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Validation of real functions
This document details the procedure used in Commons-Math 3 to assess the
accuracy of the implementations of special functions. It is a two-step process
1. reference values are computed with a multi-precision software (for example,
the Maxima Computer Algebra System) [1],
2. these reference values are compared with the Commons-Math3 implementation.
The accuracy is computed in ulps.
This process relies on a small Java application, called RealFunctionValidation,
which can be found in $CM3_SRC/src/test/maxima/special, where $CM3_SRC is the
root directory to the source of Commons-Math 3
Compilation of RealFunctionValidation
Change to the relevant directory
cd $CM3_SRC/src/test/maxima/special/RealFunctionValidation
Compile the source file. The jar file of Commons-Math3 should be included in
your classpath. If it is installed in your local maven repository, the
following command should work
javac -classpath $HOME/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-math4/4.0-SNAPSHOT/commons-math4-4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Create a jar file
jar cfm RealFunctionValidation.jar MANIFEST.txt RealFunctionValidation*.class
Remove the unused *.class files
rm *.class
Invocation of the application RealFunctionValidation
The java application comes with a shell script, You
should edit this file, and change the variables
- CM3_JAR: full path to the Commons-Math 3 jar file,
- APP_JAR: full path to the RealFunctionValidation application jar file.
Invoking this application is then very simple. For example, to validate the
implementation of Gamma.logGamma, change to directory reference
cd $CM3_SRC/src/test/maxima/special/reference
and run the application
Syntax of the *.properties files
Parameters of the RealFunctionValidation application are specified through a
standard Java properties file. The following keys must be specified in this
- method: the fully qualified name to the function to be validated. This
function should be static, take only primitive arguments, and return double.
- signature: this key is necessary to discriminate functions with same name.
The signature should be specified as in a plain java file. For example
signature = double, int, float
- inputFileMask: the name of the binary input file(s) containing the
high-accuracy reference values. The format of this file is described in
the next section. It is possible to specify multiple input files, which are
indexed by an integer. Then this key should really be understood as a format
string. In other words, the name of the file with index i is given by
String.format(inputFileMask, i)
- outputFileMask: the name of the binary output file(s) containing the
reference values, the values computed through the specified method, and
the error (in ulps). The format of this file is described in the next section. As for the input files, it is possible to specify multiple output files.
- from: the first index
- to: the last index (exclusive)
- by: the increment
As an example, here is the properties file for evaluation of
double Gamma.logGamma(double)
Format of the input and output binary files
The reference values are saved in a binary file
- for a unary function f(x), the data is stored as follows
x[0], f(x[0]), x[1], f(x[1]), ...
- for a binary function f(x, y), the data is stored as follows
x[0], y[0], f(x[0], y[0]), x[1], y[1], f(x[1], y[1]), ...
- and similar storage pattern for a n-ary function.
The parameters x[i], y[i], ... can be of arbitrary (primitive) type. The return
value f(x[i], y[i], ...) must be of type double.
The output files are also saved in a binary file
- for a unary function f(x), the data is stored as follows
x[0], reference value of f(x[0]), actual value of f(x[0], y[0]),
error in ulps, x[1], y[1], reference value of f(x[1], y[1]), actual value of
f(x[1], y[1]), error in ulps, ...
- for a binary function f(x, y), the data is stored as follows
x[0], y[0], reference value of f(x[0], y[0]), actual value of f(x[0], y[0]),
error in ulps, x[1], y[1], reference value of f(x[1], y[1]), actual value of
f(x[1], y[1]), error in ulps, ...
The application also prints on the standard output some statistics about the