blob: 7591eaa83f3f2a10af658c8cb6f3545f7744dc19 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.math3.linear;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.apache.commons.math3.Field;
import org.apache.commons.math3.fraction.Fraction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.fraction.FractionConversionException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.fraction.FractionField;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NoDataException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.OutOfRangeException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NumberIsTooSmallException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NullArgumentException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
* Test cases for the {@link SparseFieldMatrix} class.
public class SparseFieldMatrixTest {
// 3 x 3 identity matrix
protected Fraction[][] id = { {new Fraction(1), new Fraction(0), new Fraction(0) }, { new Fraction(0), new Fraction(1), new Fraction(0) }, { new Fraction(0), new Fraction(0), new Fraction(1) } };
// Test data for group operations
protected Fraction[][] testData = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(3) },
{ new Fraction(1), new Fraction(0), new Fraction(8) } };
protected Fraction[][] testDataLU = null;
protected Fraction[][] testDataPlus2 = { { new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4), new Fraction(5) }, { new Fraction(4), new Fraction(7), new Fraction(5) },
{ new Fraction(3), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(10) } };
protected Fraction[][] testDataMinus = { { new Fraction(-1), new Fraction(-2), new Fraction(-3) },
{ new Fraction(-2), new Fraction(-5), new Fraction(-3) }, { new Fraction(-1), new Fraction(0), new Fraction(-8) } };
protected Fraction[] testDataRow1 = { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) };
protected Fraction[] testDataCol3 = { new Fraction(3), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(8) };
protected Fraction[][] testDataInv = { { new Fraction(-40), new Fraction(16), new Fraction(9) }, { new Fraction(13), new Fraction(-5), new Fraction(-3) },
{ new Fraction(5), new Fraction(-2), new Fraction(-1) } };
protected Fraction[] preMultTest = { new Fraction(8), new Fraction(12), new Fraction(33) };
protected Fraction[][] testData2 = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(3) } };
protected Fraction[][] testData2T = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(5) }, { new Fraction(3), new Fraction(3) } };
protected Fraction[][] testDataPlusInv = { { new Fraction(-39), new Fraction(18), new Fraction(12) },
{ new Fraction(15), new Fraction(0), new Fraction(0) }, { new Fraction(6), new Fraction(-2), new Fraction(7) } };
// lu decomposition tests
protected Fraction[][] luData = { { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(0), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(7) }, { new Fraction(6), new Fraction(9), new Fraction(8) } };
protected Fraction[][] luDataLUDecomposition = null;
// singular matrices
protected Fraction[][] singular = { { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) } };
protected Fraction[][] bigSingular = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) },
{ new Fraction(2), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(7), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(256), new Fraction(1930) }, { new Fraction(3), new Fraction(7), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(8) } }; // 4th
// row
// =
// 1st
// +
// 2nd
protected Fraction[][] detData = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(4), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6) },
{ new Fraction(7), new Fraction(8), new Fraction(10) } };
protected Fraction[][] detData2 = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(4) } };
// vectors
protected Fraction[] testVector = { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) };
protected Fraction[] testVector2 = { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) };
// submatrix accessor tests
protected Fraction[][] subTestData = null;
// array selections
protected Fraction[][] subRows02Cols13 = { {new Fraction(2), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(4), new Fraction(8) } };
protected Fraction[][] subRows03Cols12 = { { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6) } };
protected Fraction[][] subRows03Cols123 = { { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(7) } };
// effective permutations
protected Fraction[][] subRows20Cols123 = { { new Fraction(4), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(8) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) } };
protected Fraction[][] subRows31Cols31 = null;
// contiguous ranges
protected Fraction[][] subRows01Cols23 = null;
protected Fraction[][] subRows23Cols00 = { { new Fraction(2) }, { new Fraction(4) } };
protected Fraction[][] subRows00Cols33 = { { new Fraction(4) } };
// row matrices
protected Fraction[][] subRow0 = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) } };
protected Fraction[][] subRow3 = { { new Fraction(4), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(7) } };
// column matrices
protected Fraction[][] subColumn1 = null;
protected Fraction[][] subColumn3 = null;
// tolerances
protected double entryTolerance = 10E-16;
protected double normTolerance = 10E-14;
protected Field<Fraction> field = FractionField.getInstance();
public SparseFieldMatrixTest() {
try {
testDataLU = new Fraction[][]{ { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(.5d), new Fraction(-2.5d), new Fraction(6.5d) },
{ new Fraction(0.5d), new Fraction(0.2d), new Fraction(.2d) } };
luDataLUDecomposition = new Fraction[][]{ { new Fraction(6), new Fraction(9), new Fraction(8) },
{ new Fraction(0), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(7) }, { new Fraction(0.33333333333333), new Fraction(0), new Fraction(0.33333333333333) } };
subTestData = new Fraction [][]{ { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) },
{ new Fraction(1.5), new Fraction(2.5), new Fraction(3.5), new Fraction(4.5) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(4), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(8) }, { new Fraction(4), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(7) } };
subRows31Cols31 = new Fraction[][]{ { new Fraction(7), new Fraction(5) }, { new Fraction(4.5), new Fraction(2.5) } };
subRows01Cols23 = new Fraction[][]{ { new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(3.5), new Fraction(4.5) } };
subColumn1 = new Fraction [][]{ { new Fraction(2) }, { new Fraction(2.5) }, { new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(5) } };
subColumn3 = new Fraction[][]{ { new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(4.5) }, { new Fraction(8) }, { new Fraction(7) } };
} catch (FractionConversionException e) {
// ignore, can't happen
/** test dimensions */
public void testDimensions() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m2 = createSparseMatrix(testData2);
Assert.assertEquals("testData row dimension", 3, m.getRowDimension());
Assert.assertEquals("testData column dimension", 3, m.getColumnDimension());
Assert.assertTrue("testData is square", m.isSquare());
Assert.assertEquals("testData2 row dimension", m2.getRowDimension(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals("testData2 column dimension", m2.getColumnDimension(), 3);
Assert.assertTrue("testData2 is not square", !m2.isSquare());
/** test copy functions */
public void testCopyFunctions() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m1 = createSparseMatrix(testData);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m2 = m1.copy();
Assert.assertEquals(m1.getClass(), m2.getClass());
Assert.assertEquals((m2), m1);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m3 = createSparseMatrix(testData);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m4 = m3.copy();
Assert.assertEquals(m3.getClass(), m4.getClass());
Assert.assertEquals((m4), m3);
/** test add */
public void testAdd() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> mInv = createSparseMatrix(testDataInv);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> mDataPlusInv = createSparseMatrix(testDataPlusInv);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mPlusMInv = m.add(mInv);
for (int row = 0; row < m.getRowDimension(); row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < m.getColumnDimension(); col++) {
Assert.assertEquals("sum entry entry",
mDataPlusInv.getEntry(row, col).doubleValue(), mPlusMInv.getEntry(row, col).doubleValue(),
/** test add failure */
public void testAddFail() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m2 = createSparseMatrix(testData2);
try {
m.add(m2);"MathIllegalArgumentException expected");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ignored
/** test m-n = m + -n */
public void testPlusMinus() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> n = createSparseMatrix(testDataInv);
assertClose("m-n = m + -n", m.subtract(n),
n.scalarMultiply(new Fraction(-1)).add(m), entryTolerance);
try {
m.subtract(createSparseMatrix(testData2));"Expecting illegalArgumentException");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ignored
/** test multiply */
public void testMultiply() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> mInv = createSparseMatrix(testDataInv);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> identity = createSparseMatrix(id);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m2 = createSparseMatrix(testData2);
assertClose("inverse multiply", m.multiply(mInv), identity,
assertClose("inverse multiply", m.multiply(new Array2DRowFieldMatrix<Fraction>(FractionField.getInstance(), testDataInv)), identity,
assertClose("inverse multiply", mInv.multiply(m), identity,
assertClose("identity multiply", m.multiply(identity), m,
assertClose("identity multiply", identity.multiply(mInv), mInv,
assertClose("identity multiply", m2.multiply(identity), m2,
try {
m.multiply(createSparseMatrix(bigSingular));"Expecting illegalArgumentException");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ignored
// Additional Test for Array2DRowRealMatrixTest.testMultiply
private Fraction[][] d3 = new Fraction[][] { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(7), new Fraction(8) } };
private Fraction[][] d4 = new Fraction[][] { { new Fraction(1) }, { new Fraction(2) }, { new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(4) } };
private Fraction[][] d5 = new Fraction[][] { { new Fraction(30) }, { new Fraction(70) } };
public void testMultiply2() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m3 = createSparseMatrix(d3);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m4 = createSparseMatrix(d4);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m5 = createSparseMatrix(d5);
