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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.numbers.complex;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.complex.Complex;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ComplexTest {
private static final double inf = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
private static final double neginf = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
private static final double nan = Double.NaN;
private static final double pi = Math.PI;
private static final Complex oneInf = Complex.ofCartesian(1, inf);
private static final Complex oneNegInf = Complex.ofCartesian(1, neginf);
private static final Complex infOne = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, 1);
private static final Complex infZero = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, 0);
private static final Complex infNaN = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, nan);
private static final Complex infNegInf = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, neginf);
private static final Complex infInf = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, inf);
private static final Complex negInfInf = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, inf);
private static final Complex negInfZero = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, 0);
private static final Complex negInfOne = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, 1);
private static final Complex negInfNaN = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, nan);
private static final Complex negInfNegInf = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, neginf);
private static final Complex oneNaN = Complex.ofCartesian(1, nan);
private static final Complex zeroInf = Complex.ofCartesian(0, inf);
private static final Complex zeroNaN = Complex.ofCartesian(0, nan);
private static final Complex nanInf = Complex.ofCartesian(nan, inf);
private static final Complex nanNegInf = Complex.ofCartesian(nan, neginf);
private static final Complex nanZero = Complex.ofCartesian(nan, 0);
private static final Complex NAN = Complex.ofCartesian(nan, nan);
public void testConstructor() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Assert.assertEquals(3.0, z.getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(4.0, z.getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
public void testConstructorNaN() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, Double.NaN);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(nan, 4.0);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
public void testAbs() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Assert.assertEquals(5.0, z.abs(), 1.0e-5);
public void testAbsNaN() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, nan);
public void testAdd() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(5.0, 6.0);
Complex z = x.add(y);
Assert.assertEquals(8.0, z.getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(10.0, z.getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
public void testAddInf() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(1, 1);
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(inf, 0);
Complex w = x.add(z);
Assert.assertEquals(w.getImaginary(), 1, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(inf, w.getReal(), 0);
x = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, 0);
public void testScalarAdd() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
double yDouble = 2.0;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.add(yComplex), x.add(yDouble));
public void testScalarAddNaN() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
double yDouble = Double.NaN;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.add(yComplex), x.add(yDouble));
public void testScalarAddInf() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(1, 1);
double yDouble = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.add(yComplex), x.add(yDouble));
x = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(x.add(yComplex), x.add(yDouble));
public void testConjugate() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex z = x.conjugate();
Assert.assertEquals(3.0, z.getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-4.0, z.getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
public void testConjugateNaN() {
Complex z = NAN.conjugate();
public void testConjugateInfiinite() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(0, inf);
Assert.assertEquals(neginf, z.conjugate().getImaginary(), 0);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(0, neginf);
Assert.assertEquals(inf, z.conjugate().getImaginary(), 0);
public void testDivide() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(5.0, 6.0);
Complex z = x.divide(y);
Assert.assertEquals(39.0 / 61.0, z.getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(2.0 / 61.0, z.getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
public void testDivideReal() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(2d, 3d);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(2d, 0d);
Assert.assertEquals(Complex.ofCartesian(1d, 1.5), x.divide(y));
public void testDivideImaginary() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(2d, 3d);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(0d, 2d);
Assert.assertEquals(Complex.ofCartesian(1.5d, -1d), x.divide(y));
public void testDivideZero() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex z = x.divide(Complex.ZERO);
Assert.assertEquals(z, Complex.INF);
public void testDivideZeroZero() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.0);
Complex z = x.divide(Complex.ZERO);
Assert.assertEquals(z, NAN);
