blob: 0b87cae40e4f1340425a06c0b79a7f9212529f16 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.math.util;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* Some useful additions to the built-in functions in {@link Math}.
* @version $Revision$ $Date$
public final class MathUtils {
/** -1.0 cast as a byte. */
private static final byte NB = (byte)-1;
/** -1.0 cast as a short. */
private static final short NS = (short)-1;
/** 1.0 cast as a byte. */
private static final byte PB = (byte)1;
/** 1.0 cast as a short. */
private static final short PS = (short)1;
/** 0.0 cast as a byte. */
private static final byte ZB = (byte)0;
/** 0.0 cast as a short. */
private static final short ZS = (short)0;
/** 2 π. */
private static final double TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;
* Private Constructor
private MathUtils() {
* Add two integers, checking for overflow.
* @param x an addend
* @param y an addend
* @return the sum <code>x+y</code>
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result can not be represented as an
* int
* @since 1.1
public static int addAndCheck(int x, int y) {
long s = (long)x + (long)y;
if (s < Integer.MIN_VALUE || s > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ArithmeticException("overflow: add");
return (int)s;
* Add two long integers, checking for overflow.
* @param a an addend
* @param b an addend
* @return the sum <code>a+b</code>
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result can not be represented as an
* long
* @since 1.2
public static long addAndCheck(long a, long b) {
return addAndCheck(a, b, "overflow: add");
* Add two long integers, checking for overflow.
* @param a an addend
* @param b an addend
* @param msg the message to use for any thrown exception.
* @return the sum <code>a+b</code>
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result can not be represented as an
* long
* @since 1.2
private static long addAndCheck(long a, long b, String msg) {
long ret;
if (a > b) {
// use symmetry to reduce boundry cases
ret = addAndCheck(b, a, msg);
} else {
// assert a <= b
if (a < 0) {
if (b < 0) {
// check for negative overflow
if (Long.MIN_VALUE - b <= a) {
ret = a + b;
} else {
throw new ArithmeticException(msg);
} else {
// oppisite sign addition is always safe
ret = a + b;
} else {
// assert a >= 0
// assert b >= 0
// check for positive overflow
if (a <= Long.MAX_VALUE - b) {
ret = a + b;
} else {
throw new ArithmeticException(msg);
return ret;
* Returns an exact representation of the <a
* href=""> Binomial
* Coefficient</a>, "<code>n choose k</code>", the number of
* <code>k</code>-element subsets that can be selected from an
* <code>n</code>-element set.
* <p>
* <Strong>Preconditions</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li> <code>0 <= k <= n </code> (otherwise
* <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown)</li>
* <li> The result is small enough to fit into a <code>long</code>. The
* largest value of <code>n</code> for which all coefficients are
* <code> < Long.MAX_VALUE</code> is 66. If the computed value exceeds
* <code>Long.MAX_VALUE</code> an <code>ArithMeticException
* </code> is
* thrown.</li>
* </ul></p>
* @param n the size of the set
* @param k the size of the subsets to be counted
* @return <code>n choose k</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are not met.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result is too large to be represented
* by a long integer.
public static long binomialCoefficient(final int n, final int k) {
if (n < k) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"must have n >= k for binomial coefficient (n,k)");
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"must have n >= 0 for binomial coefficient (n,k)");
if ((n == k) || (k == 0)) {
return 1;
if ((k == 1) || (k == n - 1)) {
return n;
long result = Math.round(binomialCoefficientDouble(n, k));
if (result == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ArithmeticException(
"result too large to represent in a long integer");
return result;
* Returns a <code>double</code> representation of the <a
* href=""> Binomial
* Coefficient</a>, "<code>n choose k</code>", the number of
* <code>k</code>-element subsets that can be selected from an
* <code>n</code>-element set.
