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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.numbers.fraction;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.TestUtils;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
public class FractionTest {
private void assertFraction(int expectedNumerator, int expectedDenominator, Fraction actual) {
Assertions.assertEquals(expectedNumerator, actual.getNumerator());
Assertions.assertEquals(expectedDenominator, actual.getDenominator());
Integer.signum(expectedNumerator) * Integer.signum(expectedDenominator),
public void testConstructor() {
for (CommonTestCases.UnaryOperatorTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.numDenConstructorTestCases()) {
Fraction.of(testCase.operandNumerator, testCase.operandDenominator)
// Special cases.
assertFraction(Integer.MIN_VALUE, -1, Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, -1));
assertFraction(1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Fraction.of(1, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
assertFraction(-1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Fraction.of(-1, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
assertFraction(1, 1, Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
public void testGoldenRatio() {
// the golden ratio is notoriously a difficult number for continuous fraction
() -> Fraction.from((1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2, 1.0e-12, 25)
// MATH-179
public void testDoubleConstructor() throws Exception {
for (CommonTestCases.DoubleToFractionTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.doubleConstructorTestCases()) {
public void testDoubleConstructorThrowsWithNonFinite() {
final double eps = 1e-5;
final int maxIterations = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
final int maxDenominator = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (final double value : new double[] {Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}) {
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> Fraction.from(value));
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> Fraction.from(value, eps, maxIterations));
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> Fraction.from(value, maxDenominator));
// MATH-181
public void testDigitLimitConstructor() throws Exception {
assertFraction(2, 5, Fraction.from(0.4, 9));
assertFraction(2, 5, Fraction.from(0.4, 99));
assertFraction(2, 5, Fraction.from(0.4, 999));
assertFraction(3, 5, Fraction.from(0.6152, 9));
assertFraction(8, 13, Fraction.from(0.6152, 99));
assertFraction(510, 829, Fraction.from(0.6152, 999));
assertFraction(769, 1250, Fraction.from(0.6152, 9999));
// MATH-996
assertFraction(1, 2, Fraction.from(0.5000000001, 10));
public void testIntegerOverflow() {
private void checkIntegerOverflow(final double a) {
() -> Fraction.from(a, 1.0e-12, 1000)
public void testEpsilonLimitConstructor() throws Exception {
assertFraction(2, 5, Fraction.from(0.4, 1.0e-5, 100));
assertFraction(3, 5, Fraction.from(0.6152, 0.02, 100));
assertFraction(8, 13, Fraction.from(0.6152, 1.0e-3, 100));
assertFraction(251, 408, Fraction.from(0.6152, 1.0e-4, 100));
assertFraction(251, 408, Fraction.from(0.6152, 1.0e-5, 100));
assertFraction(510, 829, Fraction.from(0.6152, 1.0e-6, 100));
assertFraction(769, 1250, Fraction.from(0.6152, 1.0e-7, 100));
public void testCompareTo() {
Fraction first = Fraction.of(1, 2);
Fraction second = Fraction.of(1, 3);
Fraction third = Fraction.of(1, 2);
Assertions.assertEquals(0, first.compareTo(first));
Assertions.assertEquals(0, first.compareTo(third));
Assertions.assertEquals(1, first.compareTo(second));
Assertions.assertEquals(-1, second.compareTo(first));
// these two values are different approximations of PI
// the first one is approximately PI - 3.07e-18
// the second one is approximately PI + 1.936e-17
Fraction pi1 = Fraction.of(1068966896, 340262731);
Fraction pi2 = Fraction.of(411557987, 131002976);
Assertions.assertEquals(-1, pi1.compareTo(pi2));
Assertions.assertEquals(1, pi2.compareTo(pi1));
Assertions.assertEquals(0.0, pi1.doubleValue() - pi2.doubleValue(), 1.0e-20);
public void testDoubleValue() {
Fraction first = Fraction.of(1, 2);
Fraction second = Fraction.of(1, 3);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.5, first.doubleValue(), 0.0);
Assertions.assertEquals(1.0 / 3.0, second.doubleValue(), 0.0);
public void testFloatValue() {
Fraction first = Fraction.of(1, 2);
Fraction second = Fraction.of(1, 3);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.5f, first.floatValue(), 0.0f);
Assertions.assertEquals((float)(1.0 / 3.0), second.floatValue(), 0.0f);