public void testDivideNaN() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex z = x.divide(NAN);
public void testDivideNaNInf() {
Complex z = oneInf.divide(Complex.ONE);
Assert.assertEquals(inf, z.getImaginary(), 0);
z = negInfNegInf.divide(oneNaN);
z = negInfInf.divide(Complex.ONE);
public void testScalarDivide() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
double yDouble = 2.0;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.divide(yComplex), x.divide(yDouble));
public void testScalarDivideNaN() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
double yDouble = Double.NaN;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.divide(yComplex), x.divide(yDouble));
public void testScalarDivideZero() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(1,1);
TestUtils.assertEquals(x.divide(Complex.ZERO), x.divide(0), 0);
public void testReciprocal() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(5.0, 6.0);
Complex act = z.reciprocal();
double expRe = 5.0 / 61.0;
double expIm = -6.0 / 61.0;
Assert.assertEquals(expRe, act.getReal(), Math.ulp(expRe));
Assert.assertEquals(expIm, act.getImaginary(), Math.ulp(expIm));
public void testReciprocalReciprocal() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(5.0, 6.0);
Complex zRR = z.reciprocal().reciprocal();
final double tol = 1e-14;
Assert.assertEquals(zRR.getReal(), z.getReal(), tol);
Assert.assertEquals(zRR.getImaginary(), z.getImaginary(), tol);
public void testReciprocalReal() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(-2.0, 0.0);
Assert.assertTrue(Complex.equals(Complex.ofCartesian(-0.5, 0.0), z.reciprocal()));
public void testReciprocalImaginary() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, -2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.5), z.reciprocal());
public void testReciprocalNaN() {
public void testMultiply() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(5.0, 6.0);
Complex z = x.multiply(y);
Assert.assertEquals(-9.0, z.getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(38.0, z.getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
public void testMultiplyInfInf() {
// Assert.assertTrue(infInf.multiply(infInf).isNaN()); // MATH-620
public void testScalarMultiply() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
double yDouble = 2.0;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.multiply(yComplex), x.multiply(yDouble));
int zInt = -5;
Complex zComplex = Complex.ofReal(zInt);
Assert.assertEquals(x.multiply(zComplex), x.multiply(zInt));
public void testScalarMultiplyNaN() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
double yDouble = Double.NaN;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.multiply(yComplex), x.multiply(yDouble));
public void testScalarMultiplyInf() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(1, 1);
double yDouble = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.multiply(yComplex), x.multiply(yDouble));
yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.multiply(yComplex), x.multiply(yDouble));
public void testNegate() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex z = x.negate();
Assert.assertEquals(-3.0, z.getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-4.0, z.getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
public void testNegateNaN() {
Complex z = NAN.negate();
public void testSubtract() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(5.0, 6.0);
Complex z = x.subtract(y);
Assert.assertEquals(-2.0, z.getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-2.0, z.getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
public void testSubtractInf() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(1, 1);
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, 0);
Complex w = x.subtract(z);
Assert.assertEquals(w.getImaginary(), 1, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(inf, w.getReal(), 0);
x = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, 0);
public void testScalarSubtract() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
double yDouble = 2.0;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.subtract(yComplex), x.subtract(yDouble));
public void testScalarSubtractNaN() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
double yDouble = Double.NaN;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.subtract(yComplex), x.subtract(yDouble));
public void testScalarSubtractInf() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(1, 1);
double yDouble = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.subtract(yComplex), x.subtract(yDouble));
x = Complex.ofCartesian(neginf, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(x.subtract(yComplex), x.subtract(yDouble));
public void testEqualsNull() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
public void testFloatingPointEqualsPrecondition1() {
Complex.equals(Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0), null, 3);
public void testFloatingPointEqualsPrecondition2() {
Complex.equals(null, Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0), 3);
public void testEqualsClass() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
public void testEqualsSame() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
public void testFloatingPointEquals() {
double re = -3.21;
double im = 456789e10;
final Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(re, im);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(re, im);
Assert.assertTrue(Complex.equals(x, y));
final int maxUlps = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < maxUlps; i++) {
re = Math.nextUp(re);
im = Math.nextUp(im);
y = Complex.ofCartesian(re, im);
Assert.assertTrue(Complex.equals(x, y, maxUlps));
re = Math.nextUp(re);
im = Math.nextUp(im);
y = Complex.ofCartesian(re, im);
