blob: c1beffc403df5890d800bd1fbe507f656ea45151 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.math;
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* French localization message resources for the commons-math library.
* @version $Revision$ $Date$
* @since 1.2
public class MessagesResources_fr
extends ListResourceBundle {
* Simple constructor.
public MessagesResources_fr() {
* Get the non-translated/translated messages arrays from this resource bundle.
* @return non-translated/translated messages arrays
public Object[][] getContents() {
return (Object[][]) contents.clone();
/** Non-translated/translated messages arrays. */
static final Object[][] contents = {
// org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException
{ "Evaluation failed for argument = {0}",
"Erreur d''\u00e9valuation pour l''argument {0}" },
// org.apache.commons.math.DuplicateSampleAbscissaException
{ "Abscissa {0} is duplicated at both indices {1} and {2}",
"Abscisse {0} dupliqu\u00e9e aux indices {1} et {2}" },
// org.apache.commons.math.ConvergenceException
{ "Convergence failed",
"\u00c9chec de convergence" },
// org.apache.commons.math.ArgumentOutsideDomainException
{ "Argument {0} outside domain [{1} ; {2}]",
"Argument {0} hors du domaine [{1} ; {2}]" },
// org.apache.commons.math.MaxIterationsExceededException
{ "Maximal number of iterations ({0}) exceeded",
"Nombre maximal d''it\u00e9rations ({0}) d\u00e9pass\u00e9" },
// org.apache.commons.math.DimensionMismatchException
{ "dimension mismatch {0} != {1}",
"dimensions incompatibles {0} != {1}" },
// org.apache.commons.math.random.NotPositiveDefiniteMatrixException
{ "not positive definite matrix",
"matrice non d\u00e9finie positive" },
// org.apache.commons.math.fraction.FractionConversionException
{ "Unable to convert {0} to fraction after {1} iterations",
"Impossible de convertir {0} en fraction apr\u00e8s {1} it\u00e9rations" },
{ "Overflow trying to convert {0} to fraction ({1}/{2})",
"D\u00e9passement de capacit\u00e9 lors de la conversion de {0} en fraction ({1}/{2})" },
// org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealSolverUtils
{ "Number of iterations={0}, maximum iterations={1}, initial={2}, lower bound={3}, upper bound={4}," +
" final a value={5}, final b value={6}, f(a)={7}, f(b)={8}",
"Nombre d''it\u00e9rations = {0}, it\u00e9rations maximum = {1}, valeur initiale = {2}," +
" borne inf\u00e9rieure = {3}, borne sup\u00e9rieure = {4}," +
" valeur a finale = {5}, valeur b finale = {6}, f(a) = {7}, f(b) = {8}" },
// org.apache.commons.math.util.ContinuedFraction
{ "Continued fraction convergents diverged to +/- infinity for value {0}",
"Divergence de fraction continue \u00e0 l''infini pour la valeur {0}" },
{ "Continued fraction convergents failed to converge for value {0}",
"\u00c9chec de convergence de fraction continue pour la valeur {0}" },
// org.apache.commons.math.util.DefaultTransformer
{ "Conversion Exception in Transformation, Object is null",
"Exception de conversion dans une transformation, l''objet est nul" },
{ "Conversion Exception in Transformation: {0}",
"Exception de conversion dans une transformation : {0}" },
// org.apache.commons.math.estimation.AbstractEstimator
{ "maximal number of evaluations exceeded ({0})",
"nombre maximal d''\u00e9valuations d\u00e9pass\u00e9 ({0})" },
{ "unable to compute covariances: singular problem",
"impossible de calculer les covariances : probl\u00e8me singulier"},
{ "no degrees of freedom ({0} measurements, {1} parameters)",
"aucun degr\u00e9 de libert\u00e9 ({0} mesures, {1} param\u00e8tres)" },
// org.apache.commons.math.estimation.GaussNewtonEstimator
{ "unable to solve: singular problem",
"r\u00e9solution impossible : probl\u00e8me singulier" },
// org.apache.commons.math.estimation.LevenbergMarquardtEstimator
{ "cost relative tolerance is too small ({0}), no further reduction in the sum of squares is possible",
"trop petite tol\u00e9rance relative sur le co\u00fbt ({0}), aucune r\u00e9duction de la somme des carr\u00e9s n''est possible" },
{ "parameters relative tolerance is too small ({0}), no further improvement in the approximate solution is possible",
"trop petite tol\u00e9rance relative sur les param\u00e8tres ({0}), aucune am\u00e9lioration de la solution approximative n''est possible" },
{ "orthogonality tolerance is too small ({0}), solution is orthogonal to the jacobian",
"trop petite tol\u00e9rance sur l''orthogonalit\u00e9 ({0}), la solution est orthogonale \u00e0 la jacobienne" },
// org.apache.commons.math.geometry.CardanEulerSingularityException
{ "Cardan angles singularity",
"singularit\u00e9 d''angles de Cardan" },
{ "Euler angles singularity",
"singularit\u00e9 d''angles d''Euler" },
// org.apache.commons.math.geometry.Rotation
{ "a {0}x{1} matrix cannot be a rotation matrix",
"une matrice {0}x{1} ne peut pas \u00eatre une matrice de rotation" },
{ "the closest orthogonal matrix has a negative determinant {0}",
"la matrice orthogonale la plus proche a un d\u00e9terminant n\u00e9gatif {0}" },
{ "unable to orthogonalize matrix in {0} iterations",
"impossible de rendre la matrice orthogonale en {0} it\u00e9rations" },
// org.apache.commons.math.ode.AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator
{ "minimal step size ({0}) reached, integration needs {1}",
"pas minimal ({0}) atteint, l''int\u00e9gration n\u00e9cessite {1}" },
{ "dimensions mismatch: state vector has dimension {0}," +
" absolute tolerance vector has dimension {1}",
"incompatibilit\u00e9 de dimensions entre le vecteur d''\u00e9tat ({0})," +
" et le vecteur de tol\u00e9rance absolue ({1})" },
{ "dimensions mismatch: state vector has dimension {0}," +
" relative tolerance vector has dimension {1}",
"incompatibilit\u00e9 de dimensions entre le vecteur d''\u00e9tat ({0})," +
" et le vecteur de tol\u00e9rance relative ({1})" },
// org.apache.commons.math.ode.AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator,
// org.apache.commons.math.ode.RungeKuttaIntegrator
{ "dimensions mismatch: ODE problem has dimension {0}," +
" initial state vector has dimension {1}",
"incompatibilit\u00e9 de dimensions entre le probl\u00e8me ODE ({0})," +
" et le vecteur d''\u00e9tat initial ({1})" },
{ "dimensions mismatch: ODE problem has dimension {0}," +
" final state vector has dimension {1}",
"incompatibilit\u00e9 de dimensions entre le probl\u00e8me ODE ({0})," +
" et le vecteur d''\u00e9tat final ({1})" },
{ "too small integration interval: length = {0}",
"intervalle d''int\u00e9gration trop petit : {0}" },
// org.apache.commons.math.optimization.DirectSearchOptimizer
{ "none of the {0} start points lead to convergence",
"aucun des {0} points de d\u00e9part n''aboutit \u00e0 une convergence" }