* <p>
* <Strong>Preconditions</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li> <code>0 <= k <= n </code> (otherwise
* <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown)</li>
* <li> The result is small enough to fit into a <code>double</code>. The
* largest value of <code>n</code> for which all coefficients are <
* Double.MAX_VALUE is 1029. If the computed value exceeds Double.MAX_VALUE,
* Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY is returned</li>
* </ul></p>
* @param n the size of the set
* @param k the size of the subsets to be counted
* @return <code>n choose k</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are not met.
public static double binomialCoefficientDouble(final int n, final int k) {
return Math.floor(Math.exp(binomialCoefficientLog(n, k)) + 0.5);
* Returns the natural <code>log</code> of the <a
* href=""> Binomial
* Coefficient</a>, "<code>n choose k</code>", the number of
* <code>k</code>-element subsets that can be selected from an
* <code>n</code>-element set.
* <p>
* <Strong>Preconditions</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li> <code>0 <= k <= n </code> (otherwise
* <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown)</li>
* </ul></p>
* @param n the size of the set
* @param k the size of the subsets to be counted
* @return <code>n choose k</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are not met.
public static double binomialCoefficientLog(final int n, final int k) {
if (n < k) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"must have n >= k for binomial coefficient (n,k)");
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"must have n >= 0 for binomial coefficient (n,k)");
if ((n == k) || (k == 0)) {
return 0;
if ((k == 1) || (k == n - 1)) {
return Math.log((double)n);
double logSum = 0;
// n!/k!
for (int i = k + 1; i <= n; i++) {
logSum += Math.log((double)i);
// divide by (n-k)!
for (int i = 2; i <= n - k; i++) {
logSum -= Math.log((double)i);
return logSum;
* Returns the <a href="">
* hyperbolic cosine</a> of x.
* @param x double value for which to find the hyperbolic cosine
* @return hyperbolic cosine of x
public static double cosh(double x) {
return (Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x)) / 2.0;
* Returns true iff both arguments are NaN or neither is NaN and they are
* equal
* @param x first value
* @param y second value
* @return true if the values are equal or both are NaN
public static boolean equals(double x, double y) {
return ((Double.isNaN(x) && Double.isNaN(y)) || x == y);
* Returns true iff both arguments are null or have same dimensions
* and all their elements are {@link #equals(double,double) equals}
* @param x first array
* @param y second array
* @return true if the values are both null or have same dimension
* and equal elements
* @since 1.2
public static boolean equals(double[] x, double[] y) {
if ((x == null) || (y == null)) {
return !((x == null) ^ (y == null));
if (x.length != y.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) {
if (!equals(x[i], y[i])) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns n!. Shorthand for <code>n</code> <a
* href=""> Factorial</a>, the
* product of the numbers <code>1,...,n</code>.
* <p>
* <Strong>Preconditions</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li> <code>n >= 0</code> (otherwise
* <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown)</li>
* <li> The result is small enough to fit into a <code>long</code>. The
* largest value of <code>n</code> for which <code>n!</code> <
* Long.MAX_VALUE</code> is 20. If the computed value exceeds <code>Long.MAX_VALUE</code>
* an <code>ArithMeticException </code> is thrown.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param n argument
* @return <code>n!</code>
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result is too large to be represented
* by a long integer.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n < 0
public static long factorial(final int n) {
long result = Math.round(factorialDouble(n));
if (result == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ArithmeticException(
"result too large to represent in a long integer");
return result;
* Returns n!. Shorthand for <code>n</code> <a
* href=""> Factorial</a>, the
* product of the numbers <code>1,...,n</code> as a <code>double</code>.
* <p>
* <Strong>Preconditions</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li> <code>n >= 0</code> (otherwise
* <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown)</li>
* <li> The result is small enough to fit into a <code>double</code>. The
* largest value of <code>n</code> for which <code>n!</code> <
* Double.MAX_VALUE</code> is 170. If the computed value exceeds
* Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY is returned</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param n argument
* @return <code>n!</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n < 0
public static double factorialDouble(final int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have n >= 0 for n!");
return Math.floor(Math.exp(factorialLog(n)) + 0.5);
* Returns the natural logarithm of n!.
* <p>
* <Strong>Preconditions</strong>:
* <ul>
* <li> <code>n >= 0</code> (otherwise
* <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown)</li>
* </ul></p>
* @param n argument
* @return <code>n!</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are not met.
public static double factorialLog(final int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have n > 0 for n!");
double logSum = 0;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
logSum += Math.log((double)i);
return logSum;
* <p>
* Gets the greatest common divisor of the absolute value of two numbers,
* using the "binary gcd" method which avoids division and modulo
* operations. See Knuth 4.5.2 algorithm B. This algorithm is due to Josef
* Stein (1961).
