blob: 6761cd66ec7aea5180af701ea58f9e80a4dfee13 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Apache Commons Net
Version 3.4
The Apache Commons Net team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Apache Commons Net 3.4
Apache Commons Net library contains a collection of network utilities and protocol implementations.
Supported protocols include: Echo, Finger, FTP, NNTP, NTP, POP3(S), SMTP(S), Telnet, Whois
This is mainly a bug-fix release. See further details below.
This release is binary compatible with previous releases.
However it is not source compatible, as some methods have been added to the interface NtpV3Packet
Notable additions:
IMAPExportMbox (example app) allows IMAP folders to be exported into an mbox file.
This is the inverse of the IMAPImportMbox example added previously
Changes in this version include:
New features:
o NET-528: FTPListParseEngine does not provide access to raw responses
o NET-565: Add FTPClient method to return an FTPFile from an MDTM command
o NET-540: Article#printThread should have option to use any PrintStream
o NET-536: IMAP FETCH example
IMAPExportMbox can export selected nessages from an IMAP folder
o NET-535: IMAP FETCH can overflow reply buffer; provide for partial responses
o NET-527: Add SimpleNTPServer as example and for testing Thanks to jason mathews.
o NET-512: Downloading files or members from the AS400 QSYS file system is not supported Thanks to Thomas Raddatz.
Fixed Bugs:
o NET-566: UnixFTPEntryParser Drops Leading Spaces from File Names Thanks to Gary Russell.
o NET-552: SocketTimeoutException connecting a FTP server via an HTTP Proxy Thanks to Quentin Devriendt.
o NET-563: MLSxEntryParser needs test cases; parsing is too lax
o NET-561: FTPFile.toFormattedString prints user and group in wrong order
o NET-544: FTPClient.initiateListParsing does not correctly check if parserKey was cached Thanks to Olivier Queyrut.
o NET-558: FTPClient.getModificationTime(filename) returns complete received line including response code Thanks to Ralph Becker.
o NET-550: Default FTPClient bufferSize results in very slow retrieve transfers
Fix code in Util#copyStream (also copyReader) that failed to use the proper default for buffer size 0 Thanks to Geoffrey Hardy.
o NET-551: Util copyReader calls CopyStreamListener.bytesTransferred with the incorrect value for bytesTransferred
o NET-549: Telnet does not convert LF to CRLF in ASCII mode Thanks to Pradeep Natarajan.
o NET-543: telnet: spy read EOL is reversed Thanks to Ferry Huberts.
o NET-539: NPE if Threader.thread invoked with empty list or with null array
o NET-530: input parameter of is not used Thanks to fish ship.
o NET-529: SubnetUtils throws exception on valid input Thanks to Putinas Piliponis.
o NET-516: parser problem occurs if the filename contains one or more characters of which the second byte of Shift-JIS code is 0x85
Fix NT parser Thanks to Asha K S & pavan.
o NET-520: SubnetUtils("") does not behave as expected
Fixed range checking so network and broadcast addresses are treated as unsigned ints
o NET-521: SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo.getAddressCount() can overflow as it returns an int
o NET-515: FTPClient sample in class javadoc "bug" Thanks to Sebastian Ritter.
o NET-519: Apache Commons Net 3.3 has a performance issue
o NET-517: FTPClient#reinitialize is package protected Thanks to David Kocher.
o NET-518: FTPClient#initFeatureMap should not initialize empty map if reply code is 530 Thanks to David Kocher.
o NET-514: IMAP APPEND multiple issues in IMapClient.
Deprecated unusable append methods.
Added new append method, as well as example IMapImportMbox class to make use of it.
o NET-511: Exception for new SubnetUtils(""). Thanks to Kyriacos Elia, Daniel Scott.
o examples/Main now uses a property file to define aliases instead of scanning class files
o NET-564: FTPFile.toFormattedString - allow specification of TimeZone for display
o NET-562: FTPFile.toFormattedString should print only signficant parts of the parsed date
o NET-554: Simplify TelnetOptionHandler class hierarchy
o NET-556: Make SubnetInfo.isInRange(int) public Thanks to Andy Rosa.
o Added control character processing to TelnetClientExample
o NET-547: There is a lack of documentation regarding setControlKeepAliveTimeout Thanks to Fabio Scippacercola.
o NET-534: Unnecesssary call to getReplyString() if no listeners configured
o Added control encoding option to FTPClientExample
o NET-526: Added missing set methods on NTP class and interface Thanks to Jason Mathews, MITRE Corp.
o NET-526: Avoid greedy matches within a regex
For complete information on Apache Commons Net, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons Net website: