blob: 38214967c76e0bb45689ebe4d83a487ff22a66d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.numbers.fraction;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.ArithmeticUtils;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.NativeOperators;
* Representation of a rational number without any overflow. This class is
* immutable.
public final class BigFraction
extends Number
implements Comparable<BigFraction>,
Serializable {
/** A fraction representing "0". */
public static final BigFraction ZERO = of(0);
/** A fraction representing "1". */
public static final BigFraction ONE = of(1);
/** Serializable version identifier. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20190701L;
/** The numerator of this fraction reduced to lowest terms. */
private final BigInteger numerator;
/** The denominator of this fraction reduced to lowest terms. */
private final BigInteger denominator;
* Private constructor: Instances are created using factory methods.
* @param num Numerator, must not be {@code null}.
* @param den Denominator, must not be {@code null}.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the denominator is zero.
private BigFraction(BigInteger num, BigInteger den) {
if (den.signum() == 0) {
throw new FractionException(FractionException.ERROR_ZERO_DENOMINATOR);
// reduce numerator and denominator by greatest common denominator
final BigInteger gcd = num.gcd(den);
if (BigInteger.ONE.compareTo(gcd) < 0) {
num = num.divide(gcd);
den = den.divide(gcd);
// store the values in the final fields
numerator = num;
denominator = den;
* Create a fraction given the double value and either the maximum
* error allowed or the maximum number of denominator digits.
* <p>
* NOTE: This method is called with
* - EITHER a valid epsilon value and the maxDenominator set to
* Integer.MAX_VALUE (that way the maxDenominator has no effect)
* - OR a valid maxDenominator value and the epsilon value set to
* zero (that way epsilon only has effect if there is an exact
* match before the maxDenominator value is reached).
* </p>
* <p>
* It has been done this way so that the same code can be reused for
* both scenarios. However this could be confusing to users if it
* were part of the public API and this method should therefore remain
* </p>
* See JIRA issue ticket MATH-181 for more details:
* @param value Value to convert to a fraction.
* @param epsilon Maximum error allowed.
* The resulting fraction is within {@code epsilon} of {@code value},
* in absolute terms.
* @param maxDenominator Maximum denominator value allowed.
* @param maxIterations Maximum number of convergents.
* @return a new instance.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the continued fraction failed to converge.
private static BigFraction from(final double value,
final double epsilon,
final int maxDenominator,
final int maxIterations) {
final long overflow = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
double r0 = value;
long a0 = (long) Math.floor(r0);
if (Math.abs(a0) > overflow) {
throw new FractionException(FractionException.ERROR_CONVERSION_OVERFLOW, value, a0, 1L);
// check for (almost) integer arguments, which should not go
// to iterations.
if (Math.abs(a0 - value) < epsilon) {
return new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(a0),
long p0 = 1;
long q0 = 0;
long p1 = a0;
long q1 = 1;
long p2 = 0;
long q2 = 1;
int n = 0;
boolean stop = false;
do {
final double r1 = 1d / (r0 - a0);
final long a1 = (long) Math.floor(r1);
p2 = (a1 * p1) + p0;
q2 = (a1 * q1) + q0;
if (p2 > overflow ||
q2 > overflow) {
// in maxDenominator mode, if the last fraction was very close to the actual value
// q2 may overflow in the next iteration; in this case return the last one.
if (epsilon == 0 &&
Math.abs(q1) < maxDenominator) {
throw new FractionException(FractionException.ERROR_CONVERSION_OVERFLOW, value, p2, q2);
final double convergent = (double) p2 / (double) q2;
if (n < maxIterations &&
Math.abs(convergent - value) > epsilon &&
q2 < maxDenominator) {
p0 = p1;
p1 = p2;
q0 = q1;
q1 = q2;
a0 = a1;
r0 = r1;
} else {
stop = true;
} while (!stop);
if (n >= maxIterations) {
throw new FractionException(FractionException.ERROR_CONVERSION, value, maxIterations);
return q2 < maxDenominator ?
new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(p2),
BigInteger.valueOf(q2)) :
new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(p1),
* <p>
* Create a {@link BigFraction} equivalent to the passed {@code BigInteger}, ie
* "num / 1".
