blob: f8a9c966d4653e7e354e25a15a7a64b93c4fd9d4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.math4.linear;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.complex.Complex;
* Test currently fails because class {@link EigenDecomposition}
* only returns real Eigenvectors.
* <p>Examples were created with MatLab.
* <p>Values are sorted in an ascending order and the vectors are normalized.
public class EigenComplexSolverTest {
final static double TINY = 1e-12;
final static double SQRT2 = Math.sqrt(2.0);
private double[][] matrix2A = { { 1.0, -2.0 }, { 3.0, 1.0 } };
private double[] matrix2ARealVals = { 1., 1. };
private double[] matrix2AImagVals = { -2.4494897427831783, 2.4494897427831783 };
private double[][] matrix2ARealVecs = { { 0., 1. }, { 0.0, 1.0 } };
private double[][] matrix2AImagVecs = { { -0.81649658092772615, 0 }, { 0.81649658092772615, 0. } };
@Test public void test2AComplexEigen() {
RealMatrix m = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(matrix2A);
ComplexEigens ce = new ComplexEigens(m);
assertEq("2x2A", ce, matrix2ARealVals, matrix2AImagVals, matrix2ARealVecs, matrix2AImagVecs);
private double[][] matrix2B = { { -3.0, -2.0 }, { 3.0, 1.0 } };
private double[] matrix2BRealVals = { -1.0, -1.0 };
private double[] matrix2BImagVals = { -SQRT2, SQRT2 };
private double[][] matrix2BRealVecs = { { -2./3., 1.0 }, { -2./3., 1.0 } };
private double[][] matrix2BImagVecs = { { -.4142135623730951, 0 }, { .4142135623730951, 0. } };
@Test public void test2BComplexEigen() {
RealMatrix m = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(matrix2B);
ComplexEigens ce = new ComplexEigens(m);
assertEq("2x2B", ce, matrix2BRealVals, matrix2BImagVals, matrix2BRealVecs, matrix2BImagVecs);
private double[][] matrix3A = { { .8, -.6, 0 }, { .6, .8, 0 }, { 1., 2., 2. } };
private double[] matrix3ARealVals = { 0.8, 0.8, 2.0 };
private double[] matrix3AImagVals = { -0.6, 0.6, 0 };
private double[][] matrix3ARealVecs = { { -0.48, -0.36, 1.0}, {-0.48, -0.36, 1.0}, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } };
private double[][] matrix3AImagVecs = { { 0.36, -0.48, 0.}, {-0.36, 0.48, 0. }, { 0., 0., 0. } };
@Test public void test3c3ComplexEigen() {
RealMatrix m = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(matrix3A);
ComplexEigens ce = new ComplexEigens(m);
assertEq("3x3A", ce, matrix3ARealVals, matrix3AImagVals, matrix3ARealVecs, matrix3AImagVecs);
// ========= Testing Tools
void assertEq(String test, ComplexEigens e, double[] realVals, double[] imagVals, double[][] realVecs, double[][] imagVecs) {
double[] got = e.getRealEigenvalues();
assertEq("RealEigenvalues", realVals, got);
got = e.getImagEigenvalues();
assertEq("ImagEigenvalues", imagVals, got);
printVecs(test + " expected", realVecs, imagVecs);
printVecs(test + " computed", e);
for (int col = 0; col < realVecs.length; col++) {
got = e.getRealEigenVector(col);
assertEq(" RealEigenvectors[" + col + "]", realVecs[col], got);
for (int col = 0; col < imagVecs.length; col++) {
got = e.getImagEigenVector(col);
assertEq(" ImagEigenvectors[" + col + "]", realVecs[col], got);
void assertEq(String what, double[] exp, double got[]) {
Assert.assertEquals(what + " exp length == got length", exp.length, got.length);
for (int i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(exp[i] - got[i]) > TINY)
Assert.assertEquals(what + "[" + i + "] == got[" + i + "]", exp[i], got[i], TINY);
/** prints the vectors gotten/computed */
void printVecs(String msg, ComplexEigens ce) {
double[][] reals = new double[ce.matrixSize][];
double[][] imags = new double[ce.matrixSize][];
for (int i = 0; i < ce.matrixSize; i++) {
reals[i] = ce.getRealEigenVector(i);
imags[i] = ce.getImagEigenVector(i);
printVecs(msg, reals, imags);
void printVecs(String msg, double[][] realVecs, double[][]imagVecs) {
System.out.println(msg+" Vectors = ");
for (int row = 0; row < realVecs.length; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < realVecs.length; col++) {
System.out.print(String.format(" %6.4f %6.4fi", realVecs[col][row], imagVecs[col][row]));
static interface GetDColummn {
double[] getCol(int i);
/** A class to encapsulate getting the complex Eigen values and vectors
* from a Real matrix, plus sorting the values into ascending order
* (and reordering the vectors to match), and normalizing the vectors
* so the abs(biggest coefficient) is 1.0, so it can be easily compared
* with the answer that MatLab produces.
