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package org.apache.commons.numbers.angle;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* Test cases for the {@link PlaneAngle} class.
public class PlaneAngleTest {
public void testConversionTurns() {
final double value = 12.3456;
final PlaneAngle a = PlaneAngle.ofTurns(value);
Assertions.assertEquals(value, a.toTurns(), 0d);
public void testConversionRadians() {
final double one = 2 * Math.PI;
final double value = 12.3456 * one;
final PlaneAngle a = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(value);
Assertions.assertEquals(value, a.toRadians(), 0d);
public void testConversionDegrees() {
final double one = 360;
final double value = 12.3456 * one;
final PlaneAngle a = PlaneAngle.ofDegrees(value);
Assertions.assertEquals(value, a.toDegrees(), 0d);
public void testNormalizeRadians() {
for (double a = -15.0; a <= 15.0; a += 0.1) {
for (double b = -15.0; b <= 15.0; b += 0.2) {
final PlaneAngle aA = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(a);
final PlaneAngle aB = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(b);
final double c = aA.normalize(aB).toRadians();
Assertions.assertTrue((b - Math.PI) <= c);
Assertions.assertTrue(c <= (b + Math.PI));
double twoK = Math.rint((a - c) / Math.PI);
Assertions.assertEquals(c, a - twoK * Math.PI, 1e-14);
public void testNormalizeMixed() {
for (double a = -15.0; a <= 15.0; a += 0.1) {
for (double b = -15.0; b <= 15.0; b += 0.2) {
final PlaneAngle aA = PlaneAngle.ofDegrees(a);
final PlaneAngle aB = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(b);
final double c = aA.normalize(aB).toTurns();
Assertions.assertTrue((aB.toTurns() - 0.5) <= c);
Assertions.assertTrue(c <= (aB.toTurns() + 0.5));
double twoK = Math.rint(aA.toTurns() - c);
Assertions.assertEquals(c, aA.toTurns() - twoK, 1e-14);
public void testNormalizeAroundZero1() {
final double value = 1.25;
final double expected = 0.25;
final double actual = PlaneAngle.ofTurns(value).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns();
final double tol = Math.ulp(expected);
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual, tol);
public void testNormalizeAroundZero2() {
final double value = 0.75;
final double expected = -0.25;
final double actual = PlaneAngle.ofTurns(value).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns();
final double tol = Math.ulp(expected);
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual, tol);
public void testNormalizeAroundZero3() {
final double value = 0.5 + 1e-10;
final double expected = -0.5 + 1e-10;
final double actual = PlaneAngle.ofTurns(value).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns();
final double tol = Math.ulp(expected);
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual, tol);
public void testNormalizeAroundZero4() {
final double value = 5 * Math.PI / 4;
final double expected = Math.PI * (1d / 4 - 1);
final double actual = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(value).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toRadians();
final double tol = Math.ulp(expected);
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual, tol);
public void testNormalizeUpperAndLowerBounds() {
// arrange
double eps = 1e-15;
// act/assert
Assertions.assertEquals(-0.5, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(-0.5).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(-0.5, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(0.5).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(-0.5, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(-1.5).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(-0.5, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(1.5).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.0, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(0).normalize(PlaneAngle.PI).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.0, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(1).normalize(PlaneAngle.PI).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.0, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(-1).normalize(PlaneAngle.PI).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.0, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(2).normalize(PlaneAngle.PI).toTurns(), eps);
public void testNormalizeVeryCloseToBounds() {
// arrange
double eps = 1e-22;
double small = 1e-16;
double tiny = 1e-18; // 0.5 + tiny = 0.5 (the value is too small to add to 0.5)
// act/assert
Assertions.assertEquals(1.0 - small, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(-small).normalize(PlaneAngle.PI).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(small, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(small).normalize(PlaneAngle.PI).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.5 - small, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(-0.5 - small).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(-0.5 + small, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(0.5 + small).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.0, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(-tiny).normalize(PlaneAngle.PI).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(tiny, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(tiny).normalize(PlaneAngle.PI).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(-0.5, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(-0.5 - tiny).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns(), eps);
Assertions.assertEquals(-0.5, PlaneAngle.ofTurns(0.5 + tiny).normalize(PlaneAngle.ZERO).toTurns(), eps);
public void testHashCode() {
// Test assumes that the internal representation is in "turns".
final double value = -123.456789;
final int expected = Double.valueOf(value).hashCode();
final int actual = PlaneAngle.ofTurns(value).hashCode();
Assertions.assertEquals(actual, expected);
public void testEquals1() {
final double value = 12345.6789;
final PlaneAngle a = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(value);
final PlaneAngle b = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(value);
Assertions.assertEquals(a, b);
public void testEquals2() {
final PlaneAngle a = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(153768.373486587);
final PlaneAngle b = null;
public void testEquals3() {
final double value = 0.987654321;
final PlaneAngle a = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(value);
final PlaneAngle b = PlaneAngle.ofRadians(value + 1e-16);
Assertions.assertNotEquals(a, b);
public void testZero() {
Assertions.assertEquals(0, PlaneAngle.ZERO.toRadians(), 0d);
public void testPi() {
Assertions.assertEquals(Math.PI, PlaneAngle.PI.toRadians(), 0d);