* </p>
* @param num the numerator.
* @return a new instance.
public static BigFraction of(final BigInteger num) {
return new BigFraction(num, BigInteger.ONE);
* Create a {@link BigFraction} given the numerator and denominator as
* {@code BigInteger}. The {@link BigFraction} is reduced to lowest terms.
* @param num the numerator, must not be {@code null}.
* @param den the denominator, must not be {@code null}.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the denominator is zero.
* @return a new instance.
public static BigFraction of(BigInteger num, BigInteger den) {
return new BigFraction(num, den);
* Create a fraction given the double value.
* <p>
* This factory method behaves <em>differently</em> from
* {@link #from(double, double, int)}. It converts the double value
* exactly, considering its internal bits representation. This works for all
* values except NaN and infinities and does not requires any loop or
* convergence threshold.
* </p>
* <p>
* Since this conversion is exact and since double numbers are sometimes
* approximated, the fraction created may seem strange in some cases. For example,
* calling {@code from(1.0 / 3.0)} does <em>not</em> create
* the fraction \( \frac{1}{3} \), but the fraction \( \frac{6004799503160661}{18014398509481984} \)
* because the double number passed to the method is not exactly \( \frac{1}{3} \)
* (which cannot be represented exactly in IEEE754).
* </p>
* @param value Value to convert to a fraction.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given {@code value} is NaN or infinite.
* @return a new instance.
* @see #from(double,double,int)
public static BigFraction from(final double value) {
if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert NaN value");
if (Double.isInfinite(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert infinite value");
final long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
final long sign = bits & 0x8000000000000000L;
final long exponent = bits & 0x7ff0000000000000L;
final long mantissa = bits & 0x000fffffffffffffL;
// Compute m and k such that value = m * 2^k
long m;
int k;
if (exponent == 0) {
m = mantissa;
k = 0; // For simplicity, when number is 0.
if (m != 0) {
// Subnormal number, the effective exponent bias is 1022, not 1023.
k = -1074;
} else {
// Normalized number: Add the implicit most significant bit.
m = mantissa | 0x0010000000000000L;
k = ((int) (exponent >> 52)) - 1075; // Exponent bias is 1023.
if (sign != 0) {
m = -m;
while ((m & 0x001ffffffffffffeL) != 0 &&
(m & 0x1) == 0) {
m >>= 1;
return k < 0 ?
new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(m),
BigInteger.ZERO.flipBit(-k)) :
new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(m).multiply(BigInteger.ZERO.flipBit(k)),
* Create a fraction given the double value and maximum error allowed.
* <p>
* References:
* <ul>
* <li><a href="">
* Continued Fraction</a> equations (11) and (22)-(26)</li>
* </ul>
* @param value Value to convert to a fraction.
* @param epsilon Maximum error allowed. The resulting fraction is within
* {@code epsilon} of {@code value}, in absolute terms.
* @param maxIterations Maximum number of convergents.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the continued fraction failed to converge.
* @return a new instance.
* @see #from(double,int)
public static BigFraction from(final double value,
final double epsilon,
final int maxIterations) {
return from(value, epsilon, Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxIterations);
* Create a fraction given the double value and maximum denominator.
* <p>
* References:
* <ul>
* <li><a href="">
* Continued Fraction</a> equations (11) and (22)-(26)</li>
* </ul>
* @param value Value to convert to a fraction.
* @param maxDenominator Maximum allowed value for denominator.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the continued fraction failed to converge.
* @return a new instance.
* @see #from(double,double,int)
public static BigFraction from(final double value,
final int maxDenominator) {
return from(value, 0, maxDenominator, 100);
* <p>
* Create a {@link BigFraction} equivalent to the passed {@code int}, ie
* "num / 1".
