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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.commons.math4.transform;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.math4.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math4.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.exception.NotStrictlyPositiveException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.exception.NumberIsTooLargeException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.util.FastMath;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
* Abstract test for classes implementing the {@link RealTransformer} interface.
* This abstract test handles the automatic generation of random data of various
* sizes. For each generated data array, actual values (returned by the
* transformer to be tested) are compared to expected values, returned by the
* {@link #transform(double[], TransformType)} (to be implemented by the user:
* a naive method may be used). Methods are also provided to test that invalid
* parameters throw the expected exceptions.
* @since 3.0
public abstract class RealTransformerAbstractTest {
/** The common seed of all random number generators used in this test. */
private final static long SEED = 20110119L;
* Returns a new instance of the {@link RealTransformer} to be tested.
* @return a the transformer to be tested
abstract RealTransformer createRealTransformer();
* Returns an invalid data size. Transforms with this data size should
* trigger a {@link MathIllegalArgumentException}.
* @param i the index of the invalid data size ({@code 0 <= i <}
* {@link #getNumberOfInvalidDataSizes()}
* @return an invalid data size
abstract int getInvalidDataSize(int i);
* Returns the total number of invalid data sizes to be tested. If data
* array of any
* size can be handled by the {@link RealTransformer} to be tested, this
* method should return {@code 0}.
* @return the total number of invalid data sizes
abstract int getNumberOfInvalidDataSizes();
* Returns the total number of valid data sizes to be tested.
* @return the total number of valid data sizes
abstract int getNumberOfValidDataSizes();
* Returns the expected relative accuracy for data arrays of size
* {@code getValidDataSize(i)}.
* @param i the index of the valid data size
* @return the expected relative accuracy
abstract double getRelativeTolerance(int i);
* Returns a valid data size. This method allows for data arrays of various
* sizes to be automatically tested (by allowing multiple values of the
* specified index).
* @param i the index of the valid data size ({@code 0 <= i <}
* {@link #getNumberOfValidDataSizes()}
* @return a valid data size
abstract int getValidDataSize(int i);
* Returns a function for the accuracy check of
* {@link RealTransformer#transform(UnivariateFunction, double, double, int, TransformType)}.
* This function should be valid. In other words, none of the above methods
* should throw an exception when passed this function.
* @return a valid function
abstract UnivariateFunction getValidFunction();
* Returns a sampling lower bound for the accuracy check of
* {@link RealTransformer#transform(UnivariateFunction, double, double, int, TransformType)}.
* This lower bound should be valid. In other words, none of the above
* methods should throw an exception when passed this bound.
* @return a valid lower bound
abstract double getValidLowerBound();
* Returns a sampling upper bound for the accuracy check of
* {@link RealTransformer#transform(UnivariateFunction, double, double, int, TransformType)}.
* This upper bound should be valid. In other words, none of the above
* methods should throw an exception when passed this bound.
* @return a valid bound
abstract double getValidUpperBound();
* Returns the expected transform of the specified real data array.
* @param x the real data array to be transformed
* @param type the type of transform (forward, inverse) to be performed
* @return the expected transform
abstract double[] transform(double[] x, TransformType type);
* Check of preconditions.
* {@link RealTransformer#transform(double[], TransformType)} should throw a
* {@link MathIllegalArgumentException} if data size is invalid.
public void testTransformRealInvalidDataSize() {
final TransformType[] type = TransformType.values();
final RealTransformer transformer = createRealTransformer();
for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfInvalidDataSizes(); i++) {
final int n = getInvalidDataSize(i);
for (int j = 0; j < type.length; j++) {
try {
transformer.transform(createRealData(n), type[j]);[j] + ", " + n);
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected: do nothing
* {@link RealTransformer#transform(UnivariateFunction, double, double, int, TransformType)}
* should throw a {@link MathIllegalArgumentException} if number of samples
* is invalid.
public void testTransformFunctionInvalidDataSize() {
final TransformType[] type = TransformType.values();
final RealTransformer transformer = createRealTransformer();
final UnivariateFunction f = getValidFunction();
final double a = getValidLowerBound();
final double b = getValidUpperBound();
for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfInvalidDataSizes(); i++) {
final int n = getInvalidDataSize(i);
for (int j = 0; j < type.length; j++) {
try {
transformer.transform(f, a, b, n, type[j]);[j] + ", " + n);
} catch (MathIllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected: do nothing
* {@link RealTransformer#transform(UnivariateFunction, double, double, int, TransformType)}
* should throw a {@link NotStrictlyPositiveException} if number of samples
* is not strictly positive.
