blob: 1c1dd7c1dc4c3d7cb017ccd4b0cebbb999089abf [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# R source file to validate Binomial distribution tests in
# org.apache.commons.math.distribution.BinomialDistributionTest
# To run the test, install R, put this file and testFunctions
# into the same directory, launch R from this directory and then enter
# source("<name-of-this-file>")
# R functions used
# anova(model) <- anova
# lm(frame) <- linear model
tol <- 1E-12 # error tolerance for tests
# Function definitions
source("testFunctions") # utility test functions
options(digits=16) # override number of digits displayed
# function to verify anova computations
verifyAnova <- function(frame, expectedP, expectedF, frameName) {
a <- anova(lm(frame))
p <- a$"Pr(>F)"[1]
f <- a$"F value"[1]
output <- c("P-value test frame = ", frameName)
if (assertEquals(expectedP,p,tol,"P value")) {
displayPadded(output, SUCCEEDED, WIDTH)
} else {
displayPadded(output, FAILED, WIDTH)
output <- c("F-value test frame = ", frameName)
if (assertEquals(expectedF,f,tol,"F value")) {
displayPadded(output, SUCCEEDED, WIDTH)
} else {
displayPadded(output, FAILED, WIDTH)
cat("Anova test cases\n")
classA <- c(93.0, 103.0, 95.0, 101.0, 91.0, 105.0, 96.0, 94.0, 101.0)
classB <- c(99.0, 92.0, 102.0, 100.0, 102.0, 89.0)
classC <- c(110.0, 115.0, 111.0, 117.0, 128.0, 117.0)
threeClasses = data.frame(val = c(classA, classB, classC),
class=c(rep("classA", length(classA)),
rep("classB", length(classB)),
rep("classC", length(classC))))
verifyAnova(threeClasses,6.959446e-06, 24.67361709460624, "Three classes")
twoClasses = data.frame(val = c(classA, classB),
class=c(rep("classA", length(classA)), rep("classB", length(classB))))
verifyAnova(twoClasses, 0.904212960464, 0.0150579150579, "Two classes")