* </p>
* @param num
* the numerator.
* @return a new instance.
public static BigFraction of(final int num) {
return new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(num), BigInteger.ONE);
* <p>
* Create a {@link BigFraction} given the numerator and denominator as simple
* {@code int}. The {@link BigFraction} is reduced to lowest terms.
* </p>
* @param num the numerator.
* @param den the denominator.
* @return a new instance.
public static BigFraction of(final int num, final int den) {
return new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(num), BigInteger.valueOf(den));
* <p>
* Create a {@link BigFraction} equivalent to the passed long, ie "num / 1".
* </p>
* @param num the numerator.
* @return a new instance.
public static BigFraction of(final long num) {
return new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(num), BigInteger.ONE);
* <p>
* Create a {@link BigFraction} given the numerator and denominator as simple
* {@code long}. The {@link BigFraction} is reduced to lowest terms.
* </p>
* @param num the numerator.
* @param den the denominator.
* @return a new instance.
public static BigFraction of(final long num, final long den) {
return new BigFraction(BigInteger.valueOf(num), BigInteger.valueOf(den));
* <p>
* Returns the absolute value of this {@link BigFraction}.
* </p>
* @return the absolute value as a {@link BigFraction}.
public BigFraction abs() {
return signum() >= 0 ?
this :
* <p>
* Adds the value of this fraction to the passed {@link BigInteger},
* returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param bg
* the {@link BigInteger} to add, must'nt be <code>null</code>.
* @return a <code>BigFraction</code> instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction add(final BigInteger bg) {
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return of(bg);
if (bg.signum() == 0) {
return this;
return new BigFraction(numerator.add(denominator.multiply(bg)), denominator);
* <p>
* Adds the value of this fraction to the passed {@code integer}, returning
* the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param i
* the {@code integer} to add.
* @return a <code>BigFraction</code> instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction add(final int i) {
return add(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
* <p>
* Adds the value of this fraction to the passed {@code long}, returning
* the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param l
* the {@code long} to add.
* @return a <code>BigFraction</code> instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction add(final long l) {
return add(BigInteger.valueOf(l));
* <p>
* Adds the value of this fraction to another, returning the result in
* reduced form.
* </p>
* @param fraction
* the {@link BigFraction} to add, must not be <code>null</code>.
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction add(final BigFraction fraction) {
if (fraction.numerator.signum() == 0) {
return this;
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return fraction;
final BigInteger num;
final BigInteger den;
if (denominator.equals(fraction.denominator)) {
num = numerator.add(fraction.numerator);
den = denominator;
} else {
num = (numerator.multiply(fraction.denominator)).add((fraction.numerator).multiply(denominator));
den = denominator.multiply(fraction.denominator);
if (num.signum() == 0) {
return ZERO;
return new BigFraction(num, den);
* <p>
* Gets the fraction as a <code>BigDecimal</code>. This calculates the
* fraction as the numerator divided by denominator.
* </p>
* @return the fraction as a <code>BigDecimal</code>.
* @throws ArithmeticException
* if the exact quotient does not have a terminating decimal
* expansion.
* @see BigDecimal
public BigDecimal bigDecimalValue() {
return new BigDecimal(numerator).divide(new BigDecimal(denominator));
* <p>
* Gets the fraction as a <code>BigDecimal</code> following the passed
* rounding mode. This calculates the fraction as the numerator divided by
* denominator.
* </p>
* @param roundingMode Rounding mode to apply.
* @return the fraction as a <code>BigDecimal</code>.
* @see BigDecimal
public BigDecimal bigDecimalValue(RoundingMode roundingMode) {
return new BigDecimal(numerator).divide(new BigDecimal(denominator), roundingMode);
* <p>
* Gets the fraction as a <code>BigDecimal</code> following the passed scale
* and rounding mode. This calculates the fraction as the numerator divided
* by denominator.