* </p>
* @param u a non-zero number
* @param v a non-zero number
* @return the greatest common divisor, never zero
* @since 1.1
public static int gcd(int u, int v) {
if (u * v == 0) {
return (Math.abs(u) + Math.abs(v));
// keep u and v negative, as negative integers range down to
// -2^31, while positive numbers can only be as large as 2^31-1
// (i.e. we can't necessarily negate a negative number without
// overflow)
/* assert u!=0 && v!=0; */
if (u > 0) {
u = -u;
} // make u negative
if (v > 0) {
v = -v;
} // make v negative
// B1. [Find power of 2]
int k = 0;
while ((u & 1) == 0 && (v & 1) == 0 && k < 31) { // while u and v are
// both even...
u /= 2;
v /= 2;
k++; // cast out twos.
if (k == 31) {
throw new ArithmeticException("overflow: gcd is 2^31");
// B2. Initialize: u and v have been divided by 2^k and at least
// one is odd.
int t = ((u & 1) == 1) ? v : -(u / 2)/* B3 */;
// t negative: u was odd, v may be even (t replaces v)
// t positive: u was even, v is odd (t replaces u)
do {
/* assert u<0 && v<0; */
// B4/B3: cast out twos from t.
while ((t & 1) == 0) { // while t is even..
t /= 2; // cast out twos
// B5 [reset max(u,v)]
if (t > 0) {
u = -t;
} else {
v = t;
// B6/B3. at this point both u and v should be odd.
t = (v - u) / 2;
// |u| larger: t positive (replace u)
// |v| larger: t negative (replace v)
} while (t != 0);
return -u * (1 << k); // gcd is u*2^k
* Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value.
* @param value the value to be hashed
* @return the hash code
public static int hash(double value) {
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
return (int)(bits ^ (bits >>> 32));
* Returns an integer hash code representing the given double array value.
* @param value the value to be hashed (may be null)
* @return the hash code
* @since 1.2
public static int hash(double[] value) {
if (value == null) {
return 0;
int result = value.length;
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
result = result * 31 + hash(value[i]);
return result;
* For a byte value x, this method returns (byte)(+1) if x >= 0 and
* (byte)(-1) if x < 0.
* @param x the value, a byte
* @return (byte)(+1) or (byte)(-1), depending on the sign of x
public static byte indicator(final byte x) {
return (x >= ZB) ? PB : NB;
* For a double precision value x, this method returns +1.0 if x >= 0 and
* -1.0 if x < 0. Returns <code>NaN</code> if <code>x</code> is
* <code>NaN</code>.
* @param x the value, a double
* @return +1.0 or -1.0, depending on the sign of x
public static double indicator(final double x) {
if (Double.isNaN(x)) {
return Double.NaN;
return (x >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
* For a float value x, this method returns +1.0F if x >= 0 and -1.0F if x <
* 0. Returns <code>NaN</code> if <code>x</code> is <code>NaN</code>.
* @param x the value, a float
* @return +1.0F or -1.0F, depending on the sign of x
public static float indicator(final float x) {
if (Float.isNaN(x)) {
return Float.NaN;
return (x >= 0.0F) ? 1.0F : -1.0F;
* For an int value x, this method returns +1 if x >= 0 and -1 if x < 0.
* @param x the value, an int
* @return +1 or -1, depending on the sign of x
public static int indicator(final int x) {
return (x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
* For a long value x, this method returns +1L if x >= 0 and -1L if x < 0.
* @param x the value, a long
* @return +1L or -1L, depending on the sign of x
public static long indicator(final long x) {
return (x >= 0L) ? 1L : -1L;
* For a short value x, this method returns (short)(+1) if x >= 0 and
* (short)(-1) if x < 0.
* @param x the value, a short
* @return (short)(+1) or (short)(-1), depending on the sign of x
public static short indicator(final short x) {
return (x >= ZS) ? PS : NS;
* Returns the least common multiple between two integer values.
* @param a the first integer value.
* @param b the second integer value.
