.intSizeFromByteSize(bytes);
final byte[] filledSeed = Arrays.copyOf(seed, outLength * Integer.BYTES);
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(filledSeed)
// xor all the bytes read as ints
int expected = 0;
for (int i = outLength; i-- != 0;) {
final long l = bb.getInt();
expected ^= l;
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, Conversions.byteArray2Int(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getByteLengths"})
void testByteArray2IntComposed(int bytes) {
final byte[] seed = new byte[bytes];
final int expected = new IntArray2Int().convert(new ByteArray2IntArray().convert(seed));
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, Conversions.byteArray2Int(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getByteLengths"})
void testByteArray2IntArray(int bytes) {
final byte[] seed = new byte[bytes];
// Concatenate all bytes in little-endian order to bytes
final int outLength = Conversions.intSizeFromByteSize(bytes);
final byte[] filledSeed = Arrays.copyOf(seed, outLength * Integer.BYTES);
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(filledSeed)
final int[] expected = new int[outLength];
for (int i = 0; i < outLength; i++) {
expected[i] = bb.getInt();
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(expected, Conversions.byteArray2IntArray(seed, outLength));
// Zero fill
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, outLength * 2),
Conversions.byteArray2IntArray(seed, outLength * 2));
// Truncation
for (int i = 0; i < outLength; i++) {
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, i), Conversions.byteArray2IntArray(seed, i));
@MethodSource(value = {"getByteLengths"})
void testByteArray2Long(int bytes) {
final byte[] seed = new byte[bytes];
// byte[] -> long[] -> long
// Concatenate all bytes in little-endian order to bytes
final int outLength = Conversions.longSizeFromByteSize(bytes);
final byte[] filledSeed = Arrays.copyOf(seed, outLength * Long.BYTES);
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(filledSeed)
// xor all the bytes read as longs
long expected = 0;
for (int i = outLength; i-- != 0;) {
final long l = bb.getLong();
expected ^= l;
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, Conversions.byteArray2Long(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getByteLengths"})
void testByteArray2LongComposed(int bytes) {
final byte[] seed = new byte[bytes];
final long expected = new LongArray2Long().convert(new ByteArray2LongArray().convert(seed));
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, Conversions.byteArray2Long(seed));
@MethodSource(value = {"getByteLengths"})
void testByteArray2LongArray(int bytes) {
final byte[] seed = new byte[bytes];
// Concatenate all bytes in little-endian order to bytes
final int outLength = Conversions.longSizeFromByteSize(bytes);
final byte[] filledSeed = Arrays.copyOf(seed, outLength * Long.BYTES);
final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(filledSeed)
final long[] expected = new long[outLength];
for (int i = 0; i < outLength; i++) {
expected[i] = bb.getLong();
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(expected, Conversions.byteArray2LongArray(seed, outLength));
// Zero fill
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, outLength * 2),
Conversions.byteArray2LongArray(seed, outLength * 2));
// Truncation
for (int i = 0; i < outLength; i++) {
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, i), Conversions.byteArray2LongArray(seed, i));