* </p>
* @param scale
* scale of the <code>BigDecimal</code> quotient to be returned.
* see {@link BigDecimal} for more information.
* @param roundingMode Rounding mode to apply.
* @return the fraction as a <code>BigDecimal</code>.
* @see BigDecimal
public BigDecimal bigDecimalValue(final int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode) {
return new BigDecimal(numerator).divide(new BigDecimal(denominator), scale, roundingMode);
* <p>
* Compares this object to another based on size.
* </p>
* @param other Object to compare to, must not be {@code null}.
* @return -1 if this is less than {@code object}, +1 if this is greater
* than {@code object}, 0 if they are equal.
* @see Comparable#compareTo(Object)
public int compareTo(final BigFraction other) {
final int lhsSigNum = signum();
final int rhsSigNum = other.signum();
if (lhsSigNum != rhsSigNum) {
return (lhsSigNum > rhsSigNum) ? 1 : -1;
if (lhsSigNum == 0) {
return 0;
final BigInteger nOd = numerator.multiply(other.denominator);
final BigInteger dOn = denominator.multiply(other.numerator);
return nOd.compareTo(dOn);
* <p>
* Divide the value of this fraction by the passed {@code BigInteger},
* ie {@code this * 1 / bg}, returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param bg the {@code BigInteger} to divide by, must not be {@code null}
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values
* @throws ArithmeticException if the fraction to divide by is zero
public BigFraction divide(final BigInteger bg) {
if (bg.signum() == 0) {
throw new FractionException(FractionException.ERROR_ZERO_DENOMINATOR);
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return ZERO;
return new BigFraction(numerator, denominator.multiply(bg));
* <p>
* Divide the value of this fraction by the passed {@code int}, ie
* {@code this * 1 / i}, returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param i the {@code int} to divide by
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values
* @throws ArithmeticException if the fraction to divide by is zero
public BigFraction divide(final int i) {
return divide(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
* <p>
* Divide the value of this fraction by the passed {@code long}, ie
* {@code this * 1 / l}, returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param l the {@code long} to divide by
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values
* @throws ArithmeticException if the fraction to divide by is zero
public BigFraction divide(final long l) {
return divide(BigInteger.valueOf(l));
* <p>
* Divide the value of this fraction by another, returning the result in
* reduced form.
* </p>
* @param fraction Fraction to divide by, must not be {@code null}.
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the fraction to divide by is zero
public BigFraction divide(final BigFraction fraction) {
if (fraction.numerator.signum() == 0) {
throw new FractionException(FractionException.ERROR_ZERO_DENOMINATOR);
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return ZERO;
return multiply(fraction.reciprocal());
* Calculates the sign bit, the biased exponent and the significand for a
* binary floating-point representation of this {@code BigFraction}
* according to the IEEE 754 standard, and encodes these values into a {@code long}
* variable. The representative bits are arranged adjacent to each other and
* placed at the low-order end of the returned {@code long} value, with the
* least significant bits used for the significand, the next more
* significant bits for the exponent, and next more significant bit for the
* sign.
* @param exponentLength the number of bits allowed for the exponent; must be
* between 1 and 32 (inclusive), and must not be greater
* than {@code 63 - significandLength}
* @param significandLength the number of bits allowed for the significand
* (excluding the implicit leading 1-bit in
* normalized numbers, e.g. 52 for a double-precision
* floating-point number); must be between 1 and
* {@code 63 - exponentLength} (inclusive)
* @return the bits of an IEEE 754 binary floating-point representation of
* this fraction encoded in a {@code long}, as described above.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the arguments do not meet the
* criteria described above
private long toFloatingPointBits(int exponentLength, int significandLength) {
if (exponentLength < 1 ||
significandLength < 1 ||
exponentLength > Math.min(32, 63 - significandLength)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("exponent length: " + exponentLength +
"; significand length: " + significandLength);
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return 0L;
final long sign = (numerator.signum() * denominator.signum()) == -1 ? 1L : 0L;
final BigInteger positiveNumerator = numerator.abs();
final BigInteger positiveDenominator = denominator.abs();
* The most significant 1-bit of a non-zero number is not explicitly
* stored in the significand of an IEEE 754 normalized binary
* floating-point number, so we need to round the value of this fraction
* to (significandLength + 1) bits. In order to do this, we calculate
* the most significant (significandLength + 2) bits, and then, based on
* the least significant of those bits, find out whether we need to
* round up or down.
* First, we'll remove all powers of 2 from the denominator because they
* are not relevant for the significand of the prospective binary
* floating-point value.
final int denRightShift = positiveDenominator.getLowestSetBit();
final BigInteger divisor = positiveDenominator.shiftRight(denRightShift);
* Now, we're going to calculate the (significandLength + 2) most
* significant bits of the fraction's value using integer division. To
* guarantee that the quotient of the division has at least
* (significandLength + 2) bits, the bit length of the dividend must
* exceed that of the divisor by at least that amount.
* If the denominator has prime factors other than 2, i.e. if the
* divisor was not reduced to 1, an excess of exactly
* (significandLength + 2) bits is sufficient, because the knowledge
* that the fractional part of the precise quotient's binary
* representation does not terminate is enough information to resolve
* cases where the most significant (significandLength + 2) bits alone
* are not conclusive.
* Otherwise, the quotient must be calculated exactly and the bit length
* of the numerator can only be reduced as long as no precision is lost
* in the process (meaning it can have powers of 2 removed, like the
* denominator).
int numRightShift = positiveNumerator.bitLength() - divisor.bitLength() - (significandLength + 2);
if (numRightShift > 0 &&
divisor.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
numRightShift = Math.min(numRightShift, positiveNumerator.getLowestSetBit());
final BigInteger dividend = positiveNumerator.shiftRight(numRightShift);
final BigInteger quotient = dividend.divide(divisor);
int quotRightShift = quotient.bitLength() - (significandLength + 1);
long significand = roundAndRightShift(
* If the significand had to be rounded up, this could have caused the
* bit length of the significand to increase by one.
if ((significand & (1L << (significandLength + 1))) != 0) {
significand >>= 1;
* Now comes the exponent. The absolute value of this fraction based on
* the current local variables is:
* significand * 2^(numRightShift - denRightShift + quotRightShift)
* To get the unbiased exponent for the floating-point value, we need to
* add (significandLength) to the above exponent, because all but the
* most significant bit of the significand will be treated as a
* fractional part. To convert the unbiased exponent to a biased
* exponent, we also need to add the exponent bias.
final int exponentBias = (1 << (exponentLength - 1)) - 1;
long exponent = (long) numRightShift - denRightShift + quotRightShift + significandLength + exponentBias;
final long maxExponent = (1L << exponentLength) - 1L; //special exponent for infinities and NaN
if (exponent >= maxExponent) { //infinity
exponent = maxExponent;
significand = 0L;
} else if (exponent > 0) { //normalized number
significand &= -1L >>> (64 - significandLength); //remove implicit leading 1-bit
} else { //smaller than the smallest normalized number
* We need to round the quotient to fewer than
* (significandLength + 1) bits. This must be done with the original
* quotient and not with the current significand, because the loss
* of precision in the previous rounding might cause a rounding of
* the current significand's value to produce a different result
* than a rounding of the original quotient.