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equals(x, y, maxUlps));
public void testFloatingPointEqualsNaN() {
Complex c = Complex.ofCartesian(Double.NaN, 1);
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equals(c, c));
c = Complex.ofCartesian(1, Double.NaN);
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equals(c, c));
public void testFloatingPointEqualsWithAllowedDelta() {
final double re = 153.0000;
final double im = 152.9375;
final double tol1 = 0.0625;
final Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(re, im);
final Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(re + tol1, im + tol1);
Assert.assertTrue(Complex.equals(x, y, tol1));
final double tol2 = 0.0624;
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equals(x, y, tol2));
public void testFloatingPointEqualsWithAllowedDeltaNaN() {
final Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(0, Double.NaN);
final Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(Double.NaN, 0);
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equals(x, Complex.ZERO, 0.1));
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equals(x, x, 0.1));
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equals(x, y, 0.1));
public void testFloatingPointEqualsWithRelativeTolerance() {
final double tol = 1e-4;
final double re = 1;
final double im = 1e10;
final double f = 1 + tol;
final Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(re, im);
final Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(re * f, im * f);
Assert.assertTrue(Complex.equalsWithRelativeTolerance(x, y, tol));
public void testFloatingPointEqualsWithRelativeToleranceNaN() {
final Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(0, Double.NaN);
final Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(Double.NaN, 0);
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equalsWithRelativeTolerance(x, Complex.ZERO, 0.1));
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equalsWithRelativeTolerance(x, x, 0.1));
Assert.assertFalse(Complex.equalsWithRelativeTolerance(x, y, 0.1));
public void testEqualsTrue() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(3.0, 4.0);
public void testEqualsRealDifference() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.0);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0 + Double.MIN_VALUE, 0.0);
public void testEqualsImaginaryDifference() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.0);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.0 + Double.MIN_VALUE);
public void testHashCode() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.0);
Complex y = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.0 + Double.MIN_VALUE);
y = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0 + Double.MIN_VALUE, 0.0);
Complex realNaN = Complex.ofCartesian(Double.NaN, 0.0);
Complex imaginaryNaN = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, Double.NaN);
Assert.assertEquals(realNaN.hashCode(), imaginaryNaN.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals(imaginaryNaN.hashCode(), NAN.hashCode());
// MATH-1118
// "equals" and "hashCode" must be compatible: if two objects have
// different hash codes, "equals" must return false.
final String msg = "'equals' not compatible with 'hashCode'";
x = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.0);
y = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, -0.0);
Assert.assertTrue(x.hashCode() != y.hashCode());
Assert.assertFalse(msg, x.equals(y));
x = Complex.ofCartesian(0.0, 0.0);
y = Complex.ofCartesian(-0.0, 0.0);
Assert.assertTrue(x.hashCode() != y.hashCode());
Assert.assertFalse(msg, x.equals(y));
public void testJava() {// TODO more debug
// MathTest#testExpSpecialCases() checks the following:
// Assert.assertEquals("exp of -infinity should be 0.0", 0.0, Math.exp(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), Precision.EPSILON);
// Let's check how well Math works:
String props[] = {
"java.version", // Java Runtime Environment version
"java.vendor", // Java Runtime Environment vendor
"java.vm.specification.version", // Java Virtual Machine specification version
"java.vm.specification.vendor", // Java Virtual Machine specification vendor
"", // Java Virtual Machine specification name
"java.vm.version", // Java Virtual Machine implementation version
"java.vm.vendor", // Java Virtual Machine implementation vendor
"", // Java Virtual Machine implementation name
"java.specification.version", // Java Runtime Environment specification version
"java.specification.vendor", // Java Runtime Environment specification vendor
"", // Java Runtime Environment specification name
"java.class.version", // Java class format version number
for(String t : props) {
System.out.println(t + "=" + System.getProperty(t));
public void testScalarPow() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3, 4);
double yDouble = 5.0;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.pow(yComplex), x.pow(yDouble));
public void testScalarPowNaNBase() {
Complex x = NAN;
double yDouble = 5.0;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.pow(yComplex), x.pow(yDouble));
public void testScalarPowNaNExponent() {
Complex x = Complex.ofCartesian(3, 4);
double yDouble = Double.NaN;
Complex yComplex = Complex.ofReal(yDouble);
Assert.assertEquals(x.pow(yComplex), x.pow(yDouble));
public void testSqrtPolar() {
final double tol = 1e-12;
double r = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
r += i;
double theta = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) {
theta += pi / 12;
Complex z = Complex.ofPolar(r, theta);
Complex sqrtz = Complex.ofPolar(Math.sqrt(r), theta / 2);
TestUtils.assertEquals(sqrtz, z.sqrt(), tol);
* Test: computing <b>third roots</b> of z.
