blob: e6db6fa7b4b8f39c0e38c6a3545cd94846e8e427 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.rng.core.util;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.commons.rng.SplittableUniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;
* Utility for creating streams using a source of randomness.
public final class RandomStreams {
/** The number of bits of each random character in the seed.
* The generation algorithm will work if this is in the range [2, 30]. */
private static final int SEED_CHAR_BITS = 4;
* A factory for creating objects using a seed and a using a source of randomness.
* @param <T> the object type
public interface ObjectFactory<T> {
* Creates the object.
* @param seed Seed used to initialise the instance.
* @param source Source of randomness used to initialise the instance.
* @return the object
T create(long seed, UniformRandomProvider source);
* Class contains only static methods.
private RandomStreams() {}
* Returns a stream producing the given {@code streamSize} number of new objects
* generated using the supplied {@code source} of randomness using the {@code factory}.
* <p>A {@code long} seed is provided for each object instance using the stream position
* and random bits created from the supplied {@code source}.
* <p>The stream supports parallel execution by splitting the provided {@code source}
* of randomness. Consequently objects in the same position in the stream created from
* a sequential stream may be created from a different source of randomness than a parallel
* stream; it is not expected that parallel execution will create the same final
* collection of objects.
* @param <T> the object type
* @param streamSize Number of objects to generate.
* @param source A source of randomness used to initialise the new instances; this may
* be split to provide a source of randomness across a parallel stream.
* @param factory Factory to create new instances.
* @return a stream of objects; the stream is limited to the given {@code streamSize}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code streamSize} is negative.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code source} or {@code factory} is null
public static <T> Stream<T> generateWithSeed(long streamSize,
SplittableUniformRandomProvider source,
ObjectFactory<T> factory) {
if (streamSize < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid stream size: " + streamSize);
Objects.requireNonNull(source, "source");
Objects.requireNonNull(factory, "factory");
final long seed = createSeed(source);
return StreamSupport
.stream(new SeededObjectSpliterator<>(0, streamSize, source, factory, seed), false);
* Creates a seed to prepend to a counter. The seed is created to satisfy the following
* requirements:
* <ul>
* <li>The least significant bit is set
* <li>The seed is composed of characters from an n-bit alphabet
* <li>The character used in the least significant bits is unique
* <li>The other characters are sampled uniformly from the remaining (n-1) characters
* </ul>
* <p>The composed seed is created using {@code ((seed << shift) | count)}
* where the shift is applied to ensure non-overlap of the shifted seed and
* the count. This is achieved by ensuring the lowest 1-bit of the seed is
* above the highest 1-bit of the count. The shift is a multiple of n to ensure
* the character used in the least significant bits aligns with higher characters
* after a shift. As higher characters exclude the least significant character
* no shifted seed can duplicate previously observed composed seeds. This holds
* until the least significant character itself is shifted out of the composed seed.
* <p>The seed generation algorithm starts with a random series of bits with the lowest bit
* set. Any occurrences of the least significant character in the remaining characters are
* replaced using {@link UniformRandomProvider#nextInt()}.
* <p>The remaining characters will be rejected at a rate of 2<sup>-n</sup>. The
* character size is a compromise between a low rejection rate and the highest supported
* count that may receive a prepended seed.
* <p>The JDK's {@code java.util.random} package uses 4-bits for the character size when
* creating a stream of SplittableGenerator. This achieves a rejection rate
* of {@code 1/16}. Using this size will require 1 call to generate a {@code long} and
* on average 1 call to {@code nextInt(15)}. The maximum supported stream size with a unique
* seed per object is 2<sup>60</sup>. The algorithm here also uses a character size of 4-bits;
* this simplifies the implementation as there are exactly 16 characters. The algorithm is a
* different implementation to the JDK and creates an output seed with similar properties.
* @param rng Source of randomness.
* @return the seed
static long createSeed(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
// Initial random bits. Lowest bit must be set.
long bits = rng.nextLong() | 1;
// Mask to extract characters.
// Can be used to sample from (n-1) n-bit characters.
final long n = (1 << SEED_CHAR_BITS) - 1;
// Extract the unique character.
final long unique = bits & n;
// Check the rest of the characters do not match the unique character.