* @return the least common multiple between a and b.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the lcm is too large to store as an int
* @since 1.1
public static int lcm(int a, int b) {
return Math.abs(mulAndCheck(a / gcd(a, b), b));
* <p>Returns the
* <a href="">logarithm</a>
* for base <code>b</code> of <code>x</code>.
* </p>
* <p>Returns <code>NaN<code> if either argument is negative. If
* <code>base</code> is 0 and <code>x</code> is positive, 0 is returned.
* If <code>base</code> is positive and <code>x</code> is 0,
* <code>Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY</code> is returned. If both arguments
* are 0, the result is <code>NaN</code>.</p>
* @param base the base of the logarithm, must be greater than 0
* @param x argument, must be greater than 0
* @return the value of the logarithm - the number y such that base^y = x.
* @since 1.2
public static double log(double base, double x) {
return Math.log(x)/Math.log(base);
* Multiply two integers, checking for overflow.
* @param x a factor
* @param y a factor
* @return the product <code>x*y</code>
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result can not be represented as an
* int
* @since 1.1
public static int mulAndCheck(int x, int y) {
long m = ((long)x) * ((long)y);
if (m < Integer.MIN_VALUE || m > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ArithmeticException("overflow: mul");
return (int)m;
* Multiply two long integers, checking for overflow.
* @param a first value
* @param b second value
* @return the product <code>a * b</code>
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result can not be represented as an
* long
* @since 1.2
public static long mulAndCheck(long a, long b) {
long ret;
String msg = "overflow: multiply";
if (a > b) {
// use symmetry to reduce boundry cases
ret = mulAndCheck(b, a);
} else {
if (a < 0) {
if (b < 0) {
// check for positive overflow with negative a, negative b
if (a >= Long.MAX_VALUE / b) {
ret = a * b;
} else {
throw new ArithmeticException(msg);
} else if (b > 0) {
// check for negative overflow with negative a, positive b
if (Long.MIN_VALUE / b <= a) {
ret = a * b;
} else {
throw new ArithmeticException(msg);
} else {
// assert b == 0
ret = 0;
} else if (a > 0) {
// assert a > 0
// assert b > 0
// check for positive overflow with positive a, positive b
if (a <= Long.MAX_VALUE / b) {
ret = a * b;
} else {
throw new ArithmeticException(msg);
} else {
// assert a == 0
ret = 0;
return ret;
* Get the next machine representable number after a number, moving
* in the direction of another number.
* <p>
* If <code>direction</code> is greater than or equal to<code>d</code>,
* the smallest machine representable number strictly greater than
* <code>d</code> is returned; otherwise the largest representable number
* strictly less than <code>d</code> is returned.</p>
* <p>
* If <code>d</code> is NaN or Infinite, it is returned unchanged.</p>
* @param d base number
* @param direction (the only important thing is whether
* direction is greater or smaller than d)
* @return the next machine representable number in the specified direction
* @since 1.2
public static double nextAfter(double d, double direction) {
// handling of some important special cases
if (Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d)) {
return d;
} else if (d == 0) {
return (direction < 0) ? -Double.MIN_VALUE : Double.MIN_VALUE;
// special cases MAX_VALUE to infinity and MIN_VALUE to 0
// are handled just as normal numbers
// split the double in raw components
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);
long sign = bits & 0x8000000000000000L;
long exponent = bits & 0x7ff0000000000000L;
long mantissa = bits & 0x000fffffffffffffL;
if (d * (direction - d) >= 0) {
// we should increase the mantissa
if (mantissa == 0x000fffffffffffffL) {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(sign |
(exponent + 0x0010000000000000L));
} else {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(sign |
exponent | (mantissa + 1));
} else {
// we should decrease the mantissa
if (mantissa == 0L) {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(sign |
(exponent - 0x0010000000000000L) |
} else {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(sign |
exponent | (mantissa - 1));
* Normalize an angle in a 2&pi wide interval around a center value.