public void testIntValue() {
Fraction first = Fraction.of(1, 2);
Fraction second = Fraction.of(3, 2);
Assertions.assertEquals(0, first.intValue());
Assertions.assertEquals(1, second.intValue());
public void testLongValue() {
Fraction first = Fraction.of(1, 2);
Fraction second = Fraction.of(3, 2);
Assertions.assertEquals(0L, first.longValue());
Assertions.assertEquals(1L, second.longValue());
public void testConstructorDouble() {
assertFraction(1, 2, Fraction.from(0.5));
assertFraction(1, 3, Fraction.from(1.0 / 3.0));
assertFraction(17, 100, Fraction.from(17.0 / 100.0));
assertFraction(317, 100, Fraction.from(317.0 / 100.0));
assertFraction(-1, 2, Fraction.from(-0.5));
assertFraction(-1, 3, Fraction.from(-1.0 / 3.0));
assertFraction(-17, 100, Fraction.from(17.0 / -100.0));
assertFraction(-317, 100, Fraction.from(-317.0 / 100.0));
public void testAbs() {
for (CommonTestCases.UnaryOperatorTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.absTestCases()) {
Fraction f = Fraction.of(testCase.operandNumerator, testCase.operandDenominator);
assertFraction(testCase.expectedNumerator, testCase.expectedDenominator, f.abs());
public void testMath1261() {
final Fraction a = Fraction.of(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 2);
final Fraction b = a.multiply(2);
final Fraction c = Fraction.of(2, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
final Fraction d = c.divide(2);
Assertions.assertTrue(d.equals(Fraction.of(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)));
public void testReciprocal() {
for (CommonTestCases.UnaryOperatorTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.reciprocalTestCases()) {
Fraction f = Fraction.of(testCase.operandNumerator, testCase.operandDenominator);
assertFraction(testCase.expectedNumerator, testCase.expectedDenominator, f.reciprocal());
final Fraction f = Fraction.of(0, 3);
public void testNegate() {
for (CommonTestCases.UnaryOperatorTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.negateTestCases()) {
Fraction f = Fraction.of(testCase.operandNumerator, testCase.operandDenominator);
assertFraction(testCase.expectedNumerator, testCase.expectedDenominator, f.negate());
* Test special cases of negation that differ from BigFraction.
public void testNegateMinValue() {
final Fraction one = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
assertFraction(-1, 1, one.negate());
// Special case where the negation of the numerator is not possible.
final Fraction minValue = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 1);
assertFraction(Integer.MIN_VALUE, -1, minValue.negate());
public void testAdd() {
for (CommonTestCases.BinaryOperatorTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.addFractionTestCases()) {
Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(testCase.firstOperandNumerator, testCase.firstOperandDenominator);
Fraction f2 = Fraction.of(testCase.secondOperandNumerator, testCase.secondOperandDenominator);
assertFraction(testCase.expectedNumerator, testCase.expectedDenominator, f1.add(f2));
Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1, 1);
Fraction f2 = f1.add(1);
assertFraction(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1, f2);
final Fraction f3 = Fraction.of(-17 - 2 * 13 * 2, 13 * 13 * 17 * 2 * 2);
() -> f3.add(null)
final Fraction f4 = Fraction.of(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
() -> {
Fraction f = f4.add(Fraction.ONE); // should overflow"expecting ArithmeticException but got: " + f.toString());
// denominator should not be a multiple of 2 or 3 to trigger overflow
final Fraction f5 = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 5);
final Fraction f6 = Fraction.of(-1, 5);
() -> {
Fraction f = f5.add(f6); // should overflow"expecting ArithmeticException but got: " + f.toString());
final Fraction f7 = Fraction.of(-Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
() -> f7.add(f7)
final Fraction f8 = Fraction.of(3, 327680);
final Fraction f9 = Fraction.of(2, 59049);
() -> {
Fraction f = f8.add(f9); // should overflow"expecting ArithmeticException but got: " + f.toString());
public void testDivide() {
for (CommonTestCases.BinaryOperatorTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.divideByFractionTestCases()) {
Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(testCase.firstOperandNumerator, testCase.firstOperandDenominator);
Fraction f2 = Fraction.of(testCase.secondOperandNumerator, testCase.secondOperandDenominator);
assertFraction(testCase.expectedNumerator, testCase.expectedDenominator, f1.divide(f2));
final Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(3, 5);
final Fraction f2 = Fraction.ZERO;
() -> f1.divide(f2)
