blob: 17b427cab39b2c9330d343459187a033b1fe3506 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
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<title>Commons Pool Changes</title>
<author email="">Sandy McArthur</author>
<release version="2.0" date="pending" description="Significant clean ups">
<action dev="sandymac" type="update">
Where there is no factory calling addObject is bogus so throw an IllegalStateExecption.
<action dev="sandymac" type="fix">
Edited all KeyedObjectPool related JavaDocs to have meaningful and correct content.
<action dev="sandymac" type="fix">
Implemented until tests to verify KeyedObjectPool implementations conformed to Pool 2 contracts.
Updated GenericKeyedObjectPool and StackKeyedObjectPool to conformant behavior.
<action dev="sandymac" type="fix">
Don't ignore maxTotal parameter in
<code>GenericKeyedObjectPool(KeyedPoolableObjectFactory factory, int maxActive, byte whenExhaustedAction,
long maxWait, int maxIdle, int maxTotal, boolean testOnBorrow, boolean testOnReturn,
long timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis, int numTestsPerEvictionRun, long minEvictableIdleTimeMillis,
boolean testWhileIdle)</code>
<action dev="sandymac" type="fix">
Change StackKeyedObjectPool to discard stalest, not freshest, idle object when maxSleeping is reached.
<action dev="sandymac" type="fix">
Edited all ObjectPool related JavaDocs to have meaningful and correct content.
<action dev="sandymac" type="fix">
Implemented until tests to verify ObjectPool implementations conformed to Pool 2 contracts.
Updated GenericObjectPool, StackObjectPool, and SoftReferenceObjectPool to conformant behavior.
<action dev="sandymac" type="fix">
Fix JavaDocs to conform to Pool 2 contracts.
<action dev="sandymac" type="update">
Improved SoftReferenceObjectPool getNumIdle accuracy.
<action dev="rdonkin" type="update">
<description>Updates to javadoc contracts for 2.0.</description>
<fixes issue="38660"/>
<fixes issue="38664"/>
<fixes issue="38666"/>
<fixes issue="38667"/>
<fixes issue="38669"/>
<fixes issue="38746"/>
<dueto name="Sandy McArthur"/>
<release version="1.3" date="2006-pending" description="1.x bugfix release">
<action type="fix">A large number of bug fixes. See release notes for changes.</action>
<release version="1.2" date="2004-06-07" description="bugfixes">
<action dev="dirkv" type="fix">
<description>GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory Config Constructor is incorrect</description>
<fixes issue="24864"/>
<action dev="dirkv" type="fix">
<description>Not possible to extend GenericObjectPool.returnObject() without affecting addObject()</description>
<fixes issue="28638"/>
<release version="1.1" date="2003-10-20">
<action type="fix">A lot of corner cases were fixed</action>
<action type="fix">Performance improvement by optimizing pool synchronization, the critical code paths were optimized by reducing pool synchronization but we also added more synchronization where needed</action>
<action type="fix">New minIdle feature: the minimum number of objects allowed in the pool before the evictor thread (if active) spawns new objects. (Note no objects are created when: numActive + numIdle >= maxActive)</action>
<action type="fix">New maxTotal feature: a cap on the total number of instances controlled by a pool. Only for GenericKeyedObjectPool where maxActive is a cap on the number of active instances from the pool (per key).</action>
<action type="fix">UML Class and sequence diagrams</action>
<action type="fix">See bugzilla for more changes</action>
<release version="1.0.1" date="2002-08-12">
<action type="fix">No change log available.</action>
<release version="1.0" date="2002-05-04">
<action type="add">No change log available.</action>