* <p>This method has three main uses:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>normalize an angle between 0 and 2&pi;:<br/>
* <code>a = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(a, Math.PI);</code></li>
* <li>normalize an angle between -&pi; and +&pi;<br/>
* <code>a = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(a, 0.0);</code></li>
* <li>compute the angle between two defining angular positions:<br>
* <code>angle = MathUtils.normalizeAngle(end, start) - start;</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>Note that due to numerical accuracy and since &pi; cannot be represented
* exactly, the result interval is <em>closed</em>, it cannot be half-closed
* as would be more satisfactory in a purely mathematical view.</p>
* @param a angle to normalize
* @param center center of the desired 2&pi; interval for the result
* @return a-2k&pi; with integer k and center-&pi; &lt;= a-2k&pi; &lt;= center+&pi;
* @since 1.2
public static double normalizeAngle(double a, double center) {
return a - TWO_PI * Math.floor((a + Math.PI - center) / TWO_PI);
* Round the given value to the specified number of decimal places. The
* value is rounded using the {@link BigDecimal#ROUND_HALF_UP} method.
* @param x the value to round.
* @param scale the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
* @return the rounded value.
* @since 1.1
public static double round(double x, int scale) {
return round(x, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
* Round the given value to the specified number of decimal places. The
* value is rounded using the given method which is any method defined in
* {@link BigDecimal}.
* @param x the value to round.
* @param scale the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
* @param roundingMethod the rounding method as defined in
* {@link BigDecimal}.
* @return the rounded value.
* @since 1.1
public static double round(double x, int scale, int roundingMethod) {
try {
return (new BigDecimal
.setScale(scale, roundingMethod))
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
if (Double.isInfinite(x)) {
return x;
} else {
return Double.NaN;
* Round the given value to the specified number of decimal places. The
* value is rounding using the {@link BigDecimal#ROUND_HALF_UP} method.
* @param x the value to round.
* @param scale the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
* @return the rounded value.
* @since 1.1
public static float round(float x, int scale) {
return round(x, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
* Round the given value to the specified number of decimal places. The
* value is rounded using the given method which is any method defined in
* {@link BigDecimal}.
* @param x the value to round.
* @param scale the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
* @param roundingMethod the rounding method as defined in
* {@link BigDecimal}.
* @return the rounded value.
* @since 1.1
public static float round(float x, int scale, int roundingMethod) {
float sign = indicator(x);
float factor = (float)Math.pow(10.0f, scale) * sign;
return (float)roundUnscaled(x * factor, sign, roundingMethod) / factor;
* Round the given non-negative, value to the "nearest" integer. Nearest is
* determined by the rounding method specified. Rounding methods are defined
* in {@link BigDecimal}.
* @param unscaled the value to round.
* @param sign the sign of the original, scaled value.
* @param roundingMethod the rounding method as defined in
* {@link BigDecimal}.
* @return the rounded value.
* @since 1.1
private static double roundUnscaled(double unscaled, double sign,
int roundingMethod) {
switch (roundingMethod) {
case BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING :
if (sign == -1) {
unscaled = Math.floor(nextAfter(unscaled, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
} else {
unscaled = Math.ceil(nextAfter(unscaled, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
case BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN :
unscaled = Math.floor(nextAfter(unscaled, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
case BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR :
if (sign == -1) {
unscaled = Math.ceil(nextAfter(unscaled, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
} else {
unscaled = Math.floor(nextAfter(unscaled, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
case BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN : {
unscaled = nextAfter(unscaled, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
double fraction = unscaled - Math.floor(unscaled);
if (fraction > 0.5) {
unscaled = Math.ceil(unscaled);
} else {
unscaled = Math.floor(unscaled);
case BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN : {
double fraction = unscaled - Math.floor(unscaled);
if (fraction > 0.5) {
unscaled = Math.ceil(unscaled);
} else if (fraction < 0.5) {
unscaled = Math.floor(unscaled);
} else {
// The following equality test is intentional and needed for rounding purposes
if (Math.floor(unscaled) / 2.0 == Math.floor(Math
.floor(unscaled) / 2.0)) { // even
unscaled = Math.floor(unscaled);
} else { // odd
unscaled = Math.ceil(unscaled);
case BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP : {
unscaled = nextAfter(unscaled, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
double fraction = unscaled - Math.floor(unscaled);
if (fraction >= 0.5) {
unscaled = Math.ceil(unscaled);
} else {
unscaled = Math.floor(unscaled);
if (unscaled != Math.floor(unscaled)) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Inexact result from rounding");
case BigDecimal.ROUND_UP :
unscaled = Math.ceil(nextAfter(unscaled, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid rounding method.");
return unscaled;
* Returns the <a href=""> sign</a>
* for byte value <code>x</code>.