// This loop extracts the remaining characters and replaces if required.
// This will work if the characters do not evenly divide into 64 as we iterate
// over the count of remaining bits. The original order is maintained so that
// if the bits already satisfy the requirements they are unchanged.
for (int i = SEED_CHAR_BITS; i < Long.SIZE; i += SEED_CHAR_BITS) {
// Next character
long c = (bits >>> i) & n;
if (c == unique) {
// Branch frequency of 2^-bits.
// This code is deliberately branchless.
// Avoid nextInt(n) using: c = floor(n * ([0, 2^32) / 2^32))
// Rejection rate for non-uniformity will be negligible: 2^32 % 15 == 1
// so any rejection algorithm only has to exclude 1 value from nextInt().
c = (n * Integer.toUnsignedLong(rng.nextInt())) >>> Integer.SIZE;
// Ensure the sample is uniform in [0, n] excluding the unique character
c = (unique + c + 1) & n;
// Replace by masking out the current character and bitwise add the new one
bits = (bits & ~(n << i)) | (c << i);
return bits;
* Spliterator for streams of a given object type that can be created from a seed
* and source of randomness. The source of randomness is splittable allowing parallel
* stream support.
* <p>The seed is mixed with the stream position to ensure each object is created using
* a unique seed value. As the position increases the seed is left shifted until there
* is no bit overlap between the seed and the position, i.e the right-most 1-bit of the seed
* is larger than the left-most 1-bit of the position.
* @param <T> the object type
private static final class SeededObjectSpliterator<T>
implements Spliterator<T> {
/** Message when the consumer action is null. */
private static final String NULL_ACTION = "action must not be null";
/** The current position in the range. */
private long position;
/** The upper limit of the range. */
private final long end;
/** Seed used to initialise the new instances. The least significant 1-bit of
* the seed must be above the most significant bit of the position. This is maintained
* by left shift when the position is updated. */
private long seed;
/** Source of randomness used to initialise the new instances. */
private final SplittableUniformRandomProvider source;
/** Factory to create new instances. */
private final ObjectFactory<T> factory;
* @param start Start position of the stream (inclusive).
* @param end Upper limit of the stream (exclusive).
* @param source Source of randomness used to initialise the new instances.
* @param factory Factory to create new instances.
* @param seed Seed used to initialise the instances. The least significant 1-bit of
* the seed must be above the most significant bit of the {@code start} position.
SeededObjectSpliterator(long start, long end,
SplittableUniformRandomProvider source,
ObjectFactory<T> factory,
long seed) {
position = start;
this.end = end;
this.seed = seed;
this.source = source;
this.factory = factory;
public long estimateSize() {
return end - position;
public int characteristics() {
return Spliterator.SIZED | Spliterator.SUBSIZED | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE;
public Spliterator<T> trySplit() {
final long start = position;
final long middle = (start + end) >>> 1;
if (middle <= start) {
return null;
// The child spliterator can use the same seed as the position does not overlap
final SeededObjectSpliterator<T> s =
new SeededObjectSpliterator<>(start, middle, source.split(), factory, seed);
// Since the position has increased ensure the seed does not overlap
position = middle;
while (seed != 0 && Long.compareUnsigned(Long.lowestOneBit(seed), middle) <= 0) {
seed <<= SEED_CHAR_BITS;
return s;
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action) {
Objects.requireNonNull(action, NULL_ACTION);
final long pos = position;
if (pos < end) {
// Advance before exceptions from the action are relayed to the caller
position = pos + 1;
action.accept(factory.create(seed | pos, source));
// If the position overlaps the seed, shift it by 1 character
if ((position & seed) != 0) {
seed <<= SEED_CHAR_BITS;
return true;
return false;
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super T> action) {
Objects.requireNonNull(action, NULL_ACTION);
long pos = position;
final long last = end;
if (pos < last) {
// Ensure forEachRemaining is called only once
position = last;
final SplittableUniformRandomProvider s = source;
final ObjectFactory<T> f = factory;
do {
action.accept(f.create(seed | pos, s));
// If the position overlaps the seed, shift it by 1 character
if ((pos & seed) != 0) {
seed <<= SEED_CHAR_BITS;
} while (pos < last);