assertClose("m3*m4=m5", m3.multiply(m4), m5, entryTolerance);
/** test trace */
public void testTrace() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(id);
Assert.assertEquals("identity trace", 3d, m.getTrace().doubleValue(), entryTolerance);
m = createSparseMatrix(testData2);
try {
m.getTrace();"Expecting NonSquareMatrixException");
} catch (NonSquareMatrixException ex) {
// ignored
/** test sclarAdd */
public void testScalarAdd() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
assertClose("scalar add", createSparseMatrix(testDataPlus2),
m.scalarAdd(new Fraction(2)), entryTolerance);
/** test operate */
public void testOperate() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(id);
assertClose("identity operate", testVector, m.operate(testVector),
assertClose("identity operate", testVector, m.operate(
new ArrayFieldVector<Fraction>(testVector)).toArray(), entryTolerance);
m = createSparseMatrix(bigSingular);
try {
m.operate(testVector);"Expecting illegalArgumentException");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ignored
/** test issue MATH-209 */
public void testMath209() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> a = createSparseMatrix(new Fraction[][] {
{ new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2) }, { new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6) } });
Fraction[] b = a.operate(new Fraction[] { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(1) });
Assert.assertEquals(a.getRowDimension(), b.length);
Assert.assertEquals(3.0, b[0].doubleValue(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(7.0, b[1].doubleValue(), 1.0e-12);
Assert.assertEquals(11.0, b[2].doubleValue(), 1.0e-12);
/** test transpose */
public void testTranspose() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mIT = new FieldLUDecomposition<Fraction>(m).getSolver().getInverse().transpose();
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mTI = new FieldLUDecomposition<Fraction>(m.transpose()).getSolver().getInverse();
assertClose("inverse-transpose", mIT, mTI, normTolerance);
m = createSparseMatrix(testData2);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mt = createSparseMatrix(testData2T);
/** test preMultiply by vector */
public void testPremultiplyVector() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
assertClose("premultiply", m.preMultiply(testVector), preMultTest,
assertClose("premultiply", m.preMultiply(
new ArrayFieldVector<Fraction>(testVector).getData()), preMultTest, normTolerance);
m = createSparseMatrix(bigSingular);
try {
m.preMultiply(testVector);"expecting MathIllegalArgumentException");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ignored
public void testPremultiply() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m3 = createSparseMatrix(d3);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m4 = createSparseMatrix(d4);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m5 = createSparseMatrix(d5);
assertClose("m3*m4=m5", m4.preMultiply(m3), m5, entryTolerance);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> mInv = createSparseMatrix(testDataInv);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> identity = createSparseMatrix(id);
assertClose("inverse multiply", m.preMultiply(mInv), identity,
assertClose("inverse multiply", mInv.preMultiply(m), identity,
assertClose("identity multiply", m.preMultiply(identity), m,
assertClose("identity multiply", identity.preMultiply(mInv), mInv,
try {
m.preMultiply(createSparseMatrix(bigSingular));"Expecting illegalArgumentException");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ignored
public void testGetVectors() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
assertClose("get row", m.getRow(0), testDataRow1, entryTolerance);
assertClose("get col", m.getColumn(2), testDataCol3, entryTolerance);
try {
m.getRow(10);"expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// ignored
try {
m.getColumn(-1);"expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// ignored
public void testGetEntry() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
Assert.assertEquals("get entry", m.getEntry(0, 1).doubleValue(), 2d, entryTolerance);
try {
m.getEntry(10, 4);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
/** test examples in user guide */
public void testExamples() {
// Create a real matrix with two rows and three columns
Fraction[][] matrixData = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(3) } };
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(matrixData);
// One more with three rows, two columns
Fraction[][] matrixData2 = { { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(5) }, { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(7) } };
FieldMatrix<Fraction> n = createSparseMatrix(matrixData2);
// Now multiply m by n
FieldMatrix<Fraction> p = m.multiply(n);
Assert.assertEquals(2, p.getRowDimension());
Assert.assertEquals(2, p.getColumnDimension());
// Invert p
FieldMatrix<Fraction> pInverse = new FieldLUDecomposition<Fraction>(p).getSolver().getInverse();
Assert.assertEquals(2, pInverse.getRowDimension());
Assert.assertEquals(2, pInverse.getColumnDimension());
// Solve example
Fraction[][] coefficientsData = { { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(-2) }, { new Fraction(-1), new Fraction(7), new Fraction(6) },
{ new Fraction(4), new Fraction(-3), new Fraction(-5) } };