* So we find out how many high-order bits from the quotient we can
* transfer into the significand. The absolute value of the fraction
* is:
* quotient * 2^(numRightShift - denRightShift)
* To get the significand, we need to right shift the quotient so
* that the above exponent becomes (1 - exponentBias - significandLength)
* (the unbiased exponent of a subnormal floating-point number is
* defined as equivalent to the minimum unbiased exponent of a
* normalized floating-point number, and (- significandLength)
* because the significand will be treated as the fractional part).
significand = roundAndRightShift(quotient,
(1 - exponentBias - significandLength) - (numRightShift - denRightShift),
exponent = 0L;
* Note: It is possible that an otherwise subnormal number will
* round up to the smallest normal number. However, this special
* case does not need to be treated separately, because the
* overflowing highest-order bit of the significand will then simply
* become the lowest-order bit of the exponent, increasing the
* exponent from 0 to 1 and thus establishing the implicity of the
* leading 1-bit.
return (sign << (significandLength + exponentLength)) |
(exponent << significandLength) |
* <p>
* Gets the fraction as a {@code double}. This calculates the fraction as
* the numerator divided by denominator.
* </p>
* @return the fraction as a {@code double}
* @see java.lang.Number#doubleValue()
public double doubleValue() {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(toFloatingPointBits(11, 52));
* Rounds an integer to the specified power of two (i.e. the minimum number of
* low-order bits that must be zero) and performs a right-shift by this
* amount. The rounding mode applied is round to nearest, with ties rounding
* to even (meaning the prospective least significant bit must be zero). The
* number can optionally be treated as though it contained at
* least one 0-bit and one 1-bit in its fractional part, to influence the result in cases
* that would otherwise be a tie.
* @param value the number to round and right-shift
* @param bits the power of two to which to round; must be positive
* @param hasFractionalBits whether the number should be treated as though
* it contained a non-zero fractional part
* @return a {@code BigInteger} as described above
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code bits <= 0}
private static BigInteger roundAndRightShift(BigInteger value, int bits, boolean hasFractionalBits) {
if (bits <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bits: " + bits);
BigInteger result = value.shiftRight(bits);
if (value.testBit(bits - 1) &&
(hasFractionalBits ||
(value.getLowestSetBit() < bits - 1) ||
value.testBit(bits))) {
result = result.add(BigInteger.ONE); //round up
return result;
* <p>
* Test for the equality of two fractions. If the lowest term numerator and
* denominators are the same for both fractions, the two fractions are
* considered to be equal.
* </p>
* @param other
* fraction to test for equality to this fraction, can be
* <code>null</code>.
* @return true if two fractions are equal, false if object is
* <code>null</code>, not an instance of {@link BigFraction}, or not
* equal to this fraction instance.
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
} else if (other instanceof BigFraction) {
final BigFraction rhs = (BigFraction) other;
if (signum() == rhs.signum()) {
return numerator.abs().equals(rhs.numerator.abs()) &&
} else {
return false;
return false;
* <p>
* Gets the fraction as a {@code float}. This calculates the fraction as
* the numerator divided by denominator.
* </p>
* @return the fraction as a {@code float}.
* @see java.lang.Number#floatValue()
public float floatValue() {
return Float.intBitsToFloat((int) toFloatingPointBits(8, 23));
* <p>
* Access the denominator as a <code>BigInteger</code>.
* </p>
* @return the denominator as a <code>BigInteger</code>.
public BigInteger getDenominator() {
return denominator;
* <p>
* Access the denominator as a {@code int}.
* </p>
* @return the denominator as a {@code int}.
public int getDenominatorAsInt() {
return denominator.intValue();
* <p>
* Access the denominator as a {@code long}.
* </p>
* @return the denominator as a {@code long}.
public long getDenominatorAsLong() {
return denominator.longValue();
* <p>
* Access the numerator as a <code>BigInteger</code>.
* </p>
* @return the numerator as a <code>BigInteger</code>.
public BigInteger getNumerator() {
return numerator;
* <p>
* Access the numerator as a {@code int}.
* </p>
* @return the numerator as a {@code int}.
public int getNumeratorAsInt() {
return numerator.intValue();
* <p>
* Access the numerator as a {@code long}.
* </p>
* @return the numerator as a {@code long}.
public long getNumeratorAsLong() {
return numerator.longValue();
* <p>
* Gets a hashCode for the fraction.
