blob: 038539e2e1ccd81bcb9c091c4266e4aa803007e0 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Subject: [VOTE] Release @NAME@ @VERSION@ based on @RC@
We have fixed a few bugs and added enhancements since @NAME@ @BC@ was released, so I would like to release @NAME@ @VERSION@.
@NAME@ @VERSION@ @RC@ is available for review here:
@DISTURL@ (svn revision @RCREV@)
The Git tag @TAGNAME@ commit for this RC is @TAGCOMMIT@ which you can browse here:;a=commit;h=@TAGCOMMIT@
You may checkout this tag using:
git clone --branch @TAGNAME@ @TAGNAME@
Maven artifacts are here:
These are the artifacts and their hashes:
I have tested this with ***'mvn clean install site'*** using:
Use the output from "mvn -version" for each combination you tested.
Windows: ver
Linux: uname -a
Details of changes since @BC@ are in the release notes:
(note some *relative* links are broken and the @VERSION@ directories are not yet created - these will be OK once the site is deployed.)
*** CLIRR Report (compared to @BC@):
*** JApiCmp Report (compared to @BC@):
Note that the above report notes several errors.
These are considered OK for the reasons stated below.
These exceptions are also noted in the Changes and Release Notes.
Errors reported:
- methods added to interface: OK because that does not affect binary compatibility.
- etc.
RAT Report:
Please review the release candidate and vote.
This vote will close no sooner than 72 hours from now.
[ ] +1 Release these artifacts
[ ] +0 OK, but...
[ ] -0 OK, but really should fix...
[ ] -1 I oppose this release because...
Thank you,
Release Manager (using key @RMKEY@)
For following is intended as a helper and refresher for reviewers.
Validating a release candidate
These guidelines are NOT complete.
Requirements: Git, Java, Maven.
You can validate a release from a release candidate (RC) tag as follows.
1a) Clone and checkout the RC tag
git clone --branch @TAGNAME@ @TAGNAME@
1b) Download and unpack the source archive from:
2) Check Apache licenses
This step is not required if the site includes a RAT report page which you then must check.
mvn apache-rat:check
3) Check binary compatibility
Older components still use Apache Clirr:
This step is not required if the site includes a Clirr report page which you then must check.
mvn clirr:check
Newer components use JApiCmp with the japicmp Maven Profile:
This step is not required if the site includes a JApiCmp report page which you then must check.
mvn install -DskipTests -P japicmp japicmp:cmp
4) Build the package
mvn -V clean package
You can record the Maven and Java version produced by -V in your VOTE reply.
To gather OS information from a command line:
Windows: ver
Linux: uname -a
5) Build the site for a single module project
Note: Some plugins require the components to be installed instead of packaged.
mvn site
Check the site reports in:
- Windows: target\site\index.html
- Linux: target/site/index.html
6) Build the site for a multi-module project
mvn site
mvn site:stage
Check the site reports in:
- Windows: target\site\index.html
- Linux: target/site/index.html
Note that the project reports are created for each module.
Modules can be accessed using the 'Project Modules' link under
the 'Project Information' menu (see <path-to-site>/modules.html).
-the end-