FieldMatrix<Fraction> coefficients = createSparseMatrix(coefficientsData);
Fraction[] constants = { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(-2), new Fraction(1) };
Fraction[] solution;
solution = new FieldLUDecomposition<Fraction>(coefficients)
.solve(new ArrayFieldVector<Fraction>(constants, false)).toArray();
Assert.assertEquals((new Fraction(2).multiply((solution[0])).add(new Fraction(3).multiply(solution[1])).subtract(new Fraction(2).multiply(solution[2]))).doubleValue(),
constants[0].doubleValue(), 1E-12);
Assert.assertEquals(((new Fraction(-1).multiply(solution[0])).add(new Fraction(7).multiply(solution[1])).add(new Fraction(6).multiply(solution[2]))).doubleValue(),
constants[1].doubleValue(), 1E-12);
Assert.assertEquals(((new Fraction(4).multiply(solution[0])).subtract(new Fraction(3).multiply( solution[1])).subtract(new Fraction(5).multiply(solution[2]))).doubleValue(),
constants[2].doubleValue(), 1E-12);
// test submatrix accessors
public void testSubMatrix() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(subTestData);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRows23Cols00 = createSparseMatrix(subRows23Cols00);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRows00Cols33 = createSparseMatrix(subRows00Cols33);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRows01Cols23 = createSparseMatrix(subRows01Cols23);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRows02Cols13 = createSparseMatrix(subRows02Cols13);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRows03Cols12 = createSparseMatrix(subRows03Cols12);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRows03Cols123 = createSparseMatrix(subRows03Cols123);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRows20Cols123 = createSparseMatrix(subRows20Cols123);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRows31Cols31 = createSparseMatrix(subRows31Cols31);
Assert.assertEquals("Rows23Cols00", mRows23Cols00, m.getSubMatrix(2, 3, 0, 0));
Assert.assertEquals("Rows00Cols33", mRows00Cols33, m.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3));
Assert.assertEquals("Rows01Cols23", mRows01Cols23, m.getSubMatrix(0, 1, 2, 3));
Assert.assertEquals("Rows02Cols13", mRows02Cols13,
m.getSubMatrix(new int[] { 0, 2 }, new int[] { 1, 3 }));
Assert.assertEquals("Rows03Cols12", mRows03Cols12,
m.getSubMatrix(new int[] { 0, 3 }, new int[] { 1, 2 }));
Assert.assertEquals("Rows03Cols123", mRows03Cols123,
m.getSubMatrix(new int[] { 0, 3 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }));
Assert.assertEquals("Rows20Cols123", mRows20Cols123,
m.getSubMatrix(new int[] { 2, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }));
Assert.assertEquals("Rows31Cols31", mRows31Cols31,
m.getSubMatrix(new int[] { 3, 1 }, new int[] { 3, 1 }));
Assert.assertEquals("Rows31Cols31", mRows31Cols31,
m.getSubMatrix(new int[] { 3, 1 }, new int[] { 3, 1 }));
try {
m.getSubMatrix(1, 0, 2, 4);"Expecting NumberIsTooSmallException");
} catch (NumberIsTooSmallException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getSubMatrix(-1, 1, 2, 2);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getSubMatrix(1, 0, 2, 2);"Expecting NumberIsTooSmallException");
} catch (NumberIsTooSmallException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getSubMatrix(1, 0, 2, 4);"Expecting NumberIsTooSmallException");
} catch (NumberIsTooSmallException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getSubMatrix(new int[] {}, new int[] { 0 });"Expecting NoDataException");
} catch (NoDataException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getSubMatrix(new int[] { 0 }, new int[] { 4 });"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
public void testGetRowMatrix() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(subTestData);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRow0 = createSparseMatrix(subRow0);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mRow3 = createSparseMatrix(subRow3);
Assert.assertEquals("Row0", mRow0, m.getRowMatrix(0));
Assert.assertEquals("Row3", mRow3, m.getRowMatrix(3));
try {
m.getRowMatrix(-1);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getRowMatrix(4);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
public void testGetColumnMatrix() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(subTestData);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mColumn1 = createSparseMatrix(subColumn1);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> mColumn3 = createSparseMatrix(subColumn3);
Assert.assertEquals("Column1", mColumn1, m.getColumnMatrix(1));
Assert.assertEquals("Column3", mColumn3, m.getColumnMatrix(3));
try {
m.getColumnMatrix(-1);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getColumnMatrix(4);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
public void testGetRowVector() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(subTestData);
FieldVector<Fraction> mRow0 = new ArrayFieldVector<Fraction>(subRow0[0]);
FieldVector<Fraction> mRow3 = new ArrayFieldVector<Fraction>(subRow3[0]);
Assert.assertEquals("Row0", mRow0, m.getRowVector(0));
Assert.assertEquals("Row3", mRow3, m.getRowVector(3));
try {
m.getRowVector(-1);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getRowVector(4);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
public void testGetColumnVector() {
FieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(subTestData);
