blob: e358a1d01c288bdecee2d542edd009c27ff5b4b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.rdf.api;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test RDF implementation (and thus its RDFTerm implementations)
* <p>
* To add to your implementation's tests, create a subclass with a name ending
* in <code>Test</code> and provide {@link #createFactory()} which minimally
* supports one of the operations, but ideally supports all operations.
* @see RDF
public abstract class AbstractRDFTest {
private RDF factory;
* This method must be overridden by the implementing test to provide a
* factory for the test to create {@link Literal}, {@link IRI} etc.
* @return {@link RDF} instance to be tested.
protected abstract RDF createFactory();
public void setUp() {
factory = createFactory();
public void testCreateBlankNode() throws Exception {
final BlankNode bnode = factory.createBlankNode();
final BlankNode bnode2 = factory.createBlankNode();
assertNotEquals("Second blank node has not got a unique internal identifier", bnode.uniqueReference(),
public void testCreateBlankNodeIdentifierEmpty() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected exception
public void testCreateBlankNodeIdentifier() throws Exception {
public void testCreateBlankNodeIdentifierTwice() throws Exception {
BlankNode bnode1, bnode2, bnode3;
bnode1 = factory.createBlankNode("example1");
bnode2 = factory.createBlankNode("example1");
bnode3 = factory.createBlankNode("differ");
// We don't know what the identifier is, but it MUST be the same
assertEquals(bnode1.uniqueReference(), bnode2.uniqueReference());
// We don't know what the ntriplesString is, but it MUST be the same
assertEquals(bnode1.ntriplesString(), bnode2.ntriplesString());
// and here it MUST differ
assertNotEquals(bnode1.uniqueReference(), bnode3.uniqueReference());
assertNotEquals(bnode1.ntriplesString(), bnode3.ntriplesString());
public void testCreateBlankNodeIdentifierTwiceDifferentFactories() throws Exception {
BlankNode bnode1, differentFactory;
bnode1 = factory.createBlankNode();
// it MUST differ from a second factory
differentFactory = createFactory().createBlankNode();
// NOTE: We can't make similar assumption if we provide a
// name to createBlankNode(String) as its documentation
// only says:
// * BlankNodes created using this method with the same parameter, for
// * different instances of RDFFactory, SHOULD NOT be equivalent.
assertNotEquals(bnode1, differentFactory);
assertNotEquals(bnode1.uniqueReference(), differentFactory.uniqueReference());
// but we can't require:
// assertNotEquals(bnode1.ntriplesString(),
// differentFactory.ntriplesString());
public void testCreateGraph() throws Exception {
try (final Graph graph = factory.createGraph(); final Graph graph2 = factory.createGraph()) {
assertEquals("Graph was not empty", 0, graph.size());
graph.add(factory.createBlankNode(), factory.createIRI(""), factory.createBlankNode());
assertNotSame(graph, graph2);
assertEquals("Graph was empty after adding", 1, graph.size());
assertEquals("New graph was not empty", 0, graph2.size());
public void testCreateIRI() throws Exception {
final IRI example = factory.createIRI("");
assertEquals("", example.getIRIString());
assertEquals("<>", example.ntriplesString());
final IRI term = factory.createIRI("");
assertEquals("", term.getIRIString());
assertEquals("<>", term.ntriplesString());
// and now for the international fun!