Fraction f3 = Fraction.of(0, 5);
Fraction f4 = Fraction.of(2, 7);
Fraction f = f3.divide(f4);
Assertions.assertSame(Fraction.ZERO, f);
final Fraction f5 = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 1);
() -> f5.divide(null)
final Fraction f6 = Fraction.of(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
() -> f6.divide(f6.reciprocal()) // should overflow
final Fraction f7 = Fraction.of(1, -Integer.MAX_VALUE);
() -> f7.divide(f7.reciprocal()) // should overflow
Fraction f8 = Fraction.of(6, 35);
Fraction f9 = f8.divide(15);
assertFraction(2, 175, f9);
public void testMultiply() {
for (CommonTestCases.BinaryOperatorTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.multiplyByFractionTestCases()) {
Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(testCase.firstOperandNumerator, testCase.firstOperandDenominator);
Fraction f2 = Fraction.of(testCase.secondOperandNumerator, testCase.secondOperandDenominator);
assertFraction(testCase.expectedNumerator, testCase.expectedDenominator, f1.multiply(f2));
final Fraction f0 = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 1);
() -> f0.multiply(null)
Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(6, 35);
Fraction f = f1.multiply(15);
assertFraction(18, 7, f);
public void testPow() {
Fraction a = Fraction.of(3, 7);
assertFraction(1, 1, a.pow(0));
assertFraction(3, 7, a.pow(1));
assertFraction(7, 3, a.pow(-1));
assertFraction(9, 49, a.pow(2));
assertFraction(49, 9, a.pow(-2));
Fraction b = Fraction.of(3, -7);
assertFraction(1, 1, b.pow(0));
assertFraction(3, -7, b.pow(1));
assertFraction(-7, 3, b.pow(-1));
assertFraction(9, 49, b.pow(2));
assertFraction(49, 9, b.pow(-2));
Fraction c = Fraction.of(0, -11);
assertFraction(0, -1, c.pow(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
public void testSubtract() {
for (CommonTestCases.BinaryOperatorTestCase testCase : CommonTestCases.subtractFractionTestCases()) {
Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(testCase.firstOperandNumerator, testCase.firstOperandDenominator);
Fraction f2 = Fraction.of(testCase.secondOperandNumerator, testCase.secondOperandDenominator);
assertFraction(testCase.expectedNumerator, testCase.expectedDenominator, f1.subtract(f2));
final Fraction f0 = Fraction.of(1, 1);
() -> f0.subtract(null)
Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
Fraction f2 = f1.subtract(1);
assertFraction(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1, 1, f2);
final Fraction f3 = Fraction.of(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
final Fraction f4 = Fraction.of(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1);
() -> f3.subtract(f4) //should overflow
// denominator should not be a multiple of 2 or 3 to trigger overflow
final Fraction f5 = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 5);
final Fraction f6 = Fraction.of(1, 5);
() -> {
Fraction f = f5.subtract(f6); // should overflow"expecting ArithmeticException but got: " + f.toString());
final Fraction f7 = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 1);
() -> f7.subtract(Fraction.ONE)
final Fraction f8 = Fraction.of(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
() -> f8.subtract(Fraction.ONE.negate())
final Fraction f9 = Fraction.of(3, 327680);
final Fraction f10 = Fraction.of(2, 59049);
() -> {
Fraction f = f9.subtract(f10); // should overflow"expecting ArithmeticException but got: " + f.toString());
public void testEqualsAndHashCode() {
Fraction zero = Fraction.of(0, 1);
Assertions.assertEquals(zero, zero);
Assertions.assertNotEquals(zero, null);
Assertions.assertFalse(zero.equals(new Object()));
// Equal to same rational number
Fraction zero2 = Fraction.of(0, 2);
assertEqualAndHashCodeEqual(zero, zero2);
// Not equal to different rational number
Fraction one = Fraction.of(1, 1);
Assertions.assertNotEquals(zero, one);
Assertions.assertNotEquals(one, zero);
// Test using different representations of the same fraction
// (Denominators are primes)
for (int[] f : new int[][] {{1, 1}, {2, 3}, {6826, 15373}, {1373, 103813}}) {
final int num = f[0];
final int den = f[1];
Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(-num, den);
Fraction f2 = Fraction.of(num, -den);
assertEqualAndHashCodeEqual(f1, f2);
assertEqualAndHashCodeEqual(f2, f1);
f1 = Fraction.of(num, den);
f2 = Fraction.of(-num, -den);
assertEqualAndHashCodeEqual(f1, f2);
assertEqualAndHashCodeEqual(f2, f1);
// Same numerator or denominator as 1/1
Fraction half = Fraction.of(1, 2);
Fraction two = Fraction.of(2, 1);
Assertions.assertNotEquals(one, half);
Assertions.assertNotEquals(one, two);
// Check worst case fractions which will have a component using MIN_VALUE.