FieldVector<Fraction> mColumn1 = columnToVector(subColumn1);
FieldVector<Fraction> mColumn3 = columnToVector(subColumn3);
Assert.assertEquals("Column1", mColumn1, m.getColumnVector(1));
Assert.assertEquals("Column3", mColumn3, m.getColumnVector(3));
try {
m.getColumnVector(-1);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
try {
m.getColumnVector(4);"Expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
// expected
private FieldVector<Fraction> columnToVector(Fraction[][] column) {
Fraction[] data = new Fraction[column.length];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
data[i] = column[i][0];
return new ArrayFieldVector<Fraction>(data, false);
public void testEqualsAndHashCode() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m1 = (SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction>) m.copy();
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> mt = (SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction>) m.transpose();
Assert.assertTrue(m.hashCode() != mt.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals(m.hashCode(), m1.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals(m, m);
Assert.assertEquals(m, m1);
/* Disable for now
public void testToString() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
m = new SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction>(field, 1, 1);
Assert.assertEquals("SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction>{{0.0}}", m.toString());
public void testSetSubMatrix() {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> m = createSparseMatrix(testData);
m.setSubMatrix(detData2, 1, 1);
FieldMatrix<Fraction> expected = createSparseMatrix(new Fraction[][] {
{ new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(1), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(4) } });
Assert.assertEquals(expected, m);
m.setSubMatrix(detData2, 0, 0);
expected = createSparseMatrix(new Fraction[][] {
{ new Fraction(1), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(4), new Fraction(3) }, { new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(4) } });
Assert.assertEquals(expected, m);
m.setSubMatrix(testDataPlus2, 0, 0);
expected = createSparseMatrix(new Fraction[][] {
{ new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4), new Fraction(5) }, { new Fraction(4), new Fraction(7), new Fraction(5) }, { new Fraction(3), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(10) } });
Assert.assertEquals(expected, m);
// javadoc example
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> matrix =
createSparseMatrix(new Fraction[][] {
{ new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(7), new Fraction(8) }, { new Fraction(9), new Fraction(0), new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2) } });
matrix.setSubMatrix(new Fraction[][] { { new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6) } }, 1, 1);
expected = createSparseMatrix(new Fraction[][] {
{ new Fraction(1), new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4) }, { new Fraction(5), new Fraction(3), new Fraction(4), new Fraction(8) }, { new Fraction(9), new Fraction(5), new Fraction(6), new Fraction(2) } });
Assert.assertEquals(expected, matrix);
// dimension overflow
try {
m.setSubMatrix(testData, 1, 1);"expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException e) {
// expected
// dimension underflow
try {
m.setSubMatrix(testData, -1, 1);"expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException e) {
// expected
try {
m.setSubMatrix(testData, 1, -1);"expecting OutOfRangeException");
} catch (OutOfRangeException e) {
// expected
// null
try {
m.setSubMatrix(null, 1, 1);"expecting NullArgumentException");
} catch (NullArgumentException e) {
// expected
try {
new SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction>(field, 0, 0);"expecting MathIllegalArgumentException");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
// ragged
try {
m.setSubMatrix(new Fraction[][] { { new Fraction(1) }, { new Fraction(2), new Fraction(3) } }, 0, 0);"expecting MathIllegalArgumentException");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
// empty
try {
m.setSubMatrix(new Fraction[][] { {} }, 0, 0);"expecting MathIllegalArgumentException");
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
// --------------- -----------------Protected methods
/** verifies that two matrices are close (1-norm) */
protected void assertClose(String msg, FieldMatrix<Fraction> m, FieldMatrix<Fraction> n,
double tolerance) {
for(int i=0; i < m.getRowDimension(); i++){
for(int j=0; j < m.getColumnDimension(); j++){
Assert.assertEquals(msg, m.getEntry(i,j).doubleValue(), n.getEntry(i,j).doubleValue(), tolerance);
/** verifies that two vectors are close (sup norm) */
protected void assertClose(String msg, Fraction[] m, Fraction[] n,
double tolerance) {
if (m.length != n.length) {"vectors not same length");
for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(msg + " " + i + " elements differ", m[i].doubleValue(), n[i].doubleValue(),
private SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> createSparseMatrix(Fraction[][] data) {
SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction> matrix = new SparseFieldMatrix<Fraction>(field, data.length, data[0].length);
for (int row = 0; row < data.length; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < data[row].length; col++) {
matrix.setEntry(row, col, data[row][col]);
return matrix;