// make sure this file is edited/compiled as UTF-8
final IRI latin1 = factory.createIRI("http://accéère");
assertEquals("http://accéère", latin1.getIRIString());
assertEquals("<http://accéère>", latin1.ntriplesString());
final IRI cyrillic = factory.createIRI("Кириллица");
assertEquals("Кириллица", cyrillic.getIRIString());
assertEquals("<Кириллица>", cyrillic.ntriplesString());
final IRI deseret = factory.createIRI("http://𐐀𐐀");
assertEquals("http://𐐀𐐀", deseret.getIRIString());
assertEquals("<http://𐐀𐐀>", deseret.ntriplesString());
public void testCreateLiteral() throws Exception {
final Literal example = factory.createLiteral("Example");
assertEquals("Example", example.getLexicalForm());
assertEquals("", example.getDatatype().getIRIString());
assertEquals("\"Example\"", example.ntriplesString());
public void testCreateLiteralDateTime() throws Exception {
final Literal dateTime = factory.createLiteral("2014-12-27T00:50:00T-0600",
assertEquals("2014-12-27T00:50:00T-0600", dateTime.getLexicalForm());
assertEquals("", dateTime.getDatatype().getIRIString());
public void testCreateLiteralLang() throws Exception {
final Literal example = factory.createLiteral("Example", "en");
assertEquals("Example", example.getLexicalForm());
assertEquals("en", example.getLanguageTag().get());
assertEquals("", example.getDatatype().getIRIString());
assertEquals("\"Example\"@en", example.ntriplesString());
public void testCreateLiteralLangISO693_3() throws Exception {
// see
final Literal vls = factory.createLiteral("Herbert Van de Sompel", "vls"); // JENA-827
assertEquals("vls", vls.getLanguageTag().get());
assertEquals("", vls.getDatatype().getIRIString());
assertEquals("\"Herbert Van de Sompel\"@vls", vls.ntriplesString());
private void assertEqualsBothWays(final Object a, final Object b) {
assertEquals(a, b);
assertEquals(b, a);
// hashCode must match as well
assertEquals(a.hashCode(), b.hashCode());
public void testCreateLiteralLangCaseInsensitive() throws Exception {
* COMMONSRDF-51: Literal langtag may not be in lowercase, but must be
* COMPARED (aka .equals and .hashCode()) in lowercase as the language
* space is lower case.
final Literal upper = factory.createLiteral("Hello", "EN-GB");
final Literal lower = factory.createLiteral("Hello", "en-gb");
final Literal mixed = factory.createLiteral("Hello", "en-GB");
* Disabled as some RDF frameworks (namely RDF4J) can be c configured to
* do BCP47 normalization (e.g. "en-GB"), so we can't guarantee
* lowercase language tags are preserved.
// assertEquals("en-gb", lower.getLanguageTag().get());
* NOTE: the RDF framework is free to lowercase the language tag or
* leave it as-is, so we can't assume:
// assertEquals("en-gb", upper.getLanguageTag().get());
// assertEquals("en-gb", mixed.getLanguageTag().get());
/* ..unless we do a case-insensitive comparison: */
// However these should all be true using .equals
assertEquals(lower, lower);
assertEqualsBothWays(lower, upper);
assertEqualsBothWays(lower, mixed);
assertEquals(upper, upper);
assertEqualsBothWays(upper, mixed);
assertEquals(mixed, mixed);
// Note that assertEqualsBothWays also checks
// that .hashCode() matches
public void testCreateLiteralLangCaseInsensitiveOther() throws Exception {
// COMMONSRDF-51: Ensure the Literal is using case insensitive
// comparison against any literal implementation
// which may not have done .toLowerString() in their constructor
final Literal upper = factory.createLiteral("Hello", "EN-GB");
final Literal lower = factory.createLiteral("Hello", "en-gb");
final Literal mixed = factory.createLiteral("Hello", "en-GB");
final Literal otherLiteral = new Literal() {
public String ntriplesString() {
return "Hello@eN-Gb";
public String getLexicalForm() {
return "Hello";
public Optional<String> getLanguageTag() {
return Optional.of("eN-Gb");
public IRI getDatatype() {
return factory.createIRI("");
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong way comparison of literal");
// NOTE: Our fake Literal can't do .equals() or .hashCode(),
// so don't check the wrong way around!
assertEquals(mixed, otherLiteral);
assertEquals(lower, otherLiteral);
assertEquals(upper, otherLiteral);
public void testCreateLiteralLangCaseInsensitiveInTurkish() throws Exception {
// COMMONSRDF-51: Special test for Turkish issue where
// "i".toLowerCase() != "i"
// See also:
final Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
try {
final Literal mixedROOT = factory.createLiteral("moi", "fI");
final Literal lowerROOT = factory.createLiteral("moi", "fi");
final Literal upperROOT = factory.createLiteral("moi", "FI");
final Locale turkish = Locale.forLanguageTag("TR");
// If the below assertion fails, then the Turkish
// locale no longer have this peculiarity that
// we want to test.