* </p>
* @return a hash code value for this object.
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return 37 * (37 * 17 + numerator.hashCode()) + denominator.hashCode();
* <p>
* Gets the fraction as an {@code int}. This returns the whole number part
* of the fraction.
* </p>
* @return the whole number fraction part.
* @see java.lang.Number#intValue()
public int intValue() {
return numerator.divide(denominator).intValue();
* <p>
* Gets the fraction as a {@code long}. This returns the whole number part
* of the fraction.
* </p>
* @return the whole number fraction part.
* @see java.lang.Number#longValue()
public long longValue() {
return numerator.divide(denominator).longValue();
* <p>
* Multiplies the value of this fraction by the passed
* <code>BigInteger</code>, returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param bg the {@code BigInteger} to multiply by.
* @return a {@code BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction multiply(final BigInteger bg) {
if (numerator.signum() == 0 || bg.signum() == 0) {
return ZERO;
return new BigFraction(bg.multiply(numerator), denominator);
* <p>
* Multiply the value of this fraction by the passed {@code int}, returning
* the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param i
* the {@code int} to multiply by.
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction multiply(final int i) {
if (i == 0 || numerator.signum() == 0) {
return ZERO;
return multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
* <p>
* Multiply the value of this fraction by the passed {@code long},
* returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param l
* the {@code long} to multiply by.
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction multiply(final long l) {
if (l == 0 || numerator.signum() == 0) {
return ZERO;
return multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(l));
* <p>
* Multiplies the value of this fraction by another, returning the result in
* reduced form.
* </p>
* @param fraction Fraction to multiply by, must not be {@code null}.
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction multiply(final BigFraction fraction) {
if (numerator.signum() == 0 ||
fraction.numerator.signum() == 0) {
return ZERO;
return new BigFraction(numerator.multiply(fraction.numerator),
* Retrieves the sign of this fraction.
* @return -1 if the value is strictly negative, 1 if it is strictly
* positive, 0 if it is 0.
public int signum() {
final int numS = numerator.signum();
final int denS = denominator.signum();
if ((numS > 0 && denS > 0) ||
(numS < 0 && denS < 0)) {
return 1;
} else if (numS == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
* <p>
* Return the additive inverse of this fraction, returning the result in
* reduced form.
* </p>
* @return the negation of this fraction.
public BigFraction negate() {
return new BigFraction(numerator.negate(), denominator);
* <p>
* Returns a {@code BigFraction} whose value is
* {@code (this<sup>exponent</sup>)}, returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param exponent
* exponent to which this {@code BigFraction} is to be
* raised.
* @return \(\mathit{this}^{\mathit{exponent}}\).
public BigFraction pow(final int exponent) {
if (exponent == 0) {
return ONE;
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return this;
if (exponent < 0) {
return new BigFraction(denominator.pow(-exponent), numerator.pow(-exponent));
return new BigFraction(numerator.pow(exponent), denominator.pow(exponent));
* <p>
* Returns a <code>BigFraction</code> whose value is
* \(\mathit{this}^{\mathit{exponent}}\), returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param exponent
* exponent to which this <code>BigFraction</code> is to be raised.
* @return \(\mathit{this}^{\mathit{exponent}}\) as a <code>BigFraction</code>.
public BigFraction pow(final long exponent) {
if (exponent == 0) {
return ONE;
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return this;
if (exponent < 0) {
return new BigFraction(ArithmeticUtils.pow(denominator, -exponent),
ArithmeticUtils.pow(numerator, -exponent));
return new BigFraction(ArithmeticUtils.pow(numerator, exponent),
ArithmeticUtils.pow(denominator, exponent));
* <p>
* Returns a <code>BigFraction</code> whose value is
* \(\mathit{this}^{\mathit{exponent}}\), returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param exponent
* exponent to which this <code>BigFraction</code> is to be raised.
