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package org.apache.commons.proxy2.interceptor.matcher.argument;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.proxy2.interceptor.matcher.ArgumentMatcher;
public final class ArgumentMatcherUtils
// Static Methods
public static ArgumentMatcher<Object> any()
return new AnyMatcher();
public static ArgumentMatcher<String> endsWith(String suffix)
return new EndsWithMatcher(Validate.notNull(suffix));
public static <T> ArgumentMatcher<T> eq(final T value)
return new EqualsMatcher<T>(value);
public static <C extends Comparable> ArgumentMatcher<C> gt(C comparable)
return new GreaterThanMatcher<C>(comparable);
public static <C extends Comparable> ArgumentMatcher<C> gte(C comparable)
return new GreaterThanOrEqualMatcher<C>(comparable);
public static ArgumentMatcher<Object> isA(final Class<?> type)
return new InstanceOfMatcher(type);
public static ArgumentMatcher<Object> isNull()
return new IsNullMatcher();
public static <C extends Comparable> ArgumentMatcher<C> lt(C comparable)
return new LessThanMatcher<C>(comparable);
public static <C extends Comparable> ArgumentMatcher<C> lte(C comparable)
return new LessThanOrEqualMatcher<C>(comparable);
public static ArgumentMatcher<String> matches(String regex)
return new RegexMatcher(Validate.notNull(regex));
public static <T> ArgumentMatcher<T> notNull()
return new NotNullMatcher<T>();
public static ArgumentMatcher<String> startsWith(String prefix)
return new StartsWithMatcher(Validate.notNull(prefix));
// Constructors
private ArgumentMatcherUtils()
// Inner Classes
private static class AnyMatcher implements ArgumentMatcher<Object>
public boolean matches(Object argument)
return true;
private abstract static class ComparatorMatcher<C extends Comparable> implements ArgumentMatcher<C>
private final C comparable;
protected ComparatorMatcher(C comparable)
this.comparable = Validate.notNull(comparable);
protected abstract boolean evaluate(int comparison);
public boolean matches(C argument)
if(argument == null)
return false;
return evaluate(comparable.compareTo(argument));
public static class EndsWithMatcher implements ArgumentMatcher<String>
private final String suffix;
public EndsWithMatcher(String suffix)
this.suffix = suffix;
public boolean matches(String argument)
return argument != null && argument.endsWith(suffix);
private static class EqualsMatcher<T> implements ArgumentMatcher<T>
private final T value;
public EqualsMatcher(T value)
this.value = value;
public boolean matches(T argument)
return ObjectUtils.equals(argument, value);
private static class GreaterThanMatcher<C extends Comparable> extends ComparatorMatcher<C>
private GreaterThanMatcher(C comparable)
protected boolean evaluate(int comparison)
return comparison < 0;
private static class GreaterThanOrEqualMatcher<C extends Comparable> extends ComparatorMatcher<C>
private GreaterThanOrEqualMatcher(C comparable)
protected boolean evaluate(int comparison)
return comparison <= 0;
private static class InstanceOfMatcher implements ArgumentMatcher<Object>
private final Class<?> type;
public InstanceOfMatcher(Class<?> type)
this.type = type;
public boolean matches(Object argument)
return type.isInstance(argument);
private static class IsNullMatcher implements ArgumentMatcher<Object>
public boolean matches(Object argument)
return argument == null;
private static class LessThanMatcher<C extends Comparable> extends ComparatorMatcher<C>
private LessThanMatcher(C comparable)
protected boolean evaluate(int comparison)
return comparison > 0;
private static class LessThanOrEqualMatcher<C extends Comparable> extends ComparatorMatcher<C>
private LessThanOrEqualMatcher(C comparable)
protected boolean evaluate(int comparison)
return comparison >= 0;
private static class NotNullMatcher<T> implements ArgumentMatcher<T>
public boolean matches(T argument)
return argument != null;
public static class RegexMatcher implements ArgumentMatcher<String>
private final String regex;
public RegexMatcher(String regex)
this.regex = regex;
public boolean matches(String argument)
return argument != null && argument.matches(regex);
private static class StartsWithMatcher implements ArgumentMatcher<String>
private final String prefix;
private StartsWithMatcher(String prefix)
this.prefix = prefix;
public boolean matches(String argument)
return argument != null && argument.startsWith(prefix);