final Literal mixed = factory.createLiteral("moi", "fI");
final Literal lower = factory.createLiteral("moi", "fi");
final Literal upper = factory.createLiteral("moi", "FI");
assertEquals(lower, lower);
assertEqualsBothWays(lower, upper);
assertEqualsBothWays(lower, mixed);
assertEquals(upper, upper);
assertEqualsBothWays(upper, mixed);
assertEquals(mixed, mixed);
// And our instance created previously in ROOT locale
// should still be equal to the instance created in TR locale
// (e.g. test constructor is not doing a naive .toLowerCase())
assertEqualsBothWays(lower, lowerROOT);
assertEqualsBothWays(upper, lowerROOT);
assertEqualsBothWays(mixed, lowerROOT);
assertEqualsBothWays(lower, upperROOT);
assertEqualsBothWays(upper, upperROOT);
assertEqualsBothWays(mixed, upperROOT);
assertEqualsBothWays(lower, mixedROOT);
assertEqualsBothWays(upper, mixedROOT);
assertEqualsBothWays(mixed, mixedROOT);
} finally {
public void testCreateLiteralString() throws Exception {
final Literal example = factory.createLiteral("Example",
assertEquals("Example", example.getLexicalForm());
assertEquals("", example.getDatatype().getIRIString());
assertEquals("\"Example\"", example.ntriplesString());
public void testCreateTripleBnodeBnode() {
final BlankNode subject = factory.createBlankNode("b1");
final IRI predicate = factory.createIRI("");
final BlankNode object = factory.createBlankNode("b2");
final Triple triple = factory.createTriple(subject, predicate, object);
// bnode equivalence should be OK as we used the same
// factory and have not yet inserted Triple into a Graph
assertEquals(subject, triple.getSubject());
assertEquals(predicate, triple.getPredicate());
assertEquals(object, triple.getObject());
public void testCreateTripleBnodeIRI() {
final BlankNode subject = factory.createBlankNode("b1");
final IRI predicate = factory.createIRI("");
final IRI object = factory.createIRI("");
final Triple triple = factory.createTriple(subject, predicate, object);
// bnode equivalence should be OK as we used the same
// factory and have not yet inserted Triple into a Graph
assertEquals(subject, triple.getSubject());
assertEquals(predicate, triple.getPredicate());
assertEquals(object, triple.getObject());
public void testCreateTripleBnodeTriple() {
final BlankNode subject = factory.createBlankNode();
final IRI predicate = factory.createIRI("");
final Literal object = factory.createLiteral("Example", "en");
final Triple triple = factory.createTriple(subject, predicate, object);
// bnode equivalence should be OK as we used the same
// factory and have not yet inserted Triple into a Graph
assertEquals(subject, triple.getSubject());
assertEquals(predicate, triple.getPredicate());
assertEquals(object, triple.getObject());
public void testPossiblyInvalidBlankNode() throws Exception {
BlankNode withColon;
try {
withColon = factory.createBlankNode("with:colon");
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// Good!
// Factory allows :colon, which is OK as long as it's not causing an
// invalid ntriplesString
// and creating it twice gets the same ntriplesString
assertEquals(withColon.ntriplesString(), factory.createBlankNode("with:colon").ntriplesString());
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInvalidIRI() throws Exception {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInvalidLiteralLang() throws Exception {
factory.createLiteral("Example", "with space");
@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void testInvalidTriplePredicate() {
final BlankNode subject = factory.createBlankNode("b1");
final BlankNode predicate = factory.createBlankNode("b2");
final BlankNode object = factory.createBlankNode("b3");
factory.createTriple(subject, (IRI) predicate, object);
public void hashCodeBlankNode() throws Exception {
final BlankNode bnode1 = factory.createBlankNode();
assertEquals(bnode1.uniqueReference().hashCode(), bnode1.hashCode());
public void hashCodeIRI() throws Exception {
final IRI iri = factory.createIRI("");
assertEquals(iri.getIRIString().hashCode(), iri.hashCode());
public void hashCodeLiteral() throws Exception {
final Literal literal = factory.createLiteral("Hello");
assertEquals(Objects.hash(literal.getLexicalForm(), literal.getDatatype(), literal.getLanguageTag()),
public void hashCodeTriple() throws Exception {
final IRI iri = factory.createIRI("");
final Triple triple = factory.createTriple(iri, iri, iri);
assertEquals(Objects.hash(iri, iri, iri), triple.hashCode());