* <p>
* For a byte value x, this method returns (byte)(+1) if x > 0, (byte)(0) if
* x = 0, and (byte)(-1) if x < 0.</p>
* @param x the value, a byte
* @return (byte)(+1), (byte)(0), or (byte)(-1), depending on the sign of x
public static byte sign(final byte x) {
return (x == ZB) ? ZB : (x > ZB) ? PB : NB;
* Returns the <a href=""> sign</a>
* for double precision <code>x</code>.
* <p>
* For a double value <code>x</code>, this method returns
* <code>+1.0</code> if <code>x > 0</code>, <code>0.0</code> if
* <code>x = 0.0</code>, and <code>-1.0</code> if <code>x < 0</code>.
* Returns <code>NaN</code> if <code>x</code> is <code>NaN</code>.</p>
* @param x the value, a double
* @return +1.0, 0.0, or -1.0, depending on the sign of x
public static double sign(final double x) {
if (Double.isNaN(x)) {
return Double.NaN;
return (x == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (x > 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
* Returns the <a href=""> sign</a>
* for float value <code>x</code>.
* <p>
* For a float value x, this method returns +1.0F if x > 0, 0.0F if x =
* 0.0F, and -1.0F if x < 0. Returns <code>NaN</code> if <code>x</code>
* is <code>NaN</code>.</p>
* @param x the value, a float
* @return +1.0F, 0.0F, or -1.0F, depending on the sign of x
public static float sign(final float x) {
if (Float.isNaN(x)) {
return Float.NaN;
return (x == 0.0F) ? 0.0F : (x > 0.0F) ? 1.0F : -1.0F;
* Returns the <a href=""> sign</a>
* for int value <code>x</code>.
* <p>
* For an int value x, this method returns +1 if x > 0, 0 if x = 0, and -1
* if x < 0.</p>
* @param x the value, an int
* @return +1, 0, or -1, depending on the sign of x
public static int sign(final int x) {
return (x == 0) ? 0 : (x > 0) ? 1 : -1;
* Returns the <a href=""> sign</a>
* for long value <code>x</code>.
* <p>
* For a long value x, this method returns +1L if x > 0, 0L if x = 0, and
* -1L if x < 0.</p>
* @param x the value, a long
* @return +1L, 0L, or -1L, depending on the sign of x
public static long sign(final long x) {
return (x == 0L) ? 0L : (x > 0L) ? 1L : -1L;
* Returns the <a href=""> sign</a>
* for short value <code>x</code>.
* <p>
* For a short value x, this method returns (short)(+1) if x > 0, (short)(0)
* if x = 0, and (short)(-1) if x < 0.</p>
* @param x the value, a short
* @return (short)(+1), (short)(0), or (short)(-1), depending on the sign of
* x
public static short sign(final short x) {
return (x == ZS) ? ZS : (x > ZS) ? PS : NS;
* Returns the <a href="">
* hyperbolic sine</a> of x.
* @param x double value for which to find the hyperbolic sine
* @return hyperbolic sine of x
public static double sinh(double x) {
return (Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x)) / 2.0;
* Subtract two integers, checking for overflow.
* @param x the minuend
* @param y the subtrahend
* @return the difference <code>x-y</code>
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result can not be represented as an
* int
* @since 1.1
public static int subAndCheck(int x, int y) {
long s = (long)x - (long)y;
if (s < Integer.MIN_VALUE || s > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ArithmeticException("overflow: subtract");
return (int)s;
* Subtract two long integers, checking for overflow.
* @param a first value
* @param b second value
* @return the difference <code>a-b</code>
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result can not be represented as an
* long
* @since 1.2
public static long subAndCheck(long a, long b) {
long ret;
String msg = "overflow: subtract";
if (b == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
if (a < 0) {
ret = a - b;
} else {
throw new ArithmeticException(msg);
} else {
// use additive inverse
ret = addAndCheck(a, -b, msg);
return ret;