* @return \(\mathit{this}^{\mathit{exponent}}\) as a <code>BigFraction</code>.
public BigFraction pow(final BigInteger exponent) {
if (exponent.signum() == 0) {
return ONE;
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return this;
if (exponent.signum() == -1) {
final BigInteger eNeg = exponent.negate();
return new BigFraction(ArithmeticUtils.pow(denominator, eNeg),
ArithmeticUtils.pow(numerator, eNeg));
return new BigFraction(ArithmeticUtils.pow(numerator, exponent),
ArithmeticUtils.pow(denominator, exponent));
* <p>
* Returns a <code>double</code> whose value is
* \(\mathit{this}^{\mathit{exponent}}\), returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param exponent
* exponent to which this <code>BigFraction</code> is to be raised.
* @return \(\mathit{this}^{\mathit{exponent}}\).
public double pow(final double exponent) {
return Math.pow(numerator.doubleValue(), exponent) /
Math.pow(denominator.doubleValue(), exponent);
* <p>
* Return the multiplicative inverse of this fraction.
* </p>
* @return the reciprocal fraction.
public BigFraction reciprocal() {
return new BigFraction(denominator, numerator);
* <p>
* Subtracts the value of an {@link BigInteger} from the value of this
* {@code BigFraction}, returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param bg the {@link BigInteger} to subtract, cannot be {@code null}.
* @return a {@code BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction subtract(final BigInteger bg) {
if (bg.signum() == 0) {
return this;
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return of(bg.negate());
return new BigFraction(numerator.subtract(denominator.multiply(bg)), denominator);
* <p>
* Subtracts the value of an {@code integer} from the value of this
* {@code BigFraction}, returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param i the {@code integer} to subtract.
* @return a {@code BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction subtract(final int i) {
return subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
* <p>
* Subtracts the value of a {@code long} from the value of this
* {@code BigFraction}, returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param l the {@code long} to subtract.
* @return a {@code BigFraction} instance with the resulting values.
public BigFraction subtract(final long l) {
return subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(l));
* <p>
* Subtracts the value of another fraction from the value of this one,
* returning the result in reduced form.
* </p>
* @param fraction {@link BigFraction} to subtract, must not be {@code null}.
* @return a {@link BigFraction} instance with the resulting values
public BigFraction subtract(final BigFraction fraction) {
if (fraction.numerator.signum() == 0) {
return this;
if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
return fraction.negate();
final BigInteger num;
final BigInteger den;
if (denominator.equals(fraction.denominator)) {
num = numerator.subtract(fraction.numerator);
den = denominator;
} else {
num = (numerator.multiply(fraction.denominator)).subtract((fraction.numerator).multiply(denominator));
den = denominator.multiply(fraction.denominator);
return new BigFraction(num, den);
* <p>
* Returns the <code>String</code> representing this fraction, ie
* "num / dem" or just "num" if the denominator is one.
* </p>
* @return a string representation of the fraction.
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
final String str;
if (BigInteger.ONE.equals(denominator)) {
str = numerator.toString();
} else if (BigInteger.ZERO.equals(numerator)) {
str = "0";
} else {
str = numerator + " / " + denominator;
return str;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BigFraction zero() {
return ZERO;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public BigFraction one() {
return ONE;
* Parses a string that would be produced by {@link #toString()}
* and instantiates the corresponding object.
* @param s String representation.
* @return an instance.
* @throws NumberFormatException if the string does not conform
* to the specification.
public static BigFraction parse(String s) {
s = s.replace(",", "");
final int slashLoc = s.indexOf('/');
// if no slash, parse as single number
if (slashLoc == -1) {
return BigFraction.of(new BigInteger(s.trim()));
} else {
final BigInteger num = new BigInteger(
s.substring(0, slashLoc).trim());
final BigInteger denom = new BigInteger(s.substring(slashLoc + 1).trim());
return of(num, denom);