blob: d42cc372260f19b5a7756762126a1c7d82c59a24 [file] [log] [blame]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.commons.ognl.performance.objects;
import org.apache.commons.ognl.DynamicSubscript;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
public class Root
extends Object
public static final String SIZE_STRING = "size";
public static final int STATIC_INT = 23;
private int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
private Map map = new HashMap( 23 );
private MyMap myMap = new MyMapImpl();
private List list = Arrays.asList( new Object[] { null, this, array } );
private List settableList = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( new Object[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" } ) );
private int index = 1;
private int intValue = 0;
private String stringValue;
private int yetAnotherIntValue = 46;
private boolean privateAccessorBooleanValue = true;
private int privateAccessorIntValue = 67;
private int privateAccessorIntValue2 = 67;
private int privateAccessorIntValue3 = 67;
public String anotherStringValue = "foo";
public int anotherIntValue = 123;
public int six = 6;
private boolean _disabled;
private Locale _selected = Locale.getDefault();
private List<List<Boolean>> _booleanValues = new ArrayList<List<Boolean>>();
private boolean[] _booleanArray = { true, false, true, true };
private List _list;
private int verbosity = 87;
private BeanProvider _beanProvider = new BeanProviderImpl();
private boolean _render;
private Boolean _readOnly = Boolean.FALSE;
private Integer _objIndex = new Integer( 1 );
private Object _genericObjIndex = new Integer( 2 );
private Date _date = new Date();
private boolean _openWindow = false;
private ITreeContentProvider _contentProvider = new TreeContentProvider();
private Indexed _indexed = new Indexed();
private SearchTab _tab = new SearchTab();
* =================================================================== Public static methods
* ===================================================================
public static int getStaticInt()
return STATIC_INT;
* =================================================================== Constructors
* ===================================================================
public Root()
* =================================================================== Private methods
* ===================================================================
map.put( "test", this );
map.put( "array", array );
map.put( "list", list );
map.put( "size", new Integer( 5000 ) );
map.put( DynamicSubscript.first, new Integer( 99 ) );
map.put( "baz", array );
map.put( "value", new Bean2() );
map.put( "bar", new Bean3() );
map.put( new Long( 82 ), "StringStuff=someValue" );
IFormComponent comp = new FormComponentImpl();
comp.setClientId( "formComponent" );
IForm form = new FormImpl();
form.setClientId( "form1" );
comp.setForm( form );
map.put( "comp", comp );
Map newMap = new HashMap();
Map chain = new HashMap();
newMap.put( "deep", chain );
chain.put( "last", Boolean.TRUE );
map.put( "nested", newMap );
/* make myMap identical */
myMap.putAll( map );
List<Boolean> bool1 = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
bool1.add( Boolean.TRUE );
bool1.add( Boolean.FALSE );
bool1.add( Boolean.TRUE );
_booleanValues.add( bool1 );
List<Boolean> bool2 = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
bool2.add( Boolean.TRUE );
bool2.add( Boolean.FALSE );
bool2.add( Boolean.TRUE );
_booleanValues.add( bool2 );
private boolean isPrivateAccessorBooleanValue()
return privateAccessorBooleanValue;
private void setPrivateAccessorBooleanValue( boolean value )
privateAccessorBooleanValue = value;
private int getPrivateAccessorIntValue()
return privateAccessorIntValue;
private void setPrivateAccessorIntValue( int value )
privateAccessorIntValue = value;
* =================================================================== Protected methods
* ===================================================================
protected int getPrivateAccessorIntValue2()
return privateAccessorIntValue2;
protected void setPrivateAccessorIntValue2( int value )
privateAccessorIntValue2 = value;
* =================================================================== Package protected methods
* ===================================================================
int getPrivateAccessorIntValue3()
return privateAccessorIntValue3;
void setPrivateAccessorIntValue3( int value )
privateAccessorIntValue3 = value;
* =================================================================== Public methods
* ===================================================================
public int[] getArray()
return array;
public boolean[] getBooleanArray()
return _booleanArray;
public void setArray( int[] value )
array = value;
public String format( String key, Object value )
return format( key, new Object[] { value } );
public String format( String key, Object[] value )
return "formatted";
public String getCurrentClass( String value )
return value + " stop";
public Messages getMessages()
return new Messages( map );
public Map getMap()
return map;
public MyMap getMyMap()
return myMap;
public List getList()
return list;
public Object getAsset( String key )
return key;
public List getSettableList()
return settableList;
public int getIndex()
return index;
public Integer getObjectIndex()
return _objIndex;
public Integer getNullIndex()
return null;
public Object getGenericIndex()
return _genericObjIndex;
public int getIntValue()
return intValue;
public void setIntValue( int value )
intValue = value;
public int getTheInt()
return six;
public String getStringValue()
return stringValue;
public void setStringValue( String value )
stringValue = value;
public String getIndexedStringValue()
return "array";
public Object getNullObject()
return null;
public String getTestString()
return "wiggle";
public Object getProperty()
return new Bean2();
public Bean2 getBean2()
return new Bean2();
public Object getIndexedProperty( String name )
return myMap.get( name );
public Indexed getIndexer()
return _indexed;
public BeanProvider getBeans()
return _beanProvider;
public boolean getBooleanValue()
return _disabled;
public void setBooleanValue( boolean value )
_disabled = value;
public boolean getDisabled()
return _disabled;
public void setDisabled( boolean disabled )
_disabled = disabled;
public Locale getSelected()
return _selected;
public void setSelected( Locale locale )
_selected = locale;
public Locale getCurrLocale()
return Locale.getDefault();
public int getCurrentLocaleVerbosity()
return verbosity;
public boolean getRenderNavigation()
return _render;
public void setSelectedList( List selected )
_list = selected;
public List getSelectedList()
return _list;
public Boolean getReadonly()
return _readOnly;
public void setReadonly( Boolean value )
_readOnly = value;
public Object getSelf()
return this;
public Date getTestDate()
return _date;
public String getWidth()
return "238px";
public Long getTheLong()
return new Long( 4 );
public boolean isSorted()
return true;
public TestClass getMyTest()
return new TestImpl();
public ITreeContentProvider getContentProvider()
return _contentProvider;
public boolean isPrintDelivery()
return true;
public Long getCurrentDeliveryId()
return 1l;
public Boolean isFlyingMonkey()
return Boolean.TRUE;
public Boolean isDumb()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Date getExpiration()
return null;
public Long getMapKey()
return new Long( 82 );
public Object getArrayValue()
return new Object[] { new Integer( "2" ), new Integer( "2" ) };
public List getResult()
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add( new Object[] { new Integer( "2" ), new Integer( "2" ) } );
list.add( new Object[] { new Integer( "2" ), new Integer( "2" ) } );
list.add( new Object[] { new Integer( "2" ), new Integer( "2" ) } );
return list;
public boolean isEditorDisabled()
return false;
public boolean isDisabled()
return true;
public boolean isOpenTransitionWin()
return _openWindow;
public void setOpenTransitionWin( boolean value )
_openWindow = value;
public boolean isOk( SimpleEnum value, String otherValue )
return true;
public List<List<Boolean>> getBooleanValues()
return _booleanValues;
public int getIndex1()
return 1;
public int getIndex2()
return 1;
public SearchTab getTab()
return _tab;
public void setTab( SearchTab tab )
_tab = tab;
public static class A
public int methodOfA( B b )
return 0;
public int getIntValue()
return 1;
public static class B
public int methodOfB( int i )
return 0;
public A getA()
return new A();
public B getB()
return new B();