public static class ComplexEigens {
final int matrixSize; // the matrix is matrixSize x matrixSize
final SortableEigVal[] sevs;
final EigenDecomposition eigen;
//ComplexEigens(RMatrix matrix, double[] realVals, double[] imagVals, RMatrix realVecs, RMatrix imagVecs) {
// this.matrixSize = matrix.getNumCols();
// this.matrixSize = matrixSize / 2;
// this.eigen = null;
// sevs = getSortedVals(realVals, imagVals, realVecs, imagVecs);
static double[] FakeImagCoeffs(int len) {
return new double[len];
ComplexEigens(RealMatrix matrix) {
this.matrixSize = matrix.getColumnDimension();
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>"); // XXX
printMatrix("to decompose", matrix);
eigen = new EigenDecomposition(matrix);
System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<<<"); // XXX
sevs = getSortedVals(eigen.getRealEigenvalues(), eigen.getImagEigenvalues(),
(i) -> eigen.getEigenvector(i).toArray(),
(i) -> FakeImagCoeffs(matrixSize)); // TODO: Need a getImagEigenVector or return complexes above
private void printDec(EigenDecomposition dec) {
printMatrix("D", dec.getD());
printArray("Re", dec.getRealEigenvalues());
printArray("Im", dec.getImagEigenvalues());
private void printMatrix(String name,
RealMatrix m) {
System.out.println("Matrix " + name + " ====");
for (int i = 0; i < m.getRowDimension(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
System.out.print(m.getEntry(i, j) + "\t");
private void printArray(String name,
double[] array) {
System.out.println(name + " ====");
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
System.out.print(array[i] + "\t");
/** This sorts the eigenvalues, then sorts */
static SortableEigVal[] getSortedVals(double[] realVals, double[] imagVals, GetDColummn getReal, GetDColummn getImag) {
// Create the sortable eigen values
int num = realVals.length;
SortableEigVal[] sevs = new SortableEigVal[num];
for (int i = num; --i >= 0; ) {
double[] reals = getReal.getCol(i);
double[] imags = getImag.getCol(i);
sevs[i] = new SortableEigVal(i, realVals[i], imagVals[i], reals, imags);
return sevs;
static void normalizeVecs(SortableEigVal[] sevs) {
for (int col = 0; col < sevs.length; col++) {
static void reorderValsAndVecs(SortableEigVal[] sevs, double[] realVals, double[] imagVals, RealMatrix realVecs, RealMatrix imagVecs) {
for (int col = 0; col < sevs.length; col++) {
SortableEigVal sev = sevs[col];
if (col == sev.ix)
continue; // the values are in the right column
realVals[col] = sev.real;
imagVals[col] = sev.imag;
for (int row = 0; row < sevs.length; row++) {
realVecs.setEntry(row, col, sev.realVec[row]);
imagVecs.setEntry(row, col, sev.imagVec[row]);
public int numEigenValuesWithRealLessThanZero() {
int num = 0;
double[] evs = eigen.getRealEigenvalues();
for (int i = evs.length; --i >=0; ) {
if (evs[i] < 0)
return num;
/** just for tests */
double[] getRealEigenvalues() {
double[] ds = new double[matrixSize];
for (int i = 0; i < sevs.length; i++) {
ds[i] = sevs[i].real;
return ds;
double[] getImagEigenvalues() {
double[] ds = new double[matrixSize];
for (int i = 0; i < sevs.length; i++) {
ds[i] = sevs[i].imag;
return ds;
double[] getRealEigenVector(int col) {
return sevs[col].realVec;
double[] getImagEigenVector(int col) {
return sevs[col].imagVec;
/** Contains an eigenvalue and vector, plus original order index so vector rows can be sorted.
* Also normalizes the vector. */
static class SortableEigVal implements Comparable<SortableEigVal> {
static final double PLUS_REAL = 2.0/1000000;
static final double PLUS_IMAG = 1.0/1000000;
double real, imag; // the eigenvalue
double abs2; // absolute value squared, real*real + imag*imag
int ix; // original index
double[] realVec, imagVec; // the eigenvector
SortableEigVal(int ix, double r, double i, double[] realVec, double[] imagVec) {
this.ix = ix;
this.real = r;
this.imag = i;
// so abs(conjugate pairs) are a bit different
double plus = (r > 0 ? PLUS_REAL : 0) + (i > 0 ? PLUS_IMAG : 0);
this.abs2 = r*r + i*i + plus;
this.realVec = realVec;
this.imagVec = imagVec;
/** Normalize the largest coefficient to 1 */
void normalize() {
double max = 0, maxVal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < realVec.length; i++) {
double absReal = Math.abs(realVec[i]);
double absImag = Math.abs(imagVec[i]);
// find the max in the sorted order
if (absReal < absImag) {
if (max < absImag) {
max = absImag;
maxVal = imagVec[i];
} else {
if (max < absReal) {
max = absReal;
maxVal = realVec[i];
// now normalize, so largest coefficient is 1
if (0 < max) {
double mult = 1/maxVal;
for (int i = 0; i < realVec.length; i++) {
realVec[i] *= mult;
imagVec[i] *= mult;
@Override public int compareTo(SortableEigVal so) {
double diff = abs2 - so.abs2;
return (int) Math.signum(diff);