public void testTransformFunctionNotStrictlyPositiveNumberOfSamples() {
final TransformType[] type = TransformType.values();
final RealTransformer transformer = createRealTransformer();
final UnivariateFunction f = getValidFunction();
final double a = getValidLowerBound();
final double b = getValidUpperBound();
for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfValidDataSizes(); i++) {
final int n = getValidDataSize(i);
for (int j = 0; j < type.length; j++) {
try {
transformer.transform(f, a, b, -n, type[j]);[j] + ", " + (-n));
} catch (NotStrictlyPositiveException e) {
// Expected: do nothing
* {@link RealTransformer#transform(UnivariateFunction, double, double, int, TransformType)}
* should throw a {@link NumberIsTooLargeException} if sampling bounds are
* not correctly ordered.
public void testTransformFunctionInvalidBounds() {
final TransformType[] type = TransformType.values();
final RealTransformer transformer = createRealTransformer();
final UnivariateFunction f = getValidFunction();
final double a = getValidLowerBound();
final double b = getValidUpperBound();
for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfValidDataSizes(); i++) {
final int n = getValidDataSize(i);
for (int j = 0; j < type.length; j++) {
try {
transformer.transform(f, b, a, n, type[j]);[j] + ", " + b + ", " + a);
} catch (NumberIsTooLargeException e) {
// Expected: do nothing
* Accuracy tests of transform of valid data.
* Accuracy check of {@link RealTransformer#transform(double[], TransformType)}.
* For each valid data size returned by
* {@link #getValidDataSize(int) getValidDataSize(i)},
* a random data array is generated with
* {@link #createRealData(int) createRealData(i)}. The actual
* transform is computed and compared to the expected transform, return by
* {@link #transform(double[], TransformType)}. Actual and expected values
* should be equal to within the relative error returned by
* {@link #getRelativeTolerance(int) getRelativeTolerance(i)}.
public void testTransformReal() {
final TransformType[] type = TransformType.values();
for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfValidDataSizes(); i++) {
final int n = getValidDataSize(i);
final double tol = getRelativeTolerance(i);
for (int j = 0; j < type.length; j++) {
doTestTransformReal(n, tol, type[j]);
* Accuracy check of
* {@link RealTransformer#transform(UnivariateFunction, double, double, int, TransformType)}.
* For each valid data size returned by
* {@link #getValidDataSize(int) getValidDataSize(i)},
* the {@link UnivariateFunction} returned by {@link #getValidFunction()} is
* sampled. The actual transform is computed and compared to the expected
* transform, return by {@link #transform(double[], TransformType)}. Actual
* and expected values should be equal to within the relative error returned
* by {@link #getRelativeTolerance(int) getRelativeTolerance(i)}.
public void testTransformFunction() {
final TransformType[] type = TransformType.values();
for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfValidDataSizes(); i++) {
final int n = getValidDataSize(i);
final double tol = getRelativeTolerance(i);
for (int j = 0; j < type.length; j++) {
doTestTransformFunction(n, tol, type[j]);
* Utility methods.
* Returns a random array of doubles. Random generator always uses the same
* seed.
* @param n the size of the array to be returned
* @return a random array of specified size
double[] createRealData(final int n) {
final Random random = new Random(SEED);
final double[] data = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
data[i] = 2.0 * random.nextDouble() - 1.0;
return data;
* The tests per se.
private void doTestTransformReal(final int n, final double tol,
final TransformType type) {
final RealTransformer transformer = createRealTransformer();
final double[] x = createRealData(n);
final double[] expected = transform(x, type);
final double[] actual = transformer.transform(x, type);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final String msg = String.format("%d, %d", n, i);
final double delta = tol * FastMath.abs(expected[i]);
Assert.assertEquals(msg, expected[i], actual[i], delta);
private void doTestTransformFunction(final int n, final double tol,
final TransformType type) {
final RealTransformer transformer = createRealTransformer();
final UnivariateFunction f = getValidFunction();
final double a = getValidLowerBound();
final double b = getValidUpperBound();
final double[] x = createRealData(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final double t = a + i * (b - a) / n;
x[i] = f.value(t);
final double[] expected = transform(x, type);
final double[] actual = transformer.transform(f, a, b, n, type);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final String msg = String.format("%d, %d", n, i);
final double delta = tol * FastMath.abs(expected[i]);
Assert.assertEquals(msg, expected[i], actual[i], delta);