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Why not <<<java.util.Random>>> ?
The "Apache Commons RNG" project started off from code originally in the
"Apache Commons Math" project; there, the code in package
had its design prominently based on the JDK's
Although it is often a good idea to rely on the language's standard library,
sometimes it is not.
* The {{{}LCG}}
algorithm used by <<<java.util.Random>>>
** has a serious {{{}defect}}, and
** is not as efficient as some of the alternatives that do not suffer from this problem.
* Although the {{{}next}}
method seems to imply that it is designed for inheritance, it is not quite so:
** {{{}setSeed}}
is tied to the assumption that the state of the generator is entirely
defined by a single <<<long>>> value.
** {{{}next}}
implies that an implementation must produce a 32-bits value.
** <<<Random>>> is {{{}Serializable}}
and thus imposes it on subclasses even though the issue of persistent
storage is application-dependent.
As a side note, the newer
** is <<<final>>> (hence, there is no temptation to mistake it as an interface), and
** does not inherit from <<<Random>>> (which is a clear hint that the
JDK's developers themselves do not consider <<<Random>>> as the
best option for new code).
* Thus, <<<java.util.Random>>> should have been an implementation of a
more general interface (without a <<<setSeed>>> method that is bound to
be implementation-specific, or a {{{}nextGaussian}}
that singles out just one of many types of random deviates).
* As a concrete class, <<<java.util.Random>>> contains code tied to
"implementation details"; it is hard to modify it without changing
long-established behaviour, even if it would be to fix a
* Methods are <<<synchronized>>>, incurring an unnecessary performance
impact for single-threaded applications, while multi-threaded ones will
be subject to contention.
Unless unfazed by the above, it is clear that application developers should
avoid <<<java.util.Random>>>, as a generator, and as a base class.
For new applications, it is recommended to switch to any of the better
alternatives provided in "Commons RNG".
For legacy applications where the <<<java.util.Random>>> type is part of
an API that cannot be changed, developers can wrap any of the generators
implemented in this library within an instance of the
adapter class.