* <pre>
* <code>
* <b>z = -2 + 2 * i</b>
* => z_0 = 1 + i
* => z_1 = -1.3660 + 0.3660 * i
* => z_2 = 0.3660 - 1.3660 * i
* </code>
* </pre>
public void testNthRootNormalThirdRoot() {
// The complex number we want to compute all third-roots for.
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(-2,2);
// The List holding all third roots
Complex[] thirdRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(3).toArray(new Complex[0]);
// Returned Collection must not be empty!
Assert.assertEquals(3, thirdRootsOfZ.length);
// test z_0
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_1
Assert.assertEquals(-1.3660254037844386, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0.36602540378443843, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_2
Assert.assertEquals(0.366025403784439, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-1.3660254037844384, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
* Test: computing <b>fourth roots</b> of z.
* <pre>
* <code>
* <b>z = 5 - 2 * i</b>
* => z_0 = 1.5164 - 0.1446 * i
* => z_1 = 0.1446 + 1.5164 * i
* => z_2 = -1.5164 + 0.1446 * i
* => z_3 = -1.5164 - 0.1446 * i
* </code>
* </pre>
public void testNthRootNormalFourthRoot() {
// The complex number we want to compute all third-roots for.
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(5,-2);
// The List holding all fourth roots
Complex[] fourthRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(4).toArray(new Complex[0]);
// Returned Collection must not be empty!
Assert.assertEquals(4, fourthRootsOfZ.length);
// test z_0
Assert.assertEquals(1.5164629308487783, fourthRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-0.14469266210702247, fourthRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_1
Assert.assertEquals(0.14469266210702256, fourthRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(1.5164629308487783, fourthRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_2
Assert.assertEquals(-1.5164629308487783, fourthRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0.14469266210702267, fourthRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_3
Assert.assertEquals(-0.14469266210702275, fourthRootsOfZ[3].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-1.5164629308487783, fourthRootsOfZ[3].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
* Test: computing <b>third roots</b> of z.
* <pre>
* <code>
* <b>z = 8</b>
* => z_0 = 2
* => z_1 = -1 + 1.73205 * i
* => z_2 = -1 - 1.73205 * i
* </code>
* </pre>
public void testNthRootCornercaseThirdRootImaginaryPartEmpty() {
// The number 8 has three third roots. One we all already know is the number 2.
// But there are two more complex roots.
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(8,0);
// The List holding all third roots
Complex[] thirdRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(3).toArray(new Complex[0]);
// Returned Collection must not be empty!
Assert.assertEquals(3, thirdRootsOfZ.length);
// test z_0
Assert.assertEquals(2.0, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0.0, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_1
Assert.assertEquals(-1.0, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(1.7320508075688774, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_2
Assert.assertEquals(-1.0, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-1.732050807568877, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
* Test: computing <b>third roots</b> of z with real part 0.
* <pre>
* <code>
* <b>z = 2 * i</b>
* => z_0 = 1.0911 + 0.6299 * i
* => z_1 = -1.0911 + 0.6299 * i
* => z_2 = -2.3144 - 1.2599 * i
* </code>
* </pre>
public void testNthRootCornercaseThirdRootRealPartZero() {
// complex number with only imaginary part
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(0,2);
// The List holding all third roots
Complex[] thirdRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(3).toArray(new Complex[0]);
// Returned Collection must not be empty!
