blob: f96f63a86b6c322a9a8f3ea0657a43107d491abc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.rng.core;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.commons.rng.JumpableUniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.RandomProviderState;
import org.apache.commons.rng.RestorableUniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.core.source32.IntProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.core.source64.LongProvider;
* Tests which all {@link JumpableUniformRandomProvider} generators must pass.
class JumpableProvidersParametricTest {
/** The default state for the IntProvider. */
private static final byte[] INT_PROVIDER_STATE;
/** The default state for the LongProvider. */
private static final byte[] LONG_PROVIDER_STATE;
static {
INT_PROVIDER_STATE = new State32Generator().getState();
LONG_PROVIDER_STATE = new State64Generator().getState();
* Gets the list of Jumpable generators.
* @return the list
private static Iterable<JumpableUniformRandomProvider> getJumpableProviders() {
return ProvidersList.listJumpable();
* Gets the function using the {@link LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider#longJump()} method.
* If the RNG is not long jumpable then this will raise an exception to skip the test.
* @param generator RNG under test.
* @return the jump function
private static TestJumpFunction getLongJumpFunction(JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
Assumptions.assumeTrue(generator instanceof LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider, "No long jump function");
final LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider rng2 = (LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider) generator;
return rng2::jump;
* Test that the random generator returned from the jump is a new instance of the same class.
void testJumpReturnsACopy(JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
assertJumpReturnsACopy(generator::jump, generator);
* Test that the random generator returned from the long jump is a new instance of the same class.
void testLongJumpReturnsACopy(JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
assertJumpReturnsACopy(getLongJumpFunction(generator), generator);
* Assert that the random generator returned from the jump function is a new instance of the same class.
* @param jumpFunction Jump function to test.
* @param generator RNG under test.
private static void assertJumpReturnsACopy(TestJumpFunction jumpFunction,
JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
final UniformRandomProvider copy = jumpFunction.jump();
Assertions.assertNotSame(generator, copy, "The copy instance should be a different object");
Assertions.assertEquals(generator.getClass(), copy.getClass(), "The copy instance should be the same class");
* Test that the random generator state of the copy instance returned from the jump
* matches the input state.
void testJumpCopyMatchesPreJumpState(JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
assertCopyMatchesPreJumpState(generator::jump, generator);
* Test that the random generator state of the copy instance returned from the long jump
* matches the input state.
void testLongJumpCopyMatchesPreJumpState(JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
assertCopyMatchesPreJumpState(getLongJumpFunction(generator), generator);
* Assert that the random generator state of the copy instance returned from the jump
* function matches the input state.
* <p>The generator must be a {@link RestorableUniformRandomProvider} and return an
* instance of {@link RandomProviderDefaultState}.</p>
* <p>The input generator is sampled using methods in the
* {@link UniformRandomProvider} interface, the state is saved and a jump is
* performed. The states from the pre-jump generator and the returned copy instance
* must match.</p>
* <p>This test targets any cached state of the default implementation of a generator
* in {@link IntProvider} and {@link LongProvider} such as the state cached for the
* nextBoolean() and nextInt() functions.</p>
* @param jumpFunction Jump function to test.
* @param generator RNG under test.
private static void assertCopyMatchesPreJumpState(TestJumpFunction jumpFunction,
JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
Assumptions.assumeTrue(generator instanceof RestorableUniformRandomProvider, "Not a restorable RNG");
for (int repeats = 0; repeats < 2; repeats++) {
// Exercise the generator.
// This calls nextInt() once so the default implementation of LongProvider
// should have cached a state for nextInt() in one of the two repeats.
// Calls nextBoolean() to ensure a cached state in one of the two repeats.
final RandomProviderState preJumpState = ((RestorableUniformRandomProvider) generator).saveState();
Assumptions.assumeTrue(preJumpState instanceof RandomProviderDefaultState, "Not a recognised state");
final UniformRandomProvider copy = jumpFunction.jump();
final RandomProviderState copyState = ((RestorableUniformRandomProvider) copy).saveState();
final RandomProviderDefaultState expected = (RandomProviderDefaultState) preJumpState;
final RandomProviderDefaultState actual = (RandomProviderDefaultState) copyState;
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(expected.getState(), actual.getState(),
"The copy instance state should match the state of the original");
* Test that a jump resets the state of the default implementation of a generator in
* {@link IntProvider} and {@link LongProvider}.
void testJumpResetsDefaultState(JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
assertJumpResetsDefaultState(generator::jump, generator);
* Test that a long jump resets the state of the default implementation of a generator in
* {@link IntProvider} and {@link LongProvider}.
void testLongJumpResetsDefaultState(JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
assertJumpResetsDefaultState(getLongJumpFunction(generator), generator);
* Assert the jump resets the specified number of bytes of the state. The bytes are
* checked from the end of the saved state.
* <p>This is intended to check the default state of the base implementation of
* {@link IntProvider} and {@link LongProvider} is reset.</p>
* @param jumpFunction Jump function to test.
* @param generator RNG under test.
private static void assertJumpResetsDefaultState(TestJumpFunction jumpFunction,
JumpableUniformRandomProvider generator) {
byte[] expected;
if (generator instanceof IntProvider) {
} else if (generator instanceof LongProvider) {
} else {
throw new AssertionError("Unsupported RNG");
final int stateSize = expected.length;
for (int repeats = 0; repeats < 2; repeats++) {
// Exercise the generator.
// This calls nextInt() once so the default implementation of LongProvider
// should have cached a state for nextInt() in one of the two repeats.
// Calls nextBoolean() to ensure a cached state in one of the two repeats.
// An Int/LongProvider so must be a RestorableUniformRandomProvider
final RandomProviderState postJumpState = ((RestorableUniformRandomProvider) generator).saveState();
final byte[] actual = ((RandomProviderDefaultState) postJumpState).getState();
Assumptions.assumeTrue(actual.length >= stateSize, "Implementation has removed default state");
// The implementation requires that any sub-class state is prepended to the
// state thus the default state is at the end.
final byte[] defaultState = Arrays.copyOfRange(actual, actual.length - stateSize, actual.length);
Assertions.assertArrayEquals(expected, defaultState,
"The jump should reset the default state to zero");
* Dummy class for checking the state size of the IntProvider.
static class State32Generator extends IntProvider {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int next() {
return 0;
* Gets the default state. This captures the initial state of the IntProvider
* including the values of the cache variables.
* @return the state
byte[] getState() {
return getStateInternal();
* Dummy class for checking the state size of the LongProvider.
static class State64Generator extends LongProvider {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public long next() {
return 0;
* Gets the default state. This captures the initial state of the LongProvider
* including the values of the cache variables.
* @return the state size
byte[] getState() {
return getStateInternal();
* Specify the jump operation to test.
* <p>This allows testing {@link JumpableUniformRandomProvider} or
* {@link LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider}.</p>
interface TestJumpFunction {
* Perform the jump and return a pre-jump copy.
* @return the pre-jump copy.
UniformRandomProvider jump();