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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.proxy.interceptor;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
import org.apache.commons.proxy.ProxyUtils;
import org.apache.commons.proxy.factory.javassist.JavassistProxyFactory;
import org.apache.commons.proxy.util.Echo;
import org.apache.commons.proxy.util.EchoImpl;
public class TestMethodInterceptorAdapter extends TestCase
public void testMethodInterception()
final Echo proxy = ( Echo ) new JavassistProxyFactory().createInterceptorProxy( new EchoImpl(),
new MethodInterceptorAdapter( new SuffixMethodInterceptor(
" suffix" ) ),
new Class[]{ Echo.class } );
assertEquals( "message suffix", proxy.echoBack( "message" ) );
public void testMethodInvocationImplementation() throws Exception
final InterceptorTester tester = new InterceptorTester();
final EchoImpl target = new EchoImpl();
final Echo proxy = ( Echo ) new JavassistProxyFactory().createInterceptorProxy( target, new MethodInterceptorAdapter( tester ), new Class[] { Echo.class } );
assertNotNull( tester.invocation.getArguments() );
assertEquals( 0, tester.invocation.getArguments().length );
assertEquals( Echo.class.getMethod( "echo", new Class[] {} ), tester.invocation.getMethod() );
assertEquals( Echo.class.getMethod( "echo", new Class[] {} ), tester.invocation.getStaticPart() );
assertEquals( target, tester.invocation.getThis() );
proxy.echoBack( "Hello" );
assertNotNull( tester.invocation.getArguments() );
assertEquals( 1, tester.invocation.getArguments().length );
assertEquals( "Hello", tester.invocation.getArguments()[0] );
assertEquals( Echo.class.getMethod( "echoBack", new Class[] { String.class } ), tester.invocation.getMethod() );
assertEquals( Echo.class.getMethod( "echoBack", new Class[] { String.class } ), tester.invocation.getStaticPart() );
proxy.echoBack( "Hello", "World" );
assertNotNull( tester.invocation.getArguments() );
assertEquals( 2, tester.invocation.getArguments().length );
assertEquals( "Hello", tester.invocation.getArguments()[0] );
assertEquals( "World", tester.invocation.getArguments()[1] );
assertEquals( Echo.class.getMethod( "echoBack", new Class[] { String.class, String.class } ), tester.invocation.getMethod() );
assertEquals( Echo.class.getMethod( "echoBack", new Class[] { String.class, String.class } ), tester.invocation.getStaticPart() );
private static class InterceptorTester implements MethodInterceptor
private MethodInvocation invocation;
public Object invoke( MethodInvocation methodInvocation ) throws Throwable
this.invocation = methodInvocation;
return methodInvocation.proceed();
private class SuffixMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor
private final String suffix;
public SuffixMethodInterceptor( String suffix )
this.suffix = suffix;
public Object invoke( MethodInvocation methodInvocation ) throws Throwable
return methodInvocation.proceed() + suffix;