Assert.assertEquals(3, thirdRootsOfZ.length);
// test z_0
Assert.assertEquals(1.0911236359717216, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0.6299605249474365, thirdRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_1
Assert.assertEquals(-1.0911236359717216, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0.6299605249474365, thirdRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_2
Assert.assertEquals(-2.3144374213981936E-16, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-1.2599210498948732, thirdRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
* Test: compute <b>third roots</b> using a negative argument
* to go clockwise around the unit circle. Fourth roots of one
* are taken in both directions around the circle using
* positive and negative arguments.
* <pre>
* <code>
* <b>z = 1</b>
* => z_0 = Positive: 1,0 ; Negative: 1,0
* => z_1 = Positive: 0,1 ; Negative: 0,-1
* => z_2 = Positive: -1,0 ; Negative: -1,0
* => z_3 = Positive: 0,-1 ; Negative: 0,1
* </code>
* </pre>
public void testNthRootNegativeArg() {
// The complex number we want to compute all third-roots for.
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(1, 0);
// The List holding all fourth roots
Complex[] fourthRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(4).toArray(new Complex[0]);
// test z_0
Assert.assertEquals(1, fourthRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0, fourthRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_1
Assert.assertEquals(0, fourthRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(1, fourthRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_2
Assert.assertEquals(-1, fourthRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0, fourthRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_3
Assert.assertEquals(0, fourthRootsOfZ[3].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-1, fourthRootsOfZ[3].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// go clockwise around the unit circle using negative argument
fourthRootsOfZ = z.nthRoot(-4).toArray(new Complex[0]);
// test z_0
Assert.assertEquals(1, fourthRootsOfZ[0].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0, fourthRootsOfZ[0].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_1
Assert.assertEquals(0, fourthRootsOfZ[1].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(-1, fourthRootsOfZ[1].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_2
Assert.assertEquals(-1, fourthRootsOfZ[2].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(0, fourthRootsOfZ[2].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
// test z_3
Assert.assertEquals(0, fourthRootsOfZ[3].getReal(), 1.0e-5);
Assert.assertEquals(1, fourthRootsOfZ[3].getImaginary(), 1.0e-5);
* Test standard values
public void testGetArgument() {
Complex z = Complex.ofCartesian(1, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(0.0, z.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(1, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(Math.PI/4, z.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(0, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(Math.PI/2, z.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(-1, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(3 * Math.PI/4, z.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(-1, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(Math.PI, z.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(-1, -1);
Assert.assertEquals(-3 * Math.PI/4, z.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(0, -1);
Assert.assertEquals(-Math.PI/2, z.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
z = Complex.ofCartesian(1, -1);
Assert.assertEquals(-Math.PI/4, z.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
* Verify atan2-style handling of infinite parts
public void testGetArgumentInf() {
Assert.assertEquals(Math.PI/4, infInf.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(Math.PI/2, oneInf.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(0.0, infOne.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(Math.PI/2, zeroInf.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(0.0, infZero.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(Math.PI, negInfOne.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(-3.0*Math.PI/4, negInfNegInf.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(-Math.PI/2, oneNegInf.getArgument(), 1.0e-12);
* Verify that either part NaN results in NaN
public void testGetArgumentNaN() {
public void testParse() {
Assert.assertTrue(Complex.ofPolar(2, pi).equals(Complex.parse(Complex.ofPolar(2, pi).toString())));
public void testParseWrongStart() {
final String re = "1.234";
final String im = "5.678";
Complex.parse(re + "," + im + ")");
public void testParseWrongEnd() {
final String re = "1.234";
final String im = "5.678";
Complex.parse("(" + re + "," + im);
public void testParseMissingSeparator() {
final String re = "1.234";
final String im = "5.678";
Complex.parse("(" + re + " " + im + ")");
public void testParseInvalidRe() {
final String re = "I.234";
final String im = "5.678";
Complex.parse("(" + re + "," + im + ")");
public void testParseInvalidIm() {
final String re = "1.234";
final String im = "5.G78";
Complex.parse("(" + re + "," + im + ")");
public void testParseSpaceAllowedAroundNumbers() {
final double re = 1.234;
final double im = 5.678;
final String str = "( " + re + " , " + im + " )";
Assert.assertTrue(Complex.ofCartesian(re, im).equals(Complex.parse(str)));