// Note: abs(MIN_VALUE) is negative but this should not effect the equals result.
Fraction almostOne = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
Fraction almostOne2 = Fraction.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, -Integer.MAX_VALUE);
Assertions.assertEquals(almostOne, almostOne);
Assertions.assertNotEquals(almostOne, almostOne2);
Fraction almostZero = Fraction.of(-1, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
Fraction almostZero2 = Fraction.of(1, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
Assertions.assertEquals(almostZero, almostZero);
Assertions.assertNotEquals(almostZero, almostZero2);
* Assert the two fractions are equal. The contract of {@link Object#hashCode()} requires
* that the hash code must also be equal.
* <p>This method must not be called with the same instance for both arguments. It is
* intended to be used to test different objects that are equal have the same hash code.
* @param f1 Fraction 1.
* @param f2 Fraction 2.
private static void assertEqualAndHashCodeEqual(Fraction f1, Fraction f2) {
Assertions.assertNotSame(f1, f2, "Do not call this assertion with the same object");
Assertions.assertEquals(f1, f2);
Assertions.assertEquals(f1.hashCode(), f2.hashCode(), "Equal fractions have different hashCode");
public void testAdditiveNeutral() {
public void testMultiplicativeNeutral() {
public void testToString() {
Assertions.assertEquals("0", Fraction.of(0, 3).toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("0", Fraction.of(0, -3).toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("3", Fraction.of(6, 2).toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("2 / 3", Fraction.of(18, 27).toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("-10 / 11", Fraction.of(-10, 11).toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("10 / -11", Fraction.of(10, -11).toString());
public void testSerial() {
Fraction[] fractions = {
Fraction.of(3, 4), Fraction.ONE, Fraction.ZERO,
Fraction.of(17), Fraction.from(Math.PI, 1000),
Fraction.of(-5, 2)
for (Fraction fraction : fractions) {
public void testParse() {
String[] validExpressions = new String[] {
"1 / 2",
"-1 / 2",
"1 / -2",
"-1 / -2",
"01 / 2",
"01 / 02",
"-01 / 02",
"01 / -02",
"15 / 16",
"-2 / 3",
"8 / 7",
Fraction[] fractions = {
Fraction.of(1, 2),
Fraction.of(-1, 2),
Fraction.of(1, -2),
Fraction.of(-1, -2),
Fraction.of(1, 2),
Fraction.of(1, 2),
Fraction.of(-1, 2),
Fraction.of(1, -2),
Fraction.of(15, 16),
Fraction.of(-2, 3),
Fraction.of(8, 7),
Fraction.of(5, 1),
Fraction.of(-3, 1),
Fraction.of(3, -1),
int inc = 0;
for (Fraction fraction : fractions) {
Assertions.assertThrows(NumberFormatException.class, () -> Fraction.parse("1 // 2"));
Assertions.assertThrows(NumberFormatException.class, () -> Fraction.parse("1 / z"));
Assertions.assertThrows(NumberFormatException.class, () -> Fraction.parse("1 / --2"));
Assertions.assertThrows(NumberFormatException.class, () -> Fraction.parse("x"));